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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.49 MB, 1048x1359, 1592861308206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15960359 No.15960359 [Reply] [Original]

raguseabros, get the fuck in here.
new ragukino

>> No.15960362

Fuck off adam

>> No.15960371

>fucked up teeth
>eyes WAY too close together
>looks like a fag
>talks like a fag

How will raguseabros ever recover?

>> No.15960383

Oh you want some too?

>> No.15960390

He's the embodiment of slave morality. You can tell that behind his cringey little "you do you!" shit and starting his plebbit comments with "friend, ...", there's real contempt hiding. He speaks this way because he's terrified of confrontation and has no idea how to handle disagreement. It's quite evident that he genuinely thinks he's the shit, but he's just too much of a coward and a mental weakling to face any critique head-on and honourably. That's why he hedges with these weasely little phrases, why he pre-empts all possible criticism with a pre-written and pinned FAQ, and why he saw the need to make that bizarre and incoherent video on why he refuses to use metric conversions.

So it doesn't surprise me that he's prone to the occasional outburst of impotent anger in his comments section from time to time -- he clearly has an ego and a measure of masculine rage, but has never learnt what to do with them, and has spent his life being afraid of any kind of self-affirmation. Why, for example, did he overreact with such vitriol to this relatively benign comment about ceramic stoves? Why does he get so upset over a very gentle quip about the narration? Because that's the kind of language in which Adam would himself codify his criticism. He interprets the slightest of gibes as full-frontal attacks because that's the way he'd make a criticism. Simple, honest and straightforward language is not for him; he lacks the courage to be direct.

As other anons have said, all of this has probably been reinforced/cemented by his having been a professor, where he's been able to go mostly unchallenged in his little fiefdom for years. Now he's suddenly exposed to the internet, where everyone is way harsher, and more importantly, don't need to please him to pass a class. I guess he's struggling to adapt a bit.

>> No.15960469

>metric conversion
so is he pro or anti metric? probably pro because all reddit faggots and midwits are too stupid to use real imperial measurements, but hey, maybe il be surprised for ok once

>> No.15960477

Yo, I hear you 4channelers have been calling my boy Adam a soychad. Frick off with that anti-semitism back to /pol/.

>> No.15960497

with quality videos and good research

fagusea bros untouchable

>> No.15960665

wait until that cuck finds out he literally did a fluff piece for a company with nazi ties

>> No.15960824

We get it
Markiplier made a cooking channel
Fuck off

>> No.15960826


>> No.15960829


>> No.15960833


i don't get how you grow up as a man and end up looking so gay if you're straight.

>> No.15960850

Honestly, Adam Ragusea looks the type that got beat the shit out of him by his father.

>> No.15960858

Adam, on your next video can you shout out /ck/ in a subtle way?

>> No.15961120

>probably pro
he is far from a pro. you can't learn how to cook AND >>>/p/ or >>>/tv/ at the same time.
seems like the faggot is learning from constantly doing the same thing, over, and over, and over again like those creeps used to do with foods they were baking on those late-night kitchen gadget infomercials

he's just another subliminal advertiser doing what he loves - making a little money and attention.

>> No.15961259

What you stated has nothing to do with slave morality.

>> No.15961297

He used to be a professor? So is he actually Jewish or was he just indoctrinated?

>> No.15961377

I like his videos even though it's obvious he's a complete twat.

>> No.15961402
File: 185 KB, 776x1135, 121r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is coffee good for you?

>> No.15961406

>this amount of effort
Are you autistic?

>> No.15961410

He was a professor of radio broadcasting and then music theory at some point IRRC. He's Italian and Roman catholic, not Jewish.

>> No.15961412

what's the point of this?
you seem like you watch a lot of his videos, but why?

>> No.15961423

Yes it does. Go back to your textbooks. It's the instillation of virtue in mediocrity and vice in excellence.

>> No.15961426

I think you just saw it on 4chan one day and thought "this sounds cool I should use this to describe everything."

