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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 184 KB, 626x389, Screenshot_20210422-232826_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15986852 No.15986852 [Reply] [Original]

If any of you have ever wanted to know what kind of food us bongs use to kill ourselves with, this channel is extremely relevant

>> No.15986856

Yo bong, is it true the northern part of England put more milk in their tea ? What do you think about that

>> No.15986870

I hate britshit people so much, I can't tell you how overcome with joy I am to know that you are all killing yourselves slowly by eating fried dog shit and falafals.

>> No.15986911

I think it varies a lot from person to person. Northerners are more likely to want their tea strong I would say, but also more likely to load it with milk and sugar as respite from their miserable existence

>> No.15986918

I'm glad you're happy anon, you seem like a positive guy so you deserve it

>> No.15986920

we've had smack barn pea wet from Wigan threads and now English breakfasts on the terrace streets of Bolton

Just need a Bury video now

>> No.15986936

I don't like that you are advertising this YouTube channel but the bloke seems nice so I'll give him a chance.

>> No.15986950

i wish i could live and die in rural northern england

>> No.15986984

used to live in farnworth. Not the comfiest of places tbqh.

>> No.15987036

there's not that much stopping you

>> No.15987041

He says love a whole lot, to a point where it feels unnatural. We get it bud, you want to push the local parlance angle a little and there's nothing wrong with that eh, but you don't have to sound like a parody of yourself.

>> No.15987043

which part?

>> No.15987046

shut the fuck up pointdexter

>> No.15987054

fookin lush, mate

>> No.15987058

if he really wanted to parody himself he'd use the word duck instead

>> No.15987066

blinking mint that

>> No.15987070

the grayest and rainiest you have

>> No.15987074

make me faggot

>> No.15987119

based taste in climate

>> No.15987163
File: 19 KB, 550x322, sausage supper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloody love Northern Cuisine, The Scottish are the best in Europe for deep frying anything, although the Mars Bar is a tourist trap.

>> No.15987205

This guy is like the British version of Bob from Food Dip

>> No.15987229

The countryside in England is dead. There's no politicians or representatives who stands up for us or cares about us anymore. Move to Ireland. They have elected politicians who will openly talk about fairies and shit during parliamentary meetings.

>> No.15987247

Move to Ireland.
pass, they seem like a bunch of smug progressives.

>> No.15987371

Idk where you get this idea from, considering the UK is progressives on crack. You don't see Ireland having to cover up it's statues and renaming their universities.

>> No.15988427

What a miserable existence. It makes me shudder.

>> No.15988455

They can't because the fairies will initiate another wild hunt to punish the humans if they do

>> No.15989775

you're thinking of Scotland

>> No.15989784

same here

>> No.15989872

Same, it's pretty much the the bong equivalent of a mutt soyboy getting excited about the new corporate product dismissing their own shit life just to consume

>> No.15989900

Same, as a northern anglo I just hate northern anglos so much. I wish so badly a nuke would be dropped on Bolton and obliterate all these fat disgusting no dignity pigs.

>> No.15989908

Neither bong nor mutt soyboy but I was like this as well, up until the age of 26. Thinking back, it honestly scares me. Both how I used to be as well as to think that dozens of millions of people still are like this worldwide.

>> No.15989915

I am a middle class home counties Briton. Please do not ever associate me with you ever again.
That said, while we have bad food we have worse people.
You're welcome to it. We have a phrase though -- "it's grim up north".
I'll never get over how fucking weird 4chan's political overton window is. You'd never see anyone IRL saying the UK is progressive af but on 4chan if you don't want a slave trader's statue in your town square and instead want it in a museum you're a progressive.

>> No.15989918

while you have bad food* lol

>> No.15989920

But the UK is progressive as fuck. Your next PM will even be an Obama tier Pajeet.

>> No.15989922

>I'll never get over how fucking weird 4chan's political overton window is. You'd never see anyone IRL saying the UK is progressive af but on 4chan if you don't want a slave trader's statue in your town square and instead want it in a museum you're a progressive.
No, then you're a n that belongs to Africa.

