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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 956x637, SCENARIO-4_DRIVEWAY_COURIER-CAR_0350-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15977232 No.15977232[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Eats your fries

>> No.15977238
File: 937 KB, 956x537, Screenshot_2021-04-20 UberIM_010008 webp (WEBP Image, 956 × 537 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delivers your food to the wrong address but never gets fired

>> No.15977245

>restaurant done making your order
>driver is 20 minutes away from the restaurant

>> No.15977257

>app shows driver is riding a bike for extra sympathy tip points
>shows up in a car blasting nigger music

>> No.15977291

>they made an app that brings the prey to you
no sport in the hunt anymore

>> No.15977316

The other night the driver was a cute mulatto

How much should I offer her to come in and take a few pumps from behind before I grub?

>> No.15977322

Depends on the going rates in your city. The best part about fucking uber eats girls is that the food doesn't get any colder.

>> No.15977336

Maybe yours doesn't, but the rest of us are waitin'. Pump and dump, man, we want our food.

>> No.15977344

Over the summer my ex-girlfriend and I ordered food from a Chinese place using her Uber Eats account rather than go out and hit up the grocery store.
>Food was over 20-minutes late
>Delivered by a couple
>The girl was high as shit and both of them smelled of weed.
>The guy rudely handed the bag to my ex and then demanded to use the restroom.
>Told them both to fuck off.
>Discovered that something looked odd with my order and her's was straight up cold.
Fuck Uber and Uber Eats. Shit shouldn't be allowed in civilized countries.

>> No.15977347

>see low tip
>skip your order
nothin personell kid

>> No.15977349

get a real job

>> No.15977393

UberEats bags and containers are meant to be sealed completely shut for this reason. If your bag isn't shut, you can get your money back.

>> No.15977407

>forgets your straw.

>> No.15977408
File: 8 KB, 225x225, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one time I ordered like $25 worth of taco bell through door dash ($25 before their markup and delivery fees) and I watched as the GPS of the driver picked it up, got to about 2 blocks away from my place, then turned away and drove off, canceling the order.

>> No.15977428
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I actually like taking to most of them, lots of 40+ year old Mexican housewives doing delivery in Dallas and they're super nice and friendly. Usually a great interaction and we joke because my ID never scans right the first five times (alcohol delivery)

>> No.15977447

thanks for the life story tranny!

>> No.15977451

>see low tip
>no you don't because it doesn't work like that


>> No.15977456

every fucking time

>> No.15977458

You don't see the tip until after the delivery is complete

>> No.15977488

Using these types of services is really stupid.

>> No.15977490
File: 5 KB, 600x291, doordash-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cancels your order after it's already an hour late

>> No.15978112

>app works fine when ordering
>borderline crashes when trying to cancel

>> No.15978115

>Order food
>Picture of the person delivering the food pops up
>They are black
>Realize my food is going to get fucked up in someway now
>Food arrives
>Cold. Missing items. Messy packaging
Every fucking time!

>> No.15978129
File: 40 KB, 403x392, efd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every fucking time

>> No.15978160 [DELETED] 

Don't post niggers here please.

I'm trying to eat. It's disgusting. Hopefully the KKK attacks you. Race mixing scum.

>> No.15978191

Too many downvotes equate to no more jobs which is the same as being fired.

>> No.15978334

>set tip at 30%. Lower to 10% after I get the order
Works every time

>> No.15978420

I only use grubhub now. Doordash is full of activists, and Uber eats has bad drivers. That being said, I don't order often anyways.

>> No.15978423

Some local restaurants exclusively partner with these apps. I myself can't drive, and taking a two hour trip for food is retarded.

>> No.15978601

Oh wow I want to live in a concrete jungle now

>> No.15978602

>doesn't cook his own food

>> No.15978677

Enjoy your overpriced cold food. Cooking for yourself is too hard to bother with.

