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15959618 No.15959618 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't millennials and zoomers applying for jobs anymore? Why does McDonalds have to pay people just to interview now?


>> No.15959643

Why do you think these fuckers are riding the country with beaners right now? In my area, fast food is almost exclusively staffed by 40 and 50 year old illegals that stay at the job for 20 years.

>> No.15959651

McDonald's hires illegals?

>> No.15959662

I dont think so, they just hire lots of old mexican ladies who take it as a lifelong job

>> No.15959670

most retail and service jobs are just utter shit to work in, that's why. work like a dog for 12 hours a day, 6-7 days a week to barely survive. get treated like utter shit by customers, coworkers, supervisors. you couldn't pay me to interview for one of them.

>> No.15959679

When you live in a sanctuary state, yes. They provide a fake social security number and the franchisees don't ask questions.

>> No.15959692

No he's retarded

>> No.15959717


>> No.15959730

Just wait till the roona depression hits. They will be lining up to flip burgers.

>> No.15959735

Based. You'd think jews would not allow this since it keeps the price of McNuggets low.

>> No.15959737

to add, idgaf how much they pay, or how much they pay to interview you. it's modern slavery

>> No.15959742

>work like a dog for 12 hours a day, 6-7 days a week to barely survive.

this is objectively wrong. Most of them work for a week and quit lol

>> No.15959745

Working fast food sucks
Fast paced and constant moving

Zoomers are smart to be waiting for their white collar jobs

>> No.15959749

Can't attract employees, offer better pay and benefits. If that's unaffordable, raise prices. If that drives too much custom away, your business model has failed and you need to shut down. That's capitalism.

>> No.15959754

maybe pay your workers a liveable wage with days off and benefits?

>> No.15959758

I refuse to be complicit in poisoning children with HFCS.

>> No.15959766

All the McDonald's and other fast food places around me have a bunch of hispanic teenagers running the stores. I also don't live in an area with certain groups of people that don't know how to behave, especially towards fast food workers, so they look like they're not miserable at their jobs

>> No.15959782

I just bought a cottage by the ocean and I might just get a mcjob and stay here instead of going back to my real life ever again

>> No.15959885

You have it backwards, jews allow and promote this specifically so they can pay wagies less while selling nugs at the the same price.

>> No.15959902

Using fake SSNs and whatnot, yes. In theory McDonalds doesn't know, of course.

>> No.15959931

Gee maybe it's something to do with how in the last several decades minimum wage has gone up about 25% as much as the prices of everything else so millenials would rather kill themselves working in an Amazon warehouse because at least it pays enough to cover groceries and rent without having to work 3 jobs

>> No.15959960

yes. they are the only people desperate enough to flip burgers for 8+ hours a day

>> No.15959970

McDonald's is actually not that bad compared to some other actual restaurant jobs I've had. They were very strict about making sure I only worked my scheduled hours, I always got my breaks, and the work was easy enough while at the same time being fast paced so I wasn't bored all the time.

Compare that to my line cook jobs in real restaurants where I was always working 10 - 11 hour days, coming in on my days off, having to do shitloads of prep, never getting any breaks until service was over, and only making like $2 an hour more.

>> No.15960080

I've worked at Target and at Mcdonalds before. Both were utterly miserable with awful wages and I can't believe I was memed into them as "starter jobs." There are way more fulfilling jobs out there that pay a heck of a lot better AND treat you better.

>> No.15960091

But I thought automation would make it not necessary to hire wagies? :^)

And yeah, >>15959670. If you want workers and you can't find them, then you got to hire your salaries or offer competitive benefits. Or you can do what they want to do which is pay pittances and have workers beg for the opportunity.

>> No.15960093

in my country mcdonalds workers are all 15-25 year olds

>> No.15960127

>spend 4 decades, maybe more, treating employees like shit for shit wages making a shit product in a shit environment
>people begin to figure it out, nobody from any walk of life wants to work there anymore
>"no how could this have happened to us"

bring back the dollar menu, otherwise fuck off shill. walmart is soon to suffer the same fate.

>> No.15960133

Probably because they'd rather kill themselves than work a soul killing job for $10 an hour.

>> No.15960146

i will force my kids to work at mcdonalds for a month just long enough to get a taste of what it's like. then i'll pull them out and tell them that i will financially support them for as long as it takes them to get a real job (with some reasonable cutoff year) so that they know how good they have it and why they need to work hard in life but to spare them the actual horror

>> No.15960162
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>lose job before pandemic
>apply to basically every food service job near me
>set up four interviews out of almost 100 applications
>get laughed out of each one
>pandemic hits, say fuck it and decide to relax while pocketing unemployment
>now every restaurant in the city is either shut down or struggling to find reliable wagies
feels good to live the NEET life

>> No.15960194

Because the jobs don't pay enough

>> No.15960214

McDonalds is such an utter shit place to work that people are taking any other job other than that, including just sitting at home on benefits.

>> No.15960240

>this is objectively wrong. Most of them work for a week and quit lol
And you're objectively an idiot. Fast food used to be (and I mean the 1980s and earlier) an entry level job - kids in high school would take it part time and really only the managers and non-service employees were full-time. Now it's a career for most fast food workers, who must have at least 2 jobs to earn enough to survive in they live in a city. If they live it buttfuck nowhere small townsville then maybe one minimum wage job is enough but certainly not where I live or have traveled in the US.

>> No.15960283

Cuz why slave away in a kitchen serving crackheads for $20/hr when you can literally get paid $80/hr to stand around in hi-viz all day instead?

>> No.15960289

where the fuck are you coming up with these wages?

>> No.15960321

As somebody who was a neet, don't fill their heads with "WORK IS SCARY" and "WORK ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE FUN" notions. Pursue your interests and/or do something outdoorsy and work is great. I get paid really well doing what I enjoy. Don't make work out to be like a prison life sentence.

>> No.15960326

What do you do for a living?

>> No.15960332
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Because you don't get paid enough to justify your time working there. It's really that simple.

>> No.15960336

Fuck you mcdonalds, I've applied to every location in my area in the past during a time when I desperately needed a part time.

>> No.15960402

millennials are too good for certain jobs. They only want to work some place they can "make an impact" whatever the fuck that means.

the only people that work at the mcdonalds in my area are mexicans.

>> No.15960479

not that guy but the idea of not drilling "work is misery" into your kids' heads is spot on. work is inevitable, and raising kids to think it's damn near prison is a garbage philosophy. everyone should know the difference between good and bad working conditions but not every job is hell, at any level.