>> No.15961428

>He's the embodiment of slave morality
Goe back to school and learn what slave morality is, kid

>> No.15961451

Why Adam triggers so many people here on /ck/?
It's not normal. It's not like a normal regular disliking of someone. it's almost something being triggered from deep down

>> No.15961465

He doesn't conform to the insecure type of masculinity young insecure boys in 4chan use to shield their fragile egos.

>> No.15961467

what's his name?

>> No.15961468

Idk but I bet her pussy juice and pit sweat is good for you

>> No.15961470

but he looks gay!!! and uhhh, troons and ((((jews)))) and he's not good enough to be popular unlike me i deserve his subs and money

>> No.15961480


>> No.15961486

You're wrong in every aspect of what you said. I've read the core Nietszche texts in translation to English, do not agree with his conclusions, and did not write that copypasta.

>> No.15961585


>> No.15961610

James Hoffman exists, there is literally no reason to take advice from Fagusea on anything, much less coffee.

>> No.15961616

>slave morality cringe as fuck, you sound like a teenage boy who saw that expression on Wikipedia and started using it because it sounds cool Anyway, why so much effort into this? Why do you care?

>> No.15961620

>only coffee videos
no thanks

>> No.15961621

No. I can do whatever I want and I'm going to watch Adam and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.15961638

he's not the only one, if that's what you're asking. and it's not just one reason.
do you find him attractive or something?

>> No.15961645

sorry, OP, but this is the cooking board, not the youtube board. maybe >>>/vt/ would be more your speed

>> No.15961736

Lookin' good.

>> No.15961739

i didnt know ragusea was a virtual youtuber

>> No.15961822

Adam "Why I prep the bull and not my wife" Raggotusea

>> No.15961865

he's a cuck, but he's a cuck with some ok information and recipes

>> No.15961890

Hes a dumb faggot kike who cant cook for shit and steals recipes like the filthy Jew he is

>> No.15961917

rent free

>> No.15961925

Not rent free. It costs him the time and energy it takes to keep making these threads.

>> No.15961962

Anyone that watches his videos without an adblocker helps him get paid. I wonder how much he makes from the fools that click on the links in these posts.

>> No.15962052

He has sponsors every video, so i doesn't matter

>> No.15962064

It still gives him more clout and gets him more attention from Google's algirithm.

>> No.15962070

Stop fucking spamming here Adam, your food is shit, your personality is shit, and your wife cheats on you.

>> No.15962077

so? why do you care?

>> No.15962083

"You do you" is a well-known euphemism for "Go fuck yourself", brainlet.

>> No.15962086

Because he's doing it by advertising here. If I didn't have to see him, I wouldn't care. But he's being forced on me so I do.

>> No.15962092

Nah, it's not. You are just autistic and don't know how communication works
i bet you are that type of person to take everything personally

>> No.15962096

>But he's being forced on me so I do.
Bruh, just hide the theard. Are you retarded? Literally 2 seconds to do it

>> No.15962097

"Do" means "fuck", autist.

>> No.15962100

Every time I come here? No, get fucked. If you open yourself to abuse you get the consequences.

>> No.15962101

you know what "context" means? look at the context of when he says that

go take your meds, kid

>> No.15962103

So you rather keep talking about him in this thread instead of moving on?
you love that shit, don't you?

>> No.15962107

You are literally retarded.

>> No.15962111

You are the one mad over some youtuber. Get a life, schizo.

>> No.15962114

Nice projection, nutjob.

>> No.15962118

don't give him attention, he can't control his autism

>> No.15962119

Yes, I like to make sure your threads are full of righteous dissent so people see you for what you are. If you don't like it, stick to your subreddit. I won't follow.

>> No.15962122


>> No.15962123

>No, get fucked
So instead of hiding the thread you prefer talking about him, is that it?
What are you doing here? Are you retarded?

>> No.15962124

Use sponsorblock, retard.

>> No.15962128

Calling shit out, retard. Sorry you can't just downvote the truth.

