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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 11 KB, 225x225, images (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16029393 No.16029393 [Reply] [Original]

Eat less.

>> No.16029407


>> No.16029408

I suspect the size has increased so that fast food customers actually feel satiated, not some kind of conspiracy to make people fat

>> No.16029412

The one on the right wouldn't even come close to filling me up.

>> No.16029424

Why do you need to be filled up?

>> No.16029427


>> No.16029434

Thanks for reminding me that fast food companies love us enough to constantly working at giving us the most value for our money in these rough times. While other companies reduce the size of their products over time. Only fast food cares. God bless McDonald's. Long live the Burger King.

>> No.16029464

People who complain about portion size have to be the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. Nobody is forcing you to eat all of it, you can take some home or just eat less later. Getting more for your money isn't a bad thing regardless of whether it's fast food or fine dining. If you're too lazy or stupid to keep track of how much you're eating and rely on restaurants to tell you how much you should be eating in one sitting you're probably retarded.

>> No.16029468

It's closer to 1500 calories nowadays.

>> No.16029505

To not be hungry

>> No.16029530

>today's fast food serving size
Is it really normal to eat two burgers as a single serving?

>> No.16029540
File: 29 KB, 511x515, 1583790806040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But isnt that why you eat?

>> No.16029561
File: 170 KB, 1287x1800, ra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calories aren't a real unit of measurement. You can use a tape measure to determine how long your legs are, or something, but if I handed you an apple, there's no tool to tell you how many calories it has.

it's all just made up. It's pretend. You can't tell me the difference in calories between one apple and another. Go on and try prove me wrong, grab an apple out of you fridge and try figure out how many calories it has.

>> No.16029564


>> No.16029568

Nice bait, faggot.

>> No.16029577

Buy me a calorimetry and I willq

>> No.16029584

But does every cubic centimetre of your stomach need to be maxed out every time you eat a meal?

>> No.16029591

Can't it be both?

>> No.16029595

Dry it up, remove fiber, and burn it in a bomb calorimeter.

>> No.16029598

>the ratio of calorie per relative dollar is equal or most likely greater as time goes on
I'm grateful to be honest.

>> No.16029599
File: 126 KB, 620x916, 564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably believe in trans fats too. They only invented those around 2003 or so, before then, no potato chip bags had "no trans fats" written on them.

It was a health food fad, they just invented trans fats so they could write that trans fats weren't in their chips. Of course there's no trans fats in potato chips, because trans fats aren't real. But everyone just bought it.

Don't believe the labels corporations like to slap on their foods, it's all made up nonsense.

>> No.16029603
File: 12 KB, 184x184, LordPiana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get big though. Gotta eat big to get big

>> No.16029608

>>>/x/ and take your meds, schizo

>> No.16029618
File: 997 KB, 1000x1047, apple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


look, it's nobody able to actually measure the calories in an apple. It should be an easy task, if calories were real(but they're not) (You're just brainwashed)

>> No.16029670

What did people in 1955 do with the half of the burger they didn't eat?

>> No.16029720


>> No.16029740

>Put fries on a larger plate and spread them out so there appears to be more
>Two halves of a smaller burger compared with one half of a larger burger
>Who the hell eats only half a burger anyway

>> No.16029777

>This is almost definitely bait, but....
Look, I didn't really pay much attention in middle school either, but even I know that calories are a unit of energy, and you need a specific tool like >>16029595 said to measure them, just like you'd need a voltameter to measure electrical energy. A Calorie (big "c") is what food is measured in, also known as a kcal or kilocalorie, and it's the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree Celsius. You can measure it by burning the food item and measuring the heat given off as energy.

That being said, too many people are focused on Calories when it comes to nutrition. Eating 100 Calories worth of fries is not the same as eating 100 Calories of apple slices, and counting them won't help you eat healthier in the long run.

>tl;dr Calories are real, don't be a dingus. But also they're a dumb way to think about food.

>> No.16029781

Just go by the numbers, Archimedes.

