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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 445 KB, 817x854, Apple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15931805 No.15931805 [Reply] [Original]

in cartoons, why do they never eat these parts of an apple? Those are premium bites, just ignored. Also
>Apple Thread

>> No.15931809

eating apples is basically no different from eating candy
hope you facebook boomers know this, just because it grows in a tree doesnt mean its good for you

>> No.15931814

>good for you
maybe not, but they're tasty

>> No.15931832

>He thinks sports candy isn't good for you

>> No.15931856

I bet that you're equally confused about why Bugs Bunny isn't an hyperrealistic anatomically-correct representation of an Oryctolagus Cuniculus....
pls check your doctor ASAP and ask them if you're in the austim/retard spectrum

also fuck pears
apple are kings

>> No.15931860

>mfw zoomers' lives revolve around checking the labeling, worrying about calories, and balancing macros
Bunch of obsessional neurotics

>> No.15931868

are you okay anon?

>> No.15931874

Not really, apples clean your teeth and provide fiber and vitamin C.

>> No.15931882

At the very least its not over processed garbage most people snarf down.

>> No.15931906
File: 64 KB, 1600x1200, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same reason cartoons continued to draw TVs as 1950s wood paneled boxes well into the 1990s: it's funnier that way, and immediately identifiable.

>> No.15931918

based retard

>> No.15931917

I feel like an apple core would be equally recognizable to a half eaten apple like that.

>> No.15931946

You are wrong.

>> No.15931959
File: 15 KB, 360x360, pngtree-simulated-garbage-leftover-apple-core-image_1335954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15931971

Breh that's the same half-eaten core as the OP.

>> No.15931979

way more meat on the one in OP

>> No.15931984

Still only half eaten.

>> No.15932013

>they don't eat the whole apple, including the core
NGMI, stay cucked

>> No.15932014

remember, fags. Granny Smith Apples are the best apples.
>b-but whatabout

>> No.15932456

you've went into every thread about something sweet and made a post like this. do you have diabetes or something, you fucking loser. stop posting.

>> No.15932826

too tart.

>> No.15932837

absolute pleb taste

>> No.15932844

just do shit bro lol

>> No.15932858

except the wood that's what new tvs looked like at least until the late 80s but your point is still correct

>> No.15932981

ill tell you a little secret
in cartoons, they're actually not eating any part

>> No.15933121
File: 388 KB, 1931x1075, sour jerries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he calls sour jerries "granny smiths"

>> No.15933151

Apples are best cooked.

>> No.15933504

kind of looks like a pusy haha imagine fucking an apple haha

>> No.15933511

I eat the entire apple. Core and stem included.

>> No.15933590


>> No.15933611
File: 533 KB, 1280x960, console tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else old enough to remember the old console tvs?
i remember my family had one for years but it kept catching fire so we stopped using it. but rather than get rid of it we just put a smaller tv on top of it lol.

>> No.15933649

>console is latin for "support" and can mean a television, the table the television is on, a gaming console, the table the gaming television is on, a computer console, and a small side table on the wall of the room

I hate English so fucking much it's unreal.

>> No.15933671

Grew up in a farm. I loved my horse bros so much I would hang out with them chasing chickens all the time. I would try to eat alfalfa like them chewing on it along with them, and would fail at eating the molasses coated oats we gave them. It never turned out good, however my horse bros taught me how to properly eat an apple. That is just eat the entire thing, I remove the stem but I eat the entire thing, the core having a tasty floral bitter poison cyanide taste that contrasts the sweetness of the rest of the fruit quite well. If the bottom sepals are green then you're in for a herbal treat in the mix as well.

>> No.15933676
File: 600 KB, 360x240, 9A5BD9F6-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat apple whole, a core is left
>slice it up, eat the whole thing
Science can't explain this

>> No.15933681

A) it is an easy animation method to represent an apple.
B) I eat the entire apple.

>> No.15933691

I always eat the whole apple including the core. Mostly because I'm lazy and don't feel like walking back over to the kitchen to throw it away in the trash.

>> No.15933701

My parents used to have a MASSIVE wooden TV from the early 80s that had an entire wooden case. My father and I removed all the TV components in the mid-90s. Transformed it into a nice entertainment center to hold different things.

>> No.15933712

My grandpa had a huge wooden console TV and when it stopped working, maybe around 2009, he just used it as a TV stand for the new flat panel and kept that setup until he passed

>> No.15934134

also you
>downs a 2L coke once a day

>> No.15934169

>not eating the core

>> No.15935571

Nice projection fäm

>> No.15935737

cry moar shitskin

>> No.15935738

you should gather a bunch of seeds and eat them all at once you fucking subhuman

>> No.15936555

It does have unfortunately irritating pitfalls

>> No.15936628