>> No.15962130

Doesn't matter if you use sponsorblock, dumb fuck.
he is still getting the money from the sponsor of the video.

>> No.15962135

I don't get it either. 10min from now this thread will be gone but he insists in being here. He secretly loves shittalking, just like a girl.

>> No.15962145

So? You don't have to watch it at least.

>> No.15962147

Adam has thoroughly colonized your mind. He uses your hypothalamus as his bidet.

>> No.15962153

I never think of him until I see another advertising thread to shit on.

>> No.15962161

I love how Adam lives rent free in people's head.

>> No.15962185

Adam has you well trained. Hope you get a raise soon.

>> No.15962195

he's not even jewish lmao

>> No.15962203

Another reminder not to click the video link unless you love and support Adumb Fagusea

>> No.15962212

> He interprets the slightest of gibes as full-frontal attacks because that's the way he'd make a criticism.

Actual high IQ insight.

>> No.15962222

>have the same fucked up bottom row teeth
>look like a fag
>don't even have Adam's luscious mane

why go on

>> No.15962233

That's not what slave morality means.

>> No.15962269

>...and science explained
>Thanks to trade coffee...
No thanks, that’s a big pass from me famalam

>> No.15962271
File: 113 KB, 2178x560, adamslipped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how rent free Jamie Oliver lives in adams head

>> No.15962442

He's probably ITT as well.

Hi Adam.

>> No.15962444

I love how the person who made this pasta >>15960390 is basically talking about himself and projecting it into Adam

>> No.15962464

I clicked on the video 3 times just for you adam

>> No.15962546


>> No.15962567

You're just projecting. That's what you would do.

>> No.15962571

I notice that. It's waay to specific.

>> No.15962583

That's what happens when you expose yourself to the world. People get an opportunity to analyze your every foible.

>> No.15962585

I'm sure you look better as an average /ck/ poster

>> No.15962602

Jealousy mostly, he is popular, loved, wealthy and has a famillybof his own. Doesn't help that he also embodies the liberal center left values that 4chan despise so much as well

>> No.15962610

It doesn't work like that.
You only see what they are purposely showing.
You know nothing else, especially because the person can create and distort things for their videos, basically creating a different persona for that 10min videos
That's why it's so weird seeing autistic people obsessing over stupid videos from a stupid youtuber.

>> No.15962613

>Because he's doing it by advertising here
Adam might have posted here a bit before his channel took off, but now it wouldn't be worth it at all, especially when he takes no pleasure in being insulted by a bunch of anonymous incels

>> No.15962620

I think anons see what they could have becomed and it makes them mad.
They could've make videos about food and be loved and make money from it.
They could've had a wife, kids, a nice house with a big backyard.
But no... they are on a tranny imageboard talking about someone they don't even know IRL

It's just sad.

>> No.15962658

explain this adam. explain all your deleted threads too>>15962271

>> No.15962723

Lots of people on /ck/ shill or defend Adam because they like him or to be contrarian or as a bait, or just to be fair as he is unjustly attacked.

Your absolutely deluded if you genuinely belive that I am Adam Ragusea.

>> No.15962736

Adam keeps replying to your post >>15962444 this one is like he's arguing for you lmao

>> No.15962738

You need to learn how to read people. It's not hard, they're quite predictable. Curating an image is no defense. The curation is anticipated.

>> No.15962741

I don't see Adam as the sort of person to ever go on imageboards. Definitely a reddit sort of guy. Maybe tumblr even.

>> No.15962742
File: 677 KB, 1011x974, 1616055254856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah sure keep burning through your IPs adam you cum guzzler.

>> No.15962750

Idk Markiplier has some charisma and can be entertaining once in awhile until Regusua

>> No.15962752
File: 319 KB, 1083x784, 1609172981757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's not content with keeping his faggotry in his own subreddit

>> No.15962762

People who obsess over cuckholdry as always incels, that's their cope for being eternally single as the one thing they can never be is cucked.

