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File: 297 KB, 1280x960, AEA6B01B-A695-4E32-8B1F-E3415DDD2411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15986235 No.15986235 [Reply] [Original]

I had the usual, of course.

>> No.15986242

I like your sword today
I haven’t eaten. I might get something from trader joes

>> No.15986245 [DELETED] 

Y-You've never had sex, have you?

>> No.15986262

>eating the cheese peel

>> No.15986265

It’s a Napoleonic high ranking officer’s epee. If you zoom in you might be able to catch some of the gilding, but it’s nearly gone.

I had sex last night with my beautiful wife actually.

>> No.15986386

Which sardines are those?

I had a steak salad for lunch, paid for by the company. Hard to go wrong.

>> No.15986399

Sardine Pollastrini D’Anzio.

>> No.15986401

I ate half a chipotle and then barfed it up. I’m sick. I like that sword, though.

>> No.15986463

Tomato soup. Then deenz n salteenz as a snack later

>> No.15986703
File: 175 KB, 929x697, PXL_20210304_021412305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ground turkey with chopped mushrooms red pepper and garlic. Ate it with a little parmesan cheese on top. Was just trying to clear my fridge b4 the food went bad and it turned out better than i expected. Those deenz look good though. I eat the same kind of lunch as well generally. never did it with brie tho. gonna get some KO and make pic related tonight

>> No.15986718

a half a bag of Corn Nuts

>> No.15986758
File: 1.71 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had one of these at work a couple of hours ago, but it was heated.

>> No.15986765

truly based, nice folding guard

>> No.15986768

Gay with a side of faggot i see

>> No.15986788

12 replys
13 posters

>> No.15986805
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Just something I picked up from the butcher

>> No.15986810

Indeed, she's a looker

>> No.15986839
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>> No.15986969

nice side sword, I bet you're french.

>> No.15987029

American, but France donated many swords to us during our Revolution. Many survive in private collections and museums.

>> No.15987052

Do they have a white flag that unfurls if you try to draw?

>> No.15987067

too bad they gave us smallswords instead of sabers, but I guess we needed something to use as a spit for our fires.

>> No.15988185

hon hon hon

All types were donated. Stay tuned to the deenz posts.

>> No.15988199

How much did that rapier cost?

>> No.15988206
File: 2.09 MB, 2748x2748, ADBF725E-92FB-4269-BCC8-9F739D1A0781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A simple but delicious lunch. Creamed spinach was made with a concentrated chicken stock I made from the chicken bones.

>> No.15988255

that's a smallsword to you, peasant

>> No.15988296

frozen spicy beef burrito with a jalapeno flavoured laughing cow cheese triangle smeared on it, a handful of lays sour cream and cheese, and a cuppie of a&w diet rootbeer

>> No.15989528

It's a triangular scooped epee actually. It'd make a puncture wound impossible to stitch even with modern day tech.

>> No.15989537

wrong century buddy, it's a smallsword.

>> No.15989543

*the tip is double-sided and very pointed into a chisel tip, which seamlessly becomes triangular and scooped on each side, and all the way to a thick square bar at the interface to the hilt

it's perfect

>> No.15989546

That's it's official name as issued into the French armee. If you want next lunch when I post another sword I can post the reference book but it's upstairs in my library and the normal people are sleeping.

But sure, yeah, whatever.

>> No.15989551

dude. the word epee means sword in french. the sword and "epee" is what evolved from a smallsword.

>> No.15989555

*the sword known as an "epee"

>> No.15989562

And I'm telling you that as commissioned into the armee and passed onward that particular arm is known as an epee, or if fancy, a "court" epee

as you can tell by the gilding and the mother of pearl handle, it's "fancy" grade, there is also gilding on the blade but not real visible in the photo

>> No.15989570

I sure hope you weren't accusing him of samefagging because OP counts as a poster but not a reply.

>> No.15989576

Yes and the term for that special kind of sword, in the english language is a smallsword. That's just what it's called. It's a classification of a french style sword in the rapier family. The ones given to the americans are more specifically called a Colichemarde or in english a Smallsword as one word. It's the agreed upon taxonomical name of the sword to that specific year. I'm sure it says epee because at the time not everyone called it that.
An epee refers to a specific descendant of the smallsword from a specific range of dates, which itself is a descendant of the rapier which is cousins with the estoc.

>> No.15989582

Not as much as the Sun King rapier...

>> No.15989585

I'm just saying...

*takes deep inhale from gigantic pipe tobacco pipe*

all i'm saying is, in my reference material relating to the armaments of the later French Emperors and leading through all the chaotic times that followed, basically 'till today

that within my reference material and among sword fanciers, that particular sword is known as an epee, that's it's name, in fact that's a court epee

>> No.15989603

You are saying "look at my cool cat" and I am saying "wouldn't it be more appropriate to call it a lion?"