>> No.15989923

Would you say the US is progressive af seeing as they literally had an actual Obama president

>> No.15989926

>then you're a n that belongs to Africa
Should have told that to the slave trader then shouldn't you

>> No.15989932

Absolutely. America is at very forefront of the whole progressive movement and Obama being elected was a symptom of that.

>> No.15989933

Kill yourself you pathetic numale manchild, and keep licking the boots of tories and Labour you pathetic weak pipsqueak of a man

>> No.15989936

Like I said, 4chan has a fucktarded overton window. Nobody IRL would call the US progressive.
What a weirdo

>> No.15989938

The person you are replying to is from reddit and associates progressive with good.
They are the type to suck off corporations for saying BLM or some other wankery ignore them

>> No.15989940

Why are you here?
People go to 4chan because they have some self awareness, if you think police are murdering people every day in the US you need to fuck off to plebbit. You are clearly either a tranny or baiting

>> No.15989950

More like 3 people every day

>> No.15989952

>Nobody IRL would call the US progressive.
Is this satire? America is literally THE driving force behind global progressivism in the same way as the Soviet Union was the driving force behind communism. Every progressive agenda comes from and is being pushed by America.

Might be.

>> No.15989953

>People go to 4chan because they have some self awareness

Lol. 4chan is populated by dumbfucks who totally lack self-awareness or much awareness of life outside their internet echochambers. Its a hotbed of wilful disinformation and lies.

>> No.15989957

>nobody irl says that the uk is progressive so it musn't be

??? ofc they don't say the uk is progressive, they say the uk is normal because being progressive is the norm.

>> No.15989961

America is not a progressive country by any understanding of the term. Did your mom give birth standing up?

>> No.15989965

well i mean 4chan is an echochamber just like twitter, except we bend a knee to /pol/ for some reason, probably because of how retarded they are spreading around every board for no reason but to sperg, like in this thread

>> No.15989967

lurk more newfag
Look at all the progressive policies the US have, like
>banned abortion
>private healthcare
>no public transport
>pretty much the only western democracy to have voting day NOT on a holiday or weekend
>world's shittiest mental healthcare to the point Americans stereotype homeless people as having mental illnesses
exactly, you guys think the norm is progressive and are constantly surprised everyone else just acts normally

>> No.15989968

shit fuck poop ass nordic
i meant to reply to >>15989965

>> No.15989971

NO FUCK SHIT IM ACTUALLY RETARDED HOLY SHIT im leaving this thread for my mistakes. goodbye.

>> No.15989972

it's for the best

>> No.15989979

>America is not a progressive country by any understanding of the term.

Btw how come all progressives all around the world adore America while reactionaries all hate America?

I am talking about social views. Socially, America is one the most progressive countries in the world and it is absolutely laughable to try to deny this.

>> No.15989988

>murder =/= to killing
utter retard thats never been in a fight, keep worshiping corporations slave
>retard that doesn't even know what progressive means calls me a newfag
you are a primo redditor, you utter pathetic liberal faggot, lick the corporate boot

>> No.15989993

I don't understand why anyone could hate this. As a southwestern murrican I crave the norf experience. Your guys' breakfasts look goddamn amazing. Why do people hate the eternal anglo so much?

>> No.15990002

if any of y'all have wondered what us southerners eat to kill ourselves with, this channel is extremely relevant:

>> No.15990028

it always tends to be 3rd worlders, and nonwhites.
It makes no difference because in the end, they adopt our customs at will now, a la the suit, capitalism, liberalism

>> No.15990035

Yeah I hear large swaths of the north are absolutely infested now, that's a real shame. Not like it's any better here in burgerland though (although having to deal with so many muzzies seems like a unique brand of fresh hell compared to our negros, beans and jews).

>> No.15990042

negros are worse, but leftists defend muzzies blindly i.e. the rape gangs that leftists laughed at, they have utter contempt for the working class in the norf and the retards keep voting labour despite that. Shit like this is the norm https://www.france24.com/en/france/20210419-macron-wants-change-in-law-after-jewish-woman-s-killer-deemed-not-criminally-responsible

>> No.15990056

Because America is the face of the west and the west as a whole is indeed more progressive than the literal rest of the globe
But we're not talking from the POV of a rando Chinese person, we're talking from the POV of westerners. From the POV of westerners the US is very much not progressive, as explained here >>15989967

>> No.15990074

You are an idiot, like all redditors. America is a lot more socially liberal than Europe. And in fact most of the liberalism that exists in Europe, is of American origin in the first place.

