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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15949877 No.15949877[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>eating out
>while we're in the middle of a pandemic

>> No.15949885

>eating out in general

>> No.15949931
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>I'm afraid to live my life therefore nobody else should be allowed to live their lives

>> No.15949939

My parents are vaccinated and they donated enough to our local hospital that Im getting my first dose on the 19th, as soon as my age group is allowed to. So yeah we dine out quite a bit.

>> No.15949942

Why not? It's fine OP, I just take my mask off to take a bite, then put it back on right after.

>> No.15949953

we're not in the middle we're nearing the end

>> No.15949954


>> No.15949984

>not pureeing your food so fine it can pour through the atomic gaps in the mask
why are you trying to kill grandma?

>> No.15949997
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I have a disability

>> No.15950004

Okay Commiefornia.

>> No.15950020

>we need to shove this swab 5 inches deep into your sinus cavity to see if you are a carrier
>dont exhale without your mask on, the stuff you expell could kill 100k people

>> No.15950037

>they donated enough to our local hospital that Im getting my first dose on the 19th

>> No.15950041

Underage b&d

>> No.15950056
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>afraid of a cold


>> No.15950065
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big brain over here

>> No.15950085

I haven't gotten it yet, so I have killed zero people.

>> No.15950087

but i already had rona

>> No.15950091

Cuck lol

>> No.15950092

The only reason COVID19 is killing so many people is because it's spreading so rapidly, since no one was immune 14 months ago. Other than that, it's basically a cold/flu virus.

>> No.15950096

I got vaccinated months ago so I'm going to eat out whenever I like.

>> No.15950104
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You're killing millions of people from swallowing semen, fag.

>> No.15950105

Shit from your own image just look at pox viruses. Because cowpox is harmless we shouldn't worry about small pox? Papovaviruses have since been linked to cancer. This shit is from 1989.

>> No.15950111

Fucking faggot

>> No.15950120

Getting a meal now is pointless. Pay huge restaurant prices to take it back in a little container and eat it at the computer like fast food.

Going into theses places is like being in jail. Stand on the line, no talking, turn away and look down, get your shit and get out immediately

>> No.15950122

Gee I sure hope the most rushed vaccine in human history isn’t later linked to some rare cancer! If only you weren’t obese a common cold wouldn’t be life threatening to you. Sheepie

>> No.15950125

I donate 10 dollars a month to my local hospital. I had to go to for some tests for the day, I got a private room, and free food and shit.

Its worth donating to hospitals.

>> No.15950127
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Frog website.

>> No.15950131

$120 a year dude they blow through millions of dollars a month

>> No.15950142

By May 1, everyone will be fully vaccinated who wants to be. After that, if you get Covid, you deserve it.

>> No.15950148

yeah the restaurant industry is f-ed in the A

>> No.15950155


>> No.15950160

And? I still got better than average care because of my monthly 10 dollar donation.

>> No.15950190

you heard me

>> No.15950194

Is that even legal?

>> No.15950199

30 years kek

>> No.15950200

>not harboring and spreading the virus

>> No.15950211

I disagree. The vaccines are not tested enough to guarantee their safety, and do not provide immunity- only a reduction in symptoms.

It should be your choice if you want to accept the risk and take it- but anyone who chooses not to (a choice I doubt will actually be afforded) does not deserve to become ill.

Your perspective is rooted in the belief that there is no downside to vaccination.

These are new ave experimental medicines given clearance on a rush.

>> No.15950216

Sure it is. Hospitals are privately owned for the most part. And they operate off donations mostly.

>> No.15950221

Enjoy your non mrna j&j lmao

>> No.15950230

>do not provide immunity- only a reduction in symptoms
Bullshit. Go back to /x/, schizo.

>> No.15950268

yeah but everyone's getting it.. what's the worst that could happen?

>> No.15950287

This lockdown has caused absolutely catastrophic psychological and physical damage to billions of people. Anyone advocating this shit continue needs to be removed.

>> No.15950291

The CDC themselves personally reported that about 5,800 people who have been vaccinated against coronavirus have become infected anyway

Some became seriously ill and 74 people died, 396 -- 7% -- of those who got infected after they were vaccinated required hospitalization.

