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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 9 KB, 353x296, Soy Sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15903458 No.15903458 [Reply] [Original]

It's supposed to be good for you, since it's fermented, but I only find the garbage kind with the food coloring in my supermarket.
Is there an accessible brand that is actually fermented soy beans and not chemical shit?
What soy sauce brand you use, /ck/?

>> No.15903465 [DELETED] 

Kikkoman is unironically top tier. Retards will try pushing Chinese garbage but it's all shit with weird aftertastes.

>> No.15903504

>Kikkoman is unironically top tier

Oh thank God you specified it's top tier "unironically", I was worried it was only an ironic top tier. Thanks for clearing that up for me bucko

>> No.15903515

Yamasa is a japanese traditionally fermented soysauce brand that's not hard to find

>> No.15903523

Whenever I visit my mum in the city every once in a while, we make sure to shop at the asian grocery before we leave. Buy a lot of stuff that doesn't expire quickly -- actual japanese (and other) instant noodles, bean pastes like miso and gochujang, sauces like proper oyster sauce and real soy sauce, etc etc

>> No.15903532

why does being fermented mean it's good for you?

alcohol is fermented, vinegar is fermented.

>> No.15903538

if i were to say "soy sauce packets you get from chinese restaurants are top tier" you would assume i was being facetious.

>> No.15903600

That's the one I've been using. It's nice that it's traditional, but it's a little too strong/salty.
I should try the reduced salt stuff.
Nice to know you don't have to overthink and the cookiecutter Japanese brands are good enough.

Wine is good for you in moderation
Vinegar is great for you, ACV especially

>> No.15903605

It's chink salt. Nothing more.

>> No.15903616
File: 58 KB, 640x457, IMG_4283.no-S-copy-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15903625

recent studies have shown that alcohol actually isn't good for you (on the whole), in moderation.

not to say that there's a high risk of consequences with drinking a couple beers or glass of wine, but it's not "good" for you, like previously thought.


>> No.15903642
File: 5 KB, 250x140, 1616269574610s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck dicks nigger

>> No.15903644

Faggot reply.

>> No.15903645

>on the whole
That's the thing. It talks more about alcoholism, and ignores that actual health benefits of wine in small amounts.

>Alcohol consumption is associated with a variety of short- and long-term health risks, including motor vehicle crashes, violence, sexual risk behaviors...
Yeah maybe if you're a teen or a darkie. Why can't people just enjoy enjoy a pint instead of chimping out after 1/4 of a light beer

>> No.15903659
File: 31 KB, 992x241, Facts about moderate drinking CDC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

focus on the relevant stuff mate.
acetaldehyde causes cancer. alcohol becomes acetaldehyde. alcohol causes cancer by proxy.

same thing with nicotine and nitrosamines. getting off topic though.

i like san-j shoyu. it's got a really well-rounded flavor.

>> No.15903671

Isn't acetaldehyde also found in a lot of things including bread and coffee?
Damn I guess coffee is not good for you

>> No.15903675

>Google that gay shit
>"Ground and instant coffee has some of the highest levels of acetaldehyde of any non-alcoholic foods and vegetables"
Oh fuck, do I have to switch back to tea?

>> No.15903688

Just avoid hot drinks all together since they increase your risk for throat cancer

>> No.15903733

the bread stuff is off the back of the maillard reaction, but is less of a problem because of how the liver works.

when you drink alcohol, the alcohol goes into your blood and gets converted to acetaldehyde in the liver. this is a problem because it's in high concentration local to the liver.

when you eat acetadelyde straight up, it is only partially absorbed, and it's subject to first pass metabolism, and the concentration will never be as high local to the liver.

in effect, the acetaldehdye being made from alcohol is more damaging than consuming an equivalent amount from bread or coffee.

>> No.15903739

>drinking anything at all
The older you get, the more you drink anything, from water to coffee. It's no coincidence that many older people, who have very likely drunk a lot, have a higher rate of cancer. Wake up sheeple.

>> No.15903741

you're not a very kind anon

>> No.15903788

Give it to me straight, Anon.

Is coffee good for me?

>> No.15903818
File: 78 KB, 512x288, 8ball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
