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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15962106 No.15962106 [Reply] [Original]

Well /ck/?

>> No.15962109

I will eat all of those things, not sure if I would enjoy them all though.

>> No.15962113

Zero, like a true upstanding fully masculine woman hating volcel.

>> No.15962116

I've never had ranch dressing but it seems to be pretty gross so 1

>> No.15962117

>canned tuna
thats it. the rest is good, even snails. also askren faggots btfo LOLOLO

>> No.15962125

only liver, snails, & Eggplant.

>> No.15962129

I'll eat anything on that list, but I don't much like raw fish, snails, or Brussels spouts.

>> No.15962140

Retarded list is retarded.
Nothing on it is even slightly disagreeable to a western palate.
Escargot is just silly though, as it’s basically a garlic/herb-butter gummybear.

>> No.15962146


>> No.15962156
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my list

>> No.15962218
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if this list included foreign food, I would've picked more.

>> No.15962238


cottage cheese

>> No.15962243


>> No.15962246

Cooked fish, Oysters, snails.

>> No.15962254

1 point - i fucking despise ketchup

>> No.15962256

Only one I will not eat are snails. I hate gastropods with a passion.

>> No.15962265
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This entire image just reinforces how much I hate picky eaters. The only things on that list that aren't completely ordinary and mundane are,
>raw fish
Most people love sushi, so refusing to eat raw fish is about on baby palate par with refusing to eat tomatoes, in my opinion. Liver and oysters are pretty common, but if you didn't grow up ever experiencing them I can see a little barrier of entry. Snails are probably the one most people would say, because, "eww, snails" - and they're not very common outside of a few cuisines; but you could give one to a /fit/fag baby child and tell them it's some keto chicken breast thing and they'd eat it up without a hint of, "what is this new, odd flavor?" Honestly, the one thing on that list that I'd be the least likely to eat is Nutella, because it always tastes exactly like Nutella, and Nutella is pretty garbage.

>> No.15962281

>canned tuna

Are there really people who won’t eat fruits and vegetables?

>> No.15962283
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Are there really people who wont eat liver?

>> No.15962286

like and share? funny botposter

>> No.15962288

is that a liver burger anon?

>> No.15962291

what the fuck. Half of these are basic shit
the fuck
I've eeat everything on that list except oysters and liver. I wouldn't mind eating liver and I'd eat oysters if someone paid me but I just don't like the thought of swallowing some slimy blob of shit.

>> No.15962295

Interesting that you rank snails as harder than oysters. I've had snail before, it took some convincing by a very enthusiastic waiter but after I tried it, it wasn't that bad. Haven't tried oysters though, just seems gross.

>> No.15962309
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No. Liver is for mornings.

>> No.15962310

I remember being grossed out by oysters a while ago, but I have no problem with clams and mussels so I'd probably be good with them now.
Just coconut

>> No.15962322

I explained my reasoning. I think the idea of snails is harder for most people who haven't had them, but they're really not that out there when it comes to the flavor and texture compared to something like raw oysters.

>> No.15962345

>i fucking despise ketchup
No you don’t, anon.
You just act as if you do to project what you think is an appearance of refined/sophisticated taste.
One thing that’s worse than picky eaters are faggots who use faux-snobbery as a fashion accessory.

>> No.15962360

1 point for peanut butter. Cucked out of deliciousness by a food allergy.

>> No.15962439

The strange thing about liver is that people often get the wrong type and find it's too strong tasting for them.
Most liver I've ever had is known as lambs-fry and this comes from a lamb/sheep.
Beef and pork liver is quite strong compared to lambs-fry.
I love it in a casserole with bacon and carrots.

>> No.15962535

My mom made me liverwurst and mayo sandwiches on white bread when I was still in diapers, and it was decades before I learned what, "braunschweiger" meant. Nonetheless, it put liver in my mind as a distinct flavor I enjoyed from childhood. I completely understand someone trying some funky liver for the first time in adulthood and being turned off, because some liver is just really strong. I've tried tripe probably 100 times, and the only time I like it is in small quantities in something like pho, where it's not the dominant flavor.

>> No.15962550


Raw Fish

>> No.15962553

no, I just hate sweet sauces.

>> No.15962603

Not a big fan of liver or cauliflower, but if it was served to me I'd still eat it.

