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File: 454 KB, 2249x2249, cilantro-hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15947812 No.15947812 [Reply] [Original]

I think a lot of people who have the trait that makes cilantro taste like soap tend to exaggerate their hatred of it just so they have something to be outraged over. If I didn't have that gene, cilantro probably wouldn't be anything special, but with the fact that I'll never know for sure, it's hard not to feel curious. For any out there who don't have this issue with cilantro, could you do your best to describe what it tastes like for normal people?

>> No.15947815

tastes like coriander

>> No.15947828

tastes the same as the genelets, just not in an unpleasant way

>> No.15947841

I like how it gives a "fresh leafy" taste to food (when added raw).

>> No.15947872

I used to hate it, it's an acquired taste and I think the soap gene thing is bullshit.

>> No.15947896

Its a less potent parsley I find.

>> No.15948904

it tastes like it smells, but when you use it in a salad or with onion and tomato it gives it a really cool and refreshing flavor that relaxes me when i eat it

>> No.15948913

It's really kind of a hard taste to describe, fairly strong, citrusy but in a different way that citrus fruits.

>> No.15948955
File: 352 KB, 680x589, 1617706403756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tangy, fresh, and tiny bit leafy. I eat tablespoons of the stuff, in one meal, when I have it lying around
>pic unrelated

>> No.15949389

Carrot greens are very similar.

If they don't taste like soap to you, then that's likely the best approximation you'll ever get. Cilantro is like that but a bit less sweet, more "spicy".

It's a weird thing. It's nothing special, but it's nothing special in such a way that it's just wonderful.

>> No.15950374
File: 90 KB, 650x975, cilantro-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the soap gene according to 23andme, and at first it tasted slightly soapy, but it grew on me and now it only tastes like a brilliant freshness and almost like a leafy mouth cleanser in your mouth and it's one of my favourite herbs ever

>pic related, you can smell the orgasmic freshness through the screen

>> No.15950606

Can't speak for others, but to me it has a slightly "minty" taste to it.

>> No.15950615

Get some stink bugs and let them spray your hands with their stink
Now imagine you can taste that smell, that's what it tastes like to me
Hated it as a kid but love it now

>> No.15950687

Cilantro is great for metal detox, combined with chlorella which mops up what cilantro dislodges.

>> No.15950772

It has a 'fresh' taste that especially goes well with certain Asian and Mexican dishes. Think parsley or chives but with a lettuce crispness and tang that compliments dishes but might not be impressive on its own.

>> No.15951181

it's a very distinct fresh, citrusy taste

>> No.15951455

Tangy and fresh. Chilis OTOH taste exactly like dish soap.

>> No.15951593

Like hops.

>> No.15951643


>> No.15951653

FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME OP, YOU COPYPASTA SPAMMING BOT, a small amount of cilantro can make a dish 10x better. but if you overdo the cilantro like all of the chucklefuck wannabe poser chefs out there, if you even add A LITTLE more than a very tiny amount to a dish, it does NOT matter if you have the soap gene or not. it will overpower the dish and ruin it.

less is more with cilantro. I love it, but too much is pure evil and wrong.


>> No.15951670

It brings a freshness like a subtle citrussy flavour would but not actually citrus.

>> No.15952175

Like savory mint

>> No.15952285

i dont get citrusy from it.. it does taste a little like carrots and parsley mixed. it's fresh, zesty. second only to dill for me as a favorite herb

>> No.15952300

I have the soapy cilantro gene and I still like it

none of that shit is real, stop reading women's checkout magazines

I disagree, especially if you only have dried stuff on hand. It can easily get lost

>> No.15952335

Taste like a beautiful summer eve

>> No.15952356

this, as I kid I thought it tasted soapy but I'm fine with it now

>> No.15952398

That shit needs the roots so you can bash them up to make a green curry from scratch.

>> No.15952402
File: 21 KB, 334x359, 1618015484942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be suprised at how many tastes buds you lose when you age. My guess is your old and can't taste how bad coriander is. To me coriander is unedibly soapy. It ruins food by being way too strong tasting.

>> No.15952507

>My guess is your old and can't taste how bad coriander is. To me coriander is unedibly soapy. It ruins food by being way too strong tasting.
My guess is you're a tastelet retard, and the legions of geriatrics all over Asia eating the shit out of it would tend to back that up.

>> No.15953056

it isnt bullshit. you are just an inferior tastelet.

>> No.15953062

Mixed with aromatics it smells delicious, it's just a shame it loses so much flavour in the pan

>> No.15953163

Like the Lord's own pubes

>> No.15953177

Please don't be disrespectful to people with genetic differences

>> No.15954080

A littlebit like parsley as well.

>> No.15954117

Fucking this. It tastes the same to everyone. It's just people are divided into those who push through and acquire the taste and those who pussy up and refuse to acquire the taste. First time I tried it I thought cilantro was disgusting, but now I love the fresh, clean, green flavor it adds.

>> No.15954647

Me too. But it taste like soap to me.
I love it in asian broth with lime, but I don't like it in dry dish

>> No.15955288

Tastes like shit im not kidding. At my boarding house the kitchen cunts would put it in every decent meal and just fucking wreck the whole thing. I hated those wagies that worked in the kitchens. I wanted to fucking kill them. It gets to you when you repeatedly have to rely on someone else to feed you and everytime they do it they fuck it up. Sometimes lads in the boarding house would just fucking snap one day at the kitchen staff and yell at them in front of everybody coz the food was so shit or the portions were tiny or they would give some cunt in front of you more food. You better believe i had the biggest grin on my face.

>> No.15955511

>using genetics as an excuse for having a child's pallete

>> No.15955522

Tastes a tiny bit lemony, tiny bit peppery, and still a little "soapy" but it's not noticeable unless eaten raw by itself. It really has its own flavor, kinda bitter like basil but different.

>> No.15955528

I've literally added fuck tons of cilantro to meals it does not ruin it.

>> No.15955660

i thought i didn't have the soap gene because i had only tried dried coriander until a few years ago when i got an indian takeaway with fresh leaf and it just tasted like pure soap
i think you might be right, only because i read the same thing about cruciferous vegetables tasting inedibly bitter to some people. i disagree because i hate cauliflower and brussels sprouts but love broccoli

>> No.15955741

Imagine paying to give your personal data away to corporations and law enforcement.

>> No.15955888

in order to know if he likes cilantro