>> No.15990097

US is cucked by the republicans but if you look at the zeitgeist culture it is extremely liberal, when your nation defends a guy that put a gun to a pregnant woman's womb in a mugging, you pass the threshold of mentally ill progressiveness.
furthermore the US has no culture but corporations, and look what the corporations do, all gay pride and BLM shit, the US is anti-human, pro-progressive, you won't get any support for mental illness or a living wage, but you can be told how you are racist for being white/told that you are empowered by a corporation for not being white/male.
In essence the US needs fascism or communism

>> No.15990103

The US used to have culture, but the mid-century need to want a new culture killed everything. We used to have recipes like sugar-plum (american persimmon) pudding, but something happened that made mid-century americans prefer ham-and-bananas and aspic instead. Maybe it was because of the radiation from all of those nuclear tests.. Mid-century culture ruined the last remaining bits of genuine American culture.

>> No.15990112

/pol/ tier conspiracy retardation, the US never had culture other than murdering natives.

>> No.15990115

You're not wrong, unfortunately

>> No.15990120

Exactly, thank you anon.

>> No.15990125

then do something, start firebombing, trump was a pathetic attempt to upheave the current mess the US is in. Its clear democracy won't work, just loot at Bernie, they made every underhanded attack against him just like trump, and trump just sucked off corporations,

>> No.15990127

Oh yeah, like nearly every other country in the world NEVER murdered natives. You're naive as fuck

>> No.15990131

>You'd never see anyone IRL saying the UK is progressive
>I am a middle class home counties Briton

>> No.15990132

The natives had culture, mutts didn't.
mutts sent negros as shock troops to be excessively brutal to ensure the natives were demolished.

>> No.15990133

In the UK, the home counties and middle class are the foundation of right wing support.

>> No.15990135

>Right wing

>> No.15990136

I never said they didn't. That doesn't change the fact that every single country in the world is guilty of murdering natives

>> No.15990145

Yes, anon, the right wing party of the UK is right wing. I know you've got a weird fucking overton window where you think anyone who's at least superficially okay with gay people being gay is a left wing commie SJW, we've already discussed that.

>> No.15990146

What? The US is the OG financier and root of progressivism.

This has to be it. Either way, this whole thread has become quite >>>/pol/, so all fields it is

>> No.15990147

>US did a bad thing
>Oh yeah? Well so did OTHER PEOPLE!
Why are Americans like this
I have to assume people like you came after the election

>> No.15990155

Not him but i agree with you. What baffles me however is how the US, which actually genocided Native Americans (one of the few actual legit genocides in history, before they were many millions, after they were 100k = an actual genocide, not a mass killing like the Holocaust fe.), thinks it has the right to point fingers at others regarding human rights.

The hypocrisy is absolutely baffling.

>> No.15990160

Hey brit bro, what do you or general public think of Edinburgh ? I've been there twice and it's such a bliss to be there, is it as grim as people say ?

>> No.15990161
File: 225 KB, 1024x779, 6854308534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up, Anglo. Your "right-wing" would be far left elsewhere, because anything else except allowing your dauhters to get groomed and gangraped by Pakis is literally Nazism to you faggots. KYS

>> No.15990165
File: 101 KB, 651x436, 1618582133384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many people here are just bong pretending to be burger, and vice versa

>> No.15990172

The point was if everyone has done it, it clearly isn't fuckin culture. Can't say I'm surprised a third world dipshit can't even extract surface level information from an exchange