>> No.15962621

The whole point of this list is identifying PICKY eaters, so people who wouldn’t eat/try certain foods because they’re little dumdums with “”””””psychological reasons”””””” to not finish their plate.

>> No.15962629

Based mom. Thanks to mine I loved having pumpernickel and harzer cheese sandwiches for lunch in preschool.

>> No.15962634

Is there any food you're disgusted by?

>> No.15962635

2, but really 1. I hate the texture of cottage cheese. Eggs I will only eat if they're made a very specific way.

>> No.15962636

I hate licorice, and I don't care for quiche. Also not a fan of sweet + savory dishes. I've eaten literally everything else I've been served or ordered, though.

>> No.15962638

Not liking licorice excludes you from fennel and star anise, so that's a huge red flag.

>> No.15962639

Where I come from, "lamb's fry" is lamb testicle battered and fried. It's amazingly good, as are calf's fries.

>> No.15962651

I like fennel in things like italian sausage. Hell, I'll even drink absinthe (wormwood). I just want my candy to taste like candy, so I don't like black licorice as a candy.

>> No.15962654

snails are just an inoffensive vessel for butter and garlic. oysters, by themselves, are an acquired taste.

>> No.15962676

Why isn't there human meat on this list?

>> No.15962791
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23. I am autistic.

>> No.15962832

1, snails.

>> No.15962867

Never had escargot, but I'm willing to try it. Don't really care for liver but it's been forever since I had any. I don't like celery or pickles but I could eat them.

>> No.15962944

8 i would dislike, 1 i wouldnt eat. oyster looks repulsive

>> No.15962952


>> No.15962957
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1. Snails. Fuck the French.

>> No.15963169
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>> No.15963248

if you only pick a single thing of that list you are a drooling manchild retard that is unworthy of life and you should be euthanized asap.

>> No.15963295

if you pick a single thing of that list you are a drooling manchild retard that is unworthy of life and you should be euthanized asap.

>> No.15963320 [DELETED] 


>> No.15963363

blue cheese is the only one in the list.
Or any aged cheese, for that matter.
Just the smell literally makes me gag.
I can tolerate parmesan if it's mixed with other ingredients in small quantities and cooked

>> No.15963384
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My list would be a whole lot better if I enjoyed condiments. I'd still eat the dishes that have them cooked into them, but I'm not going to add them voluntarily.

>> No.15963391

2 points

Crabs and snails

>> No.15963392

gay retard

>> No.15963564

I'm allergic to coffee

>> No.15963573

Raw fish

I could be pressured into eating everything else on the list

>> No.15963580

>Blue Cheese
>Canned Tuna

No thanks

>> No.15963582

I'll eat everything on the list, but dislike canned tuna, nutella, cooked carrots, hard boiled eggs (every other version is fine), white chocolate, grapefruit and I don't care for manzanilla olives but most olives are just fine.

>> No.15963595
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what the fuck you people

>> No.15963599

just olives. i try them every couple years to see if my taste buds have matured but they always taste like shit

>> No.15963607

1 because I haven't had escargot. I would have at a place that properly prepared it though. I imagine its like a tougher oyster. So technically 0. Did the list change? This seems pretty basic.

>> No.15963611

Liver, avocado, raisins, pineapple, olives. I could eat it I just prefer not to.

>> No.15963822

I eat all of these.
Are there really people who refuse to eat sourdough, oranges, strawberries, apples, and watermelon?
Those all seem incredibly inoffensive.
Like I know a literal pants-shitting autistic kid and he eats his fruits when he's not on his buttered noodles.

>> No.15963865

would probably try most except for canned tuna and blue cheese

>> No.15963869

I had a friend growing up who absolutely hated all fruits except orange soda.

>> No.15963873

Considering I eat animal heads and forage.... What do you think?

>> No.15963892
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I just can't do it, even if other dried small fruits are fine like cranberries.
Never had the opportunity to try but I feel apprehensive about it.

>> No.15963922

Canned tuna.

>> No.15963923

I despise beets and black olives. The rest is fair game

>> No.15963944

I’ll take one full point for escargot and liver, half a point each for eggplant and oysters.

If it came down to it, I wouldn’t refuse anything on the list, I would just never order the 4 things that I mentioned with emphasis on the first two.

