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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16004989 No.16004989 [Reply] [Original]

Now that it’s summer, it’s time to bring out those pipes and cigars to go along with the BBQ. Post and discuss cigars, pipes, cigarettes, snus, snuff, etc.

>> No.16004993

tobacco sucks
drink lapsang souchong tea if you want to taste smokey flavor

>> No.16004996


on an off cigarettes only now but NUB was pretty tasty and underrated.

>> No.16005002

Tobacco doesn’t even have a smokey flavor retard

>> No.16005021

Do you smoke filtered or unfiltered cigs? Filtered is actually more dangerous because of the cellulose acetate fibers that get lodged in your lungs when you smoke

>> No.16005042
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Yeah boi! Just waiting for my order. Rate my haul fellers!

>> No.16005197

Nightcap is good stuff, haven’t tried the others though

>> No.16005226

According to some anons on the /out/ pipe threads, Eastfarthing is a very close substitute for McClellands Frog morton cellar

>> No.16005385

> nope
> nice
> don't know

>> No.16005430

I rolled spliff with American spirits and bugler for years, I quit the pot and now I only use Hyde flavored vaporizers. I can't kick them bros...

>> No.16005442

Any good cigar choices for people who don't normally smoke? Going to a bachelor party this weekend and have a tobacco store right down the block.

>> No.16005446

i only vape marijuana like a real man. max efficiency with minimal toxicity.

>> No.16005464

Cigars and tobacco aren't food or cooking.

>> No.16005568

>Hyde flavored vaporizers.
I would quit those as soon as you can, the juice in them comes from China and you don’t what kind of nasty chemicals they’re cutting it with

>> No.16005578

Marijuana smoke is not any safer than tobacco smoke

>> No.16005585

one heals cancer and the other causes it. also
>comparing smoke to vapor

>> No.16005592

Bump, in a similar situation

>> No.16005622

>he thinks inhaling one burning plant matter is completely safe while the other burning plant matter is extremely dangerous and kills everyone it touches
You’re a perfect example of the effects of marijuana on the brain

>> No.16005662

Only unfiltered. That way, you don't leave much of a mess, just set it down and let it burn away. Hits harder too.

>> No.16005673
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picked up a pack of marb lights today
i go through a pack about every 2 weeks since i only mix the tobacco with the jewish herb

>> No.16005708

Drink my schlong tea, peter puffer

>> No.16005713

Based counter troll

>> No.16005867

Aight tossed em. Big F to me for the next few days

>> No.16005895
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>> No.16005910

I had a cigar once and it tasted good but made me feel sick

>> No.16005918

same but with cocks

>> No.16005984

My advice is to buy a refillable pod system like a Smok Nord or a UWell Caliburn, that way you save more money in the long run and you know exactly what’s in your juice

>> No.16005994

Nah I'll just kick it. It's just a bad habit, I only truly loved smoking spliffs but I stopped the pot after 13 years of daily use recently and I didn't sleep for a week and lost 30lbs in a month and still have no appetite so I guess goodbye nicotine, my oldest friend

>> No.16006053



it was nice of your wife's boyfriend to get you a customized cigar

>> No.16006070

Buy regular rolling tobacco retard. It's cheaper too

>> No.16007249
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Does anyone have any idea how to get chinese cigs in germany besides flying to china to buy some? I spent a fair bit trying to find any sources for chunghwa 5000 or shuangxi 1906 or huanghelo 1916 or really any other premium cig to no avail as its illegal and seemingly very niche

>> No.16007272

In Australia at least, I can find them repackaged in certain Asian areas. Korean shops especially prefer to stock Asian brands. Double Happiness is so fucking good, love that factory taste.

>> No.16007277

Fuck everyone who smokes inside

>> No.16007592


>> No.16007598

Stinky ass nigga

>> No.16007603

why are you gay?

>> No.16007605

Chinese lad I met chainsmoked some chunghwas with me as he told me about the pyramids being ancient generators. Successful guy, remembered liking the cigs. I’m rolling bugler with their garbage papers recently. If I buy a pack it’s dunhills I break the filter off, state express 555, lucky strikes or unfiltered camels for me. Also been using some of those synthetic pouches occasionally. 4mg

>> No.16007884

Arturo Fuente 858. The lighter one. It was the first cigar I tried and I found it delightfully inoffensive.

