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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15947138 No.15947138 [Reply] [Original]

How are you with food challenges?

>> No.15947157

I've never done one, and I don't plan to ever do one. I would feel manipuled and inauthentic (my negation is not much better, mind you)

>> No.15947235

90 minutes? I'm a former marine. I'd finish that shit in 15.

>> No.15947242

Once as a kid, at a school event, it was a pie eating contest, I cried after it was over because I couldn't believe how disgusting I felt, it started a very very long battle with binge eating.
I monetized it for a while on youtube, but I made about $10,000 USD before I stopped bothering and started getting my life back on track.

>> No.15947260

That's a fairly small amount of McDonalds for an average-sized person, I'd say? The main reason fast-food cooks so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat a double helping of nuggets in that timeframe, but I could easily.

>> No.15947272

how can you be so sure the food has semen in it you fucking faggot

>> No.15947299
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Well? could/would you?

>> No.15947378

>amerifats think this is a small amount of mcdonalds

>> No.15947400

>school has chili dog eating contest
>winner eats 9 chili dogs in five minutes
>wins $50
>tons of left overs
>eat 12 in five minutes
>wasn't even part of the contest
Shit sucked.

>> No.15947417

as a fellow marine I can clarify.
We had a online class for knowing which foods had the most semen. you aren't PME complete without your "How to pleasure Corporals" course completed.

>> No.15947421

>eurocuck awstruck at the buffet before him while he finishes his can of beans and water

>> No.15947423

How many calories would you estimate this at?

>> No.15947425

I'm getting sick thinking about having a stomach that full, that's gotta be like around 500 calories for that whole meal, no wonder people are so fat in USA

>> No.15947439

nice bait. The burger alone has to be over 500 calories.

>> No.15947453

I hope you're just laying bait anon,it's fairly easy to find out real calories of anything on that table

>> No.15947471

you're right, big macs are about 540 calories according to google. Theres easily over 1000 there witht the pepsi.

>> No.15947666

10/10 I spit coffee

>> No.15947699
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>> No.15947771 [DELETED] 

That's a fairly small amount of McDonalds for an average-sized person, I'd say? The main reason fast-food cooks so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat a single helping of a big mac in that timeframe, but I could easily.

>> No.15947865

Why tf do Amerifats eat so much fast food?

>> No.15947877


Fuck off, boots

>> No.15947883

I could probably eat the nuggies, 1 L coke, and two double quarter pounders before I threw up.

>> No.15947962

That old "how to spot a vegan? They'll let you know" really seems to apply better to Marines.

How does it feel to be worse than vegans?

>> No.15947984

They're gross, why would anyone do them?

I wouldn't eat any McDonald's for $3500, i have a job that's not a lot of money.

>> No.15948030
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>> No.15948039

Easy, I binge eat regularly

>> No.15948115

I've only ever done 1, a 5 pound BBQ challenge. I hated myself afterward and have never done another. That said I'd totally do the movieblob challenge for that much money.

>> No.15948131

No such thing as a real vegan anyway, they're all hypocrites/half assing it for virtue signalling reasons. Just be vegetarian instead of claiming an impossible title.

>> No.15948146


Doable as long as I can change out the soda for water. That much caffeine would have me wired.

>> No.15948174

It's even easier in person because you can see the crayon residue on their mouth.

>> No.15948180


>> No.15948417

For a "food challenge" that doesnt even look that bad, the 4 sodas are cancer though

>> No.15948428
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>food challenges

>> No.15948889

I could do it for $4000

>> No.15948941

What exactly is this?
>4 soda
>2 med fries
>2 12-pc nuggies
>3 ???
Tbh the hard part would be the soda. I guess could do diet to not get sick from the sugar, but the carbonation would still mess me up.

>> No.15948947

Fuck those niggers it's not our fault they're too stupid to produce food.

>> No.15948964

I only now notice that one of the burgers is missing a patty.

>> No.15948968

I could do it for $3950

>> No.15948969

see, its not as hard a challenge as you first thought.

>> No.15948976

This is considered a small amount of food in america. Suitable for a child or petite woman. It would be an in between lunch and dover snack for the average adult american.