>> No.15979024

Call complain and get $10 free

>> No.15979072

>work night shift
>no drivers available whenever I try to order lunch
I'm not gonna order my food hours before my break just to microwave some wendy's, why are there no good 24-hour delivery apps

>> No.15979096
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>at local food joint to order food to go
>person doing a delivery for app comes in
>shes fucking fuming
>takes order then smashes entire bundle on floor twice before leaving

>> No.15979581


>> No.15979614
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>is rude to the restaurant workers she gets the food from

>> No.15979711

The reason why they do this is so they don’t have to show registration or insurance on vehicle

>> No.15979716 [DELETED] 

Uber Eats bags come stapled, much like pizza boxes come sealed.

>> No.15979728

Funny enough, they automatically gave me $5 after a certain period of time but still wouldn't allow me to cancel my order. Instead. Then after about another 30 minutes they just canceled it anyway when I didn't have enough time left in dinner break to actually get anything else.

>> No.15979730

Fuck. I live in a small 4 plex and there's another one right beside mine that is an exact mirror build.
Anytime I get a a delivery guy that doesn't sound like they are from the middle east, they always go to the wrong fucking address.
I got this one guy Nathan twice, and he fucked up twice, I even stood between the properties waiting for him second time. And he just fucking drives off when the address doesn't match.

>> No.15979744

>dropped Doordash because suddenly every place in town went from estimated 20-30 minutes to 50-60+ even if it was down the block and they still ended up late
>also disabling "special requests" on every restaurant while claiming the merchants chose that while the app still has massive gaps in ordering options
Are any of the other delivery services any better these days or all equally as shitty as DD?

>> No.15979801

I tried all these delivery services and they are dogshit
>delivery usually takes upwards of 45 minutes
>high fees
>always arrives cold
at this point I either drive to get takeout or cook at home

>> No.15979838

>Not driving to the place yourself

UberEats/GrubHub charge the companies money to be serviced by them. This isn't a huge deal for a large corporation but for smaller local restaurants its like rape. Don't support these people, get behind the wheel of your car and get your lazy ass to the store (unless you're drunk, then order delivery directly from the store).

>> No.15979851

Soon she will eat a bullet.

>> No.15979856

>UberEats/GrubHub charge the companies money to be serviced by them. This isn't a huge deal for a large corporation but for smaller local restaurants its like rape.
Maybe they should just employ delivery drivers then. I never use those apps for places (pizza, chinese, whatever) that actually have their own delivery service.

>> No.15979938

food delivery apps are a fucking scam unless you have no other choice. why not just drive and pick up the food yourself?

>> No.15979949

Drunk, lazy, live in inner city and doesn't have a car, food look good on webpage, feeling lonely and miss this nuggets smile, drivers license revoked due to dui.....

>> No.15979962

>then order delivery directly from the store
places still have this now? the only place I would assume is some Chinese place where it's a stoner or the owners kid

>> No.15980002

Can you legitimately not imagine why
> dude brings food to your house
is an interesting proposition to many people

Like do you lack empathy to that degree or what

>> No.15980025

>dinner break
Wagie wagie........

>> No.15980039

>giving money to the deliveryjew
>not supporting locally and getting out of your place

>> No.15980632


A bunch of places near me do, they're privately owned and generally hire the HS kids to do deliveries.

>> No.15980657

My ex complained about 50% of her orders and got credits refunded every time. but she is a whale on that thing so I guess it's okay. Sometimes they really really screw up her order, even twice in a row.

as for me:
>strategically wait for big discount coupons or stack promos
>pay $10 for $50 worth of food / or $0.40 for $12 orders

>> No.15980660

what the fuck?

>> No.15980695

what happens if you order something and then cancel? whats the window you can cancel in?

>> No.15980708

I used doordash a couple times and it worked out fine.
That said I'm in a fairly white area.
Sometimes it's a bit lukewarm but honestly it's about the same as if I had just picked it up and brought it home myself. A 20 minute drive is a 20 minute drive.
Regardless it's highly overpriced and the only time I've used it has been when I'm injured and legitimately cannot drive.

