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15934751 No.15934751 [Reply] [Original]

*slides all over and out of your burger*
*adds mushy texture"
*adds water and dilutes flavor*

>> No.15934755

>*doesn't taste like anything and on the off chance it does makes your burger taste fruity*

>> No.15934756

You forgot
*tastes like shit by itself
*you only put it on a burger because "it's supposed to go on a burger"

>> No.15934759

Why the fuck did the burger tomato ever become a thing? I could think of so many other choices that would fuck your taste buds into submission. Fuck why not a bit old slice of radish?

>> No.15934764
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>Cant handle tomato
Unironically kys, tomato is in the top 3 of veggies; carrot, tomato & zucchini

>> No.15934766

Radish sounds even worse

>> No.15934767

this , just use ketchup its the same fruit

>> No.15934768

Tomatoes are for people who are too soy to accept putting ketchup in their burgers.

>> No.15934769
File: 543 KB, 1000x664, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most burger joints will use shit tomatoes that are pale in color and flavorless, basically just water as you described
i think most places would be better off preparing their tomatoes

>> No.15934776

whenever a customer demands i not put tomatoes in a dish i strongly consider refusing to serve them altogether

>> No.15934788

For the same reason why lettuce became a staple on burgers.

Tomatoes don't have a strong noticeable flavor like peppers,onions,olives. While have a soft texture unlike say carrot's but not being as mushy as say potatoes.

>> No.15934836

this bait is too obvious, you need to stop trying so hard

>> No.15934857

Vulgarian pleb alert.

>> No.15934859

No way. Thin sliced radish instead of garbmatos would be great. A burger with thin sliced radish and spaghetti squash would be amazing.

>> No.15934863

They use tomatoes that stay fresh the longest. But they taste like water and unripeness.

>> No.15935174


>OP is ten years old

>> No.15935184

I felt like this until I ate one with a tomato that wasn't just a slice from a water balloon wannabe.

>> No.15935189

I use ketchup and tomato, but I salt and lay my slices on paper towels to soak up a lot of the excess liquid, then grill them. This problem can be solved by buying better tomatoes though.

>> No.15935197

Based. My statement only applies to people that use tomatoes only. The water in the tomatoes isn't really a problem as long as you toast your buns and don't leave the burger for an hour.

>> No.15935203

Fair enough. I also like mixing mayo with a hot sauce (I have habanero Tabasco sauce) and using that instead of 'chup, but the tomato stays; the texture is desirable. Also, it's objectively wrong to not toast buns--if anyone in this thread doesn't, please reconsider. The browning of the bread adds such a wonderful texture, and changes the flavor for the better.

>> No.15935208

Clearly haven't had a good tomato.

>> No.15935241

You have shit tomatoes then.

>> No.15935264

I miss tomatoes from 15-20 years ago...they really did breed out the taste somewhere around there.
Though Netherland tomatoes have always been watery shit.

>> No.15935267
File: 40 KB, 470x470, 184420001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck is the point

>> No.15935272


>> No.15935306

just salt it a bit and use warm tomato. cold tomato has no flavor.

Oh I forgot. this was posted in burger hours so you don't cook anything beyond kraft mac n cheese and spam fast food all day every day.

>> No.15935310

>use tomato
>burger tastes normal with a tiny hint of tomato
>use slice of pic related instead
>best burger you will ever have.

>> No.15935313
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>> No.15935317

Anon is that a goddamn lemon?
.... Why do I want to try this now?
Fuck you.

>> No.15935554

It's crunchy.
It's there solely for the texture.

>> No.15935560

tomatoes are good for literally one month per year, any other time they are only useful for sauces.

>> No.15935562

You're into something. I think this would be absolutely bomb with a blend of ground beef and lamb.

>> No.15935959

This shit here is blatantly fucking wrong, a good tomato will be a noticable improvement on a burger. Of course if your only experience of that is shitty fast food burgers you wouldn’t know dick about that.

>> No.15935965

>derr let's put a lemon slice on burgah derrr

>> No.15935967
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Personally for me it's greasy fried onions

>> No.15936171

I agree, add nothing for the best burger

>> No.15936179

>raw onion
that's it. anything else is bloat and if you disagree you're a faggot.

>> No.15936195

Tomatos are always amazing, even on their own. Delicious food. The true pleb filter.

If you guys think the big tomatos are so flavorless you should try grape tomatos on your burgers / sandwiches. Cut them in half and they have a great crunch, a satisfying release of fluid, and best of all they add to the flavors of a burger or sandwich perfectly.

>> No.15936201

This is what it's like being 30 years old and trying to pretend you're still 10. This is what it's like. So unadventurous.

>> No.15936202
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i love these lil niggas like you wouldn't believe

>> No.15936219

stay mad tomatofag

>> No.15936224 [DELETED] 

*shoots wads of rancid, yellow chunky gamer cum in ur mouth*

How's that for "flavor", piglet?

>> No.15936226

if someone REALLY needs raw tomato in their burger, they could just add some tomato paste. a slice of unripe tomato is so shitty.