>> No.15963958

The only thing from that list that I have never eaten are oysters and snails. Maybe I ought to put that on my bucket list of things to do.

>> No.15964553


>> No.15964562

>I'm a big boy, I eat many food!

>> No.15964578

I won't eat canned tuna, I don't care for tomatoes and eat them here-or-there but sometimes pick them out of things, and I haven't actually eaten snails or liver but I think I would be resistant to trying them.

>> No.15964583

cilantro and a lot of high carb high fat spic foot is all i wont eat. nothing on this list i can check out

>> No.15964593

>allergic to eggs
I don’t think nature intended for you to make it this far, please rectify that

>> No.15964598

Never eaten snail. So Im at 1 point

>> No.15964617

eat duck eggs. you won't be allergic to them like you are chicken eggs and duck eggs are way better

>> No.15964639

bleu cheese and ranch are gross
peanuts will kill me (allergy)

>> No.15964756
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I don't mind the taste of Nutella, I just know how it's made and it's disgusting.

>> No.15964769

I fucking hate Nutella but literally any other brand hazelnut spread is delicious and I keep it stocked

>> No.15964772
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>> No.15964780
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I cannot understand where the mayonnaise love comes from. Also funnily enough I loved cottage cheese when I was a kid, couldn’t get enough of it.

>> No.15965022

What does escargot taste like? I am a burger and don’t know if I would like it or not.

>> No.15965048
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the only thing on that list that i have eaten and absolutely hated was canned tuna but i have never tried raw fish or oysters. Since i haven't eaten nutella and snails in the last ten years i am between 3 and 5 points

>> No.15965066

Won't eat snails. That's it.

>> No.15965067

1 point
I’m allergic to shrimp

>> No.15965085

blue cheese

>> No.15965297
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>> No.15965303

>Allergic to eggs


>> No.15965308

I'll eat it as a patte but I don't like it just as a thing. Like liver and onions for example I probably wouldn't eat.

>> No.15965376

liver, pork, cottage cheese-3

>> No.15965395
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>> No.15965400

*I'm allergic to nuts

>> No.15965467

Nutella doesn't have a lot of nuts in it.

>> No.15965515

there's at least one nut in nut-ella

>> No.15965516

If asked, I could eat everything on this last, sans maybe raw oysters because they freak me out food borne illness-wise. Liver I'd say 50/50, because fresh beef or pork liver can be delicious, so can a nice liverwurst, but bad liver is absolutely VILE.

As far as foods here I would eat and not particularly enjoy:
>blue cheese (in excessive quantities)
>brussel sprouts

>> No.15965520
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what do i win?

>> No.15965535
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>> No.15965547

>Thing is popular therefore you’re not allowed to dislike it

>> No.15965589

that and you have the pallet of a 9 year old

>> No.15965847

i enjoy anything on that list

>> No.15965903

Thats fucking raw as fuck hope you know there's more than just beef going into your gullet

>> No.15965911
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>> No.15966002

Canned tuna because there's no fucking point and the coffee because the caffeine makes me feel sick, although I'm fine with the taste otherwise. Everything else on that list has some way of being prepared that I can enjoy.

>> No.15966100

I hate Jell-O

>> No.15966130


>> No.15966179

i eat all of those from time to time. zero, i guess

>> No.15966184

0.would eat & enjoy all. anything more than 0 then sorry but, you are a faggot

>> No.15966200

2 points, fuck tofu and cottage cheese

>> No.15966256


>> No.15966285

Liver is the only thing for me

>> No.15966423

I have eaten and will eat everything on this list (including escargot, which I love), with the exception that I detest *bottled* ranch dressing. I usually opt for different styles of dressing (a simple vinaigrette, usually) over ranch if given the choice, but I will eat the original type of ranch (mixed from HVR powder and milk) dressing, just not the bottled shit.

I'm also not a big milk-drinker, but I use it freely on cereal and in tea.

So I'll say ½ a point for me.

Interesting to not see blood sausage, kidneys, tripe, sardines, or anchovies on this list. I love all of those, BTW, but some people are seriously grossed out by them.

Also interesting to see canned tuna (which I eat regularly) on the list, but not canned salmon, which I positively despise.

