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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15982139 No.15982139 [Reply] [Original]

These were all the rage back in my day. CONFESS YOUR CULINARY SINS.

I shall set the standard having spent over 300 USD wandering Seattle's Chinatown having appetizers and foreign beer at the countless restaurants here, and it was well worth it; shit was bong.

Going home to play some Dynasty Warriors Gundam.

>> No.15982158

How do you spend over $30 on Chinese, you get a pint of anything you buy

>> No.15982185
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Sounds like you really enjoyed yourself at least

>> No.15982187

Not just Chinese. Japantown and Lil Saigon are part of the Intn. District here. Gotta wash down the grub. I made a day of it.

>> No.15982190

that sounds bretty awesome. wish i had a friend like you OP

>> No.15982232
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>I need to drink 1L of vodka to even feel tipsy anymore
>I can and do eat two 16" pizzas myself once a week
>My only joy in life is from eating and drinking, I literally cannot enjoy anything else without this lubricant
>I once spent £300 in a week on takeaway and alcohol for myself
>I want to change but I see nothing in this world worth saving, I go to sleep every night hoping it all gets burnt to ash in nuclear hellfire

>> No.15982424

was about to say based but musou games are kusoge

>> No.15982425

Have some self respect. A day of wanton hedonism is one thing, I've no room to talk, but your choices will limit your economic mobility. I get you don't give a shit, I don't either we are young and have money coming in but you will suffer when you're in your 30s, alone and with nothing.

Go ahead and tell me I'm just projecting, I'll not deny it. Get your shit together.

>> No.15982432

>I want to change but I see nothing in this world worth saving, I go to sleep every night hoping it all gets burnt to ash in nuclear hellfire

>> No.15982470
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We're all gonna make it bruh.

>> No.15982609

>enjoying anything
Pick one you lying faggot.

>> No.15982626

Stop being miserable.

>> No.15983802

I used to drink 1 jar of milk with 4 cups of sugar when I was a kid nearly every day.

>> No.15983985

dont spend ur money, limit your life and save it for when your old n cant do fuck all interesting

yes what a great plan

>> No.15984077

I can drink a gallon of milk every two or three days if I don't stop myself. I'm also a diagnosed sperg so no matter how fancy I get with my dishes at home or when going out, deep down I always want plain buttered angel hair spaghetti, pb&j's, pancakes and waffles, tendies and other sperg dishes. Also, I eat too big of portions. That's it.

>> No.15984108


>> No.15984115

ate a bag of chips every day for about 3 months

>> No.15984493

Why is it that people who act like they hate everything and everyone actually just hate themselves? It's your weak ass that's not worth saving, loser

>> No.15984676

post bmi

>> No.15985570

You don't hate the world, you just hate yourself.

>> No.15985583
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It's not like the world is very hard to hate anon. Or anything really for that matter. Hating on things is one of the most easy things you can do on this planet.
I hate sweet potatoes for example.

>> No.15985596

Used to go to fast food places all the time and ordered meals that were around 1500-3000 calories nearly every day for 3 months

>> No.15985660
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You're upset that my lifestyle spits in the face of everything you value in life. That someone would prefer to bow out of a raw deal angers you because you're slaves to peer pressure and status. So you cope and place the blame on me.

I pity you.

>> No.15985771

Whenver I've visited Seattle for work I just spend time walking around stoned and eating. I was located dead center of downtown though so the homeless situation gets pretty tiring.

How far away from downtown do you have to live if you didn't want to deal with the glut of downtown homeless?

>> No.15985779

ate like a quarter of a frozen chicken tender before realizing it was still raw and seriously considered eating it anyway out of sheer laziness before throwing it back in the air fryer

>> No.15985792

Holy cope anon, no one is jealous of you drinking and eating yourself to death before the age of 40. Most well adjusted people who don't hate them selves found a reason to live in spite of all the things that are going wrong in the world.
I really would suggest a break from the doom scrolling and binge drinking.

>> No.15985818

>drunk around 11pm
>go to jack in the box get two tacos, large curly fries and buttermilk ranch
>head to taco bell get bean burrito, nachos bell grande, large baja blast
>head to mcdonalds get mcchicken, mcdouble and a water
>feast like some demon

>> No.15985831

I don't know, I don't really think about the homeless LOL.

>> No.15985848

>N-No ur coping!
Just let go, dude. You're putting yourself through hell for no reason.

>> No.15985850

I lived near Tukwila. No bums but Somalis and constant air traffic due to seatac and boeing's test field.

