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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 549 KB, 860x460, 860_bugs_can_be_grub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16000928 No.16000928[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Protip: you cant

>> No.16000934

Pure protein isolate

>> No.16000936

based. came here to write this

>> No.16000946


>> No.16001108

Literally anything else.
"Eat the bugs" is a jewish psyop.

>> No.16001113

If it was a Jewish psyop then it would be working better. This is probably some shitty Chinese psyop.

>> No.16001117

Shitty bait friend

>> No.16001133

Of all the psyops they're running, they know this one will be the trickiest.
But it is definitely their doing.

>> No.16001138

>muh da joos
>cant name a better source
take meds now

>> No.16001144

OP BTFO FPBP /thread

>> No.16001151

I did name a better source.
Learn to read, you fucking nigger.

>> No.16001157

You will eat the bugs eventually. Mark my words.

>> No.16001158


>> No.16001166

They taste nutty

>> No.16001170
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>I will eat the bugs

>> No.16001174
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>> No.16001188

The indigestible chitin and shit reduces the bioavailablity of their protein. Literally anything else is better than this non-food.
Fuck the mods for not deleting this off-topic trollshit.

>> No.16001193

Bro bugs are one the best source of protein pound for pound. You cant deboonk this

>> No.16001200

this is the only correct answer

>> No.16001211

Good point. I need to keep buying expensive powders to get enough protein to build enough muscle for women to like me. Thanks for the reminder.

>> No.16001215

Glad I can survive off more than just protein then. I'm not lacking for it anyway and of people gabe a shit about macros at all the food industry would be totally different

>> No.16001217
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Eat the bugs , live in the pod.
You will own nothing, you will be happy.

>> No.16001218

>Protein powders
Maybe of you're buying "megamax Fatman bulk 3000 with added flavours and nutrition designed for maximum gainz" from a retail shop like a retard.

>> No.16001224

>he doesnt exclusively used Pure-Product(tm) WPI

>> No.16001226

>You will own nothing, you will be happy.
I don't know how they're going to make me happy, my guess is they'll just change the meaning of the word instead of doing anything positive.
I already don't own anything.

>> No.16001231

Or any of the others for that matter. You need way less protein than your "bros" convinced you, by the way. Most of it goes to waste, even if you work out "like a mad man."

>> No.16001236

How many grams of protein do you eat a day?

>> No.16001241
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>> No.16001246

Okay, we can make an exception for Pure-Product(tm) Mass gainer.

>> No.16001249

Dunno. All I know is that I've beaten two gym junkies twice my volume in physical fights and did it so easily that I'm scared I might accidentally kill the next one.

>> No.16001250

I actually tricked you, it's just creatine
I eat meat and drink milk for most of my protein

>> No.16001255

>things that never happened
Kek based

>> No.16001385


>> No.16001485

>t. jew

>> No.16001498

how do you define better? more flavorful sources, almost all of them, more sustainable, next to none of them.

>> No.16001521

Any mammalian or avian meat.
The misconception of insects being high in protein comes from equating chitin to kreatin. Humans can digest neither, making insects a good 90% indigestible.

>> No.16001537 [DELETED] 

I refuse to eat bugs on the basis that for years I've been seeing ads telling me to donate to niggers in Africa so they wouldn't have to eat bugs.
Now there's so god damn many of them that the world is running out of resources and instead of no longer sending money there and just letting them halt or even reverse their technological progress for some reason I'm supposed to start eating bugs? Fuck that.

>> No.16001675

hey schlomo shekelberg goldstein. did you not suck enough foreskins today? or why are you so grumpy?

>> No.16001794


>> No.16001805
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>> No.16001991 [DELETED] 
File: 571 KB, 686x720, soy jump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take meds now

>> No.16001995

ok go drink semen

>> No.16002145

meat? the fuck am i gonna get out of eating crickets and shit. spare me your nerd shit just explain how getting some gangly gross fuckin bug legs stuck in my teeth is better than taking a big bite of chicken or lamb? lol bugs....are we frogs all of a sudden? bugs...fucking stupid.

