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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15931736 No.15931736 [Reply] [Original]

30$ for two boxes with baja blast.

>> No.15931738

who fucking cares have sex

>> No.15931744
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The other day my app glitched and I got two custom boxes for 8.75. Thats like 3500 calories I totally did not regret eating later

>> No.15931745

why did you buy this

>> No.15931747

don't have sex you have all the best pleasures in the world already OP sex is nestey

>> No.15931750
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pic related

>> No.15931756


>> No.15931759

you're mentally ill bro

>> No.15931763

because americans always spamming it here so i got curious. it was bad.
how can americans eat this overpriced shit?

>> No.15931803

Frenchie mad hes getting replaced

>> No.15931816

replaced by who?

>> No.15931835

>taco bell
canadacucks btfo

>> No.15931859

it's expensive here because the demand for american shit is low. nobody eats such dog food here.

>> No.15932011


>> No.15932035

looks like retarded poutine with oats on it

>> No.15932060

muricucks don't have that in their taco bells.

>> No.15932087

>skipped basic economics class
nigga what, if the price is high if anything it means demand is higher than supply.

>> No.15932097

no retard, there's literally only one taco bell for the whole city of montreal and it's even sharing it's location with a fuckin KFC. there is no demand. this is dog food for american tourists with nostalgia i guess.

>> No.15932098

it can also mean the demand is low, thats especially true when it comes to perishables. your brain skipped common sense altogether

>> No.15932108

no nigger, it can't.. if a business sees demand is low, why the fuck would they decide to hike up prices, further lowering the demand? unless they absolutely need to due to costs, they're gonna set lower prices or even offer special promos to bring people in, especially if it's a massive company like Taco Bell who can afford to do so.. jesus christ the absolute lack of basic business sense in ck morons..

>> No.15932123
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wow lol you're so brain damaged that me explaining economics to you would be a waste of energy.

>> No.15932125

are you unironically like 15 years old?

>> No.15932126

Taco Bell obviously isn't positioned as some authentic mexican experience who can afford to charge premium prices, their entire strategy is CHEAP, fast food. I'm guessing the prices in Canada are much higher due to them having to ship their ingredients over from somewhere in the states

>> No.15932131

Ok, then do explain instead of just hurling insults, I at least provided explanation as to help prove my points.. so far you guys are the ones coming off as braindead 15 year olds

>> No.15932151

why would i reply to a brain dead retard? you wouldn't understand even if i spent an hour explaining to you.

>> No.15932163

>why would i reply to a brain dead retard? you wouldn't understand even if i spent an hour explaining to you.
literal teen arguments.. holy shit lmaoo you're an idiot

>> No.15932174

>thats especially true when it comes to perishables
something tells me if you had product with an expiration date that you need to get rid of asap, you wouldn't be charging more... ever heard of clearance sales? jfc when did this board get overrun with know-nothing highschoolers

>> No.15932189

high prices to capitalize on a smaller market. they're not trying to bring in new customers, they're just trying to make a profit off of their existing customer base
>why would they do this, seems stupid
don't ask me, I'm not a Canadian Taco Bell exec

>> No.15932233

go eat your shitbell so you can kill off the last of your braincells

>> No.15932277

>Montreal Canada
>smaller market
And Fast food isn’t some niche industry my man

>> No.15932293

like I said, not a Canadian Taco Bell exec. just giving the reason why prices can be higher even when demand is lower.

>> No.15932312

The reason prices are higher is because it’s Canada and everything is more expensive there relative to America. As well as perhaps operating costs might be higher if they need to ship shit over from the US. It is definitely not because demand is low, that’s just retarded and makes zero sense

>> No.15932321

>It is definitely not because demand is low, that’s just retarded and makes zero sense
found the idiot who skipped high school economics class

>> No.15932322

>business sees nobody is buying their shit food
>decide to charge even more
Yeah... makes total sense........

>> No.15932328

happens all the time...many such cases

>> No.15932348

>23 USD
You still got raped. Jesus christ why the fuck would you pay that? The entire point of taco bell is its acceptable and cheap

>> No.15932401
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at this point I honestly think you're just trolling, but if you're not, you're clearly the one who has never taken any kind of economics class.
So here, lemme give you a quick, free lesson, and no, I do not need a whole hour to explain it to you because it really is this simple:

Supply > Demand = Lower Prices
Supply < Demand = Higher Prices

You would know this if you did take an economics class as this is literally the first thing they teach you

>> No.15932414

It can be surprisingly expensive. Got a couple steak chalupas, a fries and a soda the other day and it was $16.

>> No.15932422

sure, I'm sure it does happen, and those businesses end up going bankrupt soon after and closing down

>> No.15932428

Shit i spent like $20 for 2 meals at chick-fil-a the other day, highway robbery

>> No.15932468

There are confirmed and recorded cases where increasing the cost of a product has lead to increased sales that remained stable.
It takes a pretty specific product for such a thing to be possible, mind you. And taco bell's food is not such a product.