>> No.15980711

Of course they charge restaurants for their service, you think they should do it for free? The entire point of a restaurant using delivery companies is so that they can have a delivery service that they barely have to interact with. The restaurant's only real necessity in the arrangement is to have the food ready and pay for the service. In return they get more paying customers than they would have had without delivery and they get to have delievery that they have no real responsibility over as almost all complaints and issues can be pushed on to the delivery company.

I'm not saying that delivery companies don't charge and arm and a leg for their service and that it hits smaller businesses much harder than it hits the restaurant groups but you're essencially paying a fee to recieve more customers which should always be a net positive. The alternative is either not having delivery and thus less customers or providing your own delivery which means training/paying/vetting drivers and having the shoulder all the issues that come with being a delivery service.

>> No.15980715

>see big order over 100$
>cancel trip
>never get canned

>> No.15980733
File: 511 KB, 245x220, giphy (5).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Americans have become too lazy to drive thru a drive thru to get their fast food.
> they pay someone else to do it and complain about it.

>> No.15980746

I only use delivery services when I get home from work at 1am and nothing in my vicinity is open.

>> No.15980756

What shithole city do you live in where your pizza boxes are sealed?

>> No.15980758
File: 549 KB, 275x200, Austin-Powers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can eat anything she wants!
She sexy!

>> No.15980764

So these apps cater to drains on society. Got it

>> No.15980768

That's how a service works, you pay for getting what is agreed upon. Also it's not really about laziness, many people just don't have the means to really get to these places without using public transportation, which is gross here.

>> No.15980771

I don't expect for like 6 dollars amazing service for my McDonalds or some shit but so many of these motherfuckers are like 15 miles and a bridge away from the place and still accept the order

Then they get like halfway there and realize how stupid it is to drive this far and instead of canceling so a new driver gets it they LIE and say they delivered the food

>> No.15980772

The app gains usefulness to the consumer the more restaurants it covers, and would be dead in the water if no restaurants used it, so there's an argument for mutual value in servicing a restaurant for free.

>> No.15980773

Yes. I'm a contributing member of society. I'm glad you have a containment board so I don't have to ignore you begging for change on the street

>> No.15980791

no they dont and just like carry a stapler and steal some dominos stickers lmao

>> No.15980830

True but you're forgetting about (((them)))

>> No.15980836

Kiss her nigga boots and apologise

>> No.15980874

Unless you like paying a tech company extra for a minority to drive in circles with your food for 40 minutes

>> No.15980880

>Shit shouldn't be allowed in civilized countries.
it isn't

>> No.15980885

t. lazy fat. Back to r*ddit with you

>> No.15980896

get back in cagie.

>> No.15980936

I honestly breathe a sigh of relief whenever I see the pizza delivery driver's name isn't a negro name.
There's a dominos by me that only employs white people, so obviously they get all of my business.

>> No.15981210


>spend $20-$30 extra on your order to avoid a 10 minute drive. If they fuck it up or it's cold you cant do shit.

Nah I'm good nigger. Plus only nigs and chinks work in fast food/restaurants so the food is going to be shit regardless.

>> No.15981215

You can cancel and get your money back before the restaurant accepts your order but you’ll usually be charged a fee if you cancel and a driver is already assigned

>> No.15981234

fuck niggers

>> No.15981383

Not him but by "sealing" all they do is put a shitty sticker on it, holding the top and bottom together.
It doesn't work since you can just put it back.

>> No.15981411

Have they ever considered not paying UberEats and GrubHub then if they're being "raped" by them?

>> No.15981435


>> No.15981490

Yes, but pillaging the potential customer base came before the rape. There is now a signigicant percentage of customers who will no longer consider anything outside the apps.

>> No.15981506

I worked UberEATS for two years. It's very comfy and low-stress, but not stable either. If they gave me a company car I would get right back on it and do it until I retire.

