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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16010119 No.16010119 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever dream of opening up your own restaurant? What would it be?

>> No.16010154

Chipotle but Korean bbq ingredients

>> No.16010160
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I wanna sell marinated BBQ chicken at concerts. It would be free of all top 8 allergens so everyone could eat it. Besides vegans cause fuck them.

>> No.16010974

food truck that makes microgreens salads and sells them to upscale office complexes for ripoff prices. profit margins would be insane because i grow my own microgreens.

>> No.16010999

>not including all known allergens

>> No.16011918

I live in a small town without much through traffic.

If I was opening a restaurant, it would either be a sandwich shop or a restaurant with only two or three fixed menu items (probably hamburger, steak, and chicken fried steak) plus a daily special that I can fix really well.

>> No.16012034

I would go out of my way to make it look explicitly vegan, and call everything on the menu what vegans call it (Vegan Burger, Vegan Lasagna, Vegan Pizza, etc) but the twist is that its all actually made with animal products. Vegan isn’t a recognized FDA term so I’d be good legally.

>> No.16012067

Actually sounds like a viable option. The one problem is that upscale office building would have their own food courts and would probably chase a food truck away.

>> No.16012079

That would be an excellent way to have your resto burned down.

>> No.16012080

Fuck no. Working in a restaurant is shitty enough. I can't imagine owning one.

>> No.16012094

A restaurant that specializes in transgendered appeal

>> No.16012097

Beer and french fries.

>> No.16012166
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it'd be a viking or medieval themed mead hall
roaring fire in the corner
wood floors
stone walls
barrels as tables
every night is a jam session of fiddles and tin whistles playing to people singing trad. irish or medieval music

>> No.16012178

I’d be worried if vegans had enough strength in their fingers to light a match

>> No.16012186

Would probably do well. People like themed gimmick stuff plus it's an alternative for people who just want to relax and have a drink instead of the dinner theater niche filled by places like Medieval Times.

>> No.16012195

this exists in my city

>> No.16012203

I own a food truck, menu is just fried chicken and a choice of side, collard greens, mac and cheese, or fries; wife bakes pies for desserts. Sometimes I think I'd like to do a brick and mortar, but I feel like I'd be trading away a lot of freedom. I basically just left town, when the pandemic shit was at its peak last year, sold my grub in places that didn't take it so seriously, and came back to my hometown to find most of the restaurants closed down. Business has been insane, as a result, I probably could buy any of these buildings that used to house restaurants, but I'm afraid that I'll lose all of the money I've made. Then I'd probably have to hire folks, instead of just splitting all the money with my wife.

>> No.16012207


>> No.16012210

Is it popular?

>> No.16012217

I do, basically a replication of a crěperie I worked at when I was around 18. The owners had no idea what they were doing, should've opened in a large town instead of the small town they did. Crěpes and sandwiches with an espresso bar is a great idea, especially for a food truck. It's a pity my boss stopped giving a fuck

>> No.16012308

viking food is actually pretty bad.
add plenty of salt

>> No.16012679

Stay mobile. Just park yourself where you know people are gonna want food. During the pandemic it's a lot better to have the freedom to up and leave if somewhere isn't giving you any business.

>> No.16012681

An authentic taqueria like the ones I visited in Mexico city

>> No.16012685

would be a kickass place to play D&D

>> No.16012792

Im working on opening a bar/lounge in my city. Might not be open until winter or next year

>> No.16013069

Just a hotdog stand by my local skatepark, nothing fancy.

>> No.16013072

Fast casual burger joint

>> No.16013134

Two, twinned. Yoshoku in Brooklyn. Soul food in Nakano or Kichijoji. Any menu item that gets popular, introduce to the other.

>> No.16013296

Nah, I don't dream of being in debt. Maybe if I find some Jew investor.

>> No.16014229

Yea it opened around 2013 and they have several locations now. It's called California gogi

>> No.16014265

Every server in attractive full body wolf costumes. They speak only in awoos, and the chefs are experts in various forms of European cuisine.

>> No.16014269

i dream of opening a restaurant where joggers, gays and trannies are not allowed.

>> No.16015855
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Assembly line style charashizushi bowl place. Centered on take out, wouldn't have more than 5 two tops in the place. Save the money of hiring a trained sushi chef by only doing charashi which could be assembled by anyone. Use that money to stay open late, preferably near last call, and try to get decent seafood and veggies.

No not poke bowls, those are evolving more and more towards leafy green salads FEATURING sushi proteins and toppings, I want these to be big hearty bowls where the fish is the celebrated centerpiece

>> No.16015877

umm not really. it is hard to run a restaurant and honestly chefs have a hard time even managing daily expenditures and their staff gets abuse from locals a lot not to mention best job as a chef is to work for a rich person as a personal chef.

>> No.16015887

You just throw money at it and other people make it work. Imagine you can afford it. These are dreams, not business plans.

>> No.16015907
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I'd really like to open up an okonomiyaki shop. I think offering the standard topping choices, Osaka and Hiroshima styles, and then a few meme hipster bullshit options.
I think it could really be a hit in the US. And it's so delicious.
I guess it'd be easiest as a food truck, but I went to a shop in Kyoto that had rows of two person tables with a griddle in each table, and that seemed like so much fun.

>> No.16016715

not making a restaurant
just a pub
you come here to drink
if you wanna eat, go and get fucked

>> No.16016721

thats the plan
my local has board game nights once a week and D&D nights twice a month.
i'd love to have a bar that looks the part as well.