>> No.15990178

I 100% agree. Hypocrisy is the soup that feeds the entire US nation

>> No.15990180

You're an actual retard aren't you?
>US one of the first nations to legalize abortion, forefront of the normalization movement
>US among first nations to legalize gay marriage
>US forces corporations to finance healthcare plans for employees that include trans surgery shit, contraception
>Public transport is featured in every nasty shithole you idiot it's a vast country and transit even across one state is unrealistic, China doesn't even have this
>Absolutely the forefront of the MUH GREEN shit, american corporation invented solar panels, American money the driving force behind obliterating fossil fuel
>Voting varies because of state rights, many states have many days available to ppl for voting and voting by mail is a thing unlike some Euro countries that recognize the fraud potential
>Legal weed
>Fucking birthright citizenship
>School lunches
>Right to trial in US for illegal aliens and terrorists and shit
>Free legal representation for all
>Innocent before guilty unlike many proGresSive Euros
>Forced diversity and inclusion shit is everywhere
>Not imperialist
>Remittances in USD keep whole nations afloat, these remittances are allowed to flow freely
>Public has a right to form collectives either in the form of a business or an HOA or whatever
>Singlehandedly a spicy filter for Canada
>Absorbs shit tons of refugees constantly
>The most generous immigration policies of any developed nation

Etc.. frankly I'm not sure why Europe is tripping over itself to mimic the US in every way possible.

>> No.15990188

General public thinks it looks really pretty
I know two people who live there, one says she loves it and the other says it's a shithole
I wonder what it's like to be an anon like you and wake up constantly surprised that the whole world hasn't suddenly decided to become as right wing as you are.
Everyone eats, eating is still part of culture. The way America stomped over its natives is unique to America -- compare it to New Zealand, or something totally different like Mexico.
Lmfao this retard's really arguing that school lunches makes the US progressive
I don't know what else could prove how fucked you guys' overton windows are than that

>> No.15990191

Probably because of the EU which was created by the US in order to transform Europe into a second America. Why do you think people always talk about the United States of Europe? Or why the EU always pushes for mass immigration and democracy?

Googling American committee for a United Europe yields many interesting article btw.

>> No.15990196

It's not the act of eating, it's what is eaten. Two completely different things

>> No.15990199
File: 388 KB, 2048x1365, kyj8xo255yt41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frankly I'm not sure why Europe is tripping over itself to mimic the US in every way possible

I agree. America is a borderline failed experiment, yet we go out of our way to adopt American cultures and practices.
People will erroneously babble on about "Europe being forced to adopt sharia law" etc which is bullshit. We're turning into Americans.

>> No.15990208
File: 168 KB, 436x331, Screenshot_2021-04-23 kyj8xo255yt41 jpg - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>File: kyj8xo255yt41.jpg
Go back.

>> No.15990211

What? There have been tons of genocides throughout history. US ended up giving natives their own sovereign nation, as well as the right to operate what would be criminal gambling organization. Hell the very fact anyone knows fuck all about natives is because US funnels tons of money into preservation and education. Laughable you consider Mexico noble, uneducated fuck

And yeah expecting public education institutions to not only educate but feed and nanny children is pretty damn progressive, another American initiative that made the world a shittier place. Interesting you have no response for anything else. Enjoy prison for smoking a joint in Aus

>> No.15990212

>the whole world hasn't suddenly decided to become as right wing as you are.
Oh boy youre in for a surprise you naive kid... The vast majority of the world is far right. Only the liberal West isnt. You think Paki grooming gangs would fly in East Asia, Arabia, India, Russia, Africa or elsewhere? You really think so?

>> No.15990217

Fuck off. Most of 4chan are reddit tourists now, newfag.

>> No.15990234

>Reddit file name
Retarded Liberal boot licker but you aren't wrong, you clearly have TDS going by the pic though.
All the BLM protests in Europe proves your point liberals like yourself want to adopt the anti-culture of the US

>> No.15990239


>> No.15990244

Not quite sweaty, you have no "anchor babies," regularly ban rappers from even entering your borders, and have legally recognized national languages that reflect the original constitutions and bodies of law from which you govern. There are also still royal families with particular rights and fucking whole nations that are simply imperialist territories. Your population of immigrants pales in comparison to the US, most of your counties still have easily white majority.

Just get a vasectomy and go >>>/back/ faggot. Why you all clamor to adopt American policies I will never know.

>> No.15990248

>itt one anon blatantly larping as a redditor to farm (you)s
None that retarded can work out how to use 4chan you retards.
They are even blatantly saying lurk more faggot when called out, no ledditor talks like that.

