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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16010780 No.16010780[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>put it under the grill, or as the yanks call it, the broiler

>> No.16010787

he disgusts me

>> No.16010789

>Put the nigger dick in your ass or as my wife calls it her bull

>> No.16010790

KING OF /ck/

>> No.16010793

imagine being so far up your own ass that you think this is an actual threadq

>> No.16010795

more like king of cucks

>> No.16010797

no that would be ja/ck/ indisputable and eternal

>> No.16010823

I just noticed there's hardly any e-celeb threads
do they delete them now?

>> No.16010973
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excuse me?

>> No.16011040
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The one true king and his coin slot

>> No.16011062

a challenger appears

>> No.16011067
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>> No.16011071

A living breathing example of what I think bongs are like

>> No.16011105

not sure why it's so entertaining but it is

>> No.16011152
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this aint the last bigmac

>> No.16011156
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You can buy fennel pollen on Newegg for some reason.

>> No.16011163

fries on a sandwich bun? is that it?

>> No.16011187

peas and a bit o' mint sauce, and proper chip house gravy

>> No.16011220
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>> No.16011226

i would inflict so much pain upon him

>> No.16011228

haha this'll make em sneeze

>> No.16011265
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blocks your path

>> No.16011269

>Adam "White wine'n and creampie dine'n'" Ragusea
>Adam "pizza bread and cuck shed" Ragusea
>Adam "hot plate and hotwife" Ragusea
>Adam "cum queef aperitif"" Ragusea
>Adam "gravy train" Ragusea
>Adam "Like brine? Your gf can't be fine " Ragusea
>Adam "why I prep the bull, NOT my wife" Ragusea
>Adam "this insult brought to you by SquareSpace" Ragusea
>Adam "soychad" Ragusea
>Adam "cooking for fun with my wife's son" Ragusea
>Adam "oh you want some?" Ragusea
>Adam "mad street credit on Reddit" Ragusea
>Adam "grateful gringo" Ragusea
>Adam "please clap my wife's toothgap" Ragusea
>Adam "age doughs and marry hoes" Ragusea
>Adam "fuckable" Ragusea
>Adam "lurking this thread" Ragusea

>> No.16011278

he's far too powerful for you

>> No.16012808
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>> No.16012859

A single glance at a picture of Nikocado Avocado is enough to motivate me to exercise
Thanks frens!

>> No.16012883

ok adam

>> No.16012930
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>> No.16013310

I absolutely HATE this guy

>> No.16013316

Fucking knew he was from Yorkshire just by looking at him

>> No.16013320
File: 45 KB, 550x550, joshua-weissman-tiktok-youtube-chef-videos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

joshu >>>>>>>>>> adam

>> No.16013325

I also hate this guy (mannerisms, voice) but his recipes are really good and his videos are also well made.

>> No.16013329

i like living in his cabinet, its spicy in here

>> No.16013330

and I also see him as a professional chef - like he worked a lot in restaurants and now makes food content for youtube and it shows.

>> No.16013426

What the fuck is this guys problem?Seriously.

>> No.16013495
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you can drive a mack truck through his wifes chompers.

>> No.16013502

>our final video together
>why we can't break up
>we're back together
>we broke up
what the fuck is the lore behind this guy

>> No.16013516

you can just tell she's a leftist loon

>> No.16013526

This nigga tried to say Pigs are clean lmao, this boi love hog shit or what LMAO, ever seen a hog in the wilderness boi?

>> No.16013546

Why can't they just speak normal like Jamie Oliver. Regardless, Joshua is going to overtake Adam. His just the better cook and has actual restaurant experience

>> No.16013557
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>> No.16013563

Jesus why would you not get that fixed

>> No.16013566

Apparently they divorced for real in February.

>> No.16013576

Is that Reptile from Mortal Kombat?

>> No.16013630

it's the new disney crossover. Mickey Reptile.

>> No.16013640

>or as the yanks call it, the broiler
So what is grilling in yankland? they have fried sandwiches, which are apparently grilled, but also barbeques?

>> No.16013643
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his gf looks like a caveman

>> No.16013648

They divorced and then niko bought a 2 million dollar penthouse in Las Vegas. Hope the other guy at least got some money for having this shit scar his life forever.

>> No.16013652
File: 648 KB, 500x788, absolutelydisgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's perfectly normal to be slightly disgusted by Jews, anon. Perfectly normal response.

>> No.16013735

well i mean joshu did like that paleo diet, maybe they both do it most of the time between recording. maybe theyre too busy bench pressing mammoths off camera

>> No.16013886
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absolute unit

>> No.16013927

do euros really call a broiler a grill? lol

>> No.16013986
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>> No.16013989

I'm absolutely disgusted just from the thumbs

>> No.16013992
File: 259 KB, 1500x1500, soy rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same picture

>> No.16014023

Kikes are cringe

>> No.16014069

This is unironically comfy

>> No.16014087

The call a barbecue a grill for some reason.