"Cooked fish" is an overly broad category, too. At the very least it should be broken down along white/oily lines, because I definitely know people who will eat cod and haddock but won't touch salmon, let alone mackerel. And then there's red herring and other salted fish.

>> No.15966438

What a breeze! I won't abide by snails. Otherwise, this list is no challenge.

>> No.15966441

Kind of like mushrooms, IMO. They're also usually pretty heavily seasoned with garlic and herbs.

>> No.15966448
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Cottage cheese

Everything else is cool.

>> No.15966470

I will and have eaten everything on this list.
I steer away from internal meats although I will eat sausages and hotdogs.

>> No.15966812

I win, I am from India, I win because even if you have $1000 to spend on groceries, you will not get much, even the stuff that is available is rotten.

The reason -- our politicians run a mafia that controls all the sourcing of produce from farmers, buy politicians change every few years and they never invest in freezers, they don't know what fucking freezer is!!!

>> No.15966825

I would try anything if it's prepared in a certain way

>> No.15966850

I do not to eat a few of them due to preferences but the ones I just can't eat without gagging are:

>> No.15967908
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>> No.15967918
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I really hate the texture of mushrooms and eggplant. I also prefer to not eat raw tomatoes and onions both raw and cooked, but I won't turn down a meal for it.

>> No.15967941

red is stuff i wont wont eat (just nutella, way too sweet and also the palm oil controversy)
blue is stuff i dont really like the taste of but im sure it can pair with stuff fairly well
green is stuff i havnt eaten before, though i am making roasted brussel sprout this week, have to wait and see

>> No.15967946
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forgot the damned image

>> No.15967960

everyone talking about eggs but this mf allergic to bananas

>> No.15967984

3 points.

>> No.15968106

>Ranch Dressing

So Six.

>> No.15968139

Ketchup, Ranch, Shrimp, White Chocolate

>> No.15968146

What a baby you are

>> No.15968165

So what does "braunschweiger" mean?

>> No.15968189

I've never had ranch dressing or escargot(eating snails as a little kid doesn't count)

>> No.15968384

Cottage cheese and white chocolate for me. Both taste disgusting.

>> No.15968686
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I would probably eat it to be polite but never order it for myself.

>> No.15968715

The only potentially objectionable thing on this list is liver. And loads of people still eat offal.

>> No.15968756

>Loads of people still eat offal

You're a weak bitch, anon.

>> No.15968762


>> No.15968779

The only things I haven't eaten are liver and escargot but I would try them.

>> No.15968782

I roast brussel sprouts, beetroot, carrots, garlic and rosemary together.

>> No.15968917

Nutella just tastes like greasy "chocolate" to me.
Can't stand it.

>> No.15968941

A few things I don't think I'd ever ask for myself, but if it was put on a plate and it was part of the only food I was going to get I would eat them
Everything else I'm fine with, except Coffee and Avocado, there I draw the line

>> No.15968949

1 point: coffee
I like coffee but it I stop drinking it because my body was addicted to the ring to he point that I would have terrible headaches everytime I missed one of my many doses. So I quit it.

>> No.15968959
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Snail, liver, raw fish. never

>> No.15968976

add oysters and I'm with you.

>> No.15969029

>> No.15969154


>> No.15969186

Literally only snails.

>> No.15969219

Why are there so many damn fruits on this list? I'm allergic to all of them and coconut, otherwise I'd eat them like I'd eat everything else.

>> No.15969234


>> No.15969269

>Nutella doesn't have a lot of nuts in it.
That's not how allergies work retard

>> No.15969313
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>> No.15969342

Canned tuna is a given, it's not fit for human consumption

>> No.15969423


>> No.15969612
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>> No.15969624

it should be "things you wouldn't choose to eat" rather than "things you WOULD NOT eat".

i'd eat lots of things if they were offered to me, but i wouldn't necessarily choose to make them of my own volition.

>> No.15969643

>itt: tastelets

i don't love liver but will eat it, zero

>> No.15969688

Hmmm, I think I score about a 2 on this list. I don't like coconut at all really. I don't like cooked onions, but love them raw and I hate bread and butter pickles but love sour ones, so I figure that counts as .5 each. Never actually had liver, but would be willing to try it at least.

>> No.15969708

Actually I don't much like beets either, that makes 3.