>> No.15981868

>order gets bundled with another order
>driver waits 15m at the second restaurant after picking up my order
>"technically" still delivers within the expected time but food has been sitting for a while
Drives me up the wall.

>> No.15981872

That's what you get for being a cheapstake.

>> No.15981900

boo hoo lazy bitch cant get off his ass and get his own food

>> No.15981904

>complain in customer service

>get full refund and get nigga fired

Easy as

>> No.15981910

Is $5 not enough for a 10m drive?
You're right, and that's why I'm using the service.

>> No.15981935

>Is $5 not enough for a 10m drive?
That's ridiculous. I never accept an offer that's under $10, regardless of distance.

>> No.15981973

I mean...this is /ck/ -- why aren't you cooking your own food? This thread wouldn't exist if you cooked for yourself.

>> No.15981979

you deserve what you get lazy mf

>> No.15981987

>hyurr dyuurrrf, why are you discussing food on the food board???

>> No.15982002

Anon if you actually cooked once in a while you would know the pleasures of just taking a break and eating great tasting garbage you don't have to clean up after.

>> No.15982015

You're discussing UBER and crying about it

>> No.15982025

Are there really unemployed people who feel superior to employed people because they sit at their computer doing nothing productive all day, every day of the week?

>> No.15982024

So just go get it

>> No.15982039

Get this, faggot
*grabs nuts*

>> No.15982043

Why doesn’t Amazon just do this?

>> No.15982053

Yes, becuase they're not giving into the wageslave meme so they are better than us working peasants. They're not but that's what they think

>> No.15982057

i would never EVER use this service just so some fucking nigger can spit in my fries

>> No.15982085

Aaayy ooohhh we got a tough guy ova heere

>> No.15982092

you are just poor

>> No.15982102

fuck you tranny

>> No.15982106

Quit acting like a retard and get that cock out bitch, it's penis inspection day

>> No.15982141

This fuckin guy...go get your shoeshine box

>> No.15982161

yikes anon, I'm not seeing a penis here. All I see is a mutilated axe wound.
Also it's clearly infected, you should get that checked out.

>> No.15982202

If you don't have the financial means to transport yourself somewhere, you don't have the financial means to eat delivery food.

>> No.15982234

fast food is for rich people you fucking retarded nigger?

>> No.15982252

He is saying you're too poor to order food due to charges and stuff

>> No.15982292

who is

>> No.15982299


>> No.15982300

i what?

>> No.15982327

The guy you replied to you muppet

>> No.15982341

who did i reply to

>> No.15982346

>tip in cash
>slam door in their face
feels good

>> No.15982522

How did my thread about black cooking get me banned yet this thread is up

>> No.15982525

nigger mods and probably female one too

>> No.15982684

Retard bullshit liars. Anything more than three dollars includes a tip

>> No.15982692

What city

>> No.15982732
File: 3 KB, 128x128, 1613844556473s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>driver claims they're waiting at restaurant
>they're on the other side of town
I know you're lying, megan

>> No.15982753
File: 82 KB, 720x960, 2FB026EF-4BAD-49D7-BE67-859098F4F1A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you guys ever use grab in Southeast Asia? Kek.
Surprisingly, the Chinese version of these services are really good and the food was always still hot. Fees were less than a dollar. It was amazing.

>> No.15982829

>grabbin ass
fuck I'm dying lmao

>> No.15982856
File: 67 KB, 1280x454, reagdor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every order now comes with complementary probiotics
thanks grab!