That is a direct quote from the CDC

They have also stated plainly that you should still mask, avoid people, and quarantine after vaccination because they are unsure as to how effective it is at preventing transmission.

The vaccine ideally prevents serious illness.

>> No.15950295

Yeah they forced me to “donate” $40,000 for a week of in-patient. That’s where they get their money alright, donations.

>> No.15950296
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Superspeader here. You can't stop me, either.

>> No.15950308

Oi m8. Don’t be quoting statistics, you know Democrats don’t believe them.

>> No.15950310

>5,800 people
... out of 77 million who have been fully vaccinated. Get a grip.

>> No.15950313


No, Im 31. They just donated enough to have their names etched into the marble wall near the entrance, and because of that my sister and I get the same benefits my parents do so they dont lose their yearly donations. A few years ago I dislocated my shoulder playing soccer and I called the board member they’re in contact with, as soon as I got to the hospital I skipped the entire ER line, was met with a wheelchair, a nurse and given my own private room. Its really unethical, but I dont care because it benefits me.

>> No.15950315

You mean rightwingers?

>> No.15950317

Are you forgetting the (((cdc))) claiming 10% of those who get Covid-19 die lol. Fucking moron lol

>> No.15950323

I live in Canada. Sorry to hear you stubbed your toe.

>> No.15950324
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I feel bad for people who can't wear a mask for medical reasons getting tarred with the same brush as anti-maskers

>> No.15950326

I just larp as a guy who can’t wear a mask for medical reasons. Sorry mam I can’t prove proof of that, My medical records are private. You’ll have to take my word for it

>> No.15950327

Nobody cared. Michael Jackson did it, Asians did it. Ninjas did it.

>> No.15950368

What medical reason would possibly exist to prevent you from wearing a mask for five minutes while you pick up eggs and milk?

>> No.15950378
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you fags are still going on about that? Get over it already

>> No.15950380

Fuck masks. Just don't go outside if you're so scared lmao. I also didn't get the rushed RNA injection that needs to be refrigerated or it goes bad. Somebody stop me!

>> No.15950391

I'm going to a smorgasbord in amish country tomorrow. You can suck my dick.

>> No.15950395

masks are proven not to work, Texas removed the rule and their cases have barely gone up. if you ask me we continue with vaccination and remove the stupid mask rules

>> No.15950409


Texas also thought it was smart to have their own energy grid and look how that turned out this winter. I dont really consider Texans to be the people in the USA known for making educated decisions.

>> No.15950410

>WHO has published guidance on adjusting public health and social measures for the next phase of the COVID-19 response.1 Some governments have suggested that the detection of antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, could serve as the basis for an “immunity passport” or “risk-free certificate” that would enable individuals to travel or to return to work assuming that they are protected against re-infection. There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection.
>There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection.
Anyone who still believes this pandemic or vaccine bullshit is a dumbass

>> No.15950422

>wow how could this state in the deep south half covered in desert not have been prepared for a snowstorm
>clearly because they are idiots, the state government should have used its limited resources to prepare for a one in a million chance weather event
>I dont consider Texans to be educated and this is important to point out because my opinion is worth a damn apparently
im not even from texas youre just a jackass

>> No.15950432

Enjoy premature death, smoothbrain.

>> No.15950433

The entire US electrical grid is a clusterfuck that needs redundancy. The West coast would brown out if the Hoover Dam exploded.

>> No.15950436

For every person that dies of corona, two people die because of the lockdown

>> No.15950441

Texans are subhuman retards.

>> No.15950445

I like Texas, it has soul. Pretty sure there are very good schools and Austin is the new LA for twitch zoomers

>> No.15950446

Wow, I sure fear this disease with the death rates of less than a quarter of a percent for my age group! Fuck off, retard. I already took the vaccine, by not being enfeebled, elderly or a toddler.

>> No.15950448

easy there Xi

>> No.15950470

Be sure to upload your death bed video to youtube.

>> No.15950472

It really is a fragile system, anon.

>> No.15950474

Pussy. Guess you should never drive again either.

>> No.15950478

>it had little impact on the station's electrical power supply

>> No.15950485

Think of it as a proof of concept.