>> No.15960489

speaking proper English is overqualified in Burgerland

>> No.15960501

Because better jobs are becoming available as lockdowns end and the economy normalizes.

>> No.15960505

Zoomers don’t care about having part-time job cash because social media is free.

>> No.15960507

working fast food joints is consider too demeaning for most adults.

>> No.15960511

All wagies are literal slaves. There’s nothing wrong wrong with that, that’s just how it is. Accepting that I was a slave made me feel a lot better about worklife.

>> No.15960514

Did most millennials get a degree?

This is really making my suicidal feels increase

>> No.15960523

Because unemployment keeps getting extended and pays more.

>> No.15960527

It good to know that McDonalds is open as option if key food or stop and shop don't hire me.

>> No.15960556


>> No.15960597

Yes, I support this.
I like the fact that people use their agency to find employment that can support them.

I hate the fact people will stand inside of unions demanding better payment rather than finding better paid jobs.

The government should not decide or provide for anyone.

>> No.15960617

HAHAHAHA good. McDonald's rejected me numerous times in the past despite having a good resume. Now I'm rich off crypto. Fuck em!

>> No.15960621

What solution do you think they will come up with:
Raise wage to liveable levels?
Lobby government for millions of new immigrant workers to take "unwanted" jobs for the shitty pay?

>> No.15960638

I don't think so. That was a government goal, but they won't be able to reach it unless they make degrees absolutely worthless.

>> No.15960644

the pay is so low and the conditions so terrible that the only people you could convince to work in fast food are either criminals, illegal immigrants, or the homeless.

>> No.15960647

Again, not that guy.
I worked a load of dead end jobs in my teens and 20s. It focused me into going to uni at 25 y/o and following my dreams (which was developing high performance race engines).
I ended up in industrial diesel engine develop. It's like 75% of my dream job, but 1000% better than the dead end shit I was working before uni.

>> No.15960660
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>Trust me, bro. People will still continue to work and be contributing members of society when UBI is implemented. Nothing will change, but they'll be happier.

>> No.15960667

a lot of them did but the push for kids to get into academia in high school for my age group was super blatant and resulted in a lot of people that didn't want to go to college/weren't cut out for it getting themselves in debt for shit they really didn't want to do

>> No.15960675
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Late stage capitalism. Right wing faggots let the GOP stagnate wages while inflation spiraled out of control. People literally cannot afford to work a low wage job. Biden is trying to correct this by raising the minimum wage but Cletus who lives in bumfuck Kansas is REEEEEEing at the thought of this because (((Republicans))) convinced him it’ll hurt “Muh small businesses”

>> No.15960676

What else would you suggest as a starter job then?

>> No.15960678

walmart is actually putting in an effort to keep employees by raising the starting pay to $15/hr

>> No.15960688

Min wage is a populist scam for votes; congrats, you fell for it. If these people actually cared about fighting inflation, they'd require all wages to be increased, not just the bottom line.

>> No.15960692
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>> No.15960695

Yes, millennials are actually considered the most "educated" generation due to how many got college degrees. Too bad they spent most of their time trying remove statues and having restrooms for each of their 10 made up genders.

>> No.15960698

The insane costs of college definitely make low-wage "starter" jobs look more pointless to younger people every year.

>> No.15960713

ah yes, the reason your wage isn't going up is because of some guy in the middle of nowhere reading facebook all day
this site really needs age verification badly

>> No.15960719

The high costs of college is partially due to making the campus pretty and attracting dumb but lucrative athletes with modern facitilies. These public schools are also spending money to attract foreign students who pay more. Too bad they are letting in Mainland scum whose main purpose is leech Western research and give it back to China.

>> No.15960736

>If these people actually cared about fighting inflation, they'd require all wages to be increased, not just the bottom line.

You tried to sound smart but you proved you’re a retard.

I make well above min wage at my corporate gig. I do know the struggle of being a young person and starting out at entry level jobs. That retard on Facebook continues to vote for faggots like McConnell and Trump to help keep the minimum wage stagnant.

>> No.15960761
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If they are having hiring struggles, why don't they just automate the entire process? ordering kiosks are here and machines that flip burgers are right around the corner if not already here.

>> No.15960773

>we refuse to pay people enough to attract ANYONE to work for us
>Thanks Obama/Trump/Biden

>> No.15960841
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Amazon gets a bad wrap. Its killing self, but still decent money, tons of classes provided to make yourself better, and ofc extras to pay for college along with the usual benefits offered.

Pissing in a bottle is a small price to pay for those benefits and not working a meat factory or field.

>> No.15960847

Goy just beg for tips because our multi billion dollar company is too cheap to pay minimum wage

>> No.15960848

>print bullshit on a paper
>tape it to random piece of glass

>> No.15960849

>need to shut down
This. The world needs fewer fast food joints, more home cooking, less exploitation. Seems like a win all the way around.

>> No.15960852

This. Amazon near me pays $18/hr starting. I don’t even work at Amazon and I piss in bottles all the time.

>> No.15960886

Mcdonalds is literally the shittiest thing I've ever done for money and it's minimum wage. Factory labor and picking at rocks on the side of a hill somehow end up being many times more pleasant than the lunch rush, you make more too.

>> No.15960890

I kinda like the lunch rush. You don't have to think at all and the time goes by fast.

>> No.15960934

>small price to pay
Being forced to install 24/7 AI surveillance botcams in your delivery vehicle is not a small price to pay. It is a very, very, high price to pay. Very High Price. They aren't just using this tech for constant surveillance of employees, but for everything about your neighborhood, your house, you car and vehicle license plates, and the list goes on. It is fucking horrifying. They ARE selling all this data to government spy agencies to illegally spy on you and everyone you know, and you are paying for this with your taxes. Fuck Amazon.

>> No.15960935

>worked at shitty low-paying job part-time for 9 months
>saved enough money to career job hunt for 3 months
>closing in on a promising offer
>if time runs out I'll work another 9 months until I can try again next year
If you're working at a shit job without an endgame, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.15961130

Your a waggie. Society is already shitting on you and says your value is worth less than the cost of living. The hell should you care if the customers get fucked by big gov and private corp.

>> No.15961148
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>>apply to basically every food service job near me
>>set up four interviews out of almost 100 applications
>>get laughed out of each one

>> No.15961233

They're gonna be shocked when middle managers such as myself are reluctant to hire them because they have no work experience.

>> No.15961241

Im a male prostitute

>> No.15961258

Isn't minimum wage in america like $6 in some states? How in the fucking christ is that sustainable.

Min wage is $15 in leafland and that's still not enough to survive.

