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16022021 No.16022021 [Reply] [Original]

>Why yes, I am a big anime fan. I've been into anime for 15 years now and listen to mostly Japanese, Chinese, and Korean music. I hope to move to Japan, live there, work there, and die there. I also hope to marry a Japanese woman as well. I'm still working on learning the language.

>> No.16022057
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Nah, that's this fella and pouring it into your own small cheap glasses like you're at some fucking bar you've seen in your h-manga.

>> No.16022068

jap beer is pretty good. so is mexican beer. i think among sapporo, kirin and asahi, asahi is the best

im a U.S Marine btw

>> No.16022076

>U.S Marine
fucking occupant

>> No.16022085

I went on tour once, and developed a bit of a taste for Asahi dry and black on our off days. It was fun; I recommend it - fun that is.

>> No.16022095



>> No.16022115

Can't get the real stuff here any more, they started brewing it under license locally. It's never the same.

>> No.16022130

lived in Japan for 12 years and personally I like Sapporo the best.
Asahi tastes too metallic and while Kirin's OK, it always gave me the worst hangovers.

>> No.16022137

I joke about Jap beers for two reasons: they're stupidly common on import lists where I go for work lunches, and I'm more of a liquor man. And fuck, the Japano-Autism translates better into their booze than their beer.

>> No.16022169

t. one whos view of the world had been moulded by screens

>> No.16022184

asahi always tasted metallic to me idk why

>> No.16022187

Japs shouldn't have let themselves get nuked.

>> No.16022195

We'd planned on just getting gibbled on our last day in Tokyo - find some fat maid furry cafe or something, and drink wannabe-classy cocktails until our handler dragged us out, but we just wound up hanging out with the headliner at a cozy (tiny... cramped) little izakaya. We had some Japanese scotch to celebrate a safe landing, but that was about it for liquor.

>> No.16022196

i get this this bait but the US occupation has been very liberal given what japan did to territories they "occupied"

>> No.16022226

I love Japan, period!

>> No.16022244

>im a U.S Marine btw
is it true that all marines are bottoms and are all extremely homosexual?

>> No.16022259
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>> No.16022313

no, theyre all power bottoms and unfathomably homosexual

>> No.16022383
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>> No.16022402

straightest man in the USMC

>> No.16022412
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we're just really good friends

>> No.16023090

>the Japano-Autism translates better into their booze than their beer.
but if you ever get a chance, there's a small craft beer scene happening in Kobe in recent years.
definitely worth checking out.
they do some fantastic craft beers there now, thanks to their autism.

>> No.16023133

Imagine being so triggered by weeaboos that you hate all the beer from another country.

>> No.16023140
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actual wapanese

>> No.16023147

For me, it's the McChicken.

>> No.16023158

Thank you for your servitude.

>> No.16023186

hitachino and orion are superior.

>> No.16023201

>ap beer is pretty good. so is mexican beer. i think among sapporo, kirin and asahi, asahi is the best
>im a U.S Marine btw
Asahi Super Dry was a trend beer that started just before the USA got on board to the trend, remember Bud Dry, and though it was just a short trend in the USA that was later discontinued, Asahi stayed popular in Japan. It is crisp and delicious.

Here is an archived 1989 article at the peak of the trend.


>> No.16023212

I live in Japan and only drink budweiser. Its the cheapest beer you can buy here(at costco anyways) comes out to 160 yen a can for a 24 pack

>> No.16023213
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Ahem. A true Nippon Beer-Nut prefers Hitachino's Nest. Get on my level.

>> No.16023263

Japanese Classic and Ginger Ale are superior

>> No.16023265

you're thinking of the US NAVY

>> No.16023284

Ginger Ale I could live without, but the classic is very good. Anbai Ale is my personal favorite.

>> No.16023300
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Asahi bros...

>> No.16025249

based post. orion is best beer

>> No.16026447

How many nips have you raped?

>> No.16026462

>Brewed in La Crosse, WI
Drink local.

>> No.16026473
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Sailors prefer to roleplay.

>> No.16026532

When I lived in Japan I lived relatively close to one of the main Asahi breweries and also not too far from Hitachino Nest so those were my go to beers.
Asahi on draft was also the first beer I had when I got to Japan, so I have always preferred it.
Nowadays there is more and more of a craft beer scene in Japan, you wont find much of it in super markets but there are more and more breweries and bars especially in Tokyo/Osaka. Far Yeast is a well known one that is surprisingly solid.

>> No.16026811
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Not gunna lie, when play Yakuza, Tsushima or Sekiro, or any other really Japanese game I drink sake while I play. I kinda feel stupid but also kinda don't. Otherwise I just slam Black Russians.

I also did coke while playing GTA5 cuz Trevor.

>> No.16026891

started out based but turned cringe

>> No.16026947
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>I'm not getting blasted on Suntory Strong Zeros in a Japanese park rn

I've never even been to Japan.

>> No.16027206

Honestly Japanese beer just isn't that interesting. Even something supposedly good like Hitachino Nest is just a functional imitation of other, far more established beers from real brewing nations like the UK, Germany, Belgium and others. Why anybody would fly the flag of Nip beer beyond that Japan is cool/you want to relate to an anime you like is a mystery to me.

>> No.16027569

It's the autism they bring to it. The English take pride in their beers; the Germans take pride in the science of their beers; the Japanese take pride in the engineering of theirs.

>> No.16027614

I lived in Japan so I have a soft spot for the stuff. It isn't really very good but I had lots of good times drinking it. Honestly I guess that makes me a bigger weeb than the people who drink it because it is Japanese but whatever. I would never seek it out now that I don't live there. Sake and Shochu, however, I still crave every once in a while.

>> No.16027634

none of that has anything to do with japan and idk how asahi is reflective of japanese culture...

>> No.16027650

I get saying this if they put your life on the line otherwise it's pretty weird imo.

>> No.16027696

Always nice to see some Oribros. Best beer ever for a miserably hot/humid day.
Holy shit I miss being able to buy it in Japan for a significantly less insane price, and especially miss finding it on tap.

>> No.16027731

Sake is fuckin great. I tried it late in my drinking life and was like holy hell why didn't you niggas tell me about this

>> No.16027757

>Sake is fuckin great
Good sake is seriously fukkin good. Shit sake is seriously fukkin bad, at least to someone who hasn’t had enough of it to handle a “rough” sake.
I think a ton of people try the latter as their first experience (like the nameless cheap “warm/cold sake” at some teppanyaki place) and figure it must all be bad.

>> No.16027865

Kirin is better, faggot

>> No.16027932
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Went to my local H-Mart today and grabbed the last six pack of Orion. Looking forward to that and pic related

>> No.16028001
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>higher abv than natty
>no sugar
it's not fair

>> No.16028027

Sake is one for me that I feel like I love almost unconditionally. I've never had one I didn't like, even cheap shit was great.

>> No.16028084

It was pretty much all I drank when I was in Okinawa. Never ended up going to any bars though.