>> No.16029794

I wish fat food places had meals that omitted fries. Just a burger and drink. As I get older I realize I don't need the fries anymore I am usually full without them

>> No.16029797

I've never heard of a fast food joint that wouldn't allow you to buy an individual burger and drink

>> No.16029829

The 1955 version would be much more filling. The beef actually had nutrients.

>> No.16029840

4 pounds

>> No.16029844

based karl popperposter

>> No.16029853

yeah well that's before they realised fast food is for fasting.

>> No.16029858


>> No.16029894


>> No.16029898

god imagine going to maccas sober enough to care about calories
fucking sad

>> No.16029900

>t. retard who would rather drinks corn syrup than eat some tasty fries

>> No.16029941

>he thinks they don't put corn syrup in the fries

>> No.16029963

>feel satiated
More like to get their money's worth. Restaurants have been sued for not feeding enough, but never a lawsuit for giving too much food.

>> No.16030017

I'm a fully grown man, I could eat two of those 'today' meals and still lose weight
I don't get what the problem is?
Macro/micro nutrients is a meme anyway

>> No.16030080

>never a lawsuit for giving too much food.
Lots of people have tried to sue fast food places for making them fat based on too much food or too many calories. Some manager actually managed to win(in Brazil) based on the fact that he got free lunches and thought McDonalds was sending in undercover customers to assess the quality so he was forced to taste test the menu all the time. He apparently won on the merits of the case too, not because McDs didn't want to spend $500k in legal fees to fight a case in Brazil and just settled out. All it take is the right judge and/or jury to rule in the plaintiffs favor.

>> No.16030143

>americans in the 50s were fucking retarded and ate burgers in halves
really makes ya think

>> No.16030148

>in 1955 they used to give you one half of a burger

>> No.16030167


A Quarter Pounder with Cheese is 520 calories, and the pictures have about the same amount of fries, so what's in the picture is around a 260-calorie difference, not 500. If they wanted to be honest, they could have shown the actual difference instead of resorting to deceptive presentation.

>> No.16030219

To be fair that manager was probably in the right, if he was swamped with work and couldn't have time to eat much else feasibly and was also being forced to taste test and the weight gain was affecting his life.

>> No.16030224

based douki poster

>> No.16030229

Source for this ridiculous claim? If prices stayed the same this is a good deal. Just leave one half and take it home or go with someone else and only order one meal

>> No.16030254

Lift more and you can eat more. Simple.

>> No.16030297

>get heavier so you can eat more and get heavier by lifting heavy things and eating more
Rather not. Try to stay healty than getting bigger and bigger. Cardio, meaning mainly heart and vascular health, is much more important than moving heavy objects and having lots of muscle mass.
t. have lifted for years also

>> No.16030476
File: 52 KB, 640x550, kyriakos naisissa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. not living it

>> No.16030519

Are you hungry or are you craving

>> No.16030533


>> No.16030558

900 calories is not a lot. 400 calories you would need to eat 6 meals per day

>> No.16030671

Why is the "today" plate bigger?

>> No.16030706

God I wish I had a strong boyfriend that could protect me but also crush me

>> No.16030799

Adapt to the times grandpa. The average male is 300 lbs now while it was 200 lbs back then.

>> No.16030807

No, I'm patrick.

>> No.16030819

>You can measure it by burning the food item and measuring the heat given off as energy
Apples don't burn. You have to put in more energy to burn an apple than it would put out. This doesn't make sense. Even bone dry apples won't burn.

>> No.16030820

>wouldn't allow you to

As a paying customer, you have the right to not have certain options...
Isn't that right?
Or if that is the case, wouldn't you just go somewhere else?

>> No.16031334

Nobody in 1955 was getting served half a burger that diagram is bad. But yeah eat less is good.

>> No.16031343

Nah we're not all fat neanderthals like you fatass.

>> No.16031370

$12 on special or $15 usual price vs $5 that isn't even possible now...

>> No.16031375

Nobody counted calories in 55 in any context

>> No.16031392

Maybe the burgers were smaller as a whole

>> No.16031407
File: 27 KB, 720x303, 1584978212033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. You eat. So you get filled up. So you stop being hungry.

