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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 608 KB, 1265x727, 562CDECC-F4C2-40DD-81F7-884D8363A4F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16020774 No.16020774 [Reply] [Original]

>gluten-free, vegan English muffin
>real bacon
>daiya vegan, soy-free, nut-free, cheddar style ””””cheese”””
>JUST egg fold, vegan, soy-free
>hot sauce
Potatoes are from last night, roasted in rendered pork fat.
Not pictured, local decaf coffee beans brewed via siphon.
How’s my top 8 allergin-free breakfast?

>> No.16020791

Sounds like a chemical-stuffed sloppa.

>> No.16020792

I'd rather die from a reaction than eat any of that.

>> No.16020823
File: 94 KB, 897x592, ingredients.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look how scarywarie these ingredients are
The only thing I don't like in these is the canola oil.

>> No.16020850

>complains about "chemicals" in alternative foods
>proceeds to eat fastfood and other storebought prepared garbage.

>> No.16021023

It's amazing the lengths you'll go to in order to justify eating this shit.

>> No.16021098

>Instead of eating healthy I'll just buy this processed fake food shit senpai

>> No.16021128

You do know just like with the canola oil, the mung bean protein isolate also needs to be soaked in a hexane based solvent. Hexane is a known neurotoxin. Your brain is literally rotting eating this shit.

I'd rather get a stomach ache, acne, and whatever the fuck people with egg allergies get than rot my brain out.

The muffins are fine though I'm sure.

>> No.16021172

It's also used in basically all vegetable oils and hops.
So good luck to anyone trying to avoid those since you'll basically be limited to cooking at home with olive oil and not drinking beer.
But yeah, it's vegan food that's the problem, just ignore all other parts of your diet that include these things.

point out the scary ingredients. Then give me a list of the garbage foods you also shovel down your throat daily.

>bacon and rendered pork fat is vegan???
You're retarded

>> No.16021185

i ate beans and cabbage today with a bit of salt
enjoy your laboratory chemical slurry though i'm not going to stop you

>> No.16021188

I don't drink beer and I do only cook at home (I also have a large garden and raise my own livestock). I haven't eaten a strangers cooking in a long time because it would always make me sick.

And I don't cook with olive oil. I use olive oil on salads, but I like to cook with butter (low temperature) and lard and tallow (high temperature) and occasionally duck fat when I can get it.

>> No.16021193

Is that what you eat daily for every meal? You have nothing from the grocery store that's premade and prepackaged? Or you don't go out for food?
Doubt it. As if I eat >>16020774 this every day for every meal. You complete dumbass.

>> No.16021197
File: 306 KB, 853x450, 7976737D-9BA0-4E3B-A1B1-9D58377F6AAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16021198

Sincerely doubt any of that is true.

>> No.16021213
File: 13 KB, 360x240, disdain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo everyone has to eat the factory slurry
> it's the only way

>> No.16021215

>bro, at least it's not as bad as fast food
Holy shit, that's a fucking low bar there, faggotron.

>> No.16021232

Point out the bad and scary ingredients anons, the image is right there.
Manlets here just hate on plant-based foods because you're afraid it'll negatively impact your already fragile masculinity

>> No.16021248

the ingredients themselves aren't particularly scary but i don't eat chemical slurries of unknown origin in general
likely many are produced in some 3rd world hell hole to save 3 cents on manufacturing
no thanks
why are you so hell bent on shaming others into eating this crap anyway?

>> No.16021252

That's even worse than the fast food excuse.

>> No.16021272

>chemical slurries
insane levels of dismissive coping. You should just transition already since you're barely a man as it stands, tranny.
I don't care if people eat this or not, it's just funny how bent out of shape men on this board get when presented with things that aren't fast food or meat.

>> No.16021277

Point em out, let's see what's bad. Or are you just trying to save what's left of your manhood by hating on vegan food?

>> No.16021283

Truth is stranger than fiction. Did you know people used to live without fast food, commercial beer, and supermarkets?

>> No.16021286

your obsession with masculinity and trannies isn't helping your case
beans and cabbage is neither of those things btw just get over yourself

>> No.16021296


>> No.16021304

as soon as vegan food comes up everyone suddenly becomes a competent cook on here who grows their own vegetables, livestock, hens.
Crazy how that works.
It's almost like people are lying to feel better about themselves while still being able to bash on vegan food to make themselves feel better about being such pathetic men.

>> No.16021306


>> No.16021311

I had yoghurt with acacia honey and sultanas for breakfast, jacket potato with baked beans and mozza for lunch.
Find me the chemos anon

>> No.16021314

I mean, the shit in your sub par supermarket bacon is probably also disgusting too. I bet you use cheap shitty lard also.

>> No.16021315
File: 478 KB, 1000x1500, prepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's almost like you're projecting your narrow minded worldview on people you've never met to feel better about yourself

>> No.16021317

find me the chemos in >>16020823 it's right there, easy peasy. point out the baddies.

>> No.16021348
File: 62 KB, 603x452, sunrise duckc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have hens, I have ducks.

And I'm not even a man. You know nothing.

>> No.16021351
File: 26 KB, 650x433, Throwing-up-after-a-run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seed oils, 3rd world vegetable gums, """""""natural flavors"""""""""""

>> No.16021386

Nice fucking thread, dotards. Next time don't pull out your soapbox, OP.

>> No.16021394

none of those are bad chemicals

>> No.16021399

>duck femanon whose house looks like a trailer park trash heap

>> No.16021413

you can have them

>> No.16021803

yeah why would anyone on a cooking board cook or care about food right?

>> No.16021830

>gluten-free, vegan
0/10, i stopped reading there and graded appropriately