>> No.15961265

I'd rather be poor and unemployed than poor and working at mcdonalds desu

>> No.15961269

It also drives you insane. There's a reason everyone on morning shift including the managers are on ice

>> No.15961270

Nice larp retard, the only place McDonald's experience helps you apply to is red lobster. If you're even just applying to a call centre for example, putting mcdonald's as experience will negatively effect your resume. You out experience that's relevant.

What do you manage that you would turn someone down for not having some minimum wage patty flipper job. Do you work at chic fila? Is that where your standards are?

>> No.15961271

$7.50 federally but most states are higher. Farms and server jobs can pay less though

>> No.15961304

If you still give a shit about privacy you're delusional I'm sorry. The only thing of value that matters is any nude photos getting leaked and that's it. The State already has your medical records, your banking info, your address, access to all your data on your computer.
I'm not saying "what are you trying to hide" I'm saying there's no point in hiding because you can't hide, that's the point. Unless you're 100% analogue your shit has already been accessed.

So what if they surveille you while you're working. What are you doing at work besides work. It's definitely stupid to have any alexa device or Google home, but i don't have that shit. But even so unless you were actually had access to classified info and they heard you ok the device (which your phone already picks up anyway) that's the only example of what you're saying mattering.

>> No.15961316

It's not what they're doing that matters dipshit, it's the fact that they're doing something. 25 years old and applying for their first job? Pass. Right off the bat I can say I'm not going to bring that mentality of entitlement onboard. I don't give a fuck what job they had but there better be something. No one too good to flip burgers and I'm not hiring someone that thinks they are.

>> No.15961325

Glow harder, asshole.

>> No.15961326

Colleges are only expensive because Joe Biden passed a law that disabled students claiming bankruptcy on student debt, allowing every institution to effectively raise their prices by %2000 for absolutely no change in education. Oh but the boomers made it so that every job they could have gotten with a high school diploma now required a 4 years bachelors degree.

That's why shits more expensive. The charging of books and sports is just extra nickel and diming

>> No.15961336

Dude do you take poloroids? Because unless you somehow downloaded an alt phone os your shit is automatically uploaded. Your computers always do backups to servers. It doesn't matter what you do, you're still plugged into the matrix and being watched.

>> No.15961348

You still never said what your job is. So I don't care what you say. I work in marketing and if i fucking put mcdonald's cashier 4 years on my resume they'd tell me to take that shit out. You out RELEVANT EXPERIENCE ONLY.
Now i know you're larping. A guy graduating from accounting wouldn't put his part time job on his CV unless he dropped out and wanted to work for you at whatever construction job you act all high and mighty at.

>> No.15961369

You'd have to pay me $25 an hour with benefits for me to work at McDonald's and put up with that shit. Should be the bare minimum for this job.

>> No.15961380

Dept head for IT firm. Cope faggot.

>> No.15961390

poltards forget Mexico used to own like 40% of the land area of what is now the USA. they think every mexican in america is an "illegal" when loads of them are people with family history going back long before America showed up to steal their land.

>> No.15961397

and mexicans forget that all these land use to be own by the natives

>> No.15961404

You mean they forgot the Alamo?

>> No.15961413

France owned most of North America at one point. If a Frenchman illegally enters the US today, he's still an illegal foreigner.

>> No.15961415

Yeah that figures why you'd want mcdonald's experience on a cv. you're not an actual career for most people, you're a part time job for programming students with a high turnover rate.

>> No.15961430

Amazon is physically destroying the staffers by treating them like robots while paying them as low a wage as they can get away with. My grandad was a roofer & brickie for his life, but even the damage that did over 40 years pales in comparison to the damage working in an Amazon warehouse does to people, because Amazon doesn't let up. He never had to piss in a bottle or shit in a bag because his boss would hound him for 2 minutes of downtime.
Politicians owned by corporations have rolled back practically everything the labor movement won in the last century because it doesn't impact them. And in the US it's even worse because there isn't even the safety net of socialised medicine.

>> No.15961452

Mexicans are mostly Spain's bastard children. You can't even speak your native tribes' language so don't even bother claiming native land. Aztecs and Cherokees are far apart culturally.

>> No.15961493

Based. for me,
>graduate university with stem degree, never find a "real job"
>get shitty job
>lose job before pandemic due to making illegal jokes
>collect unemployment
>now living NEET life for the past year

>> No.15961511

>cope intensifies
Look, you seem to be some brand of retard that I can't pinpoint so I feel bad for you. Invent whatever fiction about me that you need to help keep yourself out of the hugbox.
Nothing part time about my dept tho. I don't hire scrubs or people without experience.

>> No.15961525

He was talking about people seeing people who look Mexican and assuming they're all immigrants.

>> No.15961526

You don't get paid for reporting them so what the fuck is the point. I worked in a job where I saw so many fake socials and if I would have gotten money for reporting I would have. If they wanted them gone pony up the dough.

>> No.15961531
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Yes i see you take your job very seriously faggot. Oh hear that? Janice is calling again, better scurry along to reset her computer again. You must feel very fulfilled.

>> No.15961534

They did when I worked there in the early 2000's. There were a bunch of below minimum wage kitchen beaners that couldn't speak a lick of english.

>> No.15961553

Not just minimum, all wages. Income hasn't risen with cost of living in almost 30 years

>> No.15961567

Oh, another swing and a miss. Keep trying there, potato. You seem mad. I can only assume that's because someone like me refused to hire you because you're and insufferable zoomer.

>> No.15961579

Not him, but I'm a software dev who helps with the hiring process sometimes. When looking at resumes, having that kind of experience isn't a dealbreaker for me at all. If anything, I kind of like it. A lot of young guys in compsci have a Dunning-Kruger effect filled ego and something on that on the resume lets me know that an interview with them won't be agonizing since they've likely been humbled a bit.

>> No.15961622

I love how you're projecting this sooner persona, only someone young and retarded would take mcdonald's so seriously as you do.

>> No.15961633

>go to new orleans
>see someone who looks french
>wtf illegal immigrant

>> No.15961648

>Its killing self, but still decent money

Amazon ain't shit, there's better paying warehouse or manufacturing jobs that are actually vital like making medical equipment.

>> No.15961652

Amazon warehouse pay is still above state min. wage and most jobs in the area. The education benefits are still there for those that have the braincells to use them.

Amazon isn't perfect, great, or even a high class choice. I'd also agree they're stingy as hell given how much they take in. But compared to all the shit most of the people who work there can qualify for or near them it pays the bills. Work a slaughter house, fruit picking, or human care. They don't give a shit about you either and in some cases missing limbs isn't unheard of.

