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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 99 KB, 1479x387, bitchassnigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15941337 No.15941337 [Reply] [Original]

well, whose right?

>> No.15941341

You really screen cap your reddit argument and make a new post hoping people would agree with you

>> No.15941343

nah. he wanted me to

>> No.15941346

This is the most tranny post on the Chan right now

>> No.15941351

You got so angry over shitposting you had to screen cap a retarded opinion just so you could get other people to validate how retarded it is and fish for (you)s. :^)

>> No.15941355

who is

>> No.15941357



>> No.15941358

I can't tell what they're fighting about.

>> No.15941362

start from the centre

>> No.15941364

ur mom

>> No.15941376

I know how reading a post-chain works, what I don't understand is what they're fighting about: Picky eating, ok, then suddenly Faggot #2 changes the subject. Faggot #1 is trying to pull it back but is also incorporating Faggot #2's argument and it's a mess of homosexuality and autism. And you brought this here because you were dared to by your boyfriend? That's it?

>> No.15941377
File: 1.01 MB, 1536x2048, 1478457910053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb faggot thread

>> No.15941387


>> No.15941400

You're a fucking nincompoop and you have two options: Go back to /v/ and stay there with the rest of the Redditors or post your address with a timestamp of your face so that I can give you the swirly you deserve because you're a fucking dweeb. It's a complete disgrace to call either of you "people" but definitions of words are markedly looser these days, apparently along with your morals and assholes.

>> No.15941430


the one missing always cracks me up. like someone bought the one that was nestled in between FATTIE DICK and I HEART PING PONG. I wonder what it said if classics like UP BUM NO BABY is still on the board.