If you care so much about the history of the weapon you would think you would use the terms and classifications that are agreed upon by historians. It's refered to as an epee because that's the word for sword. In history people didn't use terms like rapier, estoc, bastard sword, or even terms like longsword very often if at all. They just called them swords because they were a constantly evolving piece of technology. Just like today we have corded phones, flip phones, cell phones, iphones; but we all call them phones. When looking back it's important and useful to have a commonly agreed upon naming convention for swords from different time periods. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying in a modern sense, and when speaking with the goal of identifying and describing the characteristics of a weapon it makes more sense to use a more specific terminology.

>> No.15989604

ok dude it's a brit sticker

>> No.15989609

based on your expert opinion who forged the blade and when? and when was it re-hilted?

>> No.15989629

Does it have a makers mark stamped into the blade near where it meets the guard?

>> No.15989636

You can see four acceptance marks in pic, but yes. But I want to hear you guess based on the marks. All were gilded but *not at the same time*.

>> No.15989650

Asking someone if they can ID the maker of a modified sword from one image and no other information is a pretty absurd way to feel superior to someone anon. I never claimed to be an expert of smallswords or swords in general, I just am aware of the proper terms to use when discussing them. I'm more of a polish saber guy myself. So no I cannot identify your sword for you, and I never thought I knew more about your specific sword's history than you do either.

>> No.15989656

It's not like there were more than a couple dozen sword makers operating in that era who were even capable of making such a sword, let alone such a fine one both in the mounting and the bladework.

It's cool, whatever man.

>> No.15989657

why are you like this?

>> No.15989659

God painted me.

>> No.15989662

Why would I bother guessing without even knowing the dimensions of the sword? That's just blindly guessing.

>> No.15989667

It has a 22" blade and a 7" hilt.

>> No.15989670


>> No.15989675

Amazingly, just a pound and two ounces.

>> No.15989711

it looks like the hilt is from 1852 but I can't identify the blade without a better look at the makers mark

>> No.15989721
File: 25 KB, 384x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep here's an identical hilt on a french diplomatic corps sword from the 1850s

>> No.15989727

well, nearly identical

>> No.15989739

lmfao the sword pseud gets btfo by some random nigger.

>> No.15989744

Here's another very similar hilt, just with a less complicated guard, clearly these are of the same maker.

>> No.15989843

later sword

another much later one

>> No.15989848


>> No.15989852

Ah, that's too bad. The hilt looks quite similar so I suppose the examples I posted could have been made in the style of yours. What's the correct answer?

>> No.15989853

Post your other pics. I always enjoy the aesthetics of your pics, even though you're a weirdo.

>> No.15989856

Oh they are similar, for sure, and all French, but the thing is as time went on the style changed as did the various features and blade marks. I'm not kidding when I say I have reference materials upstairs.

Great research though, lots of cool swords floating around out there. Once you get a feel for them you can sometimes fish them out of pawn shops and shit.

>> No.15989860

I can't, my pic taking thinger's upstairs where the normal people are sleeping. I am a late nite weirdo.

>> No.15989868


>> No.15989875

As in the Coulaux brothers? I'm pretty sure both the examples I posted are those their work as well.

>> No.15991477

How could you be sure? It was a center of sword making for hundreds of years. You saw it while Googling?

>> No.15992058

I have a limited edition battletoads saber used in the battle of the toad

>> No.15992070

The artstyle and time period.

>> No.15992077

turkey and swiss sammich with a cup of brisket chili

>> No.15992085

Also they're just the most famous names from the area that I'm even slightly knowledgeable about.

>> No.15992087

really nice swords man

>> No.15992112
File: 374 KB, 688x500, 1606560393034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canned deenz in tomato sauce, canned carrots, and canned chick peas. It was very tasty!

>> No.15993115

looks good. Id lose two of those cheese wedges though. Gotta get in shape.

>> No.15993123

meh. Is that a us civil war sword. I have one similar.

>> No.15993134

"Lets talk more about the french and their small swords"- Some guy who's not french.

>> No.15993381
File: 111 KB, 925x452, chickenandpeppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dieting and this was my only meal today, so more of a linner. It turned out better than I expected it to. Citrus bell pepper drumstick (marinated in orange and lemon juice with thyme, fennel, celery seed, onion, garlic, bell pepper, vinegar, honey and cayenne). Reserved some of the marinade mixture to make the coulis. I made it too thin, but it tasted nice. Potatoes cooked in heavily seasoned water with tumeric, onion, cumin, and dill, then broiled.

>> No.15993446
File: 1.98 MB, 2500x1875, ringeck-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already had dinner so I give a picture of my sword instead (need a better hanger for it & I need to get some antiques as well)
For dinner I had a quick chicken curry.
(I always sous vide my chicken with a tasty but neutral seasoning (can be used in salad, bbq sauce, curries, anything really, also always juicy). and then just did those Japanese curry bricks (obvs veggies cooked in) chiles, garam masala, ginger, coriander, cumin, Fenugreek leaves, and heavy cream. tasted pretty good, and a lot quicker to make for a lazy day.

>> No.15995137

that seems to be very common at that place.

>> No.15996244
File: 2.48 MB, 4608x2112, IMG_20210424_160020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lentil soup, katiki cheese and barley rusks