>> No.15990252

You don't have the right to call anybody ineducated when you can misread a post so badly that you think it's considering the Mexican encomienda system "noble". Anon, I hope you're ESL, because if you fucked up that badly in your native language...
And no, anon, school lunches aren't progressive. Please keep arguing they are, though, 'cause the fact you think they are is the best point in my favour I've got. I don't even need to respond to anything else, anyone can look at a guy who thinks school lunches are progressive and figure out his idea of what's progressive might be a little bit skewiff.

>> No.15990254

Fun fact: a lot of the BLM protests in Europe were organized by American expats, i am not joking.

How is that known? The Facebook pages for the various protests were you could see the names of the organizers. They generally had these typical American TV show tier names, i am sure you know what i mean.

>> No.15990256

>regularly ban rappers from even entering your borders
Ultra based if true.

>> No.15990260

Both correct, other nations constantly look to American politics and cover American news because these progressive organizations now rule your lives and minds as they do Americans. You post on American sites like Reddit and get all your fucking opinions from American progressives. Your own left wing figures and talk show host read like parodies of American ones because Europe (and Can and Aus cuz kingdom and all lmfao so progressive) shit themselves to mimic everything the American cesspool does

>> No.15990262

tyler was banned for being too based

>> No.15990267

stop replying to the bait.
none is that deluded.
even the most batshit corporate liberals aren't

>> No.15990269

I dont even know who that is. For the better probably. Keep Europe free from hiphop and similar bullshit.

>> No.15990271

Bludeh luvleh.
No, seriously. Comfy video, great guy, beautiful meal. 9/10

>> No.15990273

tyler the creator anon....
the haha how is bullying real guy...
he was banned for being offensive, not for promoting violence

>> No.15990275

Agreed and it is.

You're intentionally reducing the point and ignoring everything else because I'm right. Go post more about American politics on Reddit, maybe you can get gay married so you can emigrate to NYC, LA, or Seattle

>> No.15990282

A$AP rocky was also banned. The truth is because they don't want American rap to make their refugee pets (compensation for a restrictive immigration system) even shittier since Islam makes them violent enough

>> No.15990283

We are having a better discussion than on /pol/ or /his/. Proud of you /ck/, we truly are the best board.

>> No.15990298

Why the frick are we talking about mutt niggers and not fried butter

>> No.15990364
File: 1.17 MB, 1270x1304, 1573185493804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you are an Anglo faggot, but even someone like you should understand that the rest of the world doesn't look kindly on foreigners raping ones daughters. Whatever, you "people" get the nation you voted for.

>> No.15990485

cannee food the knars

>> No.15990528

In the normal world progressive is normal. 4chan isn't normal, it's filled with broken people and young impressionable useful idiots.

>> No.15990574

>using corn syrup on a massive scale

>> No.15990612

it's one retard baiting as a redditor, this isn't a real discussion it's just one retard and everyone calling them a retard
>retarded mutt only reads headlines
your own health care system does the same thing you absolute retard, if you harras people they will deny you service you mutilated genetic abomination

>> No.15990715

A propa brekkie, simple as.

>> No.15990762

Wow I believe it.

>> No.15990784

Every proggy social trend originates in the US with the exception of the climate hoax. Denying that is basically just lying

>> No.15990812

>with the exception of the climate hoax
The IPCC was created by Thatcher and Reagan if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.15990894

Probably shitloads

>> No.15990928

How does Grimsby sound? It even has a depressing name.

>> No.15991646

Based rain chad, moving from London to Norway next year just because it rains more despite all my work being in London

>> No.15991650

Is it true that Leeds, and anyone from Leeds, should be entirely disregarded because it’s nothing but a pile of shit inhabited by walking piles of shit?
A gentleman from Liverpool once told me this.

>> No.15991956



>> No.15991976
File: 137 KB, 1048x1719, hshwaxvrzji61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the midlands and the norf are the equivalent of flyover states.? What's Wales and Scotland?

>> No.15991979

what are those cookie type things?