>> No.15982986
File: 27 KB, 1092x1037, 27327C64-2377-44BE-9CD3-EF669B792689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, delivering for uber eats
>get 2 wendys orders around 8pm on a Saturday
>nigger run establishment with lazy nigger employees in a nigger neighborhood
>drive-thru pick up only
>wait in line for an hour while baboons blast jungle toons and smoke weed, one car every 15 minutes.
>delivery recipient #1 starts texting me
>’yes sir I apologize for the wait as the dine-in takeout is closed and the line is heavily backed up, thank you for your patience.’
>alright dude theres nothing I can do, no need to be a dick about it
>finally get to window, black manager laughing with an employee in background, have to wait 10 minutes to get the food
>recipient asks if I’m even still coming, assure him that I am and am headed ASAP
>finally arrive to his destination after delivering to first order (cant choose who gets it first)
>almost 2 hours have gone by since he ordered
>he’s sitting in the doorway with the porch light on in what looks like a chair
>get closer and realize it’s a wheelchair and he has no legs
>Vietnam vet cap
>try to apologize and let him know that he can talk to customer service and I’m sure they’ll refund him
>still tips me $4.00

>> No.15983007

>be me yesterday
>delivering food
>pull up to house and ring doorbell
>waiting, eventually two stoned kids walk out from their backyard side gate
>they thank me for the food and ask if I celebrate 4/20
>I say yes, they get me stoned too
>say cheers and be on my way
>happily do a few more deliveries stoned

Im always high while I do this anyway but it made my day.

>> No.15983013

this isn't an exaggeration
if you get stuck in a nigger drive thru, you're fucked, may as well pull out. that's what they're hoping you do anyway

>> No.15983014

If he'd had talked to customer service, you would have been fired, over something that wasn't your fault. Uber doesn't give a shit about their drivers. They want their customers to think that they were helping them every step of the way and that anything that went wrong was because of you.

>> No.15983026


>> No.15983032

>trusting random strangers with your food
why the fuck do people do this?

>> No.15983036

>while baboons blast jungle toons and smoke weed
Inside the restaurant?

>> No.15983042

>couples delivery

I see this too and I always wonder how fucking lame it would be to have to go with my gf to work

>> No.15983047

oh, you're bad with money which explains not being able to afford transportation. you are pathetic.

>> No.15983048

nah, they were in the cars in line and they would blast it so everyones car would shake

they got out a few times to take videos of them twerking on the hood

I seriously wish I was kidding

>> No.15983055

Where do you live? Sounds like hell

>> No.15983078

Los Angeles

>> No.15983102

Sounds like a modern remake of the McDonald's scene in Mac and Me. Complete with guy in wheelchair.

>> No.15983103

>his village doesn't have delivery
lmao dumb fuckin cunt

>> No.15983112

I love the fact that these places are models for the future of the world
Can't wait

>> No.15983135

I drove for uber eats for a year. I would hustle my ass off and drive like the cops were after me. As long as the restaurant was fast, I was fast as hell. Food was still piping hot. I liked knowing that people were enjoying their food, and I rarely if ever had a hard day working. I fucked up a few deliveries, but usually that was the customer being lazy and not giving directions.

>> No.15983139

You have every right to complain if you get shit service.

>> No.15983219
File: 1.14 MB, 720x1280, 1523077043931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

americans are so fucking fat and lazy they would pay a stranger massive fees to deliver fast-food to them
imagine being so fucking fat and lazy that food that is literally made to be as easy and convenient and quick as possible to get is TOO MUCH WORK for an american to do so they pay someone else

>> No.15983249


>> No.15983252

Yep that's us. Hope you enjoy living in wherever you are. Stay out and don't visit us either.

>> No.15983257

This desu. Endorse this post

>> No.15983308

Comfy and wholesome story

>> No.15983392

>can’t trust strangers with food for even 10 minutes
what does it feel like to be this paranoid? jfc

>> No.15983396

I found it to be a good stoned job as well.

>> No.15983449


i got banned from the same thread for mentioning that black women eat cornstarch

>> No.15983465

I learned fairly recently that drive thrus are actually banned in my city as of a few years ago. Obviously if they had them before they're grandfathered in but every new fast food place that opens up in the metro is forbidden from having a drive thru.
This has nothing to do with the conversation in this topic but I wanted to share. Thanks for reading.

>> No.15983694

why are the arabs better?

