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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16000732 No.16000732 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is going on with Taco Bell these days? This is supposed to be their dollar menu. Yeah, they call it the, “value menu”, but everything is advertised as being $1, and I don't live in fucking soho. I get slightly better prices because I order ahead off the app – like a normal person. But holy shit, the last couple of nights the app wouldn’t even let me add “grilled” to anything. And that was at two (2) different locations. I pulled into the drive through with Maybe five cars ahead of me and spent over 20 minutes before I got my food tonight. (I literally drained the car flask.) I know everyone is shorthanded, and zoomers are lazy as shit, but god damn, I’ve never had such a terrible experience.

>> No.16000738

Inflation was going to kill off dollar menus in a decade or two anyway, retard. Google what a nickelodeon is and be awed at how things used to be cheap back in the day.

>> No.16000739


>> No.16000740
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everythings 1 dollar where i live. sucks to be you i guess.

>> No.16000743

whoops, wrong board meant to post on >>>/r9k/
also, I'm gay if that helps

>> No.16000768

Don't forget to drink some water before bed, anon. You've clearly had too much to drink.

>> No.16000812

>google what a nickelodeon is and be awed at how things used to be cheap back in the day
I'm not even that old, but I could buy a piece of candy from the candy shop for a nickel when I was in elementary school. When I was in undergrad there was literally a nickel arcade a few blocks away. Things have changed a lot recently, and just pretending like it's inflation is disingenuous.

>> No.16000815

US economy a fuck property a fuck rates a fuck inflation a fuck dollar menu a fuck somethings gonna happen soon I can feel it that's all

>> No.16000827

Welcome to raising the minimum wage to $15 so the people inside the Taco Bell (who are at minimum staff due to “COVID” and to cut costs) can get a “living wage” for a “nice” property in SoCal that costs 4x the worth of the flimsy building on top of it

>> No.16000982

>cinnamon twists aren't the least expensive item
This is how you know they're fucking you.

>> No.16001000


An uncle of mine used to buy a box of .22 ammo (50 cartridges) when he was a boy for a dime.

I used to get a nickle coke, but that was from a farm implement dealer who kept the machine there as an advertising gimmick for his customers who were there spending thousands on tractor repairs and many tens of thousands on new tractors.

>> No.16001030

i just don't understand why they would get rid of some of the best items
>potato grillers
>shredded chicken

>> No.16001047

That's a franchise location, corporate ones are $1

>> No.16001152

They're all franchises.

>> No.16001175


>> No.16001195
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Back in the good ol days, adjusted for inflation, the same fast food workers made more than what 15$/hr in today's money. You literally took the jewish bait. Look into the federal reserve, friend-o.

>> No.16001204
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>the jewish bait
What the fuck does that even mean? The Jews are the ones trying to raise the minimum wage.

>> No.16001216

Bernie is controlled opposition to the jewish financial elite. Fed reserve is a zionist institution, they dont care about people like us, it's all about sucking this country dry to send money to israel

>> No.16001234
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The only people that eat at Taco Bell are rural and suburban retards. City Chicanos all eat at Taco Cabana.

>> No.16001790

It's a (((plot))) to demoralize the white man and diminish his spiritual vitality.

>> No.16001799

Why did they get rid of the seven layer burrito bros?

>> No.16001808
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>the jews are doing THIS
>no the jews are doing THAT

>> No.16001821


>> No.16001868

You used to roll your eyes at grandpa for reminiscing about 20 cent hamburgers. Now you will live to see $150 hamburgers, and when you tell your transgender grandchildren about how hamburgers used to cost $5, they will report you to the thought police and you will be taken out back into a grinder where your body will be blended in with soy beans and salt water, to be served on a gluten free bun.

>> No.16001885

Chipotle chicken melt is delish

>> No.16001989


>> No.16002622

i don't order off the dollar menu because i'm not poor
the sheer number of you poorfags obsessed with dollar menus always astounds me

>> No.16002705

It's 1$ for me. Stop living in a shithole

>> No.16002746

It has nothing to do with being poor. If you're paying $8 for a meal at a fucking fast food place you might as well just go to a real restaurant. You're the one with poor taste eating at fast food in the first place without just taking advantage of the loss leaders when you've been drinking.

>> No.16002913

i never get dollar store prices at taco bell their menu is like 11-13 dollars every time i go.

>> No.16002961

>hurr durr hurp a derp shlurp
>boy am I fucking retarded

Inflation used to be a non-issue and wages were fair before socialist defectors within the US government had instituted enough social programs to
A) massively lower the effectiveness/efficiency of the US gov
B) throw all available funds into the dumpster fire of American Nigger Welfare
C) turn whites into minority via a multi-pronged propaganda war (convince whites having babies is bad for the environment and convince blacks you’ll give them more money if they have more babies)
D) create a race-war-dichotomy in a similar way
E) ignore all prevalent and serious problems the world faces in favor of jerking off over trite, cultural non-issues that the government really has no business in

>> No.16003103

Why do Amerifats care so much about Taco Bell? It's garbage fast food.

>> No.16003184

Our country has a drinking problem and Taco Bell scratches that shitty food while wasted itch.

>> No.16003530


>> No.16003560
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Never forget

>> No.16003569

>zoomers are lazy as shit
And you can't even be assed to cook your own meal.

