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15950407 No.15950407 [Reply] [Original]

i want to try meat loaf but a whole meat loaf is too much for just me and ive got no one to eat it with

>> No.15950415

Thread died bc this retard couldnt find a family meatloaf recipe and divide everything by 4.

>> No.15950417

Make it, pig out when done, sandos next few days. Then freeze the rest in sando sized slices if you havent finished it in a few days.

>> No.15950424

my problem is cooking it i don't see how i can cook a single slice of meat loaf

>> No.15950442

are the left overs good? I'm not a fan of left overs unless they gain a different quality that is also good or it doesn't change flavor much. pigging out seems to be my best bet desu but it would be nice if there is a way too cook a single slice

>> No.15950467

The leftovers are arguably better. You take a slice and fry it in butter to reheat it. Get them nice and crispy on both sides and make a dank sandwich.

>> No.15950484

thanks anon ill try it. since im a bong ive never tried it before.

im also thinking of trying to make a meat loaf patty after trying the real thing so i can make single servings

>> No.15950488

Get this....you could.....wait for it.....only make as much as you will eat.

>> No.15950498

Hey bongbro, here’s a couple protips.
1) raw meatloaf freezes very well. If you prepare more than you need, just freeze it and thaw/cook portions as you wish.
2) making meatloaf “patties” works perfectly if you’re only wanting to make small servings. Simply form it as you would a ‘hamburg steak’ and bake for an appropriately lower amount of time.

>> No.15950507
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I appreciate your thanks. Here's the best meatloaf recipe I've ever had. A little tricky to sear the meat fully, but don't stress about it too much.

>> No.15950519

Forgot to add:
3) don’t overcomplicate it.

Meatloaf is an American depression-era food, which would be comparable to a British wartime-food. It’s meant to be simple and comforting, while extending available ingredients.

>> No.15950602

you know what a freezer is, cunt?
fucking divvie that cunt up into 4 or 5 meals in the future that you dont have to cook from scratch.
throw in microwave.
bam, easy feed in 3min.
just werks

>> No.15950676

It's been my experience that Europeans have absolutely no concept of what "leftovers" are, taking home extra food from a restaurant, or re-heating them.

>> No.15950682

Cook it in a muffin tin you retard.

>> No.15950830
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Invite me for meat loaf, anon. I'll split the ingredients with and will even take some homemade potato salada and ice there

>> No.15950837

ice tea*

>> No.15950849
File: 66 KB, 958x957, 0y8xrjgg9wq51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss my moms meatloaf. i miss her cooking in general. appreciate your parents while theyre here bros...tell them you love them..

>> No.15950851

>meatloaf between more bread
go away

>> No.15950854

How convenient that Babish just released a new video about meatloaf! You can check it out here friendo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgNQ6ZrT4RQ

>> No.15950862

I just want to talk to her again, she died in her sleep without any warning so I never got to say goodbye.

>> No.15950880

Here's the recipe I use.>>15950507 Just because something has the word loaf in it does not mean it is high in carbs...
The sandos thing... ill give you that one. I got excited because of how delicious they are.

>> No.15950894

god why must life be so cruel sometimes

>> No.15950940

It was shortly after her father died, not long after they helped her mother through a very long process of dying from Alzheimer's which damaged their relationship, while my dad was busy working out of state to avoid the whole situation. The evening before the night or morning she died, she attended the delayed funeral (the ground was frozen) of a very old friend who had finally died of a heart defect that was originally expected to kill him as a young man.
I didn't go because I forgot to request the day off work. I was very tired of funeral already, anyways.

>> No.15950941

cook a whole one and just freeze the rest

>> No.15950943

What is a freezer

>> No.15950978

there are no rules for meatloaf, i made one in the shape of meatwad and cooked it you could do a little meatball guy or a burger shape

>> No.15950992

Left over meatloaf sandwiches are the best part.

>> No.15951048

that carrot cake looks really good

>> No.15951522

Don’t listen to that fucking idiot, refrigerated meat loaf sandwich is better than reheated, even better than fresh.

>> No.15951527

Also meat loaf sandwiches only need white bread and mayo. That’s all.