>> No.16031454

Half the current size? I doubt it

>> No.16031460

Not him but I assume whoever made that picture is idiotic and doesn't realize that the added calories came from added fat and sugars. I don't think a soft drink was standard back then either.

>> No.16031485

They're real. We just don't have as accurate of a measure we would like. What we have right now is a rough estimate. And even if you had the exact calories measure, you could give it to two different people and both absorb a different amount depending on their own digestion. The rough estimation is pretty rough, but it's all we have for now.

>> No.16031508

We know how many calories are contained in 1 gram of carbs and in 1 gram of fat. If you know how much of each something contains, you have a rough estimate of its caloric content.

>> No.16031611

>900 calories is not a lot
dios mio...

>> No.16031620

Can any non american anons tell me about what a meal for dieting looks like? US recipes center around the same big portion but make it less calories/carbs/fat/etc. Genuinely curious

>> No.16031624

twink detected

>> No.16031634

That's 30% to 45% of a man's daily requirements of calories, a perfectly sensible amount for either lunch or dinner.

>> No.16031640

kill urself OP

>> No.16031671

God bless you and god bless McDonald’s goes as the rest of the country a strong McDonald’s is a strong America

>> No.16031696

you can't measure calories that way it costs too much money for a single person to have the materials necessary to calculate the amount of kcals in a food. the best bet is to use myfitnesspal which is why it is a free resource, people should have an idea of how much kcals are in a their food without going to a fast food restaurant.

if you are measuring that way, even if two people weigh the same they can be different. even if they are different height they are different. even if they weigh the same and have the same height they are different.

twins are different people even though they are the same kind of... they are not one person but two people. unlike the pornos u watch.

>> No.16031708

because op hates us and wants us to starve

>> No.16031777

you're a dumbass. yes they dehydrate the item they burn and yes dehydrated apples burn. they also measure the energy required to combust the subject item and then subtract that from the total heat output.

>> No.16032025

I don't believe for a second people in 1955 just ate half the burger. Who are you trying to fool here?

>> No.16032048

It’s funny, obesity rates are skyrocketing and I can’t help but to think the fatfucks in this thread are seething

>> No.16032051

didn't read, based yomu poster

>> No.16032060

True. Apparently this board is full of pol schizos.

>> No.16032065

weird are you trying to get me to hate you or track you down to punch you in the face for stelaing from me?

wow talk about a pipe dream.

>> No.16032069

1955 you could only get half a burger?

>> No.16032078

But I want to be jacked

>> No.16032091

portions were smaller so it's equivalent of the burgers received back in the day

>> No.16032174

what the fuck are you like 5 feet tall

>> No.16032286
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>> No.16032289

hello skeleton man under 30

>> No.16032406

I don't even need to try to make calories sound like nonsense, you're doing it all by yourselves. Calories don't even provide the same energy for different people in the same way? Totally useless. Every single person is a different person.

>> No.16032538

yes, humans are not bomb calorimeters, but their existence/non-existence is more a debate in philosophy of science that isn't worth having on a cooking board full of autists

>> No.16032822

Chink flu tried to get rid of fatties but we weren't listening.

>> No.16033234
File: 791 KB, 1444x1568, aguacate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really hard to eat less when you've gotten used to eating 1000 cal per sitting your whole life.

I've been trying to fast at 1500cal from my tdee of 2300 and I feel hungry again 2 hours after eating a 700 cal meal, regardless if it's all carbs or meat or fat, i'm 5 days into it too.
Plus if I just ignore it and go hungry, I get chills and brain fog and generally don't wanna do anything until I eat some more.
In fact i'm gonna go eat a whole avocado right now because i'm starving from breakfast.

>> No.16033256

im trying to bulk tho

>> No.16033263

I love how you write this confident paragraph while at the same time being completely wrong. Here's a hint: our body doesn't get energy from food by literally burning it.

>> No.16033273

read his post again, all the way through

>> No.16033278

it will get better. maybe try intermittent fasting

>> No.16033325

lmao I remember the good ol days where you used to be able to buy half a burger at mcdungles

>> No.16033657

this but unironically
also goes with IQ

>> No.16033839

american here: no.