>> No.16007889 [DELETED] 

if this stupid nigger can have a tobacco thread, then i want a cannabis thread.

>> No.16007900

if you can have a cannabis thread then I can have a crack cocaine thread

>> No.16008256

This. I've never had a bad A.Fuente. Kick up the quality and upgrade to the A.Fuente Hemingway series.

>> No.16008337

Then have one you mong. I've seen them before but they're not too successful.

>> No.16008523
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Nothing says summer like oral cancer.

>> No.16008551

There’s a drug thread on r9k, fuck off to there

>> No.16008562


>> No.16008581

If you dont normally smoke a cigar can be quite overwhelming. I'd just by some cigarillos either Romeo y Julieta or Royal dutch.

>> No.16008585

All ways best having full bodied cigars on a full stomach. The nicotine makes you wanna hurl on an empty one.

>> No.16008593

Cigars are about flavor.
Weed is about getting high and watching netflix, nothing to do with food.

>> No.16008905

Seethe harder, straightedge nerd.

>> No.16009792

Having a house blend called Virginia Gentlemen in my cheapo corn cob. Pretty nice ngl desu.

>> No.16009983

Neither food nor cooking; fuck off tar lungs

>> No.16010931

Thank you based janny for keeping this thread up and deleting the weedfags

>> No.16010980

>literal tee totaling

>> No.16011673

why the fuck do mods leave retarded fucking unrelated autism threads like this and delete half of the other threads that are at least on topic?
jesus christ this place is complete ass

>> No.16011957

nice ass

>> No.16012367
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Kings of /tbg/: Tony Soprano, Cosmo Kramer

>> No.16012393

the thumbnail looks like OP is grilling a fetus

that would have been so much more interesting

>> No.16012439
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>Frogspammer who's upset that mods are cracking down on him.

There's literally nothing wrong with a single thread on tobacco and the amount of butthurt these threads cause has always greatly confused me.

Anyway, I'm currently in the progress of restocking and want some good bundle sticks for general 'I don't have to worry about handing out/smoking casually' purposes. I've got a few favorites, like Asylum Schizos and such, but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions?

>> No.16012861

>always thinking about how dangerous it is
>still smokes

The absolute states of these retards....

>> No.16013078
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gonna take a nice walk now that the sun shines and get a schizo or Don Tomás on the way

>> No.16013127

Tobacco tastes sweet and fruity with hints of leather, wood and other notes. I like Lapsang Souchang but it doesn't taste like tobacco.

>> No.16013306

>Asylum Schizos
The favorite smoke of /x/!

>> No.16013428

so... do you eat the tobacco???
or how do you cook it?

>> No.16013574

You don’t do either. Tobacco is a plant for consumption and that is close enough to the topics this board revolves around. Our (reasonable and spaced out) threads are here to stay.

>> No.16013671

American dipping tobacco is fire-cured, therefore cooked, and therefore on topic

>> No.16014417

All the sutliffs I've tried are amazing

>> No.16014653

Corona lockdown and the general misery of life has me real depressed lately so I've gone back to my old habit of smoking cigarettes, and I wonder, does anybody actually find the taste of cigarettes pleasing? I was a pipe smoker for many years and still smoke it occasionally, and smoking a pipe is a truly enjoyable experience in almost all aspects. Cigarette smoking however is much more like doing drugs; it is quite unpleasant but the high is rewarding. I remember in my early 20s I would find the taste of cigarettes alright, especially Camel, but it quickly passed. I have never been able to get addicted to cigarettes because I always get sick of the sour taste.

>> No.16014708

Yeah lucky strikes and Nat Sherman MCDs taste pretty good to me

>> No.16014735

I only ever smoked one cigarette when I was 16 and it was an American indian brand called Seneca. It tasted pretty bad but not anything that would make throw up

>> No.16014795

the background looks like some kind of monster with a black robe

>> No.16014804
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This was the second cigar I ever had. Really recently got back into them, NOTHING beats smoking a church hill and getting tipsy. Honestly I have nothing else to spend cash on so I might throw 50$ at some new stogies.

