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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 565 KB, 578x479, mspaint_YE1h66OOK2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16011576 No.16011576[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what kind of asshole bakes their own bread?

>> No.16011587

How dare you, sir.

>> No.16011592

think about it, what a waste of time and energy, just buy it at the bakery asshole.

>> No.16011596

Someone who doesn't want the gubmint to bake it for you, OCASIO-CORTEZ

>> No.16011604

How double dog dare you.

>> No.16011606

It's not real bread. It's air-and-additive cake.

>> No.16011613

The jew fears the indoor baker.

>> No.16011618
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I made this paper years ago but Ocasio-Cortez is doing this face exactly

>> No.16011622


>> No.16011668

Why can't there be a bread machine for like a half pound or even quarter pound loaf?
I got one as a gift and it was great, except it only did 1.5 pound and 2 pound loaves.
Now it's just sitting in a cupboard because I don't need that much fucking bread.

>> No.16011669

what other pepsi's have you invented?

>> No.16011674

Have you designed any new peppers, by chance?

>> No.16011677

this is the exact point of the OP. thank you for corroborating.

>> No.16011687
File: 50 KB, 600x600, McFuckingHadIt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, OP.

>> No.16011704

It's simple. Baking bread is an enjoyable and rewarding experience for many people.
Who cares if you're a little inefficient when you're having a good time making something as good as a nice sourdough loaf of bread?

>> No.16011712

fuck off big bakery, I'm not buying your kike bread with added african sperm

>> No.16011795

Baking is fun though.
And eating being able to enjoy the fruits of your labor is very satisfying.

>> No.16011808

they don't cover problem solving in schools anymore huh?

>> No.16011828

I do but man people here are fucking assholes on here if you aren't a baking artisan.

>> No.16011837

Oh yeah, I should just saw the fucking thing in half.

>> No.16011860
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Just this one but I don't really even like it

>> No.16011930

A baker

>> No.16011948

I hate this dumb slut.

>> No.16012455
File: 25 KB, 460x276, 1592014038808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Break bulk problem was always resolved by sharing and distributing. There was no quarter pound pig back in the day either. Participating in activity and exchange of material, as simple as eat together, the social bound between individual is formed.
Anyway japanese got a lot of small appliances all the way for single person use. Not sure where a westerners can get them.

>> No.16012466

How does no-knead bread work?

>> No.16012479

me too I'd still fuck her though

>> No.16012600

slap and fold.
kinetic violence of tossing and slapping actually good and ez.

>> No.16012612

>someone's baking a loaf and it smells like sourdough

>> No.16012642

That sounds like kneading

>> No.16012643

There are no bakeries near me that serve b read. They only serve shit like cupcakes and cakes. Apparently the pleb faggots in my city don't appreciate a freshly baked loaf of bread.

>> No.16012662

Typical kneading is like pushing the dough out using the bottom of your arm. Surrender monkey did this by lift the dough up and slap it back to the counter, no push on the dough.
my way of doing it is more like swinging a sock onto the table or tossing the baseball back to the bowl on my hand. Any strike works. I also heard people just use a stick to beat the dough as well.

>> No.16012666

They are replaced by the factory "breads" in grocery stores. Ted was right.

>> No.16012682
File: 53 KB, 500x667, 2a5b750f544f8f360c8808b6a922b9e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have my bread baked at my local neighborhood ralphs and i'm finally not ashamed to say that i LOVE it. great customer service, great prices.

>> No.16012710
File: 24 KB, 150x110, 20210000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bakes their own bread
Sir, I am the baker at the bakery

>> No.16012781

Bread is gay. You could totally eat something more nutritious. It's like a more savory cake. It should be minimalized at best. AKA FILLER

>> No.16012800

You have no other choice if you live in America.