>> No.15991982

flyunder states

>> No.15992037

lurk two years you faggot

>> No.15992044

>You're an actual retard aren't you?
coming from someone who can't even use this site properly

>> No.15992163
File: 570 KB, 650x868, 1615733020850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow Pakis get away with gangraping children for decades, but if a white person is "racist" or "sexist", they are thrown to the wolves. I'd tell you to go to hell, Anglo, but you're there already, and you have nobody to blame but yourselves.

>> No.15992177
File: 2.08 MB, 888x500, 1606051265952.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the algorithm got our guy

>> No.15992395

Way too much bread.

>> No.15992449

He just set up a folding table in front of somebody's house and started eating what the fuck

>> No.15992526

Nice food discussion ITT.

Anyway, that breakfast looked bloody delicious

>> No.15992544

To the comfy rainy West Coast?

>> No.15992585

>not imperialist
You are extremely fucking stupid anon. This isn't hyperbole for the sake of continuing a debate on 4chan; you simply don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. Shut the fuck up

>> No.15992674
File: 1.18 MB, 2048x1357, 1602061838961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who likes gray and rain it honestly doesn't rain much in the UK, it's a meme I wish it did more

>> No.15993033


>> No.15993090

>i lubricate my AR15 with liberal cum
He didn't think that through, did he?

>> No.15993104

those cookies look fucking amazing

>> No.15993118

what a fooken legend

>> No.15993140

4chan isn't a left wing website though.

>> No.15993142

>chip shop
>chicken vindaloo

>> No.15993151

Ive been saying this too. Sure its grey a lot but rain is massively overstated

>> No.15993153

don't underestimate chippies

>> No.15993217

lots of good vids he's done. one of them he goes to a place that does a full english breakfast in a loaf for 8 quid.
looks nice bros

>> No.15993292

I have his accent but comments say he's from Leeds which doesn't seem right. I also overuse the word please when ordering food.

>> No.15993298

your mom overused the word please when she begged me to stop forcing my cock in her mouth

>> No.15993300

Norf here. Calorie cut is fucking shit. You have no idea how hard I could murder a massive fry up. There would be no remorse or pity.

I'm this close to going and making a straight fucking kilo of fried rice and annihilating it. FUCK.

>> No.15993310

I was in Sunderland a few years back and went into a chipper to get a burger and chips. I was looking at the menu and it had an item I had never saw before, can't remember exa tly what it said hut it was along the lones of "batter bits 50p'. It was the leftover bits of batter in the fryer scooped out. They would add it on top of your chips.

>> No.15993359


>> No.15993365

we call them scraps here and its usually free, the scamming buggers

>> No.15993386

times are rough, i'm trying to get my kicks out of making mom jokes online

>> No.15993392

From Sunderland, just normally call it batter. What was the name of the place so I can avoid the cunts for charging for

>> No.15993401

fuck britbongs

>> No.15993420

>get doped out of your mind and kill someone in your drug-fueled mania
>all charges dropped

>> No.15993444

Wiganer here. I've known something basically referred to as "builder's tea", which is a strong cup, with plenty milk, and a good amount of sugar. It's an overwhelming mess, but I'm sure for workers who are stuck out in the cold on a grey sky day, maybe damp and tired and just pushing on to get their paycheck, something warm and with a strong flavour is a good comfort. May or may not also have something to do with smoking and drinking habits giving their tastebuds a work over.

>> No.15993458

That vid really needed to focus more on our pies. We've got the nickname "pie eaters" for a reason - bakeries out the ass, lots of good, filling, comforting stuff too. I've been eating from a much higher quality place that requires placing orders a few day's in advance recently and they've been brilliant - had a beef pie with bone marrow and confit shallots and it came with a bunch of good sides, was genuinely pleased. Yeah, we're not likely to win some incredible award, but good god when it comes to bakery related items we will floor you.

>> No.15993473

Not sure, it was some place by the seafront. Small place. It was 2009 last time I was in Sunderland. Cheeky fuckers charging for it

>> No.15993475

Is this what schlomo tells you to keep you complacent?

>> No.15993482

I'm in Bolton and we have some cracking independent bakeries too. Not seen any do fancy pies with bone marrow though which is a shame

>> No.15993483

Imagine the calories

>> No.15993498

Do it fgt!!!