The problem isn't so much Amazon, its the fact gov has sold us out to capitalism and the people/voters/boomers are all too happy to lick the boots defending our corp. overloads.

>> No.15961669

>Amazon is totally fine guys
>by the way blame the 70 year olds who are dying for this, haha

The culprits are anyone who uses Amazon. Too pussy to delete your account?

>> No.15961676

You can't read well

>> No.15961685

When a handful of megacorps own most of everything and buy out or starve out small business and then a fake pandemic kills off the rest you aren't left with many alternatives. Unless there is a massive solar flare that kills electricity production for a long period of time things will only continue to get worse.

>> No.15961694

so UBI when?

>> No.15961695

And how many of those type jobs are vibrant and expanding in the US? Amazon is blowing up all over across the states which is why you see states ready to bend backwards and suck whatever dick they want to get a hold of Amazon centers near them. There just a guaranteed job generator.

Anon you are missing the forest for the trees. If amazon wasn't running wagies into the ground, it'd be someone else like wal-mart and paying so low employees have to go on welfare.

Unless you can convince everyone to go full hippy then you are going to have to find an alternative such as getting gov it's enforcement powers back. But given we can't even convince people climate change is real...

>> No.15961704

I think you're just uninformed and took the black pill, there are plenty of retailers that are not big for various items.

Gardening companies for example are numerous as are those that produce seeds and herbs. Think about all the products on Amazon and remember, they all have their own company website.

>> No.15961709

>If amazon wasn't running wagies into the ground, it'd be someone else like wal-mart and paying so low employees have to go on welfare.

You seriously think all jobs are that bad? They aren't, they just don't make it into the doomsday press.

>> No.15961713

I am quite serious when I say it is YOUR generation that is at fault here because you're "digital natives" and have been using the internet to make Amazon rich while the elderly normies are just discovering Youtube.

>> No.15961741

I'd be happy to work part time at one but I can't speak Spanish so oh well I'll just stay home

>> No.15961748

>all jobs
I'm trying to figure out how you got all jobs out of that statement. Please, point out "all jobs".

Amazon is not the first employer to abuse their staff and certainly won't be the last. Throughout this entire thread I've been pointing out other ones who do just as horrific ones that don't make the "doomsday press" like meat packing, elderly care, and fruit picking. I'm sure there are far more (many of which are essential) with horrid conditions.

So no mate, all jobs aren't amazon bad. Far more are good in fact. But its laughable if you don't think some other business wouldn't fill its void if it could.

>> No.15961758

I bet they wouldn't hire Anon if he showed up. These petty counts will wonder why he's never worked before and call him entitled.

>> No.15961773

not that guy but a community center, swimming pool, summer camps, government student jobs
that type of stuff is great to start off with

>> No.15961866

this only works if you're sexy and go to church a lot

>> No.15961885

Amazon has intentions to exploit to the highest degree using technology and in the beginning refused to pay any tax on purchases. They are designed to be parasitic and abusive and I think that's just accepted as the way it has to be because of "advancement" in technology.

However this harming human beings to such a degree that it is bringing individual lives backwards into a state that can't even be called civilized. If church leaders weren't cucked they would speak against this company and advise congregations to avoid it.

>> No.15961889

>Capitalist businesses hire the cheapest labor possible that they can forcibly and legally evict to another country when they get uppity??
Say it ain't so

>> No.15961901

Colonialism should be a thing of the past, right?

>> No.15961904

>12 hours a day, 6-7 days a week to barely survive
I worked in retail and i can tell you that overtime was never allowed for any reason. In fact, you usually got in trouble for staying even a minute later than your schedule. I don't know about mcdonalds though. I can't imagine its much better there.

I work in a warehouse now and its much more fun. I don't miss retail.

>> No.15961912

Every aspect of modern globalist capitalism is an extension of settler colonialist systems. It never ended, it just became indirect.

>> No.15961915

Giant companies are simply administrative heads that can move all over the world and use anyone as slave labor, with permission from the governing bodies that have control over where the slaves live.

>> No.15961943

>leader of the business posts a sheet full of excuses
Yes surely it's the fault of the workers

>> No.15961947

Welcome to the endgame of settler colonialism. The core is dying, the periphery is too far raped to be useful, now we move to plan B where everyone gets raped.

>> No.15961956

I cannot imagine more of a first world problem than having a lack of below min wage servant staff at your faux Aussie themed microwave food dispensary.

>> No.15961970

Works in theory but not in practice

>> No.15962003

>get a fucking job you bum
>gets fast food job
>haha what a loser with his job

Never ending cycle that must break

>> No.15962014

It makes me wonder if being a house nigger was really all that bad or different from retail.

>> No.15962026

At least when you work retail you technically have the choice to walk out and kill your boss

>> No.15962045

>live in Seattle
>expensive but whatever
>min wage $15 passes
>everyone either moves out of city or raises prices crazy.
>lol how did this happen?

>> No.15962046

Realistically you're stuck because there is no common land in the world anymore. Massa gives his rotten food to the churches to distribute instead of giving to his slaves, the slaves now can't eat on the insignificant money he pays and have to make their case that yes, they are destitute in THAT system and the old hospitality system of the whites is ironically what is feeding people.

>> No.15962053

>Amazon didn't exist when Democrats and Republicans offshored domestic industry to Asia and imported scab Central Americans.

Remember a rich tobacco church member bitching about all the "damn dirty Mexicans" when his company hired illegals for field work.

>> No.15962072
File: 81 KB, 960x544, 1616293738343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to university
>university gets huge upset against football university
>focus becomes on football instead of academics
>lose money on it in fact
>lol why do you not want to donate to your undergraduate alma mater Mr. Anon?

>> No.15962093

what was his specific complaint?

>> No.15962133

It's almost like we're in a pandemic and people don't want to work with dumb fucking customers who probably have been exposed to who fucking knows what.

>> No.15962166

Both are intertwined.
College is expensive because the government floods people with financial aid, federally backed loans, and 10000 scholarships.
This in terns, raises demand for college education, as such, colleges raise the prices of college because they know people are going to go anyway. They then hire a bunch of bullshit professors to teach bullshit subjects, spend boatloads on lavish nonsense, go crazy on their sports programs, etc. So they have to keep upping the price of tuition because they know they can because there is basically a never ending supply of people who want to go.

>> No.15962188

This, college was meant to teach you real shit to prepare you but also weed out the retards off the street. Now it's turned into fucking Disneyland where you HAVE to go.

>> No.15962236

>illegal jokes
If you're so stupid you posted /pol/ shit at work, you deserved to be shitcanned.