>> No.15983708

grubhub is fucking horrible. late orders are a guarantee, cancelled orders time and time again, their hours for the restaurants are wrong so i will order and nothing will get confirmed and will have to get the retard chat support jockey to refund my money. retard drivers cant read basic delivery instructions either. i complain every time and get a fair amount of $5 vouchers. ill probably switch to uber eats eventually but i havent ordered delivery in ages cuz im on the femboy diet. also i never once tipped

>> No.15983712

This. Anyone falling for this is a poorfag that has never ordered uber eats.

>> No.15983715

Never had that happen. Had a postmates bitch eat my cole slaw once though

>> No.15983729

rent free

>> No.15983731

That sounds like absolute fucking bullshit (on their part not yours)
What even was their justification?

>> No.15983754

the cope is real

damn right

send all cocks my way (white only)

>dont tip
>slam door in driver's face

that reminded me the other day i ordered chinese, didn't tip, driver demanded a cash tip i said i had no cash, guy kept demanding a tip and then calling me a liar so i told him to go fuck himself and slammed the door in his face, and then called the restaurant to report him. total faggot


send them back

americans live rent free in your primitive head

>> No.15983766

>send all cocks my way (white only)
anon I'm sorry but I'm keeping all the white cocks to myself
look if I get a lot at once I'll send a few your way since we are brothers in our struggle

>> No.15983789

>ordered some shit from 7-11 while at work
>Uber Eats guy brings it, all is well
>an hour or two passes
>another Uber Eats guy shows up
>gives me my order again for some reason
>don’t say anything cause hey, free slurpee
No idea what happened, was only charged once so it was neat.

>> No.15983817

That sounds awesome, I'm glad you got that

>> No.15983848

Is america really disconnected or something? why not just cycle down to the fastfood place

>> No.15983899

The whole world looks at america in total confusion over this tipping nonsense...

Not only does it make no sense that you are obliged to tip, but that the wagecuck gets mad at the customer for not tipping...

Lemme break it down for the amerifats because apparently you still dont get it and you need a supwr-hero like me to explain how the world works:
>CUSTOMERS: if you order $30 worth of food, you are only obliged to pay $30 and not a cent more. There are no provisions for "tips" in the agreed ttansaction
>WAGEKEKS: your boss is ripping you off by not paying a fare wage and forcing you to live on tips. It isnt the customwrs fault that you are always poor, its mr nosebergs fault. So instead if spitting in the food of a non-tipping customer, go spit in mr nosebergs food

>> No.15983910

>Is $5 not enough for a 10m drive?
Drive to the restaurant + possibly wait for the food + 10m drive to your place + 5m or more navigating your apartment complex.

It’s not pizza, we do one delivery at a time so a $5 tip sucks

>> No.15983914

happened to me but i got charged twice. took a while to get support to give me money back, but it was worth it

>> No.15983917

GrubHub tries to force restaurants to partner by ordering from them anyway and having us pay with a card. Non-partnered restaurants commonly have screwed up hours or menus. I hate delivering from them.

Just the other day I got an order to deliver from a restaurant that had been completely closed for a month

>> No.15983928

Euro God here
Delivery costs 2 eur for me
Sorry for amerisharts

>> No.15983986

Do mutts not have delivroo never once had a problem with jt

>> No.15984446

Only had a couple problems with it. I've had food arrive cold and took about 45 minutes. Turned out he was on his push bike and coming from the other side of town because his car had broken. I ended up giving him 10 pound tip and a little bit of weed because the weather was shit

>> No.15984468

Whats really stupid are the people who use these services only to order something like a coffee or one single small item. Lazy fucks

>> No.15984472

Racism is the biggest sign of poor education and lack of world experience

>> No.15984517

Honestly that's extremely racist of you to assume all black people act like niggers.
Coddling someone because you expect them to be less proficient due to their race is much more racist than holding everyone to the same standard.

>> No.15984529
File: 378 KB, 413x395, 1618921941779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used uber eats once or twice a month in college. I think I ended up paying max around 20$ for all my orders combined.
>use google phone number to sign up
>make a burner email
>get 30 bucks off my order with the first time user coupon
thanks delivery slaves, here's your 50 cent tip because my total order price was 5$.