>> No.15936229

What the fuck are you eating on your burgers, because it sure as shit isn't a tomato if it's doing anything besides enhancing your burger. Are you cutting them too thick?

>> No.15936239

>a slice of tomato in it's least desirable state sucks when added to a dish that does well with a juiciness and acidity added to it

Do you use unripened bananas in banana bread?

>> No.15936262

I'm not mad at all. Neither of us are angry about anything. But one of us is terrified of a vine fruit.

>> No.15936267

What the fuck is forcing you to put unripe tomatos on anything?

>> No.15936281

all whole tomatoes sold in stores, and the tomato in OP's pic, are unripe.
real ripe tomatoes are very soft and squishy and fall apart easily which means they cannot be transported whole like the tomatoes you see in the produce aisle in the grocery stores. real ripe tomatoes cannot be sold in stores except in cans.

>> No.15936287

this is your mind on tomatoes

>> No.15936786

Sometimes instead of tomato in a burger I'll use a disc of oven cooked sweet potato instead, it's quite nice but also makes the burger fairly heavy.

>> No.15936872

i can't argue that sweet potato isn't delicious and wouldn't taste great on a burger, but isn't that kind of pointless to add more starch as a filling inside a sandwich? that's a step away from having a bread sandwich.

>> No.15936897

Put anything other than fry sauce on my burger and I'll beat the fuck out of you.

>> No.15936993

And? But them and let them ripen, it's your own dumbass fault if you didn't plan well.

>> No.15937004

what the fuck is fry sauce?

>> No.15937017

True but I'm a British skelly so it's all I know. I typically only have one meal a day so I make it pretty heavy on all food groups.

>> No.15937065

As insane as this sounds, I agree. When I was a kid I used to eat tomato sandwiches with just mayo, salt and pepper and they were delicious. I've tried it recently and it's a disgusting mess.

>> No.15937141
File: 3.46 MB, 4032x3024, 20180605_135206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JERSEYfag here, most of you have never eaten a correct tomato and have no point of reference what a tomato is even supposed to taste like. If you haven't eaten a JERSEY tomato, you're arguing about simulacra. It's like watching two people argue about whether apples are good but they've both only tasted red delicious.

>> No.15937228

Im guessing its bait but...
Those look terrible.

>> No.15937578

They are bred for flavor, not for looks. Corporate vegetables that "look perfect" are the ones that taste terrible.

>> No.15937597

tomatoes don't just ripen after they're picked and left to sit around for a few days like bananas do. they have to ripen on the vine.

>> No.15937618

Yeah those are factory farm bullshit, just look at the sticker.
Proper heirloom stuff is great (which those arent)

>> No.15937632

i've seen an image of a mac n cheese burger, which is just a regular burger but the cheese slices are replaced with mac n cheese. i've never actually seen or heard of anyone eating this, but i think it achieves the same sort of goal as the potato burger which is adding more starch inside the sandwich.

and if you like the taste of potato, you could just use potato buns for the bread.

>> No.15937866

is fruit actully

>> No.15939198

I have access to all those ingredients homemade, mind sharing your sandwich recipe?

>> No.15939248
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>Cause burgers, like most sandwiches, are top tier when added with pic related

>> No.15939413

Which heirloom tomatoes taste best?

>> No.15939433

The ones grown from that pack of seeds there, but not the one from the other pack of seeds here.
Do you know what heirloom is?

>> No.15939435

Wanting to take the tomatoes of your burger is one of the most disgustingly apparent ways to show one's childishness. Shame on you, OP. Hopefully your palette will eventually mature and you'll stop being such a whiny bitch

>> No.15939439

Many based posts in this thread... But one rises above them all... YOU my friend, have posted true foodkino.

>> No.15939453

Poor bastards itt never had a homegrown tomato that actually had flavor unlike supermarket tomatoes.

>> No.15939469


>> No.15939490

yea, they're the tomato equivalent of goofy as fuck looking pumpkins they charge 4 times too much to not eat, and just sit on your front porch around Halloween-Thanksgiving

>> No.15939626

No, those are decorative pumpkins grown specifically to carve up.
Heirlooms are random seeds that aren't used commercially at large scales. So they usually look different and sometimes taste different too. Most of the difference is that people grow them to their whole life instead of picking early.
Why are you so bitter and angry about fruit and vegetables?
Heirlooms are great and should be encouraged more, arguing against them is just being a dumbass who shouldn't be on a cooking board the begin with.

>> No.15939669

>Why are you so bitter and angry about fruit and vegetables?

You misunderstand, I'm not mad at the fruit or vegetables. I'm mad at Karen and Stacy being stupid enough to buy into the bullshit price gouging for said pumpkins and tomatoes.

And, yes I am right in my metaphor about comparing goofy looking tomatoes and goofy looking pumpkins. Both get priced with a premium.