>> No.15969713
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Crab, Shrimp, Oysters, Raw Fish, Snails.
That's it.
I don't eat sea bugs and shit.

>> No.15969714


>> No.15969788

Poo in loo

>> No.15969810
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There's 2 things that I don't like. I haven't had liver, but I'd be willing to try it

>> No.15969811

oysters snails ranch i just dont like slimy shit

>> No.15969947

>Mustard, oysters, liver, mushrooms, eggplant and pickles
But that's what I absolutely detest, not necessarily what I prefer. E.g.:
>It was served and I don't wanna be rude
>Or it's part of the cooked dish so you can't remove it

If I go with items I would actually choose to eat:

I have come a long way. Aside from the most generic stuff (for an American, and even then) I was pretty much just a meat and potatoes guy until I hit 18 or so.

>> No.15970028

The only thing I won't eat on this list is liver. I just don't care for the taste or texture. Everything else is either edible or delicious.

>> No.15970035
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>this many plebeians ITT who won't eat oysters
just admit you enjoy sucking dicks and taking them in the ass you faggots

>> No.15970062

I don't really care for them raw but I'll eat them cooked any time, I love shellfish.

>> No.15970079
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>> No.15970091

4 points, but of those I would eat 3 if they were cooked a certain way

>> No.15970102
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i will eat almost anything but for some reason peanut butter and bananas just turn me off.

>> No.15970110

Half of these I've never even tried, but I know for sure I will never ever purposefully eat celery, shit's garbage.

>> No.15970121

Ketchup, peanut butter, ranch dressing, Brussels sprouts are inedible.

Too bitter, sweet or salty for me.

>> No.15970126

And Nutella of course. Worst possible gianduja.

>> No.15970138

Unbased and not Elvis pilled

>> No.15970144

Your tastes don’t just magically develop with time. Try new shit or eat your slop.

>> No.15970181

i can still die on the shitter though, right?

>> No.15970297

1, there's no way I'm eating snails, nigger.

>> No.15970336

I only dislike water chestnuts. That list is pretty easy to like everything on there. Your palate changes as you get older, I used to hate tomatoes and peppers. Now I grow both in my garden because they are so good.

>> No.15970431

it's a good thing a retard like you isn't the overseer of nature then god willing

>> No.15970513

I've only never had escargot, but I would try it. As for everything else I can most definitely eat anything presented on my plate except for dark chocolate which I just cannot stand. I keep trying it and so far I can only eat it mixed or as a flavor. By itself it wrecks my tongue.

>> No.15970519

0 points.

>> No.15970527


>> No.15970584

I dont eat meat anymore for health and ethical reasons, but i dont detest to any meat item on the list in term of flavor
I've never had an oyster though.

>> No.15971078

Oysters and Escargots.

>> No.15971084

2, Celery and Nutella

>> No.15971203

Love the Greeks, but fuck Olives.

>> No.15971597

youre my fav ck anon

>> No.15971617

There's nothing I wouldn't eat based on the ingredient alone.
I'd turn down some depending on how it's prepared though.

>> No.15971627
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I fucking hate condiments

>> No.15971912
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Red is won't eat if given the option
Orange is only consume in small amounts
Green is actively seek it out
I'm varying degrees of neutral on everything else

>> No.15971929
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i feel ashamed. i really haven't given fish a fair chance though

>> No.15971970

6 for me. Not too picky.

>> No.15971975

Basically anything out the sea has a weird texture or taste to me. Also blue cheese. Everything else I will eat, but not necessarily care for. Never had snails, but want to give them a try.

>> No.15971976

Why no blue cheese or liver? It's the best breakfast

>> No.15971979

Why is sourdough on there? Who's not eating that?

>> No.15971980

3 and only because I'm allergic. Almost skipped liver but all the liver shilling makes me want to buy chicken livers

>> No.15971987

12 year old tier

>> No.15971991

Yes anon

>> No.15972007

I've never eaten snails so idk if I'd eat it if presented with the option.
I've also never eaten raw fish, oysters, or liver.
I do think Nutella is gross.

>> No.15972076
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>> No.15972086

42. I have autism :(

>> No.15972251

40 that I will not eat. Then add the 10 I can not eat (severe type 2 diabetes, no sugar, no carbohydrates). Before all the fat-fuck comments, 6'4", 175lbs, everyone in my family has diabetes, Dr said it was genetic, was a struck vegetarian nearly vegan for 15 years hoping to not get it. Dietitian has me on a high protein, high fat diet, blood glucose is starting to normalize, I pretty much only eat meat and berries. Dreaming about french fries.