>> No.15984617

>uni has deal with the local dominos
>50% off all orders for students
The place is a 2 minute walk from my apartment It's hard to complain about a $5 pie

>> No.15984659

>I know everything about your political and social beliefs because you used a curse word

>> No.15984700

Damn that sounds awesome.
Their pan pizza is honestly my favorite fast food item of all time. I can eat that shit for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
(no I'm not fat, it's a figure of speech)

>> No.15984710


>> No.15984712

Totally agree I can read your subtext OP, all niggers and spics are animals. We need to implement eugenics and heavily regulate them so the correct race can lead humanity to a new golden age.

>> No.15984726

>Delivery for a slurpee

>> No.15984742

I remember when this board was all about supporting people who he did these types of jobs.

>> No.15984759

whos got time for that nowadays

>> No.15984802

i call white people niggers all the time does that make me racist?

>> No.15984831

>calls to say hes lost and asks me to go outside and look for him
>go outside and the faggot is idling on the street 20 feet from my driveway
every other time, what am i tipping these pajeets for when they cant even bring it to my actual house? after the third incident of this happening i just order pizza and chinese cause even their half retarded drivers with broken english can still find my fucking house.

people like to get drunk/stoned you dumb no life niggers

>> No.15984870
File: 36 KB, 409x409, 1612564190438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would you like to add a tip?
Add later
>Your deliver is complete! Would you like to add a tip?

>> No.15984912

Would shit on you for being a weed smoker but you sound like a top lad

>> No.15984919

Tranny freak

>> No.15984961

You voted for a president that fucked children with Epstein

>> No.15984985

Didn’t read, rent free

>> No.15985005

u think all black people live in brazil or have come from brazil?

>> No.15985011

no, i use nigger as an insult akin to "idiot, stupid, uncivilized" etc. it just sums up all these terms nicely.

>> No.15985012

both of these depicted people are better than everyone in this thread

>> No.15985013

No you don't, be quiet newfag.
Nobody is shit talking good drivers, we're shit talking the assholes who do a shitty job and fuck with your food.

>> No.15985028

>we're shit talking the assholes who do a shitty job and fuck with your food.

this is so rare though. you have to be ordering from these apps every single day if you have issues.

>> No.15985045

I just tryto be nice the best I can
>Would shit on you for being a weed smoker
Fair enough, I'm only a casual smoker though. Only really smoke if it's been a long day and my back is a bit stiff, the all day dude weed so high stoners are annoying. They give a bad reputation for the casual smokers. One of the deliveroo drivers I had reeked of it when he delivered the food, he's also a complete retard and always fucked up orders

>> No.15985060

ikr? with all the lockdowns and stay at home and shit. who got time to cook?

>> No.15985072

why do you plebbit niggers keep derailing every thread where you get called a nigger?
why did you only eat there twice a month then?
i once got someone elses mcdonalds order so i sent a pic of the food with the order slip and they gave me a refund and i got to eat the random order.
fuck drive throughs, they are inefficient and just reward lazy shits with priority service over the non lazy shits who walked in.

>> No.15985091

u r a sad old man who refuses to believe he deserves what he already has...... leave me alone you stalker...... all you relaly do is pretend that you know what youre doing when you are too busy insulting me and fantasizing about if we were ever equals.......

>> No.15985095

yeah i read those reviews online too i think it's fake or posted by corp to get buzz about their products....

>> No.15985102

>not calling ahead to resto as you clock out
>not picking it up ok the way home (even if a bit out of your way)
>not enjoying your meal sans delivery free or the opportunity for someone to fuck it up, let it get cold, etc

>> No.15985104

i stopped using ubereats or any other delivery app it wasn't worth it man.......

>> No.15985108

I think you replied to the wrong post frendo, you should probably calm down

>> No.15985111

halfway houses are specialised housing for convicts that were recently released on bail or otherwise.... not rehab facilities not jail not prison and not homeless shelters. i met a woman who thought a homeless shelter was a halfway house.......