Also, where did you see me say that heirloom tomatoes suck??? Reread. They do indeed look goofy as fuck compared to what most people consider a "normal" tomato, but I never said they tasted bad. I suspect you grow these things yourself and you're looking to get chippy about the subject. You sound awful invested

>> No.15939902

Find one at a local nursery that seems like something you might like. Most are regional. And I say this from the 'grow your own' sense. Tomatoes are stupid easy to grow and cheap. You are correct that many heirloom tomatoes at stores, barring the occasional market, are stupid overpriced, but damn are they good and as I mentioned growing your own is a great, cheap way to have a superior product.

>> No.15939906

You asked about which hierloom tasted best originally, and are talking about buying them, its like you're looking at the word as a marketing term instead of a traditional one. The point of hierloom is that there's so much variety that looking for a specific hierloom to purchase actually makes it less hierloom and more of a normalised thing, which isn't bad mind you, but due to the nature of it, the chance that you would be able to buy or see the best one is low to begin with.
I don't grow them but you're coming at it from a vegan/organic angle instead of a "we only eat 5 types of tomato out of the hundreds++ and that's really bad for many reasons especially food security and flavour profiles"
And it's not just tomatos, or fruits, it's all food.

>> No.15939909

>You asked about which hierloom tasted best originally,

I'm gonna stop you right there.... I didn't ask that, someone else did. I will now continue reading

>> No.15939910

So much this. It isnt even comparable

>> No.15939971

the cope from tomatards is unreal

>> No.15939992

it's makes it look nicer and tricks u into thinking you're being healthy. But shredduce is how it should always be prepared, no exceptions.

>> No.15940003
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>satisfying release of fluid

>> No.15940012

Ok, read it

>its like you're looking at the word as a marketing term instead of a traditional one.
Ok, so it is a separate type, but it also is a marketing term. If it wasn't a marketing term, all tomatoes would cost exactly the same price, and you'd just get what you get. If something is better in comparison to another choice, typically you're gonna pay more for it. It's probably gonna be marketed that way.

>the chance that you would be able to buy or see the best one is low to begin with
I actually live in a place in the country that has a very high ratio of this exact kinda stuff in comparison to the rest of the country. I'm lucky in that regard. I'm not sure if you mean I "couldn't" because no one can, or i "couldn't" because you assume my taste in food is inferior, but Living where I live and cooking as much as I cook, I could figure it out if I set my mind to it. I personally just don't go crazy for tomatoes. They're an ingredient to me, not something I would just sit and eat like some people do.

>you're coming at it from a vegan/organic angle instead of a "we only eat 5 types of tomato out of the hundreds++ and that's really bad for many reasons especially food security and flavour profiles"
I am because where I live, that's what I see. That's my experience. I can count 4 "quaint" family owned roadside stands within a 2 to 3 mile radius, and maybe 7 or 8 big grocery stores if you go out another mile or two. That's not including all the little honor system coolers and unmanned stands at every 3rd farm near me. I can literally walk a block right right now at 3 in the morning, drop 2.50 in a money box and get a dozen organic free range eggs I fI want. I can't get 100's, but I can damn sure find more than 5.

I despise what modern farming most places in the country has become. Flavorless, genetically screwed with, meant to look a way just to sacrifice taste. They're fine with me. They should all be these types like it used to be.

>> No.15940056
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I like doritos on my burger and I don't give a shit what anyone thinks.
I grew to like them in high school when I would just get a plain cheeseburger with nothing but ketchup but occasionally I'd splurge and get a bag of doritos from the vending machine. I would eat this almost every day in high school.

>> No.15940153

I personally don't see "hierloom" as an advertisement for food much around here, people generally just think of it as a "different type" or "homegrown". I'm sure that will probably change over time but it's not a marketed term here, as much as there I guess.
Of course I could just be noticing it less.

>> No.15940239

>never had a real homegrown tomato

>> No.15940344

This isnt me >>15939490
Sound good, thanks for advice. I wanted to start working with tomatoes alot more so I can experiment with making sauces for canning and other things, figured I shouldint half-ass it.

>> No.15940370

to make it seem deluxe and in contrast to the previous standard just being onions and mustard

>> No.15940376

based and snacking tomato pilled.

>> No.15940425

Yeah go see what local nursery's sell, even places like home depot and lowes arent half bad if you get a good brand of tomato. The biggest is knowing what the marketing terms for the type mean. Aka, more meaty or otherwise determines the composition of the tomato. You can pretty easily grow them in a pot as well, just remember its going to be a while from planting to harvest

>> No.15940462

addendum, even the worst home grown tomato will absolutely beat store bought hands down, so dont be shy and if you can spare $20 you can get yourself all you need to grow 3-4 plants

>> No.15940494

Tomatoes have natural glutamates in them, that's why they taste so amazing when sprinkled with salt or combined with other savory ingredients. They make a perfect addition to a grilled cheese or melt to add some much needed moisture in a greasy fried sandwich and bring out the flavour of the bacon

>> No.15940508

If you hate tomato you're a child or an embarrassment as an adult

>> No.15940750

But I'm allergic to msg!!!!!!!????!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!¡??

>> No.15940757

>Never had real tomatoes
I fucking hate you fast food consoomer pieces of shit.

>> No.15941261

>Holds incredible amount of heat and scalds your tastebuds