>> No.15972414

Shrimp, I'm allergic but they taste. Also would not eat anyways because most are farm raised in populated puddles in China.

>> No.15972433

I’m allergic to fish. Otherwise the only thing I won’t eat is cauliflower.

>> No.15972438


>> No.15972441

1, liver is gross

>> No.15973094

not a huge fan of cottage cheese, so 1

>> No.15973481

Not uncommon nowadays. It's related to latex allergy.
That anon is probably allergiec to latex

>> No.15973506

Cooked fish
Raw fish
Brussels Sprouts
Cottage cheese

>> No.15973660

Another person from the hates condiments group here.

I also don't like the taste of Vinegar

Slight allergy makes my throat itch when eating certain fruits. I'm fine with their taste and would probably eat them more if not for an itchy throat being one of the most annoying itches possible.

Then finally Canned Tuna. I really wouldn't eat most things out of a can thinking about it since near everything canned comes in a preservative slurry.
-Canned Tuna

So 10 points.

>> No.15973667


>> No.15973681

not a fan of cauliflower, broccoli, brusel sprouts and boiled carrots (any other form of carrot is ok though). everything else I don't mind
so like 3 or 4 points?

>> No.15973684

a picky eater is someone who is disgusted by completely normal evryday foods like tomatoes or olives. it's often a sign of autism

>> No.15973700

Fuck cauliflower and fuck Nutella. I've never had snail or tofu but I'm not against it. Everything else is fine.

>> No.15973783

I'm not a fan of grapefruits and oranges as is, probably because I only ever ate shitty ones from the supermarket, but I love recipes made with these.

>> No.15973789

Snails have barely any taste to them besides the butter and garlic.
Oysters doesn't have a very strong or repulsive taste, it's the texture and the fact you can eat them alive that put a lot of people off.
Roasted oysters are delicious and very easy to eat.

>> No.15973848
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Define "will not eat"

I think the only thing on there I'd refuse to eat is snails, I mean what the fuck. I've had oysters and liver but didn't really like it, provided it was cooked properly I'm game to eat it but. I'm not eating oysters raw though, that's for fucking retards who've convinced themselves it's good.

I don't know why I don't really go for shellfish in a big way, I quite like shrimp/prawns but eating more than a couple makes me feel nauseous, I think it's the sweetness of the meat.

>> No.15973899

have you tried buying better olives? the pitted, small shit most people know is pretty mediocre compared to nicer olives

>> No.15973910

have you tried eating them together? pretty good comination lol

>> No.15973915

you won't eat wheat bread, but you will eat sourdough? so what, are you a rye purist or something?

>> No.15973921

try fresh, non-canned tuna if you ever get the chance. least fishy fish I know, tastes a little like beef

>> No.15973931
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One of my favorite easy lunches is literally a can of tuna with sriracha mixed in. I just drain the water and eat it out of the can.

>> No.15974021

>cottage cheese
>blue cheese
>mustard (assuming straight and not cooked in with other shit, in which case discard)

>> No.15974028
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I'm pretty picky

>> No.15974030

only the unclean meat

>> No.15974046

Blue cheese

I won't cry if mustard is used in a dish (I do it myself as well) but I wouldn't dip my bitterballen in that shit.

On any occasion I try blue cheese, olives, oysters and shit to get used to it. Most of them I have started to appreciate and even like, but blue cheese is still disgusting for me.

>> No.15974098


Ketchup, mayo, ranch and yogurt.

>> No.15974125

1. Beets are fucking disgusting. I’ve eaten everything else on more than one occasion.

>> No.15974280

To me eating snails is as degrading as eating bugs and drinking shitwater. For the most part animals that you have to eat whole without the ability to take them apart before cooking/eating are disgusting to me. I see people who eat snails in a similar way as I see Chinks grabbing a bird baby and stuffing their mouth with it. I know it's not the same but it's equally as disgusting and degrading to me.

>> No.15974295

1, I do not care for tufu

>> No.15974583

I see snails as just another mollusk. If you like clams, oysters, or muscles you'll like snails.