>> No.16033891

>I doubt it

>> No.16033925

Just go by the numbers, Archimedes.

>> No.16033979

That’s not how calories or serving sizes work but thanks for your fucktarded insight you dipshit.

>> No.16034010

Why eat less when you can simply move more?

>> No.16034028

Ya, but I don't want a burger cut in half. That kinda ruins experience for me.

>> No.16034049

Currently cutting at 1500 from a TDEE of 2600
Soluble fiber is key, its the kind that will just sit in your stomach forever. The first meal I had on this diet I threw up 500cal worth of muesli because my body wasn't ready for 20g of soluble fiber.

>> No.16035458

>3 meals a day
>900*3=2700 kcal in a day
Oh, so you don't exercise ever. Funny

>> No.16035470

i think its mostly just lower quality ingredients with more fat and sugar for enhanced taste
they dont want us fat they just dont care

>> No.16035477

>eating 3 times a day

>> No.16035487

We don't all have eating disorders

>> No.16035496

Post height, weight, and ethnicity. Otherwise stop posting

>> No.16035498

i agree, a TDEE under 3500 means you're probably a manlet

>> No.16035503

181cm, 87kg and white

>> No.16035509

post gains

>> No.16035511

I'm 183 cm 160 lb and white, and I eat like 3000 calories a day. Perhaps it's because I have an active lifestyle that I'm able to do this, while you get only two meals a day and are still overweight

>> No.16035513

im not home rn

>> No.16035514


Wow, just wow. I knew 4chan was a bastion of heterosexuality and white supremacy but I never imagined that someone could sink to this depth of depravity.
My grandfather, who gave his life by the way, fought on the frontlines to prevent racists such as yourself from being given the right to speak their mind and spread their beliefs, but he should have stayed at home to fight the true evil that seeps and corrupts our country.

Unlike your thoughts everyone deserves the right to free speech, so I hope you use the last parts of humanity within you, if there is any, to think for yourself for a change and understand that special snowflakes aren’t to be discriminated against, but to be nurtured, much like the 3 immigrant children that we adopted at my wife’s insistence and have enriched our lives beyond belief, have you done your part to support life? Pro tip, since I don’t have children of my own I’m not contributing to the end of the earths limited resources yet still being a father in my own right.

Part of me thinks that you are the sort of person that happily rejects the idea that a woman owns her own body and that consent is a fixed value, pro. Tip, it isn’t, and just because my wife is willing to perform sexual acts on one man, didn’t mean that she is obligated to do the same for me, I might not be as attractive as someone she finds at the gym or mall, which I might add are prime examples of patriarchy at work with dozens of lusting young men getting sweaty and physical with each other, perhaps you could try some restraint?

I hope that I gave you something to think about and revalue your life but I seriously doubt it, I’m sorry I went of 4chan, I’m sorry that I went on r/ck and I’m sorry I clicked on this thread where YOU decided to post. CNN was right about you scum.

>> No.16035517


>> No.16035519

>87kg at 6ft
stop using the BMI you old fuck

>> No.16035523

>didnt provide bf%
>didnt post body
cant blame him

>> No.16035530

When did I mention BMI? You obviously don't lift or work out, don't kid yourself

>> No.16035536

it's called a kitchen scale you fucking shitbrain

>> No.16035620
File: 212 KB, 480x360, 6f50b0d18f7d3ded96670e1622fcd28a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlets eat less

Chads eat less often

>> No.16035649

gigachads eat MORE

>> No.16035652
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you're living it king. Good job.

>> No.16035653

based thread

>> No.16035655

>posting a 1955 image size

>> No.16035659

Then only eat half a burger nigger
Feed them to the birds nigga. Bonus points they shit on wagies' cars
Do you eat a mint for breakfast or something

>> No.16035990

If you had gains, you'd show them off in public.

>> No.16036287
File: 892 KB, 750x750, Elsa Pouting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't really do that, do they?

>> No.16036483

Then why are burgericans obese? You are obese and you are anti vaxxer. You will probably die soon.