>> No.16003572
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>> No.16004064

The one thing has nothing to do with the other.

>> No.16004621

>boy am I fucking retarded
At least you are honest

>> No.16004660
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>> No.16004676

I stopped going to taco bell years ago. Without the 89 cent 5 layer burritos there's nothing for me there. These days if I'm getting fast food it's probably Popeyes or Whataburger.

>> No.16004680
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>> No.16004695

Median is supposed to mean the value halfway between the lowest value and the highest value, but people keep using it as a synonym for "average." It is considered an accepted usage, but muddling lamguage is uncool in my booms.

>> No.16004705

Prices in Tokyo are jaw dropping retarded

>> No.16004707

I understand you have an axe to grind but the image posted never claims median = mean

>> No.16004708

it still doesnt say what you think it says retard. prices are increasing and wages arent.

>> No.16004712

big shocker, retards don't even know what they're whining about

>> No.16004717

I know. I'm saying I don't know which one it means.

>> No.16004732

Retard alert.

>> No.16004733
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oooh mr fancypants

>> No.16005237

I have no idea why people keep saying they got rid of the quesarito.

>> No.16005295

poor fags always complaining
Anyways Cheesy gordita crunch is Goat

>> No.16005514

This graph is representative of Californian/New York housing and not the country as a whole. Blanketing the entire country into forced inflation with a tremendous minimum wage rather than tackling the problems of greedy housing practices in high demand regions is stupid.
There are also serious flaws with the idea of creating gargantuan cities of infrastructural hell and inflating demand endlessly by letting population density spiral out of control.

>> No.16005887

I'm more amazed at the audacity of charging more than a dollar for the cheesy roll-up. That's literally made as a snack for a 4 year old who wont shut up in the back seat.

>> No.16005986

dear m*llen*aloid,

i am not downloading an app on my phone just so i can order a burrito with cheese wrapped around it.

nor will i be downloading any app to order any other items.

back in my day we walked up to the counter, ordered our shit, payed with the loose money in our pockets, and our shit was ready in less than 60 seconds


>> No.16005999

And people said OP was poor. This guy can't even afford a phone.

>> No.16006482

the chicken chipo melt is fucking disgusting compared to the glory of what the shredded chicken quesadilla melt used to be.

>> No.16006505
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I had a case dorito last night and it was disgusting. It tasted like disappointment.

>> No.16006535
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never met someone who couldnt afford to use google kek

>> No.16006618
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you can order on the web too.

>> No.16006621

is it just on the app? i don't use apps for fast food i literally just drive up. why would i ever go through such an active process for fast food?

>> No.16006782

Because it's faster and easier.

>> No.16007843


I live in neither of those places, Idaho is currently getting absolutely shafted in housing prices. The market is going completely insane.

>> No.16008479

min wage is $15 where I live and all the dollar menu items are a dollar. They are at minimum staff now but not because of corona but because no one wants to work

>> No.16008486

i used to like the chips and cheese but damn they give you barely any chips now

>> No.16008536

Every state that is the Colorado of 2020’s is getting invaded by Californians escaping the economic death penalty that California has become
They’re literally economic refugees, they don’t understand fair housing prices, and they have at least twice as much money as the native Idahoans. The market is going crazy because (((greedy))) housing practices are making their way into your market from other states where this type of housing market has existed for about 20-30 years now.

Where do you live then? You don’t have that many options and I’m pretty sure you’re a lying retard.

>> No.16008549

>everything is advertised as a dollar
actually, looks like only one item on that menu is advertised as a dollar. are you retarded?

>> No.16008564

I live on long island ny

>> No.16008565

>asking yourself a question
Yes you’re retarded because you’re obviously some foreign poorfag who hasn’t seen Taco Bell commercials. Even worse, thou couldst be a flyover.

>> No.16008567 [DELETED] 

Gross. Not only are you a liar, but you’re poor and a nigger.
Cut your cock off and you’ll hit the trifecta. An hero on livestream and make the world a better place.

>> No.16008573
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>> No.16008584 [DELETED] 
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>poorfag menu

>> No.16008595


>> No.16008732

And yet: In 1886, a bottle of Coke cost a nickel. It was also a nickel in 1900, 1915 and 1930. In fact, 70 years after the first Coke was sold, you could still buy a bottle for a nickel.

>> No.16008749

>Things have changed a lot recently, and just pretending like it's inflation is disingenuous.
It is literally inflation dumbass. That's the definition of it.
Most people overestimate inflation short-term but underestimate it long-term. So if you're not a zoomie there's no reason to be surprised that things are much more expensive than when you were a kid.

>> No.16008759

That's because at the time the dollar was pegged to gold price, keeping inflation under control.
Then after WWII, the US government realized that printing money without limits would yield them immense power, and they dropped gold convertibility. Of course it will fuck future generation immensely, and they knew it. But they will be dead when shit will hit the fan so they don't really care, this is typical Boomer mentality.

>> No.16008851
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>> No.16009273

The Chipotle chicken melt is pretty good

>> No.16010149

Imagine being so much of a poorfag that you can't spend an extra 10 cents on a burger so some 20 year old doesn't have to be homeless.

Lmao kill yourself.

>> No.16010273

There's so much projection here I don't even.

>> No.16010287

(this is what polcels actually believe)