Still not Adam btw

>> No.15962776
File: 143 KB, 840x747, eh5l9d9ehau51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the faggots in this place aren't good enough at cooking to be comfortable with going off-script on recipes and technique even when it makes sense in a home kitchen setting, and can only operate within the confines of the recipe book or whatever their whore mothers taught them.
>NOOOOO the macarons must be shaped perfectly to taste good
>NOOOOO you can't just make the turkey taste bland but be juicy
>NOOOOO the food must be cooked perfectly. You can't alter any steps to make life easier in the kitchen
>NOOOOO you can't be married to your wife if she has horse teeth
Anyway, "hating" Adam has become a meme at this stage. He's pretty obviously /ourguy/ both because of how obsessed this board is with him and because of his abundance of autism and seethe.

>> No.15962781

Unhealthy levels of obsession right there. So what if he tried to shill his channel here years ago, and called himself a soychad? Sure it's a bit cringe but we all commit cringe from time to time, imagine actually taking the time to document it and posting it everywhere and even taking a fucking screenshot as you rightfully gets deleted from his subr*ddit.

Get a life

>> No.15962783

No, everybody takes shortcuts. The easy way out is obvious and doesn't need to be taught.

>> No.15962784

ok adam Imma watch Jamie's vids instead.

>> No.15962792

hi adam still here?>>15962271

>> No.15962798

Fuck off Adam this isnt place for you

>> No.15962803
File: 64 KB, 238x255, 1618505951979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the exchange on pic related. Most ecelebs would just shadowban the guy and move on with their life, or ignore him. But he actually took the time to get angry and then took the time to justify himself when attacked for it.
He doesn't shield behind layers of irony like more people his age and younger do, he gets angry, sad and concerned and she shows it.
He's neurotic but he embrace his neuroticism. It's a true paradox, like he's being feminine in a manly way.

He truly is the Soychad

>> No.15962808

The Ragusea, why does he fear the spicy food?

>> No.15962810

Based Internet Shaquille.

>> No.15962831
File: 588 KB, 1024x576, 1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people here actually like him but pretend to hate him here.
It's become a meme.

>> No.15962846

adam also has his own meme where he uses multiple IPs to give himeslf praise too.

>> No.15962847

take your wife to the dentist's and get her braces

>> No.15962848

imagine how rotten someone's brain must be to the point of lookig to a food youtuber and thinking about "cuck bbc porn"
that's legit a mental disorder

>> No.15962859

Are you new on the internet? That was bait. He literally posted on youtube like if he was browsing 4chan

>> No.15962862

Where exactly in the DSM is a sense of humor listed as a mental disorder?

>> No.15962868

>considering that a "sense of humor"
coomers can't see past their delusions apparently

>> No.15962871

Still waiting for that citation.

>> No.15962874
File: 2.77 MB, 1125x2436, i8g10ikm6cb41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. He's so autistic he can't be anything other than /ourguy/. Watching /ck/suckers get triggered by someone else seething, cringy or being generally autistic on the internet is fucking hilarious.
Also his pizza recipe is good.

>> No.15962875

>thinking that making a fetish-porn reference is sense of humor
Your brain is trully rotten. Take a break, go off the internet, your brain is fried

>> No.15962880

that's legit funny even tho I don't know if his response was ironic or serious

>> No.15962881

Who, Adam? His video have millions of views, he has no need baiting in his own comment section especially when it makes him look bad?

Also the way he post isn't 4chan-like at all.

>> No.15962888

>Also the way he post isn't 4chan-like at all.
yes, it is. Take this >>15960390 as an exemple. An overly serious response to something insignificant

>> No.15962891

Is the most adult comedy you've ever seen My Little Pony?

>> No.15962893

wow, that is so incredibly petty and pathetic of him, and also federal agent levels of meme illiterate

>> No.15962895

>thinking that "adult comedy" is making a reference to fetish porn to the point of making a photoshop pic out of it
you still don't get it, do you?
Looking at someone at seeing "porn fetish" it's not normal, buddy. You are speding too much time on the internet.

