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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15988381 No.15988381 [Reply] [Original]

So australian and canadian and alaskan bros, since these are about to be the prices we are going to see all across the US how do we survive on these prices? What are your shopping trips like?

>> No.15988387

Such awesome photoshop.
Such fresh thread.

>> No.15988390

Dude I genuinely want to know so I can be prepared

>> No.15988397

People who work in the remote areas where those prices are tend not to be the type to post here. Take your stale memes back to Redd/int/.

>> No.15989695

produce is dirt fukken cheap in Australia cunt
dunno what you're on about.
fruit, milk, bread, veg, sausages and wine are cheap as piss in Aus.
you're thinking of New Zealand.

the only times that food gets expensive in Australia is if a cyclone or a hailstorm destroys an important farm.
like back when Cyclone Yassi destroyed the year's banana crops, so bananas went from like 30c a bunch up to $20 a bunch.
or the year that a hailstorm destroyed all 4 of our orange/citrus farms, making juice cost about the same price as OP pic.

We farm on a completely larger and different scale than you cunts do, but the issue we have is only very certain areas have enough rainfall for certain crops so we have situations like "all of the country's tomatoes are grown in one valley on a farm the size of Belgium"

You want expensive?
Try buying prawns (ie: shrimp) around Xmas and get ready to wait in line 3 hours to pay $35/kg

>> No.15989718

Ok now the shitposts are out of the way.
Grow your own veggies cunt.
Even if you live in a shitty cityfag cucked apartment with no backyard you can still grow some of your own shit, cunt.

Depends on your climate, but where I live tomatoes, potatoes, cherry tomatoes, chillies, watermelons, cabbage and butternut pumpkins grow like absolute madcunts.
I ended up killing off and throwing away my cherry tomato bush because it was literally filling a plastic shopping bag DAILY when it was harvest time.
Same with the chillies, couldnt get rid of the cunts fast enough and half of my street got sick of me giving the bastards away.

I lose money growing my watermelons and potatoes and I stopped growing pineapple (cuz of how cheap they are at the supermarket). Not uncommon to get watermelon for 30c a kilo here.
Used to grow plums and passionfruit too but those died and i couldnt be assed re-planting them.

Hardest part is meat, but if you have your gun license there's nothing stopping you from turning an annual camping trip with the boys into loading your freezer with a year's worth of deer, goat and kangaroo meat.
Most local country butchers will carve up your kill for you for real cheap if you let them have some choice cuts for themselves.
Also fishing. Fish is fukken expensive in Australia but literally any cunt can catch some fish if there's ocean nearby.

Bread is piss easy to make and once you start making your own you realise how much of a waste it is buying that awful shit at the shops.

Unironically the most expensive thing I buy on the regular is coffee, which even freeze-dried instant shit is retardedly expensive (like $16 a jar).
Tea is cheap though as is wine. $9 for a gallon of wine, cant go wrong.
Hard liquor sucks so I save that for special occasions.
Home brewing your own beer is the way to go, cuz fuck dropping a few hundred a week on the liquid jew.

>> No.15989723

shit's dirt cheap in Australia once you realise that minimum wage here puts you on $40k/year.
Tradies and Construction workers literally get paid fukken $80/hour to hold a shovel and smoke cigarettes all day.
Mate's an electrician and charges $170/hour.

>> No.15989745

If you want to piss away your money in Australia or NZ, buy...
>hard liquor (minimum $40 a bottle for ass piss, closer to $70 for good shit)
>go to nightclubs (enjoy paying $40 entry to pay $15 for bottled Heinekens)
>cigarettes (almost $60 a pack)
>weed (minimum $25 a g for shitty outdoor bushweed)
>hard drugs (coke and MDMA will set you back minimum $300 and it'll be half cut with washing powder)
>petrol (gas is $9/gallon in NZ or outback Australia)
>a house (average house price in NZ is $830k now)

>> No.15990014

Just want to point out we're not all like these people. Embarrassing.

>> No.15990018

i only buy fresh produce on sale and canned or jarred foods...........

>> No.15990022

>prawns $35/kg
Those Aussiedollars? Because that's only like US$12.25/lb... which isn't wholly unreasonable, honestly.
(If that's burgerdollars, to hell with my family - we're making a new tradition this year, and having christmas quiche and homemade vegetable soup.)

>> No.15990026

for some reason (ie: due to clever marketing tricks) aussies now associate Xmas with buying a few kg of shrimp, just like how the Japs associate it with KFC.
so Xmas morning lots of dumbcunts line up for hours in the 40 degree heat to buy prawns because "bro we GOTTA get some fresh prawns for chrissie, bro"
compared to getting 2kg of sausages for $8

>> No.15990031
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melbourne hipster detected

>> No.15990039

>fresh prawns for chrissie
Especially considering all the shrimp boats I can think of freeze the catch onboard, and if it's 104 degrees out, they'll thaw.