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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16012951 No.16012951 [Reply] [Original]

how to make Kraft Mac better? Made some today and made the sauce and pasta seperately, and also replaces 2 of the tbs of butter with cheese slices.

tasted good but is there a way to make it better

>> No.16012958

yes, here is what you do:
- add some fresh basil
- add kashkaval cheese
- add pineapple slices

>> No.16012966
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>add pineapple slices

>> No.16012971

1. add black pepper

2. add ketchup, bbq sauce, hot sauce, or steak sauce

3. add hamburger

These are options for you

>> No.16013001
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Add one of these in. It is so good I promise

>> No.16013018

- 1 tsp of nutmeg
- 1/2 tsp mustard
- handful of shredded extra mature cheddar
- cracked black pepper

>> No.16013041

Add broccoli or brussel sprouts

>> No.16013043

Here's what I do as someone who doesn't like adding mix-ins to Kraft dinner.

In a separate pan melt together the milk and butter, then add in the cheese powder, whisk until it turns into a sauce and set aside. Cook the pasta per package directions and drain off any extra water (you want it as dry as possible. Combine with the sauce.

Boom. Same nostalgically bland and vaguely cheesy Kraft mac, but slightly better and not watery.

>> No.16013090

Only correct response so far. You have to prepare it as if you're preparing real macaroni and cheese.

If you're lazy as fuck just add twice as much butter and don't add any milk.

>> No.16013092

sorry im retarded and forgot to link

>> No.16013093


There is no point in those extra steps you autist

>> No.16013096

I don't like watery Kraft you miserable chode.

>> No.16013098

why would it be watery the normal way?

>> No.16013105

In the normal preparation, you don't evaporate some of the extra moisture out of the milk and butter by preparing the cheese separately.

>> No.16013112

It just ain't same anymore without the canned tin

>> No.16013130

If your KD is watery than your doing it wrong. If you cant make KD you dont belong on /ck/.

>> No.16013853

fuck off, leaf

>> No.16013873

>how to make Kraft Mac better?
Buy something else

>> No.16014016

Replace the milk with heavy cream, and add real cheddar in addition to the powder, for starters. It still needs some bacon, or some tomatoes stewed with oregano, or both to make it palatable though.

>> No.16014044

Make it from scratch, it’s not hard

>> No.16014058
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Couple squirts of sriracha works pretty well. Oh, and be very high.

>> No.16015328
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isn't this how you're supposed to do it? this is how i grew up doing it. isn't this what the box says to do?
melting the butter and mixing in the milk and cheese powder before putting the noodles back in is the only way to get a good consistency with the cheese, otherwise you get chunks of powder. is everyone retarded?

>> No.16015332

Add one of the following:
3 sliced Nathan’s hotdogs
1 can of tuna, drained.

>> No.16015336

peas and smoked paprika

>> No.16015346

Use sour cream instead of milk

>> No.16015381

no way to make mac and cheese edibler than it already is lol

>> No.16015407
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The trick is to buy the right Mac in the first place.

>> No.16015411

Annie's is the worst. I have never found a more bland mac and cheese in my entire life.

>> No.16015446

Did you try the one I posted? That's weird if so because it's so much better than kraft. Even the regular kind is better than kraft, but especially the white cheddar.

>> No.16015500

not him, but i have tried it. i wanted to like it, because it looks like it should be better than kraft. i've just had too much kraft in my life. annie's might be objectively better but i will never realize it; kraft will always be king.

>> No.16015515

Try using plain yogurt for the sauce. Annies sharp cheddar shells are better btw. You can add some garlic and finely chopped jalapeños, and some extra cheese like smoked gouda. Not something you want to eat everyday but it's nice to have if you're too lazy to cook anything else.

>> No.16015581

it's not that bad just less msg and seasoning. just pure macaroni and cheese powder with additives and preservatives. i guess it's hard to admit a childhood classic that's still around isn't really all that great...

>> No.16015591

Annies is the best boxed Mac and cheese you just need to be a bit creative.

>> No.16017252

I like adding black pepper, a few onces of cream cheese, and just a bit of salt with onion and garlic powder so I can enhance the kraft flavor without over powering it. Milk and butter as usual.

>> No.16017285

I mix ground Italian sausage in with it and only eat the spiral one. Usually adding dead animals spices things up nicely.

>> No.16017296

annie's is kino if made right

>> No.16017445

>preparing the cheese separately
This is mac and cheese. From a box. The cheese substance is powdered. There is no "preparing," you self-important dipshit.

>> No.16017513

I assume you drain the pasta and dump the powder on and eat it as it sits without preparing it with the other ingredients?

>> No.16018098

Use some chicken stock when boiling

>> No.16018174

Cook the macaroni as instructed, but add in some browned hamburger and about 2-3 stalks of thinly sliced celery that you've cooked with the burger.

>> No.16018193

Smoked paprika and tarragon

>> No.16018197

Since when does KD call for 2 fucking tbsp of butter? Is that the american version?

>> No.16018218

>don't use milk, just use more butter. if you like watery/runny mac and cheese you're a fucking slob who doesn't know any better
>add another real cheese while you mix, I like parmesean myself
>add bacon

>> No.16018227

cutup hotdogs and use two cheese packets. also make the pasta aldente or however you say it

>> No.16018228
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Replace one of the tablespoons of butter with lard or some sort of animal fat.

Top fucking tier.

>> No.16018254

I just replace the milk with heavy cream.

>> No.16018339

normally i'd say salt and pepper, but if you haven''t tried sauce first then pasta (and vice versa) then try different butter.

>> No.16018353

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.16019420

>add pineapple slices

>> No.16019422

i fucking hate my country because of people like---gt5bj