>> No.15962901

I don't think he has autism, I think he's just very neurotic so he tend to take little things very badly.
Doesn't help that because he himself is pretty passive aggressive, he'll see aggression where it doesn't exist, just by projection.

That's not funny that's just gratuitously mean spirited

>> No.15962903

You fail to see subtilities in speech

>> No.15962910

>I don't think he has autism, I think he's just very neurotic so he tend to take little things very badly.
>Doesn't help that because he himself is pretty passive aggressive, he'll see aggression where it doesn't exist, just by projection.
He is literally me.

>> No.15962914

hi adam

>> No.15962922
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has millions of views yet he still has a need to write seething 2000 word rebuttles to random people who challenge anything he says, and make butthurt replies to shitposters in his comment section.
Does that not tell its own story?

>> No.15962931

and why do you care?

>> No.15962940
File: 20 KB, 360x480, no-wm-thumb-9v_39nVZB-00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is Adam Ragusea, and he is our father and our mother, our brother, our friend. He is you and me. He is all of us.

>> No.15962948

Because he continues to spam us.

>> No.15962950

That's why /ck/ hates him so much: because we all hate ourselves.

>> No.15962958

Seeing how much you care gave me the ideia of shitposting insanely
Now I'm going to make threads of him everyday and talk about him a lot just to spite you.

>> No.15962960

There are many relevant references in that gag. It's more well done than most jokes found on the internet these days. You simply don't know comedy.

>> No.15962961
File: 49 KB, 277x296, 1616809428492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this board can't figure out whether it loves or hates him

>thinking a bunch of retards pretending to be Adam shilling for himself in this shithole is the real deal

>> No.15962964
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, 1618718202804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off adam you'll never be him or alex or practically any other foodtuber who are all infinitely better than you

>> No.15962972

/theirguy/, not /ourguy/

>> No.15962993

Well that's not him baiting, thats just him being neurotic.
Walls of text aren't even in 4chan's culture, most of the time when an anon feels offended he respond with a very short insult, responding a wall of text when attacked is seen as losing face is 4chanian culture.

If you unironically think Adam is behind even 1/10 threads about him you seriously need to take your meds.

>> No.15962995

It's not that expensive to pay people to spam. Even very poor people have internet access now.

>> No.15963006

There are 51 posters in this thread.
Why the fuck would he pay people to "shill" to 50 people when his videos get 500k views?

>> No.15963011

He has millions of views you psycho. Why would he bother shilling for himself in a shithole like this filled with retards who can't cook? If they even click through at all, they'll watch 2 mins of his video with adblocker on, then call him a faggot in the comments section.
If he was going to shill anywhere, it makes more sense to do it in reddit.

>> No.15963014

Now that's just a conspiracy theory. A youtuber with 1 million subs, paying people to spam? On a board of a few hundreds regular posters, a board mind you that likes to talk about eceleb for free anyways?

In all seriousness these levels of paranoia can't be healthy, don't take meds as they are addictive but consider fixing your diet and starting a physical activity as well as walking under the sun or taking vitamin d supplementation

>> No.15963018

or he could just use different ips

>> No.15963020

It's much cheaper than you think.

>> No.15963023

It could be free and still wouldn't be a good return on investment.

>> No.15963024

Why don't you ask yourself adam you faggot. You being here isn't even disputed; you got so assmad you literally outed yourself the other day.

>> No.15963027

Wrong. The internet isn't new, why are you so ignorant about how it works?

>> No.15963028

>outed himself
Fucking kek. What did he do?

>> No.15963033

the last post in the pic>>15962271

>> No.15963042

That's not the question

Really consider my advice, gyms are likely to reopen soon, 3 days a week lifting can change your life around

>> No.15963044

>if shilling exists at all that mean this particular eceleb is shilling on my particular forum

>> No.15963045

Someone tipped me off about this thread.
Do you guys not think this ongoing conversation is getting a bit ridiculous at this stage? Watch my vids or don't - it makes no difference to me.