>> No.15962244

Spoken like a lazy faggot. Get off the self-pity drip, cancel your Amazon and Facebook accounts, buy as much of your food as possible from farmers' markets and your goods from local businesses, and stop acting like you don't have a choice. You do, so go exercise it so it doesn't truly get taken away from you.

>> No.15962266

>buy as much of your food as possible from farmers' markets and your goods from local businesses
This isn't economically viable in 98% of the country

>> No.15962268

>he thinks the outcome isn't already decided
Repeat after me: I own nothing. I have no privacy. And I am happy

>> No.15962270

May as well kill yourself and leave the resources for people who are actually making an effort.

>> No.15962274

Only if by "not economically viable" you mean "it costs 50 cents more than it does at Wal-Mart, so I'm not doing it"

>> No.15962290

>megacorporations own everything abloo bloo bloo

This has always been a lie and I hope you can see that by doing a simple thing and checking out your local chamber of commerce/business asscociation and to see with your own eyes just how many businesses exist.

You can even use Google Maps to see where all the businesses are! And if you need a job, you know where to send your applications because you have their addresses and emails.

Giant companies do rape their employees and so do small ones though, it's just the scale is insane and if there is only one company in your town they are going to have extreme power over you. That's why we need workers rights.

>> No.15962321

It's not illegal to put a camera on your car and record the public you retard. It's also not illegal to record your wagies doing (or more usually, not doing) their job that they get paid for. The only people who bitch about this are paranoid schizophrenics like you and Karrenbot 3256 who spends 5 hours a day on facebook and twitter complaining about how she doesn't get paid enough.

>> No.15962339

They're not only recording in public. They're driving up private streets and driveways. They are just recording. They're feeding it into an AI with facial recognition and the data will be sold to the government. You're a moron if you think any of this is ok.

>> No.15962349

okay will recording on private property is a problem, but there's probably some clause in your agreement with amazon that they can do that. If you don't like it you can just not use them.

>> No.15962361

>live on private road
>neighbor orders shit from Amazon
>AI cam scans my fucking house

>> No.15962373

if the neighbor has equal ownership of the road they can permit anyone to record there.
>hurr durr they have a picture of my house
oh no, you realize they have satellites as well right?

>> No.15962390

I haven't had a facebook account in almost a decade, I buy something from amazon maybe twice a year. That doesn't make fuck all difference to stop them though. They are a self perpetuating machine at this point, "too big to fail". But keep telling yourself buying that 5 dollar heirloom head of lettuce at a hippie market is going to show big corpo whats what.

>> No.15962403

Straya cunt

>> No.15962450

Yeah and they will blur your property if you request it.

>> No.15962485

are you retarded? They still have the picture of your house, even if they blur it to the public. You're bitching about them selling it to the government and using it for data mining, you think they blur your house for the government too, retard?

>> No.15962487

i love Gen Z if only for the fact that they're the group young enough and crazy enough to fucking do it. it feels like us millennials are aware of the contradictions of capitalism and we all see it and have a better future in mind but we're stuck in it due to college. like we're the tipping point generation and they're the fuck it generation.

>> No.15962488

it's almost time for food service to be automated

>> No.15962529

I really hate that they went out and took pictures of secret cabins that people built to get away from everything. They probably have that one uncontacted tribe of niggers ID'd with their own social score.

>> No.15962555

just build innaground like a hobbit

>> No.15962588

You can do that in the north but in the south you'll hit the water table.

>> No.15962594

When retarded repubs like yourself keep refusing to wear a mask in public, it'll never end.

>> No.15962659

i like amazon because it brings me my stuff the next day, sometimes the same day :)

>> No.15962675

find a hill somewhere. You don't need to go that deep, just go long.

>> No.15962697

There is no farmer's market where I live beyond a seasonal twice a year event that charges an arm and a leg. That world is disappearing in global capitalism you mong.

>> No.15962763

That's almost a House of Cards plot device. Remy was competing with two Latinos for two positions during a round of layoffs.

>> No.15962768

People watched that?

>> No.15962793
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I live in Seattle. Minimum wage is $15. EVERYTHING IS FUCKING EXPENSIVE
And other jobs that used to pay around $15 are pointless. Why be a CNA or mechanic if you can just flip burgers all day.

>> No.15962797

Because you learn skills that increase your value.

>> No.15962800

You get MORE money when you are a mechanic or study something else. How fucking stupid are you?

>> No.15962825

Definitely at the privately owned franchise ones.

>> No.15962843

I have been working in McDonald's for 5 years, and for me, it is a good place to work, and they pay me more than jobs related to my studies, so you can figure the shit that my country is becoming (Spain)

Unfortunately, with the Coronavirus, things went a bit worse, but I agree that they should pay a bit more. Currently, my wage is around 1100 euros. If they could pay 1300, I would live pretty well round here.

>> No.15962852

Good. As a former wagie turned current NEET, I'd love to see the down fall of current economic structure. Can't find people willing to work your job? Raise your pay, and or make working there bearable. The meme of pulling your bootstraps up and working hard was sold to naive, stupid boomers so corporations could pay them shit and trick them into believing what they were doing was noble so they wouldn't question the status quo. Boomers and the like are absolutely entrenched into their bought beliefs, just have a conversation with any of them. They actually think it's ok for people to have to work more than 1 job to support themselves or their kids.

>> No.15962858


That's the point. In some "skillable" jobs they pay you less, and have to work more than 8 hours, or have a cut for an hour or two during the midday.

Where I am, I don't have to work more than 8 hours, and they respect more your rights as a worker.

So, why bother to be working in a factory, when you can just flip burguers?

>> No.15962886
File: 15 KB, 400x228, dimmit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mexico lost the fucking war they incited you dumb fucking beaner keep seething this is our rightful clay we offered mexicans the option of leaving to mexican borders or becoming citizens. guess what retard your ancestors decided to become american so you will be among the first to burn like mexicans burned us at goliad.
>never forget goliad and dimmit

>> No.15962917

No they don't pay less. They pay at least the same, the minimum wage. Stop making ridiculous stuff up you idiot.

>> No.15962967

Sometimes they pay you nothing and call it an internship.

>> No.15962976

I'd rather die than work at mcdonalds, but I'm not particularly keen on dying either.

>> No.15962994

Why not? Being dead seems really cool.

>> No.15963000

Well, that's a different problem.

>> No.15963003

Blame the employer, not the other workers in other jobs. It's the employer's fault.

>> No.15963041


I don't earn the minimum wage, faggot.