>> No.15985854

>Most well adjusted people who don't hate them selves found a reason to live
Such as? What's your reason?

>> No.15986267
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just got back from a crawfish boil at an apartment complex near my college. stood for 4 hours next to a table with some tarp over it sucking heads and pinching tails while a kind lady shoveled another pound onto the table infront of me whenever I was getting low. it was awesome

>> No.15986585
File: 62 KB, 976x850, 8AA2AFD8-D1A7-4B6B-9AA4-98997130FBAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent $150 on Uber eats this month
>wake up
>room is freezing cold because Canadian and my room doesn’t have proper insulation
>order a extra large French vanilla and a bagel from ubereats
>it costs around $18
>do this almost everyday

>> No.15986641

Those things aren't mutually exclusive nor mutually inclusive.

>> No.15986661 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 1140x919, 090607_FiveGuys038_WDM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fast food and 4chan are my two most favorite things
>eating fast food everyday
>get terribly food sick to the point of vomiting for a whole week
>lose the most weight i have in years
>still ugly fuck, but nice looking ugly fuck
>eat healthy first time in while
>think this will be a new chapter of life where i quit fast food and start exercising everyday
>go on 4chan, see how 18 year old models make millions a day just looking pretty
>see all these anons that have casual sex like its nothing
>realize life is going to be shitty always
>order $25 of five guys
>shitpost about e-celebs while i eat

>> No.15986666

You're not a fat fuck you're a skinny twink who's bad with money.

A real fat fuck would order $18 worth of fast food, not a fucking bagel and a coffee.

>> No.15986942

be honest anon how high were you

>> No.15987079

because the 24/7 horror show that is life is better than no TV at all

>> No.15987089

I don't smoke, I'm just lazy

>> No.15987098

I used to regularly bully two of my friends about their weight. Sometimes I feel bad about it.
>I still do, but I used to, too.

>> No.15987110

I once bought heavy cream and having nothing to make with it I just drank it mixed with ovaltine.

>> No.15987121
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I love hard seltzer and have been trying all the different varieties. So far pic related is my favorite

t. 35 year old male

>> No.15987127

how does 35 compare to 30?
>t., 30 year old male

>> No.15987128

I actually enjoy hard seltzer too

>> No.15987130

I eat butter straight out of the tub, usually lurpak.

>> No.15987131

I guess my biggest was eating steamed shrimp and lobster when I knew I was deathly allergic. I just wanted to die in the most painful way I could think of. But I woke up in the hospital with a raw throat in the ICU barely able to breath and then I had to spend a week in behavioral health after I recovered.
I guess next time I need to double it and eat it earlier and make sure no one will come home in time

>> No.15987133


>> No.15987137

Honestly sucks but not as bad as 40

>> No.15987142

You definitely think it is too late for yourself. I was there 2 years ago. But then I started praying to God and it legitimately turned my life around. I'm now doing a lot better. The pain is gone. It's worth a shot, anon.

>> No.15987143

Though I rarely do, I can eat a whole Costco pizza by myself

>> No.15987147

jesus I keep these in my fridge for women anon

>> No.15987150

Every time I cook something, I can't stop gorging myself on it.
Roasted a nice piece of pork? It rarely survives more than a day.

>> No.15987151

looks like a comfy setup

>> No.15987165

This happens if I get drunk during/after my cooking.

>> No.15987169

had a grilled cheese yesterday, then 2 Wendys cheeseburgers and after that 15 pieces of chicken fingers

I went from 130 lbs in April 2020 to 160 lbs in 2021

>> No.15987171
File: 25 KB, 285x320, Alfred_North_Whitehead_in_1936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was absolutely in the same state of mind for years myself. Thank god for weed that helped me not reach that level of alcohol dependency. The combo of about a pint or liquor,some beer and a couple bowls a night would fuck me up good and then whatever i ate would knock me out.

It was completely fueled by guilt. finally that knot has began to unwind. This might be a pretty random recommendation but try reading anything from A.N. Whitehead pr at least his wikipedia page.

>> No.15987172

it's a long way down, it seems

>> No.15987303

don't listen to him, 30s and 40s are the prime for men

>> No.15987339

once a month,usually on the last saturday of the month i order 2 large 29cm pizzas from a local place and eat until i literally can't fit anything inside me anymore. if there's leftovers,i'll eat them cold the next day. i allow myself to do that cause it's the only time i order food,but it's still excessive on that one day.