And no, I don't make a habit of coming here - not in the last few years anyway, and never to talk about my own channel. I think the last time I was here I was arguing with someone about cheese dipping sauce and I shared a recipe for Queso Blanco (this is long before I made a video about it).

Anyway, just thought I'd clear this up. Have fun arguing amongst yourselves.


>> No.15963047

Are you saying people should get strong enough to punch other people for money? Wow, Adam. I'm making a reddit account to show your fans this one.

>> No.15963050

I'm saying that physical exercise is good for the brain and might cure your crippling paranoia

>> No.15963051

We love you Adam, don't pay attention to the autistic incels with no life
Thanks for the videos.

>> No.15963056

Very good imitation

>> No.15963057

>adam missed his meds again

>> No.15963061

You've already exposed your true self, Adam. Don't expect anyone to believe your lies ever again.

>> No.15963062

hate this cunt but I still watch his videos from time to time

>> No.15963067

why do you watch videos from someone you hate?

>> No.15963071

because he has some good meal ideas designed for lazy fucks with no cooking skill

why do you feel the need to defend someone that doesnt give a shit about you

>> No.15963074

To remind myself my hatred is justified.

>> No.15963078

>why do you feel the need to defend someone that doesnt give a shit about you
yikes, i'm just asking. you seen a little bit angry buddy

>> No.15963083 [DELETED] 

Is this the cuck that thinks he's a chef but cooks on am electric range?

>> No.15963085


>> No.15963087

im not angry, its bizarre people find the need to defend him

>> No.15963089

you know that most people who watches him do it before bed because they are bored and then move on to other videos, right?

People like you are the only ones with this weird autistic obsession

>> No.15963091

Ok, so stop spamming us you fame hungry asshole

>> No.15963096

you keep replying to me, i can't stop it.

>> No.15963097

im not obsessed i only just opened the thread looked through and did 3 comments. i've never commented on his videos or made a thread about him

>> No.15963101 [DELETED] 

The mods can shut this thread now.
Most of you have already clicked on my video.
See you losers next time.

>> No.15963102

Fuck off you piece of shit cunt you reply because you can't help denying the truth a normal person would just accept how worthless they are and commit suicide. You are shittier than the standard channer, you understand how bad that is?

>> No.15963151

He can't stop replying too

>> No.15963213

not to mention the steak video where he says "this might look a little overdone to you, but keep in mind the lighting in my kitchen" and proceeds to show some fucking graph of lighting effect on food colour

>> No.15963292
File: 259 KB, 1068x1626, vy63to1wacr61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15963347

what's wrong with that?

Jesus Christ, you guys are so fucking autistic.

>> No.15963726

ohnonono faguseabros.. I kneel..

>> No.15963760

Based. Also
>all these replies
Stop samefagging Adam

>> No.15963766

>fucked up teeth
shit I never noticed that before
Why hasn't be been sponsored by one of those clear teeth straightening retainer companies yet?

>> No.15963775

Adam "seekay" Ragusea

>> No.15963776

he's not a cook, that's for sure

>> No.15963793

i agree with this post but i still like Adam's content. Adam himself is pathetic but he makes good and well-researched videos about food. he actually interviews scientists to dispel popular cooking myths rather than spreading them or asking us to take his work for it like so many other cooks do.

>> No.15964629

>has a wife and children and a 6 figure income despite formerly shitting in jugs
wtf I love ragusea now

>> No.15964869

^someone actually gets it
You can be an unlikable faggot and still know what you're talking about or have the self consciousness to know when you need an expert to explain. I wouldn't want to hang out with Adam but his videos are unironically a good use of time generally.

>> No.15964884

is this an ad? why did you post this?

>> No.15964947

you answered yourself. also mods are asleep

>> No.15964957

Because any mention of Fagusea in this cesspit inevitably ends up with a 200 post dumpster fire

>> No.15965906

Bump for Adam