>> No.16036931

>snake juice
The correct term is semen

>> No.16036978

Am I the only one bothered by the fact that anon implies he keeps his apples in the fridge?

>> No.16037813
File: 81 KB, 614x961, 1589269721138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16038351


>> No.16038368

I'd rather just not eat altogether than eat small amounts. Small amounts of food just whet my appetite for more food. I'm much more able to control myself and not eat when I haven't eaten anything than I am immediately after I've just eaten. Diets don't work because people can't help themselves and eat more immediately after eating their microsalads.

>> No.16038370

>live in russia
>go to BK
>get a long chicken + burger with bacon combo
>prolly like... 1.1k calories?
>costs me 200 rubles (2.9 usd)
>dont get fries/soda
>lasts me for the day
>eat some yogurt/fruit at night and call it aday
Feels alright.

>> No.16038412

That's one burger cut in two

>> No.16038415

Threw it at the closest Italian

>> No.16038426

unequivocally based

>> No.16040067
File: 644 KB, 1000x633, 20210509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't waste your calories on crappy cuisine.

>> No.16040133

Since when is one serving size two burgers?

>> No.16040139

It's not. In olden days one serving size was half a burger. Now they throw in other half.

>> No.16040165 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 467x374, fatfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you stop eating shit food altogether?

>> No.16040199

So I can eat fast food 3 times a day and be within my maintenance calorie range?

>> No.16040208
File: 95 KB, 680x927, chicken-rice-recipe-new2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont waste your money on over-priced calories

>> No.16040211


>> No.16040247

my boomer parents always tell me that quarter pounders actually weighed a quarter of a pound when they were kids

>> No.16040939

He doesn't look like he gained any muscle at all.

>> No.16041068
File: 409 KB, 1269x1800, food decline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not eating more or less, it about eating what you need when you need it.

I eat 4 meals similar in size and appearance to the one on the right that add up to ~1600 calories and I feel full and am in great shape. Because the burgers I make are full of nutrition. The meat doesn't have fillers and I know the rancher, the bun is baked from heirloom wheat source from farms I know are good, the water filled excuse for lettuce is switched with rich dark kale from open waters that are further from human impacts, the tomatoes are from my garden where I enrich the soil personally. I know what my body needs and I give it to it, and thus my body works right.

I assume back in 1955 foods was fresher and of higher quality. If you eat food that lacks the nutrition you need, then you will still be hungry and you can keep eating as many calories as you want. But eat a small amount of rich foods your body needs and you won't be hungry for hours. Most supplements only half work at best because they are chemically made and lack the complex interactions they are naturally found in traditional foods.

Think about it I lost weight and got in shape by eating home made cheese burgers and some light walking, because the cheese burgers I make are healthy. And for all the very expensive ingredients I use which cost more then double and hard to get compared to the common versions use to buy, my food bill only rose by 7% instead of 200% because of how much less I am eating.

On my off days I only eat about 900 calories as I sit around watching movies. On normal work days when I am running around in a physical manufacturing job I eat 1600 calories. And during my office day once a week when I am doing hard mental calculations I eat 3000 with surgery junk food as my mind burns it all, you can feel the raw heat from me as my brain burns the sugar.

I use to be over 300 lb, now I am 200lb and have more energy then I know what to do with because I learned what I needed and got it.

>> No.16041195

>I assume back in 1955 foods was fresher and of higher quality.
Why would you assume that?

>> No.16041213

>I suspect the size has increased
of the food or the customers?

>> No.16041218

fridges were less common so they couldn't import frozen goods from china as easily

>> No.16041282


>> No.16041284

Tits or gtfo

>> No.16041289

Found the canuck

>> No.16041442
File: 37 KB, 400x400, 1619461090568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I burn more than 1k calories everyday at the gym.

>> No.16041541

I just rolled out my callories measuring tape, and my apple measures 300 kcal.
It's a pretty big apple.

>> No.16041549

>Eating 100 Calories worth of fries is not the same as eating 100 Calories of apple slices
Only fat people care about asinine bullshit like this. Thin people don't drink diet coke.

