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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16010209 No.16010209 [Reply] [Original]

What do woman eat?
How do I impress them?

>> No.16010214

Big cock

>> No.16010217

Pussy if there lesbean

>> No.16010222

Not by cooking them burned shit that for sure.

>> No.16010224

>What do woman eat?

>> No.16010230

Pasta. That's all I do for women and they're like it's so good, you're cooking for me that so sweet
Why would you even want to impress anyone? Just be yourself otherwise you'll look like a pretentious tryhard

>> No.16010237

well it's an apple pie, is that good enough?
Or do they need mystery corn syrup radioactive coloring chemicals jelly stuff thing?

>> No.16010246

are you 6 foot 8 or something

>> No.16010247

All women love sweets. I've seen their eyes glow as soon as dessert time arrives. Any dessert or sweet will do.

>> No.16010255

This is the most incel thread I've seen in a while. If you have someone in mind, have you considered asking HER what she likes? Dipshit.

>> No.16010264

>thinking woman know what they want

>> No.16010289

Free advice: women like men who take charge. You don't have to be brute with women, but they enjoy being guided, much like children or pets do. Take in consideration her preferences, for sure, if she likes sushi, take her for sushi sometimes, but YOU pick, not her.

>> No.16010561

So that thewy get that fat ass, but then after have baby they keep eat and keep eat. Before you know you are married to some whale creature that only speaks in chocolate and ice cream languages. And you yearn for something else, something less landwhale. But this is life anon. This is the way it was meant. Top off the cream in that landwhale and get back to work.

>> No.16010570

women eat like shit and it disgusts me

>> No.16010575
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>some whale creature that only speaks in chocolate and ice cream languages

>> No.16010581


>> No.16010829

Fettuccine alfredo. Shrimp. Anything with cream cheese or chocolate for dessert.

>> No.16010871

Depends on the girl:
She eats everything
Italian or japanese
> Athletic
High protein, smoothies, salads or vegan shit

>> No.16010897

Lots of silly carbs

>> No.16010904


>> No.16010915

Yes the way to get laid is to never learn anything and approach each woman like she's the first one you've ever met, totally.

>> No.16011026
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>> No.16011487
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Ask them what they like.
Did it never occur to you to ask?

>> No.16011520

i can only speak for what one woman eats (your mum) but its my cum (that she eats [becaause i have sex with her]) haha

>> No.16011595


Partially right.

It's not hard to impress a woman if you're willing to put in any effort past tossing noodles in store bought sauce. A good 70 amount of women have been raised on bullshit to where even Tasty recipes could pass as cooking to them.

The key is finding out what's in season and how pretty you can present it, as women eat with their eyes. Have a couple of meal ideas ready to make when the time comes to ask. Always suggest something first, as >>16010289 is unto something. You don't want to look like an idiot when your first suggestion gets shot down.

>> No.16011997

Just pump them full of alcohol m8

>> No.16012298
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Cheese cake
garlic noodles
cordon bleu
mozza sticks
marshmallows stuffed with fresh raspberries and dipped in chocolate.

also clean up your appearance and dress/smell nice.

>> No.16012325

If you wanna cook to impress some easy things that can look nice are spaghetti, shrimp scampi, a nice looking salad with grilled meat and you could bake a bread to go with any of that. You could go to a sushi place you like? ask for an idea of what they like unless they're fat or anachan and then make a choice.

>> No.16012342

bitches love pickles

>> No.16012345
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>How do I impress them?
Be better than the competition, simple as. 90% of people are worthless and apathetic so it’s easy to leapfrog over them.

>> No.16012595
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egg sandwich with mayonnaise, and a slab of cheese on white bread. easy, quick ,and will make their grehlin hormones so they are feeling satisfied , and drowsy

>> No.16012613

this really is the answer though they fucking love pasta

>> No.16012627

Are transwomen the same?
I really want to dominate a mature trans with huge breasts and low hanging balls.

>> No.16012633

I can attest to it, my girlfriend fell in love with me when she saw how much dried pasta I had in my pantry.

>> No.16012644

fat chicks maybe lol

>> No.16012647

C'mon man --basic bitch shit
Pizza, pasta, ravioli, spaghetti, garlic bread, mac n cheese, so on

They hate salads and love the breads

>> No.16012665

What the fuck did I just read?

>> No.16012730

>an egg sandwich for m’lady
Yeah im sure she wants you to feed her farts on bread lmao

>> No.16012777

>you have to eat all the eggs

>> No.16012825


>> No.16012833
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>cheese & garlic on date night

Just no

unless you are doing italian.