>> No.15948977

this would be fairly easy
t. puts away an extra large stuffed crust pizza once a month

>> No.15949527

I completed the 12pack of light beer and a pack of full flavor smokes last night. So, pretty good.
one of those fries is missing a few and the drinks on the far ends are missing about a cup.

>> No.15949595
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Wow, no one cares. Genuinely hope you end up killing yourself while the VA denies you Healthcare. Thanks for the cheap gas, though, rube. Hope not too many of your hillbillie friends died im the process

>> No.15949607

I ate 4 chipotle burritos in a row once and I felt like shit after so probably not

>> No.15949617
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>> No.15949645

no, I don't like big macs

>> No.15949681
File: 33 KB, 860x589, 14-148125_pepe-png-pepe-pride-suicide-pepe-transparent-png[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the VA suicide hotline goes to voicemail

>> No.15949780
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i think this is for you

>> No.15949788

We actually are one of the contributing factors.

>> No.15949799

>i'm a fuckin marine

>> No.15949812


>> No.15949957

Crayons are not real food

>> No.15949972
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Lets airdrop that cow over Niggeria

>> No.15950006


>> No.15950019

it's not a matter of 'can I do it', it's a matter of 'how much am i gonna vomit after eating all that', but youll be fucked if im gonna let easy money pass me like that

>> No.15950055


>> No.15950061

>finish food
>forget u have to eat the cups and lids

>> No.15951231

Go away Bob

>> No.15951292

You're one of two things. Dishonorably discharged or never been a Marine. No Marine would ever refer to themselves as a 'former' Marine. So which is it?

>> No.15951422

lmao WHAT?

>> No.15951461

The more interesting challenge would be to take 90 min to finish that tray.
Timer only goes while you are consuming of course.

>> No.15951467

I played catcher for the base chaplin if you know what I mean ;)

>> No.15951480

Not my problem.

>> No.15951572 [DELETED] 

are those double cheeseburgers or double quarter pounders?

if former I could prob do it, or at least i could in my binging heyday. I eat so little now I'd get stuffed on like half a burger but i might be able to force it down

>> No.15951575 [DELETED] 

i hope it does uwu~

rent free, YWNB white

>> No.15951893

Excessive food aid depresses the value of local agriculture making it unprofitable. Same thing happened to their clothing and textile industries.

>> No.15951916

soda would be the hardest part

>> No.15951932

we live in pretty kino times tbqh

>> No.15951933
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a lot of tough guys here

>> No.15951936

>their clothing and textile industries
Damn, best joke around. Sharted myself and jerked at the same time

>> No.15951941

Get rid of one chicken nuggies and three of the drinks and I could, sure.

>> No.15951943

Okay but they needed the aid in the first place.

>> No.15951946

How are you with being fat?

>> No.15951951

couldn't... it's impossible...........

>> No.15951954

I could do everything except the sodas... sodas are cringe.

>> No.15951955

Post it

>> No.15951974

You're not a marine, liar

>> No.15951978

Duh, he's a former marine
read the post

>> No.15952003

Hehe you're right, my mistake

>> No.15952034

I'm genuinely curious how far I can go with this challenge
I feel like within the 1:30 I can confidently take down at least half

>> No.15952043

No. Western bleeding hearts needed to give aid to find some meaning in their lives and feel that they had something to fight for. If you really want to help stop sending aid and just buy some african-made sandals or some shit.

>> No.15952064

I think I could handle two or three of the burgers and maybe some of the fries and nuggets, I find the fries fill me up too much nowadays.
People who say they’d have trouble with the drinks confuse me, I could drink all of that easily.

>> No.15952158

For 3.5k I would try. But the soda would do me in. I bet I could eat most of the food without to much issue except for maybe the last bit if nuggets. I like to eat one huge meal a day but that amount of food would almost certainly make me sick. I doubt most people would get much past the halfway point without serious discomfort.
800-1100 maybe. A lot less without the soda.

>> No.15952166

I know I couldn't finish it
Maybe 2 burgers and a fry but that's so many nuggets on top of it not to mention 4 burgers total. This is like fuckin 8k calories.

>> No.15952210
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