>> No.16041561
File: 6 KB, 201x251, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There had been far less top soil erosion at that point so the ground still had a lot of elements needed for nutrition. Also Fertilizers were often all natural in sourcing, which also helped recover soil along with crop rotations. Heck even the natural stuff we use like cow manure is worse as the feed cows get now is junk compared to back then

Pure chemical fertilizers had been developed around 1900 were growing in popularity as a solution to improve farming, but were not widely used as few made them at the time. However during WWII the number of these plants grew tremendously as they could also be used for making explosive for the war. After the war there was a huge surplus of these plants so chemical fertilizers prices dropped and the way we made food flipped dramatically around 1950. Problem was that these new chemical fertilizers only restored the stuff that made planet grow big and fast, not what made them healthy to eat

Add to it that refrigeration and freezers were less common so foods were sourced from local and more diverse areas, think lots of farms all around instead of one mega farm far away. Smaller local farmers tended to be more sensitive to the lands health and would put more into restoring the land compared to large agriculture companies. To them it wasn't some numbers in an account but a way of life that they didn't want to risk. Also the freshness had health impacts

Plants themselves were bred and engineered for yield, not nutrition (nothing new) which kept getting more and more out of alignment over time. Then add the rush of food fillers which took off around 1950. Adding stuff like high fructose corn syrup to everything (~1970 in that specific case, but others came before it) may have been profitable, but didn't help the public health. As time passed the data collection got better with new tech, but the end data got worse as lobbyist and even Congress got involve in deciding healthy foods that further mess with stuff

>> No.16041586

>Do you eat a mint for breakfast or somethin
Any man who does physically demanding work is going to burn 2,700+ calories a day. All I do is walk 5+ hours per day and my maintenance is around 2,500 without any other exercise.

900cal in a meal isn't small, but if you don't snack then three 900cal meals in a day is at or sometimes even below maintenance for a lot of people.

>> No.16041591

Problem is that a lot of people who whine about nutrition and being fat are people who either work office jobs or don't work at all. I used to work with a woman who had a bit of weight on her but nothing bad. Then she left for an easier job just working a checkout at a big supermarket. So now she spends 8 hours a day at work sat down. And she piled on weight.

>> No.16041598

Eat vegetables to feel satiated you fat fuck

>> No.16041625
File: 197 KB, 294x256, 02cd379ab06d0b20ec7516ec9c0b3d5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then she left for an easier job just working a checkout at a big supermarket. >So now she spends 8 hours a day at work sat down.
I don't believe you, which store brand?

>> No.16041633

around 1950 we stopped caring about how we grew food
around 1960 we stopped caring about how food was made
around 1970 we stopped caring about what food was made of
around 1980 we stopped caring about how we advertised food
around 1992 we stopped caring about how we even defined food itself
after that it was so bad I stopped caring to study it as the information was junk

Most of my personal health plan was made from old army data from WWII, as they may not have had the best science but at least it was honest. Everyone had the goal of making good nutrition, it was seen as vital to winning the war.

>> No.16041640
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>> No.16041667

*eat fewer

>> No.16041681

what kind of fast food place serves half a burger lol

>> No.16041705
File: 26 KB, 474x374, dios mio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He gave it away himself.

>> No.16041914

>eat fewer what?

>> No.16042321

top kek

>> No.16042415

I eat one meal a day and fast BITCH

>> No.16042460
File: 478 KB, 427x517, Flair six belts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but I have seen plenty of female grocery store workers get fat.

They will always let men get yanked off of the till to go wrangle karts or help stock which is why men dont gain that much weight

>> No.16042716

I meant about sitting down. What supermarket has chairs for cashiers to sit in? I've never seen it anywhere, they're always standing up

>> No.16042739

its a euro thing i think, they dont have their wagies as much as we do

>> No.16042759

So don't get as many fries idiot

>> No.16042823


>> No.16042852

>30% to 45%
I'm an American man I eat like 1600 calories a day. How fat are you?

>> No.16042904

my waist is 27 or 28" and my TDEE is 2700
dont be a manlet

>> No.16042937
File: 31 KB, 511x524, 1611444715990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16042992


>> No.16043348

Aldi is one in the US, as well as other places