>> No.15963052
File: 99 KB, 600x468, 1618420037025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell people they're not essential and not allowed to work
>unemployment pays more than min wage with no work
>stimulus free gubmint money checks
>"gee, why don't people want to work for corporation anymore"

>> No.15963069

McDonald's is in a funny position. As pointed out by many posters they always hire immigrants from South and Central America full-time.
It used to be up until the 1990s that they would have some college kids working part-time to help fund their education. Among these they would sometimes spot people to funnel into their management and then corporate structures. So they used to have people at all levels within the company who understood how the company worked.
Now they hire their management exclusively on social justice woke grounds. So blacks, trannies and disabled etc.. Who have never worked for the company. That used to be okay before because the mainly white and male management that were developed through the old system were carrying the new woke set. But now the old crew are retiring and the company is heading for a leadership iceberg.

>> No.15963075

Ahhhh yes, let me obliterate my body to make slightly better than minimum wage. Thanks amazon!

>> No.15963080

President Harris will bring in comfy UBI for all citizens.
Menial jobs will be done exclusively by immigrant workers.
The borders will be opened up to facilitate that

>> No.15963081

You can be paid $1.50/hour in service jobs if your employer claims you make the difference up to minimum wage in tips.

>> No.15963086

tips have to be claimed and if you dont claim enough to make minimum wage then the employer has to pay the difference

the idea of tipping is fundamentally broken

>> No.15963104

>boomer whine
governments wouldnt need to throw the hail-mary UBI meme if boomers understood how capitalism works, but they forgot that a long time ago. day of the pillow is coming

>> No.15963106


>> No.15963116

The market will fix it. I'm willing to drop my current job for $50/h, your call McD. But something is telling me they will import 3rd worlders to use as slaves. Being pro immigration is being against the working class and by definition that's the true far right.

>> No.15963125

I applied to work at McDonald’s three times this year. Too many applicants.

>> No.15963154
File: 118 KB, 640x796, anus cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if they paid beyond minimum fucking wage?
The In-and-Out's near me pay like only 2 bucks more and have full staff all the time
Competitive wages are the key, plain and simple

>> No.15963157

Just get a job at Amazon bro lol

>> No.15963160


>> No.15963171


>> No.15963174

Got a job in food delivery once. Second day on the job, and I got a crippling depression, third day on the job, and I got bloody blisters on my feet, fourth day on the job, and I actually counted how much am I going to get paid and realized that it won't even cover wear and tear on my clothes, so I called them and told them to fuck off.

>> No.15963175

You can earn more and also keep your dignity by playing shitcoins all day with 100$.

>> No.15963180


>> No.15963186

Never seen a farm pay minimum wage.
Man, you'd have to be a fucking retard to do back breaking hard labor, on top of actually learning skilled work, for minimum wage.

>> No.15963201
File: 9 KB, 219x249, sneedz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that a paul's boutique beastie boy referance ?

>> No.15963209

The land was conquered, not stolen.

>> No.15963221

It absolutely would work in practice. Greed is the only thing stopping the higher wages part

>> No.15963239

If you're the thief, it's "conquered"
If you're the victim, it's stolen.
All colonial powers are thieving parasites who failed to find a natural equilibrium in their native land and had to expand, like a virus.

>> No.15963351

Unrelated, but how is it working at an oil rig?

>> No.15963448

Anon there is literally no correlation between point 3 and 4. As usual you right wing niggers just make up shit to keep wages low but offer no solution.

>> No.15963473

>All colonial powers are thieving parasites who failed to find a natural equilibrium in their native land and had to expand, like a virus.
Well said, and absolutely historically accurate.

>> No.15963474

Bill Clinton made student debt noon-forgivable, but you are otherwise correct.

>> No.15963490

Because millennials and zoomies are the most educated generations of all time. We know working at mcdicks is just a job. That's not even needed as a stepping stone anymore.

>> No.15963499

>I live in Seattle. Minimum wage is $15. EVERYTHING IS FUCKING EXPENSIVE

Is that the fault of the minimum wage or perhaps the fact Seattle is a lucrative city for tourism, jobs, and real estate? You and I both know the answer.

>And other jobs that used to pay around $15 are pointless. Why be a CNA or mechanic if you can just flip burgers all day.

People who make this argument should kill themselves in the most painful way possible. Ever consider the idea that while one person is content working at McDonalds, the other may not like fast food and want better career mobility?

>> No.15963514

>So, why bother to be working in a factory, when you can just flip burguers?

That's you then. Some people value career mobility you lazy sack of shit.

>> No.15963515

You realise that companies don't make things expensive based on the minimum wage, they make them expensive because that's what makes them more profit.

>> No.15963591

> Why be a CNA or mechanic if you can just flip burgers all day.
this is a problem for the company owners, not you

the solution is clear: skilled manual labour wages grow to again be a bit higher than unskilled manual labour

>> No.15963614

This. The stigma of fast food workers being the absolute lowest of the low is not exactly helping in any way.

>> No.15963662

>when loads of them are people with family history going back long before America showed up to steal their land.
Hey moron, all the people with family history in the Mexican Cession became American citizens in 1848.

So none of the newcomers have family history.

>> No.15963671

>all these land use to be own
holy fuck, you retard

>> No.15963697

>going into service
If you do have to be a wagie, go into retail and NOT service. Retail is horrible, soul killing and monotonous, but it's also extremely easy.

>> No.15963727

And you're in marketing, where the only qualifications are "looks great in a suit," "great conversationalist" and "is almost functionally literate."
Those aren't skills, those are signs that you're hired just because your bisexual boss wants to ass fuck you.

>> No.15963740

What is it with Amerisharts and their constant M/ck/ Donalds posting?

>> No.15963749

Is that why there are no jews outside of Israel?

Ooopsie poopsie, back in your cage sweaty!

>> No.15963813

Nice dubs employee batch 32 member!

>> No.15963829

The same people who complain about wages being too low are the same people who said algebra was useless in school. They're vampires. Parasites unwilling to self improve or think critically trying bend the system to their knee.

>> No.15963834

Literally who doesnt hire illegals?

>> No.15963840

Many people don’t realize that McDonalds also will pay half of college tuition costs

>> No.15963846

let's raise the minimum wage to 100 dollars an hour and nobody will be poor.

>> No.15963848

Unemployment pay is higher than the federal minimum wage.

>> No.15963850


>> No.15963861

Federal minimum wage shouldn’t even be a thing. It should be left to the states

>> No.15963895

I didn't deny the holocaust or anything. Working in seattle it's very easy to say something which gets you cancelled. That said, if i knew being out of work was going to be so well paid for so long I'd have done it sooner.

