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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15911341 No.15911341 [Reply] [Original]

Stop drinking soda.
Stop drinking energy drinks.
"Sugarless" sodas are equally as bad.

Drink WATER.

>> No.15911346

I guzzle cum for the protein btw

>> No.15911354

May I drink tea?

>> No.15911369

I have about that many sugars in my cuppa

>> No.15911395

Man, I haven't seen sugar cubes in forever.
I know they sell it in store but I never buy them.

>> No.15911411

Why would you when the food industry is already shoving sugar into absolutely everything?

>> No.15911413

>"Sugarless" sodas are equally as bad.
How so?

>> No.15911417

Instead of getting fat, you get cancer. Also you get fat anyway.

>> No.15911420

Similar insulin/glycemic response with nothing to take it up

>> No.15911438

t. drinks coca cola zero

>> No.15911453
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>> No.15911464

>"Sugarless" sodas are equally as bad.
if they have artificial sweeteners, I would argue, they are even worse

I'm drinking water from a spring, mixed with natural salt, right now.
Feels good, feels like detoxing, I don't know.

>> No.15911465

I love carbonated water. No need for sugar or sweetener, just add some home juiced fruits or cucumber.

>> No.15911468

It's well known you troglodyte, I'm not going to do a basic google search for your retarded ass. I don't have diabetes but all the people I know that suffer from it also know this. Ask your doctor.

>> No.15911476

This. Just look it up on YouTube

>> No.15911487

They give aspartame to pigs, because it makes them miraculously fat very quickly.
They also put aspartame in psychological drugs, I think it's sometimes even the main ingredient. (Zyprexa, for example)
That's what I know off the top of my head.

>> No.15911515

>pic is a bunch od sugar
>sugarless also bad?
>"sugarless" in quotations implying it actually does have sugar?

Shut up fat

>> No.15911547

>you get cancer
if you're so concerned about cancer, shouldnt you cut out red meat and stop drinking and smoking and going out in the sun and living in cities? or do we just say fuck it everything causes cancer and enjoy whatever you like, including a nice hot soda pop without any of the diabetes?

>> No.15911550

OP here, I'm also the person who creates all the BBC threads in case you guys were wondering.

>> No.15911552

No. I will drink soda :)

>> No.15911573

I guzzle cum because I like cock.

>> No.15911597

>DUDE just eat unhealthy shit because lmao everything gives cancer

ok retard.

Found the buttmad amerimutt addicted to sodas trying to impersonate me

>> No.15911605

even if i only have one can of Coke a day and no other sugary drinks?

>> No.15911615
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>diet sodas are bad because I don't like them

>> No.15911628

How will op ever recover?

>> No.15911630
File: 22 KB, 540x540, 3225350000501_PHOTOSITE_20201223_165422_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one can a day

Why is it so hard for some people to drink water/tea or just water with citrus/grapefruit? Do you absolutely need your glass of liquid sugar to survive the day? If you do then you are as addicted as a smoker.

>> No.15911632
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Imagine intentionally living life avoiding enjoyable things just so you can live more life.

>> No.15911641
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>all the soda drinkers absolutely seething itt

>> No.15911655

>They give aspartame to pigs, because it makes them miraculously fat very quickly.
Through what mechanism?

>> No.15911659
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>retarded addict with 0 willpower CANNOT lives without surrendering its body to the call of liquid cancer
>he's unironically considering his day wasted if he's not slurping on a can of coke

Gods imagine the obesity

>> No.15911667

For me it's water with lime juice and a pinch of salt.

>> No.15911675

Never. Water tastes disgusting, soda on the other hand is heavenly. I usually try and reserve soda for as an occasional treat, but once I find that elusive combination of carbonation and sugar I crave it more than any other beverage. In fact, as I get older, my desire for soda is becoming more and more extreme.

>> No.15911680

sorry, I'm not a sedentary fat fuck so I'm not scared of sugar

>> No.15911685
File: 250 KB, 800x1077, 3623BF48-44AA-4963-89CB-F57B163452CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tons of flavorings for your carbonated water. Drink it chilled to the core!

>> No.15911686

>absolutely seethes because somebody drank a soda one time
>thinks others are retarded

>> No.15911702

Try it chilled with lots of ice! 100% calorie free.

>> No.15911729

>projecting and ignoring the fact that I talk about absolute addicts like >>15911675 who's so far gone off the deep end that he cannot even bear the simple taste of water

ok obesoid.

>> No.15911749

>getting trolled that easily
Not too smart, are you?

>> No.15911756

it's sweeter so it makes them eat more

>> No.15911757

So you know it's bullshit but still want to believe it, okay.

>> No.15911761

>"Sugarless" sodas are equally as bad.
Give me 1 source for that

>> No.15911770
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>> No.15911773

cope harder, seething fatass.

>> No.15911782

do americans reall-
>70% of america is now obese
well I guess they really do.

>> No.15911786

Do you have a comparison picture for common fruits that you can post as well? I'd like to see them side by side to this picture.

>> No.15911796

>Some dude says he hates the taste of water, you believe it and seethe
Who's the retard now?

>> No.15911814

I was just taking him as an example, people like this are everywhere in america. I don't care if he's legit or not sas long as my point in my first post still stands you imbecile.

>> No.15911821

stop eating carbs period, though dropping sugar is the first major and most important step
by the way the belief that artificial sweeteners make you fat come from how they stimulate your hunger, specifically make you crave real sugar. nothing in these sweeteners are inherently bad for you but the actions they likely cause you to make are

>> No.15911853

>implying I'll kowtow to big water

>> No.15911868

Why would I stop eating carbohdyrates or sugar?

>> No.15911879

Just don’t tell them. I like watching North America slowly commit suicide. They are on the right track again, so please shut up! I hope to see some results before I croak myself.