>> No.16014890
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niceday, nice cigar

>> No.16014961

It's falling apart

>> No.16015232

Rocky Patel the edge are pretty basic, cheap, and not horrible. Not great but not awful and I don't feel bad about giving them away. Same with the lower end Arturo Fuentes

>> No.16015268

i don't understand why i have to respnd to their crimes by doing crimes of my own or respond to their harassment with harassment or talk to their friends and family or respond to their insults w insults of my own. no thanks. i hate street beggars, even if they put on nice clothes and take showers. it's like pearls before swine, no reason to even take them seriously.

>> No.16015288

I agree

>> No.16015380


>> No.16015508
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Olivia Serie V Melanio and H Upmann by AJ Fernandez

Good options to smoke in good weather, newfags can easily enjoy them.

>> No.16015586
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keep riding my wave beggar.

>> No.16015622

ehh it burned up before it fell apart

>> No.16015688

I meticulously wrote down the steps of how to taste cigars on a deeper level from this video with Travis Pappenheim (https://youtu.be/qTmd4tzi_x4)), here is my gift to you /tbg/ anons

How to Properly Taste a Cigar

1. Don’t look for flavor notes until at least 1/2 of an inch in to the cigar
2. Take long, slow, even draws off the cigar to avoid tainting the flavor
3. Puff about every 45 seconds
4. Take 2 or 3 puffs to warm the smoke up
5. CRITICAL: Hold the smoke in your mouth for 4-5 seconds while puffing your cheeks out
6. Slowly let the smoke roll out of your mouth while lifting your tongue up, but not touching your pallet
7. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth and rub it around
8. Take a deep breath in
9. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth rubbing it around, and rubbing it on the front of your teeth
10. Think about any differences in flavor you experience
11. Do this 6-8 times throughout the cigar
12. For an even deeper and more rich tasting of the cigar, repeat this entire process but with your eyes closed

>> No.16016034
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You forgot "cup the balls and stroke the shaft" desu

>> No.16016083

That step is optional

>> No.16016089

Not food or cooking

>> No.16016156

Not even a /tbg/ regular, just skimmed through because I wanna buy some cigars for my bro, but, man, the raidposters here are so autistic. If you don't like the thread, don't enter it. Why is an idea so basic so hard for these retards to understand? There's dozens of other threads and this board is slow enough it is. Fuck off with your "not /ck/" shit

>> No.16016466

it is an item paired with drinks and food I think it fits

>> No.16016484

ciggiesworld used to be popular to my knowledge, but since covid its near impossible to get stuff

been trying to get Thi$ Africa cigarrettes with the bead flavors and FurongWang Blue diamonds but still outta stock

>> No.16016509
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I'm becoming more of the pipe smoker that I've always wanted to be - carrying one around and smoking it here an there throughout the day as I felt, just putting it out when done with it for the time being. My great uncle John always smoked a pipe that way and I admired it. Very little pomp or circumstance about any of it.

Also, my birthday is tomorrow and my girlfriend went and got me a cigar. Not sure what it is yet but she says she spent 15 bucks on it. Hope it's good.

>> No.16017114
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>> No.16017190


are those any good?

>> No.16017628

>he doesn't know

>> No.16017636

you needed an oriental (e.g. balkan sasieni) and a vaper (e.g. mcconnell scottish cake).

>> No.16017654

From the thumbnail, it looked like a new 2" cigar.

>> No.16017679

what's a good cigar for a total noob? I golf a lot and wanna bring a few with me next time I play

>> No.16017687
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>> No.16018037

For a beginner, I'd go for something a little more expensive paradoxically, in the eight to ten dollar range. The reason being that you want your first cigar to be a bit nicer and while you can get duff cigars from any maker at any price, bundle cigars are more likely to have poorer air flow. Something along that price range by Olivia or such could be good. It's a bit of a meme but go for a mild Connecticut wrapper cigar as some people aren't fond of maduros and even if it turns out you love them, why risk it? This is just for your first cigar though, don't go buying a bunch of them at that price point.

>> No.16018058

someone recommended this to me way back

>> No.16018071

La opulencia has easily become one of my favorites

>> No.16018135

La Aurora 1495 is really good if you can get it cheap on cbid. Cuba Libra is good too, same with Nica Libre and La Perla with some humidor time. My favorite cheapo cigara are anything from Padilla, very consistent and great flavor.