>> No.15974592



I won't do liver. I've had it many times, many different ways, but it's never tasted good.

Wait, does fois gras count as liver?

>> No.15974693
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avocados and chocolate sucks don't @ me

>> No.15975031

1 - coconut and even then, only if it's dessicated coconut. I can manage coconut water and fresh coconut.

>> No.15975137

Unironically 0

>> No.15975211

No idea what ranch dressing is but I'd probably eat it, along with everything else on the list. However, out of principle I don't do coffee or white chocolate. As far as oysters and escargot go, I would never actively choose them from a menu, but I have eaten both multiple times in the past.

>> No.15975226

How about this instead:
>1 point for everything on the list you've never tried
0 here, go.

>> No.15975239


>> No.15976508

Ranch is fucking disgusting, so 1 for me. Coming from a family that dips pizza crust, chicken nuggets, and just about anything else you can think of in ranch has completely ruined it for me.

>> No.15976818

I got 2.

>Nutella Spread
I think I had it once and it was nasty.

I fucking despise shredded coconut. I like coconut flavor and I'm fine with that, but shredded coconut, the texture gets me every time and my body immediately rejects it, doesn't matter what it's in, if I hit shredded coconut, it is ejected from my mouth no matter place or setting or who's there I will hock and spit that shit out pronto.

Otherwise I'm good.

>> No.15976884

Yes. As does liverwurst and pate.

>> No.15976999


Grow up toddlers

>> No.15977035

16, mostly the fruits and squash. Watery food isnt my thing

>> No.15977090

The only thing on that list I wouldn't eat is liver and that also depends on the dish in question and how it's prepared as well as the situation.

>> No.15977109

20. I've tried everything on the list but I have a developed pallet so I don't shovel any and everything in to my mouth.
Everything except coffee and canned tuna, I've had at Michelin rated restraints so its not the quality or preparation that's the problem.

>> No.15977493

The only thing I can't eat is arugula and I generally avoid asparagus just because I hate how it makes my pee smell, but besides that I'll eat anything. I've never tried snails but just about anything fried in butter is good so I'm sure they're fine

>> No.15977552
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I'm not picky, I just have standards.

>> No.15977623

Literally the only two things on there that I don't like are Beets and Peas, and if I have too, I'll begrudgingly eat them.

>> No.15977634
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shit standards

>> No.15977689

Zero. Am i the only one?

>> No.15977743

I've eaten and enjoyed everything on there except blue cheese, escargot and oysters all of which I'm confident I would also enjoy but I would be wary of raw oysters because I have the impression they're very risky in terms of food poisoning.

>> No.15977757

I eat everything on that list, if your diplomat you gotta eat anything from baby chicken bones in embryos.

>> No.15978059

pescatarian faggit

>> No.15978086

enjoy your canned mercury, retard

>> No.15978096
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Only because I'm allergic to nuts and fish, otherwise it would be zero.

>> No.15978209

Clams and snails because they are fucking disgusting animals that eat filth and have the texture of boogers.

>> No.15978370

My only objection is that canned tuna is low quality. I'd still eat it.

>> No.15978846

Blue cheese is disgusting unless eaten with mushroom soup, then it's pretty good.
Never tried oysters before desu.
Snails are just plain fucking ew. would not eat unless I started living in the woods.
Tofu I refuse to eat because I'm not a tranny.

>> No.15978850

Liver are full of vitamins. Just don't eat a pound like I once did. My stomach did not appreciate trying to stuff it full with ten chicken livers.

>> No.15979040


>> No.15979052
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>> No.15979053

I will eat anything on that list and enjoy it.

>> No.15979204

1 point, because I am muslim and I don't eat pork.

>> No.15979210

came here to post this.

>> No.15980796
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My score is 5 but I do all my own cooking so wtf would I go out and catch snails when I have goddamn meat in the fridge.

>> No.15981400
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The overwhelming majority of fruits simply give me a gag reflex, but I don't know why. I also don't like the texture and I know for sure I'm picky. Though it depends how it's prepared, because I'll definitely eat a roasted tomato, but not a raw one
Some years ago, an anon in a thread like this one said there's a psychological condition in which the afflicted doesn't like fruits. Does anyone know of this?

>> No.15981418
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