>> No.15911962


>> No.15911969

>Water tastes disgusting
imagine the girth

desu I would believe it's a shitpost except I actually met someone like this, they actually claimed that plain water made them nauseous. I don't know how someone gets that bad.

>> No.15911979

Your point being?

>> No.15911991

are you american? im not really surprised then and no wonder many people who drink lots of water buy bottled water

>> No.15911996

buddy at work was like that, but he wasnt fat.
seen him years later and all his teeth were rotten or missing

>> No.15912048

And redpilled

>> No.15912130

But I like root beer...

>> No.15912264

Have you ever looked at the obesity percentage in Amerilard land?

>> No.15913168

What study are you quoting?

>> No.15913215

nobody said it was needed you extremist faggot. ever hear of moderation? give it a try some time

>> No.15913218

Stop believing in nonsense. There’s literally zero evidence that diet soda causes cancer, or that it makes you fat. I mean why would it? Weight gain only happens when you consume more calories than you’re able to burn. It’s retarded to believe that diet soda can magically break the law of thermodynamics.

>> No.15913260

>Stop drinking energy drinks.
But I need those to keep myself awake despite the hardship of day-to-day work!

>> No.15913273

This. Stupid fuck wants to be taken at face value and nothing more and amazingly it will still draw in stupider fucks that actually believe him

>> No.15913278

>tfw casually eat sugar cubes a handful at a time
Skinnylets tremble at the power of fatchads.

>> No.15913284

The can and both bottles have zero sugar. Coca cola has a lot of high-fructose corn syrup, which
is made in a factory and is worse than real sugar for you

>> No.15913307

Vapers end up smoking
Recovering alcoholics who drink non-alcoholic beer end up drinking
People who drink sugar-free soda will still crave the sugar, and either go back to regular, or eat sweets to scratch that itch

>> No.15913314

>"Sugarless" sodas are equally as bad.
>just believes every corporate paid-scientist

bet u believe in global warming too faggot

>> No.15913325

>made in a factory
bro do you think white crystalline refined sugar is mined out of the earth? almost everything you eat has touched a factory.

>> No.15914176

Aren't those made with HFCS and not sugar? This image is misleading.

>> No.15914205

I only drink stuff with sucralose, not aspartame

>> No.15914213

>There’s literally zero evidence that diet soda causes cancer, or that it makes you fat.
Watch as he posts one study that says it maybe might kinda sorta possibly cause cancer out of the hundreds that say it doesn't

>> No.15914217

I drink one energy drink in morning and then about 3-4 cans of sparkling water the rest of the day
Get bent you stuck-up faggot OP

>> No.15914222

I'll drink whatever I want you fucking fag

>> No.15914226

>It’s retarded to believe that diet soda can magically break the law of thermodynamics.
You aren't wrong that the diet cola meme is invented but you are wrong in repeating this CICO nonsense. You zealots have become the newfurfags.

>> No.15914243

That's a standard sized chair btw, if you need anything smaller than that, you're anorexic.

Just saying...........

>> No.15914330

Can I drink pre-workouts anon?

>> No.15914445

That's such a retarded myth/lie it's incredible it's still told. Jesus Christ... You're the kind of person to be weary of 5G and vaccines.

>> No.15914456

Be less white.

Thanks, Cola Cola. I will try my best.

>> No.15914469

no fuck you

>> No.15914472

Way ahead of you buddy.

>> No.15914481

Honestly diet sodas aren't very unhealthy comparative to regular soda. Obviously water is healthier. People who don't drink water are...odd...to me.

>> No.15914496

substitute water for veggies and fruit that hydrate you
never drink water again

>> No.15914498
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>> No.15914502
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>> No.15914516

How's /x/ these days?

>> No.15914520

Yes dear.....

>> No.15914539

>used to drink lemon water to make the water tastier
>got hyperacidity last year
>never tried again
>got pulled back to sugar hell again
I just want to try drinking lemon water again but im scared my hyperacidity will fuck me up again.

>> No.15914540
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>> No.15914547
File: 19 KB, 640x640, △ ☆ 56525016_1573134179486537_7898045601479131136_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15914559
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>> No.15914573
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>> No.15914960

Just drink regular fucking water. Are you in Africa?

>> No.15914967


>> No.15914983

What does this image show? Sugar per item, or sugar consumed if you drink one per day for a week, or month?
Without context it's not really very helpful.

>> No.15914986
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>everything is schizo
fucking zoomers hop on every label they see

>> No.15914992

The sugar cubes represent teaspoons of sugar per item.

>> No.15915100

I drink milk

>> No.15915196

Toddlers can't post here.

>> No.15915200

>Sugarless" sodas are equally as bad.

>> No.15915227
File: 9 KB, 470x280, Aspartame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't just stick two essential amino acids together it makes mustard gas and has a scary name NOOOOO

>> No.15915236

Just drink more of the cans, if it has less sugar.

>> No.15915250

Seething harder, faggot

>> No.15915263

Pls explain how it's nonsense. If you take in more energy than you need, your body will begin anabolic processes and store the energy. If you take in less energy than you need, your body will begin catabolic processes and generate energy. Although relevant and important everything else is in terms of metabolic rate, bioavailability, nitrogen balance, lipogenesis and all that jazz is on top of the foundation that is thermodynamics

>> No.15915267

Explain the physiology behind insulin secretion right now or shut the fuck up.

>> No.15915277

you do know that aspartame is literally just two amino acids bonded together right?

>> No.15915287

>only drink water
why are you autists so extreme? you can't enjoy a soda or a fruit flavored drink every once in a while it has to be
>you either drink it every day or you don't drink it at all!
fuck off moderation is a good thing

>> No.15915292

>essential amino acid
pick one