>> No.16014095

fuck jannies
404ed my thread about food but let this shit thread stay up

>> No.16014124

So what's the deal with the fried sandwiches?

>> No.16014141

Dunno, they like to fry sandwiches with just sliced cheese inside and they call it grilled cheese even though it’s not grilled. They look good though, give em that.

>> No.16014213
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>> No.16014220

Stop being obsessed with us. Delete your internet history.

>> No.16014255

If he lost even more weight and shaved the facial hair, he'd make for a great femboy.

>> No.16014261

No it isn't.

>> No.16014317

why are italians so much better looking than wyt pypo?

>> No.16014522

but Josh is actually kind of ugly so it's within his league

>> No.16014526


>> No.16014542

yanks are derogatory way to describe poor people. also as long as it cooks the food to edibility i don't understand why it needs to be cooked a certain way.

>> No.16014918

because china owns newegg now, and the most likely put asbestos in it to make it weigh more.

>> No.16014936

somebody smear some josh ass butthole poop on this guys toast.

>> No.16015146

>It's an alternate universe episode
>doesn't end the episode with a sieg heil

>> No.16015228


>> No.16016429

they are both kinda ugly
well-kept, rich and healthy but kinda ugly.

>> No.16016433

peak reddit

>> No.16016646


>> No.16016760
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I watched to the end and she said something interesting, that they'd batter and fry any chocolate bar you cared to bring in. I wonder if you could sabotage them with an ice cube wrapped in chocolate?

>> No.16016894

One of her parents probably have shitty teeth and guilt tripped her when she asked for braces as a child due to their own insecurity

>> No.16016996

Duh. Raguseas were Italians from Illinois. His wife deluded him because she's the only catch he has. Poor guy.

>> No.16017070

Is josh a jew? I really enjoy his videos but it would suck if one of my favorite youtubers was a member of such a distasteful group of people

>> No.16017436
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Alroight luv, it's toime t' willy wonger yer stag, or as the bloody yanks say, 'prep the bull'

>> No.16017459

>bland personality
>low energy
>can't cook
>probably doesn't clean

Let's be real, what does she bring to the table

>> No.16017557
File: 155 KB, 683x1024, walter_chefwearmag_2010-683x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon if you couldn't tell he's a jew then you need to figure your life out.

Also, Youtube only promote jewish food cooks. (((SAM THE COOKING GUY))) is another obnoxious one. Bunch of feminine jews with over the top presentation. They call it "reddit style".

For me? It's A Taste of History with Walter Staib. Picture related.

>> No.16017586

"Reddit style" makes me want to puke, that word itself should not even exist.

>> No.16017602

Italians are jews

>> No.16017608

The modern state of Israel is an Italian colony

>> No.16017610

she looks like she takes it up the ass no probs.
also, she's ugly enough to be self conscious of it and go the extra mile to make up for it in kinkyness

>> No.16017619

He's an NYC refugee living in a formerly red state.

>> No.16017690

It is.

>> No.16017729

imagine being so far up your own ass that you don't think you're doing anything wrong.

>> No.16017738


>> No.16017751
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>> No.16017760

last time i saw a jew cook it was word for word stolen recipe from another guy he was trying to pass it off as his own idk how he even knew how to cook it but he was high out of his mind and was claiming he owned the resto and i think somebody mightve helped him out to make it look legit in front of tv crew. unsure who prob another jew in the area that lives there they are pests! i am sorry but hitler was right and he got a lot of flack becaus ehe had no rights to do it but he did have areason, he even took advantage of allies to try to sell his art which was disney movies. he said it was the only way to get people to understand how to sell work that isn't your own idea.

>> No.16017793

every jew in the world is so butthurt over being wrong about me and thinking koreans will side with them once time comes because they got me confused for another woman and thought it was okay to blame me for their mistakes because they thought i was making it impossible for me to understand when they were not capable of understanding. then now they are slandering me online. i do not know how to stop them it is impossible, every resource says do not say anything to them do not tell them to stop since they are in the wrong and they think something else is going on, it is better to pretend to be whatever they think you are and act as if they were doing something right. they re not normal they are batshit insane.

>> No.16017796
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>> No.16017852

thoughts on the latest video raguseabros? i thought it was all over the place really and didn't get much good information for 25 minutes of my time

>> No.16017960
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>> No.16018108

im so sick of seeing this faggot everywhere. sage.

>> No.16018187

bro they both are

>> No.16018742

I love Northerners.

>> No.16018745

Aggressive looking but kind personality :)

>> No.16018754

>average early 20th century European encountering Jewish excellence

It is. It's like being weirded out by homosexuals.

>> No.16018789

Henry the VIII phenotype

>> No.16018910

Homosexuals only seem weird because social constraints pushed them underground and they developed weird inclinations over generations in the absence of guidance by the dominant discourse.

>> No.16018940

>What the fuck is this guys problem?
It's a long story.