>> No.16016871

Small place that serves two things a day, no subs. Stuff like cottage pies, eggplant lasagna, salisbury steak, etc. Low overhead/price for home cooked meals. Compete with on between fast food/chilis market due to how simple everything is.

>> No.16016882

How do you manage to serve fresh fried chicken like that?

>> No.16016888

osaka okonomiyaki is so fuckin good

>> No.16016891

A chippy in 'merica. It'd be a hit.

>> No.16016902
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>> No.16017081

nice. how do you even go about opening your own restaurant? what loopholes do you have to jump through?

>> No.16017329
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I'd never want to open a restaurant with the intent to make profit or have to manage having people work it.
But having my own bakery where I just make bread and sell it for the cost of the ingredients would be fun. No deserts or pastries or anything gay like that, just bread. And I'm open when I feel like it. Like once a week I just bake a bunch of bread and sell it for a quarter a loaf. I like baking bread but running a restaurant or business would be a headache.

>> No.16018846

wtf my local would beat the shit of any d&d nerds that walked through the door

>> No.16018882

Barrels make terrible tables

>> No.16018906

Food truck. Sells exclusively things that go well with gravy, and let's you have as much gravy as you want with it. 4 types, a cream sausage gravy, a brown turkey gravy, a vegan mushroom gravy, and a fourth one that rotates every month. You can get fries for some poutine, chicken and mashed potatoes for a classic, biscuits with eggs on the side for breakfast (or any meal really) or if you're a cheap-ass, some toast for SOS.

>> No.16018912

Open up a one slice pizza place in London probably near secondary schools. When I was in school everyone used to rush to the local chippy and get get a small bag of chips for £1.20 but I reckon pizza would do a lot better, and once I have the kids hooked the adults will follow suit easily.

>> No.16018918

Call it something like "momma's kitchen" to reinforce the "what I'm makin' is what you're eatin'" vibe and it might work out.

>> No.16018919

What about rent, equipment, staff, heating, electrics, property tax?

>> No.16018953

No rules mode?
Warm tourist trap--even an island or something tropical
Shirt off; cursing tourists. Charge 10 bucks a plain burger with onions
Bottled ketchup on counter if you want it
Drink: Glass bottled Coke or Sprite...or Vodka on ice

No special options no exceptions
Take it or leave it

>> No.16018987

it's a business like any other venture but with a larger employee pool of immigrants, underage loonies, drugies, prison convicts, burnout whatever and the ocasional normal person. And that's the kitchen alone, not the clients. Big question is, what's your aim ? Have stories to tell while burning money ? You can always join the army for pretty much the same social pool of people you would work with in a restaurant, but for less money. Is it money ? Profits are slim. It's your first venture, so it's more likely to fail regardless. I guess it's better than a IT startup ( 90% failure rate) assuming someone with experience is backing you but do understant you're looking at a lesson in sore whatever you choose.

>> No.16019457

No staff but me.
It'd be when I'm retired and have enough money to not need a profit to pay those other things.

>> No.16019484

Kek also sue them and get reimburced. If they burn down your store you'll be profitting more than selling your food

>> No.16019486

he literally said it's not for profit, retard

>> No.16019491

>make and sell my home made dim sim
>steamed or fried
>3 for $3 or 5 $4
>sauce comes in a little plastic thing - free
>no drinks.
>no vegan options
>not suitable for people with fucking allergies

>> No.16019666

probably 5 item menu for breakfast and 5 item menu for lunch

food comes it is either take it how it comes or fuck off and pay 20 dollars for eggs with box hollandaise on it

>> No.16019671

Also exists in my city with the name of Bibibop

>> No.16019679

places with medieval or viking or what have you themes don't actually sell medieval or viking or what have you food, they sell burgers and fries and chicken wings like everywhere else, they just call em ye olde oxen discus and wings of fowl with dragon fiery sauce

>> No.16019694

I want to move to a small town and just sell half maki rolls

>> No.16019703

>>no drinks.
just get a vending machine so you don't have to deal with it

>> No.16019718

One slice pizza joint

Very small operation

>> No.16019721

Either a breakfast place with my future wife when Im retired or

Casualish restaurant.
Roasted chicken
New york strip
Rib eye
Garlic mash
Rice pilof
Spinach salad
Romaine salad
Potatoe leek soup
Sausage kale soup

Idk what to do for desert but all of those things are my favorite things to cook

>> No.16019726

>serves pepperoni as a topping
so you're a pedo?

>> No.16019738

a restaurant that just sells french fries in a metropolitan center

>> No.16019740

Cute little coffee shop with stage night and protein filled menu

>> No.16019963

If your state uses Castle law this would be perfect to weed out those vermins, load your shotgun

>> No.16019985

Just go with medieval fantasy and come up with your own menu based on both modern and medieval era food, make it more authentic by having a couple of rooms to rent and call it a Tavern

>> No.16020007

Probably a small caffe or a food truck that sells my favorite dishes from around the world made at said caffe or food truck and not pre packed garbage.

>> No.16020288

I just want a either a simple burger joint by the lakeside or a little coffee shop with a drive thru in my small town. Nothing too hardcore. Maybe a little food truck for local carnivals and such.

>> No.16020301

tiny little bbq window near a park. 3 bemployees at a time max. no seating

>> No.16020320

A good food truck will always be better than most restaurants with horrible orange and yellow neon lights

>> No.16021063

>3 bemployees at a time max. no seating

Around here, you would have to provide a restroom for your customers.

>> No.16021071

>places with medieval or viking or what have you themes don't actually sell medieval or viking or what have you food,

No lutefisk burgers?

>> No.16021302

>go well with gravy
>4 types of gravy
You make my Norf England soul very happy.