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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 104 KB, 1200x870, dishes-piling_up_in_sink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15963194 No.15963194 [Reply] [Original]

>Dishwasher next to sink is empty
>Family member piles their filthy fucking dishes into the sink anyway

This shit is gonna make me fly into a murderous rage one of these days. They even do it when the dishwasher is open snd visibly empty.

>> No.15963356

did you tell them to put their dirty dishes in the dishwasher?

>> No.15963638

Because you'll load it, dishcuck.
My husband likes to hide dirty dishes in his office and wait until when I've just finished washing a sinkful of dishes so he can load up and smugly dump like fifteen salad plates smeared with peanut butter, a week's worth of dirty stinky mugs, a couple of bowls, and all the cutlery on me. Outside of my own despair when he pulls this hilarious jape, I can see why it's funny.
You make yourself somebody who can be stepped on, everyone who can will happily grind their boots into you, and they'll laugh as they do it.

>> No.15963641

Just fucking leave them there you cuck. Let them see what happens when you aren't there to clean up their messes. Just wash the dishes you need as you need them.

>> No.15963683

Yeah. I mean, imagine if you could actually discuss these things with words with the people that do this.
Like actually have a constructive conversation.
But no, you wont do it because you fear that everything like this develops into a huge fight. And whoever points stuff like this out is actually just called a complainer.
And you know you sure as shit are going to wait until you are on the brink of exploding with rage over this thing and only then instigate a fight that will lead into a divorce.
And that's because your people skills suck fucking ass, no matter how many friends and aquaintances you have or what position you hold at work. You are clueless how to talk to people about the real things you care about and that makes you ashamed and angry, but you can't quite put your finger on it. And that's why you will forever be ultimately alone.
You can work on people skills you know.

>> No.15963690

It's more efficient to load the dishwasher when you're able to arrange all the dishes at once.

>> No.15963710

Shut the fuck up and do your chores, Brayden.

>> No.15965127

Have you ever been in a relationship?

>> No.15965136

move out of mommy's house

>> No.15965154

have sex, incel

>> No.15965590

fun fact: the dishwasher was invented to wash dishes without chipping them.
they were never designed to clean them better or sanitize them.

>> No.15965594

>My husband likes to wah wah wah wah
well fucking talk to him about it instead of complaining on a Venezualan Fish-slinging forum

>> No.15965718

everyone knows -exactly- what they're doing and that's why they do it.
To acknowledge when people upset you only contributes to their victory over you.

>> No.15965734

Simple solution: get a trans housemaid

>> No.15965744

doesnt your cleaner take care of this for you?

>> No.15965801
File: 80 KB, 800x546, whats-eating-gilbert-grape-910442l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trusting a dishwasher over handwashing

>> No.15965982

Wow that's fucking sad, sort yourself out with that cuck mindset

>> No.15966334

>This shit is gonna make me fly into a murderous rage one of these days. They even do it when the dishwasher is open snd visibly empty.
when you say family member is it an elder or equal? If a parent or grandparent, just suck it up. Spouse or child, you explain what you want. If this is a losing battle for dominance, you do something that makes your job easier. Fill up half the sink in scalding water and suds right before dinner table is cleared each night, and the loading is at least easy work for anyone who uses the system. Don't have a double sink? then you need to get a dishpan and do the same thing. When it comes time for you to load it all up, tip out or drain this water and load the items giving only a swipe with your sponge. When you do something organized, family tends to follow your system. Is there a sponge holder that doesn't have people hunting in the bottom of the sink getting their hand icky? Or a long handled brush where people don't get their hands dirty. Is the sink too full from dinner prep? Does your family run the dishwasher daily at the same time every day or is it flexible and random. No routine is your enemy. Set up some rules and follow them, and you have a real complaint. Bitch now and you'll just be a grump.

>> No.15966817

It was surprises me that people with dishwashers complain about this. I have never had a dishwasher in my life, so I usually have to wash AND dry the dishes after every meal and it takes a whole lot longer that just loading up the dishwasher. Why do people not put things into dishwasher after they're done with them. Moreover, why do people complain about having to put things into the dishwasher? Doesn't the whole thing take like 5 or 10 minutes max?

>> No.15966829

>Use dishes
>Put in dishwasher
>Wash cooking utensils, pot and pans by hand
It's a piece of piss but some people are just lazy and inconsiderate.

>> No.15966830

is it better to just leave all your dishes outside until you have enough to fill up the dishwasher, or just put them right into the dishwasher where it sits for a couple more days in the dark until the dishwasher is full enough

>> No.15966835

Rinse you dishes and put them in the dishwasher. When it's full put it on. Or if you use fuck all dishes just wash them by hand.

>> No.15967757

Literally and unironically have sex. Even if you already have sex.

>> No.15967800

Because it's your one fucking job in this house.
Suck it up or move out you lazy sack of shit.

>> No.15968860

You will never be a woman

>> No.15968900
File: 322 KB, 750x724, 1618180847117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, same.
I wish i had the luxury of a dishwasher but despite living in a large house i miss that one square fucking metre to place a dishwasher.

Doing the laundry / cleaning the house is fine but fuck doing the dishes.