>> No.15993505

Which accent is that? Sounds funny.

>> No.15993548

The place I was mentioning is called "Baldy's Pies" - they were working out of The Crown in lockdown, I believe, but they've moved to somewhere else. They seem pretty popular so I'm sure in the future they'll expand and show up near you, but if you're ever planning to be in the area, totally check them out! 10 quid per meal but it's a full meal with everything included. Good stuff. I've not been to Bolton in some time, will have to try something next time I'm there.

>> No.15994517

>So the midlands and the norf are the equivalent of flyover states.

No - there's some great geography there for walking, hiking or just to enjoy nature. In fact because the UK is a rather small country no part of it is really 'fly-over' - there's a little something to be enjoyed everywhere. The problem is really the big cities which whilst having economic opportunity also tend to carry scummy areas of chavs, working class, and deadbeat immigrant populations.

>> No.15994543

>They have elected politicians who will openly talk about fairies and shit during parliamentary meetings.
Holy based

>> No.15994558

We're reaching levels of comfy that shouldn't even possible.

>> No.15995314

>but on 4chan if you don't want a slave trader's statue in your town square and instead want it in a museum you're a progressive.

That slave trader did more to build his country than you ever will in your entire life. That is why he has a statue in your town square and youre on 4chan showing everyone how retarded you are. Let that sink in.

>> No.15995347

You need to get the calories in any way you can to fight off the cold and the wet.

>> No.15995437

move to a gaeltacht

>> No.15995466

i'm from yorkshire and i fucking love it here
northern england is based

>> No.15995618

Look up Grimsby or Hull, two cities with no redeeming features

>> No.15995656

Can anyone understand what the fuck hes saying?

>> No.15995666

Why pay taxes? Couldn't possibly stain someone's hands with racist or sexist money.
Is this you? I don't want to watch your shit, my guy.

>> No.15995683

>People go to 4chan because they have some self awareness


>> No.15995809

Can't spell Leeds without LSD and a couple E's my son.

>> No.15996146

>it's filled with broken people and young impressionable useful idiots.
That's IRL you're thinking of.

>> No.15996212


>> No.15996416

I don't know, The Deep in Hull is pretty cool.

>> No.15996428


>> No.15996540

>>Not imperialist
lmao are you on drugs or sth?

>> No.15996790

people go to 4chan because every other forum will happily ban them forever for saying the n word

>> No.15996797

>too scared to say nigger even here
You are a pathetic excuse for a man

>> No.15996819

i once got a 3 day for calling someone a shit skin
anyway, my point is 4chan won't ban you forever for being racist

>> No.15996853

>I'm a liberal and none of my liberal friends say it's too liberal so it must not be.
The thought process of a 5 year old.

>> No.15998097
File: 1.65 MB, 1305x837, deep fried chip buttys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, I'm a true norfener but this is taking the piss. We're taking it too far now.

>> No.15998164
File: 686 KB, 1439x1012, Screenshot_20210424-223353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a bong but politics aside, I quiet like Johnson personality


>> No.15998253

You do realise that the term 'useful idiots' describes leftist, self-loathing, weak asswipes like you?

>> No.15998333

this bloke's channel is amazing

>> No.15998341

holy fuck youre retarded

>> No.15998353
File: 43 KB, 615x447, 1_Chip-Butty-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks mint though doesn't it

>> No.15998448

Stay in your red state trumper

>> No.15998454

I like Johnson because of his knowledge of Classics, seeing him speak Greek was cool. All.of America's politicians are lawyers or businessmen and never seem to have any cool interests or knowledge.

>> No.15998458

It also describes right leaning conservatives. What's your point?
If you identify with a political party or ideology and believe it's part of your personality you're Fucking nut

>> No.15998469

I hope that bumbling tub of shit in a wig gets raped one day

>> No.15998475

He worries me. He's totally out of his depth and lacks conviction

>> No.15998536

Imagine the poo..

>> No.15998975

I thought you guys just subsisted on botched Indian cuisine and fish&chips.

>> No.15999059

where abouts?

Sheffield and leeds are shithioles but York is comfy as

>> No.15999151
