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16002124 No.16002124 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I developed a fish allergy as an adult
How the hell is this even possible? I'm 31.and have been eating salmon since I was a teen, all of a sudden salmon betrays me. As far as I can tell it's just fish, not shellfish, but still, this is annoying.

>> No.16002148

Wow my sister is the same I thought it was all in her head but guess that's really a thing. It sucks because it hinders events where the family wants to eat fish but can't due to the smell making her sick. I'm sorry bro.

>> No.16002173

all good things must come to an end

>> No.16002179

>How the hell is this even possible?
Allergies can develop at any time, the immune system is retarded like that.

>> No.16002191

What does this allergy do to you? Like do you get a rash, can't breathe, shit smelly? Sounds to me like you just don't love salmon enough and that's why you're being punished.

>> No.16002559

if you're lucky the allergy will go away like it did with shellfish for me and you can go back to eating fish in a year or two

>> No.16002697


Did you get the vaccine

>> No.16002847

I developed an allergy to a lot of fruits. It's very mild but still annoying. Supposedly they can just go away as easily. No one really knows at this point.

>> No.16003670

I could still breathe thankfully but my mouth and throat were all warm and itchy. Not a pleasant experience.

>> No.16005078

there’s a huge overlap between fish allergy development and semen allergy development, esp when you hit 30+,
how do you react when the boyfriend blows a load in you?

>> No.16005820

Men develop allergies in their youth, 30 and 50s. Go get prick tested by an allergist. You might have like 30 or so underlying allergies you never knew about and even if you don’t want treatment knowing can improve your life especially if you have bowel distress. If you treat an allergy with shots your chances of developing new allergies goes down dramatically but it’s a huge time commitment.
t. Genetic deadend

>> No.16005829

*single tear runs down cheek*

>> No.16006937

I think it's better not to know, you'll start avoiding stuff that you might only be marginally allergic to.

I just figured out i have an allergy to the nickel in my belt that i wore for 2 years after it suddenly gave me a horrible itchy rash that seeped fluid.

>> No.16007281

Shit bro, that sucks. I’m really sorry

>> No.16007523

Repeated unmitigated exposure can sometimes worsen the allergy. Even if you think exposure will improve your allergy, controlled exposure is better and you'll know what to avoid for important meals where you don't want to start hyperventilating at the table or getting diarrhoea.

>> No.16007570
File: 88 KB, 500x637, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god... i really am gonna be here forever...

>> No.16007609

Yeah they told me I’m allergic to beef and lamb but I’m not stopping. Things like sesame though can be avoided pretty easily or at least when my gf cooks Chinese I know why I’m shitting water

>> No.16007628

Fun fact: Your eyes have their own immunesystem, and is separated from the rest of the system. At any point of time can your body decide it no long like your eyes and have your immunesystem attack them.

>> No.16007639
File: 243 KB, 500x320, 1615001567137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't count the amount of times i wish my immune system would just go to war with my eyeballs

>> No.16007643

you know who else can't imagine the smell...?