>> No.15932489

>where increasing the cost of a product has lead to increased sales
Ok? but if demand had been low from the beginning, using this strategy would not have helped in the slightest. You can only do this if demand is either consistent or growing...

>> No.15932500

if there are so many cases, just name one where a business seeing dwindling demand decided to pump up their prices which led to increased sales... just one

>> No.15932511
File: 43 KB, 700x544, 1592759272700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason why you could see higher prices with lower demand is because the restaurant can't afford to buy in massive bulks which as you may know is cheaper. I don't know how taco bell operates, if some individual stores are effectively smaller businesses under the taco bell brand (this is how all homeland fast food chains operate in my country), but it could explain the higher prices with seemingly lower demand

>> No.15932514


nice mazda 2

>> No.15932520

>can't afford to buy in massive bulks
>which is cheaper.

>> No.15932527

The price of an individual item is cheaper the more you buy

>> No.15932535

exactly, so why the hell wouldn't a restaurant with low funds be buying in bulk..... what you said makes zero sense... they can't afford to buy in bulk even though it would cost them less per unit?

>> No.15932548

Because food items don't last forever?
I've never ran a restaurant so this isn't a problem in my field but I'd imagine that's quite an important thing to take into account

>> No.15932554

>Because food items don't last forever?
ok, that just takes us back to this point here then >>15932174
you people are just going around in circles trying to prove an objectively incorrect point that higher prices is a result of low demand...

>> No.15932568

I feel bad for canadians man they are literally gaslighting themselves into thinking nothing bad is happening in their economy. America may be a culture warzone but at least we don't try to hide it

>> No.15932571

was that the one on cote vertu? i know theres one in brossard aswell. i dont think the montreal locations have much to offer and as you saw expensive. not worth it imo

>> No.15932579

Excuse me? Product demand is carefully calculated even in fields where you aren't dealing with something that has a very limited shelf-life relatively speaking, you wouldn't just order things haphazardly. You would (for the most part) know exactly what the demand is and if the supplier can meet that demand then you aren't going to order any more or any less. That is just gambling. I can tell you've never ran a business that requires bulk-buying from a 3rd party supplier.

>> No.15932611

I realize that demand is carefully calculated in order to ensure you have the most precise amount of inventory, but wtf does that have to do with charging higher or lower prices? You're telling me if a restaurant is doing poorly, they should just start paying retail prices for their items so they don't have bulk inventory even though demand for their restaurants is low and won't go higher unless you also invest in other facets of your business like marketing/hiring good employees/etc? Unless you have the capital to sustain this, this is a very poor idea, and the best thing would be to just lower the fucking prices of your menu items to position yourself as a low cost provider.

>> No.15932627

>wtf does that have to do with charging higher or lower prices?
Already went through this in my first post
Low demand also doesn't mean the restaurant is doing poorly, that's baseless speculation. It's all about how much you can take home. Some people are perfectly happy with a mediocre wage if they get to do their own thing and be their own boss. Again making assumptions about taco bell's model as I don't know how they actually operate
You honestly sound very naive and/or young

>> No.15932682

Obviously, when I mean poorly I mean financially/business-wise, not how fucking happy it makes the owner.. wtf...you're going off on tangents and making this way more complicated than it has to be...
Low demand is relative to the performance of the business, so low demand means low revenue, which is no good. Obviously if the persons still making enough from his restaurant to afford a decent living, demand isn't low, since it is enough for him to earn a decent living.
Either way you're completely missing the point of the original post, which is that the high price means demand is higher than the supply. this means there are a lot more people wanting to purchase the product, but not enough vendors supplying said product, which leads to scarcity, which means the price will need to be higher so less people buy to preserve the limited amount of supply as best as possible.

>> No.15932713

All my responses to you would simply be regurgitating old points I already made, so I'll end with this: you sound like someone who has little to no experience in running a business or dealing with bulk-supplies, and are applying what I like to call booksmarts. Sometimes reality in the field differs from what you may have read in a book or think is otherwise a reasonable conclusion from common sense

>> No.15932723

That's because your responses are either irrelevant or wrong. And you clearly know nothing of business if you can't even grasp the most basic economic principles of supply and demand.. jesus, the state of public education these days...

>> No.15932754

Why do you keep bringing up dealing with bulk-supplies, that literally has nothing to do with the conversation..
We're talking about adjusting the prices you charge based on the increasing or decreasing amount of demand relative to your supply.. I guess reading comprehension is also something you're not too familiar with

>> No.15932799

what the fuck canadian taco bell sells poutine?

>> No.15932855

no retard, the demand is low for taco bell in montreal, that's why theres only one and its always empty and its ok because they share the kitchen with KFC which is high in demand, and the prices are high because of logistics plus it's "exotic". go back to school.

>> No.15932866


>> No.15932869

Why one would get poutine at canadian taco bell is another story

>> No.15932934

Post the in store prices.