>> No.15963913


>> No.15963956

people realized welfare checks are less shit than mcdicks

>> No.15964030

You need to get back into employment as soon as you can. If the gaps in your resume become to big you'll basically become unemployable.

>> No.15964054

You couldnt even pay me to work at mcdonals

>> No.15964057

Not like I was getting hired before lmao so i'm past caring about that. Literally sent out hundreds of applications after graduating. Got maybe a dozen phone interviews which turned into 5ish actual interviews over the course of almost a year. My degree field doesn't really pay that well anyway, fell for the STEM meme and figured since it's Science I'll get a good job out of college ez money ez life. Not true

>> No.15964064

Easy sounds horrible if you have a monotonous job. I don't get why people are so obsessed with being bored.

>> No.15964156

Because at the moment hiring staff for peanuts is a lot cheaper than investing in automation that will be outdated in less than a couple of years.

>> No.15964194

Has tipping in america gotten so bad that they don't even have to pay their workers anymore?

>> No.15964205

People hate work more now.
This is a good thing. Businesses should raise wages.

>> No.15964247

Literally any manual labor or "boring" jobs that require no education.
My first job at 16 was in a meat factory. It started with a week of formation to learn how to debone a chicken then I had relatively well paying (5$ over minimum wage with annual raises when I left I was at $19.50/h) stable job with good conditions and benefits. 40h/week during summers often with delicious optional overtime, weekend shifts during school months. The factory was hiring pretty much anyone that could hold a knife yet we were slightly understaffed because "ew raw chicken is gross and it's cold :(".
Meanwhile the retards were complaining that their comission-based sales clerk job only gave them 16h this week and a mean lady was shouting a them.

>> No.15964255

What major?

>> No.15964372

>You couldnt even pay me to work at mcdonals
but that's how jobs work? you get paid to work? what's the alternative, you paying mcd to work there?

>> No.15964388

I assume he meant "pay me a big salary". Like even at 50$/h he wouldn't work at mcdonald.

>> No.15964396
File: 2.36 MB, 320x310, 1601783053829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an 8 hour interview

>> No.15964410

I can work but refuse to have kids so no more wagies :)

>> No.15964483

The govt will save me! Fuck off you pathetic parasite

>> No.15964501

Shit work for shit pay? No, thank you.

>> No.15964504

Biochemistry -_- very cool and i learned a lot of good shit but it's not very employable, and since the number of degree holders massively outnumbers the job openings, jobs are both poorly paid and ridiculously competitive. Worked at a research lab for the last year I was in school too so i've got "Experience".

>> No.15964518

Yeah basically, why would most people want to interview for a job that is even shittier than it sounds

>> No.15964531

Welfare checks/minorities

>> No.15964661

You can't find a job for Hematology Laboratory Technician during a pandemic?

>> No.15964765

yeah maybe i could but since The Pandemic kicked in I was already collecting unemployment lol. Graduated in spring 2019.

>> No.15964815

Biden was serving in the senate at the time, which is what I think Anon was getting at.

>> No.15964839

>It absolutely would work in practice
No it doesn't that's why companies are mass-importing illegals who will work for pennies on the dollar. Illegal immigration would stop the second the government starts cracking down on the companies that employ them, but the corporations love the cheap labor so they don't.

>> No.15964919

Not him but I've got a Master's in the same subject. When the pandemic was starting out I reached out to all the labs nearby that would be testing COVID kits to see if they'd be hiring. A month later I get an automated response from one asking if I'd like to be a web designer.
Another place I applied to I fit the requirements and desired experience exactly and the automated system said I didn't meet the minimum qualifications and suggested I apply to two jobs that required completely different degrees.
Biochemistry is suffering. I'm in a PhD program now that can't figure out how to organize classes and has a bunch of professors that expect results from their grad students without providing any sort of training to them.

>> No.15964941

don't bother trying to explain the economics of Seattle to people that don't live there.

They can't understand the absolute faggotry of Seattle and prices relative to a Chink and Seafood Port town.

>> No.15964971

>votes for politicians who import tens of millions of unwashed brown people so your wages stay suppressed
nothing personnel, commie

>> No.15965059

Yeah, resumes automated nowadays. You have to use as many buzzwords from the job ads as possible and cater to each application.

>> No.15965176

imagine how well paid americans would be if closed borders

>> No.15965284

Uh, we tried. Farmers were complaining that there were a shortage of workers and then the buildup at the borders were deemed an "humanitarian" issue so we had to let in economic migrants.

>> No.15965635

Marx was right and even people like Hoover acknowledged this lmao, or do you think every marxist votes democrat?

>> No.15965702

get a job, loser.

>> No.15965825

lol no one WANTS austerity in america., paying more for groceries will upset walmartians.

>> No.15966094

fuck off jew

>> No.15966365

lmao masters in chemistry based degrees have never meant shit and have always been seen as a "congrats you tried but failed" at a PhD. If you went Bachelors -> Masters -> PhD rather than Bachelors -> PhD in chemistry, you fucked up big time. Also the professors don't train you in PhD programs, this is very rare and they expect their other graduate students to teach you or YOU YOURSELF learn on your own. It's supposed to be independent. If you didn't even know that prior to joining then you have no fucking clue what you signed up for and I'll be damn surprised if you even finish your PhD.

t. PhD in chem

>> No.15966418

You actually showed why a $15 minimum wage would be good for people who become mechanics because retards like you. Lets say there were 100 potential mechanics, if 75 of that 100 goes to become burger flippers because the pay was comparable, now there are only 25 people who want to become mechanics but there are always gonna be people who need their shit fixes, so the 25% of mechanics get paid more.

>> No.15966501

90% of the people at my local McD are Latinos, and this is in Indiana.

>> No.15966502
File: 73 KB, 1024x768, 1607725390982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am above working fast food, I am white, I thought this is what immigration was for? Doing the jobs we don't want to do?

>> No.15966601

DESU Fast food companies care about their consumer base too much. Any other industry the consumer would be told to eat a dick if they had a problem with price increases but fast food corporations operate at razor thin profit margins because they're afraid of giving an edge to their competitors.
Fast food consumers make out like bandits paying far less than what the food and labor are worth.

>> No.15966629

Mexicans forget that they lost a war and were still paid for the land.

>> No.15966649

Do you live in a 99% white town or something? Every single job that doesn't require a bachelor's degree is full of illegals.

>> No.15966674

Middle managers are the lowest of the low in my experience. I have yet to meet a so-called "district manager" in any company that isn't completely full of shit. These people get paid to do nothing.