>> No.16012838


yeah no.

>> No.16012845

everyone likes curry, everyone likes spaghetti, everyone likes french toast. learn to make those three things.

>> No.16012857

>what would you like to eat tonight
>I don't know, what do you want
>how about x?
>oh I don't know maybe
I've learned that if they don't go out of their way to ask for something specific then I just decide for us because I'm tired of playing that game.

>> No.16012918

anything expensive or can be perceived as expensive or fancy
you're impressing the gender that likes to shop and collect jewelry

>> No.16012943


>> No.16012960


>> No.16012975
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Fettuccine Alfredo with chicken or shrimp is the most basic bitch meal for women.

>> No.16013008
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Made this for the last girl that came round and she loved it.

Then I gave her my toad in her hole. Ya dig?

>> No.16013356


>> No.16013624

your mom seems pretty polite

>> No.16013631

Please leave the blackpilled incel bubble anon. Women will absolutely love any man under 6ft if they're a good cook.

>> No.16013666

My girlfriend loves when I make enchilada soup or shredded chicken salad. Just make some delicious shit dude, it's not that hard.

>> No.16013673

Cringe /pol/poster detected

>> No.16013682

Meh, it can be a bit heavy. It's fine once in a while, but personally I like to do a nice linguine in white wine sauce. Shrimp scampi is another one that's good and light.

>> No.16013697

You're wasting your time. Incels are the biggest crab-in-a-bucket mentality on the internet. They could go to the gym and learn to chat with women in coffee shops and bars if they wanted to. It just takes practice and a bunch of losses is all.
As far as the height thing goes, some will, some won't. Some women only date taller men. The problem is short guys hear one woman say that and think they're all like that.

>> No.16014125


>> No.16014137

If you’re planning to cook for a roastie for a date then I recommend something with lots of chick peas—ideally some Mediterranean dish. Roasties love “exotic” food like that. The best part is all the chick peas will make them uncomfortably gassy so you’ll be possibly enjoying them quiver uncontrollably all night and making some good smells

>> No.16014142

Spit that fucking blackpill right out.

>> No.16014158

Shut up incel. Nobody cares what you imagine women like. Nobody talks like an incel unless they are one.

>> No.16014209

How’s that talking like an incel? I’ve cooked for plenty of girls and know what they like. Many of them follow the same basic formula, unfortunately

>> No.16014225

>You don't have to be brute with women, but they enjoy being guided, much like children or pets do.
Holy based.

>> No.16014500

>What do woman eat?
your soul

>> No.16014954

women probably eat falafels and other stuff i cant spell.

>> No.16014980
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>> No.16015063

Kek. Many such cases.

>> No.16015548

Noodles, chicken, lima beans, dry candies, sour anything, pork fat anything, taters, any kind of fried rice, pb, bitter wine, tiny citrus, and bleu cheese.

>> No.16015655

was this written by a caveman? depends on the woman but even if it is simple but done well with skill they will appreciate. hard to hate a person for attempting to show their best, which really is their best. i think caring about someone without being condescending is impressive.

>> No.16015808

>dry candies
Misread this as dry candles

>> No.16015866

shes a picky eater
High protein, smoothies, salads or vegan shit
general healthy but eats anything

>> No.16015895


>> No.16016126

eat more than them. women love all foods, it's just like sex. you gotta nudge their head a little, like when you're giving them a back/shoulder rub and you start forcing them downward towards their knees?

you live to eat homie. make sure she knows this.

>> No.16016193

that looks like a fasciotomy dude. gross

>> No.16016240

Are you British?

>> No.16016247


>> No.16016254

bitches love salads

>> No.16016288
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>> No.16016300

>What do woman eat?
your money and peace

>> No.16016897

Swedish meatballs is a cool and easy one. I like pairing it with smashed potatoes for a crunchy carb to soak up the sauce.

>> No.16017461

Chicken. Got it. Any good rotisserie/while baked chicken recipes?

>> No.16017498


>> No.16017559


>> No.16017574

lmao how many toothless single moms have taken you back to their doublewides after that banger of a meal?

>> No.16017584

He said women, so no.

>> No.16017615

pasta with garlic and oil, w/ some real parmigianno reggiano atop

>> No.16017659

your type is just as insufferable as the incels faggots. "bro just try bro just go to the gym and join a club bro." these people are beyond help. they have internalized their victimization to such a degree that it defines them. they cannot imagine a life where they are not the perpetually wronged party.