>> No.15985121

oh wow you are a regular! you're like a lifer except youre a customer not an employee...

>> No.15985128

hahaha you missed out

>> No.15985132

don't order....... why would you order and wait until it is being processed and cancel? youre going to either crash their servers or you're going to get your ip address banned or one of the delivery dudes are gonna tell you off and tell you to stop using their services or ask one of their telecommunication friends to up your rates for your cellphone...........

>> No.15985137

i think you might have brain damage

>> No.15985149

it's really not easy to run a business she prob got yelled at or something???? maybe you paid her in monopoly money instead of real money?

>> No.15985160

>is a criminal
>doesn't understand crime

>> No.15985169

>gives discounts to bl*ck owned businesses
how does anyone use that literal racist shit service?
I will continue to use their competitors with pride

>> No.15985170

i met people who run these scams trying to send their kids to school and pretend theyre not stupid it was really sad... like all the documentaries i've seen.

>> No.15985175

how many friends does a single person need???

>> No.15985179

this is why i stopped asking for deliveries outside of korea i never had this problem in korea ok

>> No.15985187

it could be covid a lot of services stopped being as functional after the mandatory shut down of businesses and government buildings.

>> No.15985193

u could always ask friends or family to drop off food ifyou want..??

>> No.15985195

well it is hard for all of us to learn about finances but the truth is, this isn't like rape at all. going in the red because you refused to use any delivery service or hire delivery guys is like rape... except in that siutation you are out of business and if it was like rape you are just being harassed for a brief period of time............... idk if you know how services work but if you want someone to do the work for you you have to pay them.

>> No.15985202

yeah refugees are a serious problem lol i think most countries have dealt with them by having them access government resources instead of hiring them or helping them apply for visa.

>> No.15985205

This may blow your mind, but this thread isn't a survey of every poster's experiences, it's a cross section of those that related to the thread enough to post in it.
Also your perception does not define everyone's reality. You are not that important.

>> No.15985207

they never blacklist anyone so... that's always a plus?

>> No.15985208


>> No.15985211

wrong word, it's called compassion not empathy. compassion is understanding others and their reasoning and empathy is understanding emotions of others and agreeing with how they feel...

>> No.15985213

>justifiable rape

>> No.15985216

so many jewish people lie about working delivery honestly all my delivery dudes were either indian or some really old white guy who looked like the restaurant owner

>> No.15985222

.... it's a goal to get the restaurant ppl to like u lol

>> No.15985241

What the fuck are you even trying to say you cuck nigger?
>everyone I don't like is a libtard
You are delusional, I have never voted for ba left wing party.

>> No.15985257


>> No.15985285

>nooo you can't just criticize people who do a shitty job
>you must be a seething libtard
There's no way you aren't a bloated boomer fuck

>> No.15985407

I'm fucking done with delivery food. It's always some somalian delivering my food that shows up late and I always end up having to hunt them down in the parking lot for my apartment complex, because he can't follow simple delivery instructions.

>> No.15985422

Not to mention because of the ch*navirus, noplace on grubhub or ubereats in my city will deliver past 10:00 PM, so they're basically just asking me to drive drunk to get my food.

>> No.15985453


>> No.15985623

>halfway houses are specialised housing for convicts that were recently released on bail or otherwise.... not rehab facilities not jail not prison and not homeless shelters. i met a woman who thought a homeless shelter was a halfway house.......
If someone is released upon posting bond then they are certainly not by necessity a "convict", as that implies they are already convicted of the crime they were charged with and they are serving time. Bond is set at arraignment and the purpose is to allow a person to pay to get out of jail until their court date, at which time the judge decides if they're guilty or not and sentences them. Also halfway houses are absolutely rehab. They literally exist for drug offenders to live supervised and work a program including holding a steady job, to reintegrate them into society, in order to reduce their jail or prison sentence.