>> No.15966684

18 year old Zoomer here: why the fuck would I apply for a job now? I'm going to have to work for the rest of my life. I'm not going to start until I have to.

>> No.15966752
File: 34 KB, 352x418, 1610476580417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those aren't skills, those are signs that you're hired just because your bisexual boss wants to ass fuck you.

>Normalfags always sniff out my autism in interviews
>Every job I ever got hired at had the boss or interviewer make a pass at me and pressured me later
At least I'm not ugly I guess

>> No.15966889

this is the level 2 cope of "just get a STEM degree bro", "just get a PhD bro". very realistic, broadly applicable advice.

>> No.15966911

>Mexicans forget
LMFAO /pol/tard cant even read.

>> No.15967196

>treat every employee like a machine
>pay minimum wage
>struggle to replace them when they inevitably leave
lmao get fucked

>> No.15967253


>> No.15967261

Is this the power of American education?

>> No.15967272
File: 560 KB, 643x545, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>get paid to go to interview
>reject job and take free money home

>> No.15967601

>Lives in Seattle
lol you fucking retard, you were suppose to move out of that shithole 6 years ago, enjoy your junkies and rising COL

>> No.15967735

probably because last time i applied for mcdonalds (when i was in a bad spot in life) i arrived at the mcdonalds ready for the interview and they acted like they didnt know i was coming, and then after waiting 15 minutes the manager came out and said that they had ACCIDENTALLY put in the request for new applicants on the mcdonalds internal hiring website, and that actually they didnt need any new workers, and so basically they wasted multiple hours of my time for NOTHING. i did get a free drink i guess. fucking cunts

>> No.15967813

this is the ideal scenario, if I walk into a fast food place and the staff is black, I 360 and scram, but if the staff is old Mexican broads you know you're safe

>> No.15967838

>No it doesn't that's why companies are mass-importing illegals who will work for pennies on the dollar
Anon, this is an example of it working in practice.

>> No.15967853

Pay people a living wage. Afford people their basic needs for a dignified standard of living. Stop contributing to environmental degradation. Stop lobbying politicians for underhanded shit like enabling corporate tax avoidance do skirting even the most reasonable regulation.

When you're a multinational corporation with a larger net worth than the GDP of countries then you really shouldn't have any excuses for being parasitic. More accurately, the shareholders, venture capitalists, board members and execs have no excuse.

>> No.15967854

it's embarrassing to work at McDonald's, so nobody wants to do it unless they're an immigrant

>> No.15967932

Pay me a hundred dollars an hour and I'll work at Wackdonalds.

>> No.15968061

Yeah but there's more people with degrees than job openings so most get work if its a sort after field and the rest get fuck all and a ton of debt.
Become a contractor and build/renovate shit or start a business if you want to try to get real money.
Degree's in a needed field like nurses can be payed for by a hospital just got to talk to hospital and they will set you up but you got to work for them for a few years after you graduate.
Just be smart and get legal advice if the business is fucking you over in the contract. But free education and a job lined up is way better than a fuck load of debt.

>> No.15968076

Food places basically laid off a shit load of its workers at the start of the pandemic since "We don't need those guys now".

Now that its over they're like "Oh no we can't find guys, oh no"

Its not
>We need to hire 100000000000000000 illegal immigrants

Its not
>NOO NO NO Americans dont want the jobs

>Food places got rid of their own staff in the first place due to covid restrictions, you don't need servers for the last year, and the people who were fired now see the positions as high risk since they know they can be fired that easily. Have no reason to apply again at the place that fucked you. Along with a few other contributing factors

When the pandemic first started a lot of places near me basically got rid of 60% of their staff, got rid of all of their servers, got rid of anyone deemed unnecessary. Now that shit's opening back up they're suddenly in a rush to find people again, but there are obvious reasons it can't be done that easily.

>> No.15968086

I worked there for couple months when I was 28 I had lost my job so was desperate. It was the worst job mentally and emotionally ive ever had in my life, its soul crushing.

Next job I got was back breaking unloading trailers full of heavy boxes all night and i would choose that again over McDonald's any day.

>> No.15968111

I'm making $16 an hour and it's not livable. the problem is rent, there ought to be a cap on what can be charged. an efficiency in my area is about 1200 a month

>> No.15968151

I get paid nothing at my job but it's an amazing gig, I can do literally anything I want. I watch movies, browse 4chan, even jerk off, and I don't have to talk to anyone or do anything.

>> No.15968160

worse, they hire blacks

>> No.15968164

>"jus bee urself" jobs
kys faggot

>> No.15968170

>mexican intellectuals

>> No.15968183
File: 30 KB, 144x205, 1617331158269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw had so many jobs for the last 9 years
>land on a 1099 delivery job
>best job i've ever had
>no coworkers, no boss, no customers, decent pay for a very short amount of work
>can make up any hours
>can travel 800 miles away and still work in my area
i may be bottom of the barrel trash, but gos damn this gig is maximum comfort. it's everything i wanted in a job: flexible hours, small labor and close to zero social interactions

>> No.15968185

If supply of something is low you need to raise the price you're willing to pay for it. People no longer think spending the time working at mcd is worth the reimbursement. Increase it.

>> No.15968195

You remind me of a high school teacher I met at a conference that was masquerading as a professor at a tier 1 university.

>> No.15968201

Mcdonalds on the resume literally does nothing to help you get employed at white collar jobs

>> No.15968214

Anon, no one gives a shit if you worked at McFagalds. It's all connections.

>> No.15968220

trust me anon that won't be necessary at this stage of the game USD will turn to shit, and since USD is a world renown currency every other major currency will fall into the dark shadows alongside USD the moment it dies.

>> No.15968242

Most people have to work to feel some sense of purpose in life. NEET’s like myself wouldn’t understand but eventually most people out of work will go back. These people go crazy if they have too much free time.

>> No.15968247

>it's another larping nigger thread

>> No.15968373

Because fast food places all compete at the minimum wage level and aren't willing to raise the wage even as a cartel decision.
While they could eliminate window with kiosks, automatic food prep is still decades away from being reliable. And locations that need dining traffic to stay solvent (when their state allows them to open) need runners and usually one window open inside, plus cleaning. Like it or not, they still need crew but not at the levels people are willing to work the job for.
You'd think the fast food industry would've worked a little harder over the years to make their work not seem lowly and only worthy of rude minorities. It wasn't even 20 years ago that you could go to a McDs that was mostly white staff.

>> No.15968726

Comfy. Tell us more

>> No.15969479

Who the fuck wants to work a part time minimum wage job right now when you can make more on unemployment??