>> No.16002676

ask your mum, she will say cum

>> No.16003013

In your case, your boyfriend's cum.

>> No.16003053

>gay agenda
Nice try this is also a Jew psyop

>> No.16003089

But anon you're missing all the dirt and bug poo that you'll be missing too! Think of all the microbial gunk you're missing out on!

>> No.16003296


Soy protein isolate

>> No.16003956
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 1615289315964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggs, poultry

>> No.16004143

the absolute state of OP

>> No.16004162

denatured crap

>> No.16004215

That's not the source, though.

>> No.16004530

you will eat the bugs goy

>> No.16004539

lol i will never eat the bugs

you time will come shlomo

>> No.16004545


>> No.16004670

I have eaten some bugs.

fried cicada is to fried shrimp as crawdads are to lobster.

Crickets have a peanut flavor.

Meal worms are good(like chicken) but weird to look at.

Shield bugs are not good.(stinkbugs)

Grasshoppers are ok. Like zesty crickets.

spiders are like flavorless shrimp. So use some salt.

Beetles are some crunchy motherfuckers, but the taste isnt bad with most. 99% of all hard shelled beetles are edible. Useful information to some.

>> No.16004689

I cannot wait for cicada season this year bros.

>> No.16004742

you gonna lick its ass? DO IT

>> No.16004755


>> No.16005158

ausfag femboy?

>> No.16005306

For me, it's the XXL pod

>> No.16005365

My cock

>> No.16005384

Something I will willingly eat that contains protons

>> No.16005386
File: 92 KB, 853x800, BB775354-72FD-42EC-9EC7-5FFB2C4F7849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good goy. Do you also live in a pod, own nothing, and are you happy?

>> No.16005521

Have you ever tried the bugs?

>> No.16005561

A New York Strip steak.

>> No.16005661

>closeted gaylord prefers semen
>no u gay
it's 2021 you can come out now

>> No.16005684


>> No.16005746

Having kept an aquarium of crickets to feed my terrarium, there is no way in hell I'm ever eating crickets. They shit all over the place and shit when the lizards bite them. And stink.

>> No.16005756

ill take the intimacy simulation unit
i already only work and browse 4chan at least i can pretend i have someone for just a few minutes

>> No.16005761

I would take bugs over the tranny beans

>> No.16005764

a gallon of horse semen

>> No.16005767

You know they're just getting you used to the taste goy.

>> No.16005773

Oh, god the fucking smell. I'm more than willing to pay the pet store jew than dealing with that shit ever.

>> No.16005785
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Ill stick to my cake fattened poultry.

>> No.16005792
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>> No.16005879

legumes like soy and veg yeast are infintely better and healthier

>> No.16005897

Enjoy your man bobs

>> No.16006115
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>> No.16006145

OP folded

>> No.16006154

why in all of these lame future worlds are you never engaged?
is everyone just a ryan gosling insert wannabe

>> No.16006164

No, I just cant argue against the fpbp. So name a better source OTHER THAN Pure-Product WPI.

>> No.16006174
File: 97 KB, 410x324, 1617078868745.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, I just cant argue against the fpbp.
>So name a better source OTHER THAN Pure-Product WPI.

>> No.16006183

What about bulk nutrients?

>> No.16006757

Bugs beat b*lk every single time

>> No.16006764

fpwp. That isolate still needs a source. It wasn't conjured out of thin air.

>> No.16006788

God I wish I was that bug. Imagine sliding between her lips, roughly being pulled across her teeth as she sucks on you a bit like candy. Pushes you against the roof of her mouth, breaking your legs and bringing you to the brink of death, maybe even giggling as she feels you struggling inside her moist, warm mouth. Without even giving you the mercy of a somewhat swift death, she swallows you whole and lets you boil to death in her stomach. God damn my dick is hard.

>> No.16006789

Bugs don't come from thin air either

>> No.16006800

It tastes good therefore it is better

>> No.16006808

Yeah, they come from their parent bugs.

>> No.16006819


>> No.16006993

Pig is the best one, I reckon.