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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15898941 No.15898941 [Reply] [Original]

Could you eat this within 4 hours?

>> No.15898944


>> No.15898948

do americans honestly?

>> No.15898951

Nah, don't think I could do it in a day even

>> No.15898954

Are Euros really this brainless...?

>> No.15898958

Upping the difficulty, I see. What's the cash prize this time?
Every day.

>> No.15898963

i think i could do it in maybe 60 hours

>> No.15898968

I could do it in 1 hour if the prize was pouring the oil used to make it down the drain.

>> No.15898969

I could do this I guess. I would not feel good after but I could

>> No.15898972

Is there a catch? Seems like a reasonable portion for one person.

>> No.15898973

That's a fairly small amount of food for an average person I would say? The reason fast food goes down so easily and lasts so long is because it lacks density. I wouldn't WANT an extra helping of nuggets, but I could eat it.

>> No.15898974

i am asian retard

>> No.15898977

finns are europeans

>> No.15898979


>> No.15898980

That's not that much? Sure, you can't eat that every day. If I fast the day before, however, that should actually be possible.

>> No.15898982

i am aware retard

>> No.15898984

you must be american

>> No.15898985
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>> No.15898986

>i am asian retard
well i was right about the retarded part

>> No.15898999

how so? 60 hours seems very reasonable to me

>> No.15899004

Thinking about it, no can't do it in one day. I could do one tray in one day, but even that would be hard

>> No.15899006

im sorry you just got bundled up there because that's actually a good comedy

>> No.15899007

so you are european. youre not honest to god soulless insectoid are you?

>> No.15899008

you dont even understand your own language, kys obsessed fatass

>> No.15899013

what are you trying to say exactly? All I see are a bunch of clicks and whistles.

>> No.15899029

im not finnish, and its actually one of the most american things to believe finland could be mistaken for an asian country

>> No.15899044

im finnish myself lmao :DD soulless chink cant recognize a joke as expected

>> No.15899056

genuine laughter

>> No.15899057

>lmao :DD
nice try german

>> No.15899082


but im one of those rare super skinny fucks who gets hungry 1 hour later

but is that fried chicken? throw that out i dont trust a mcD's to make decent fried chicken, never even knew they had that shit

>> No.15899111

Maybe half, might still throw up. And I'm an overweight American.

>> No.15899157

Bruh that's my breakfast I eat that in 10 minutes everyday

>> No.15899175

baste not my problem anon

>> No.15899178

Just looked at the amount and would say it would take 7 days at least, for me.

>> No.15899184

>yeah dude i could totally eat all that!
>proceeds to get full after 3/4ths of a burger

>> No.15899189

That would take 2-3 days minimum

>> No.15899196

Nice sunburn faggot

>> No.15899205
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i eat whole lasagnas and am hungry 30 minutes later
but i dont eat more because its bad for your arteries
i literally cant gain weight

>> No.15899214

Could eat and shit it all out within 2

>> No.15899216

>i literally cant gain weight

>> No.15899254

No, but failing would be delicious

>> No.15899257

Yes. Please do not visit, we're full.

>> No.15899291

I could probably eat a single tray full within 4 hours if I didn't have breakfast.

>> No.15899293

but biden said im welcome to come

>> No.15899330

Came here to post this

>> No.15899477
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>> No.15899631

rent free

>> No.15899727

Based moviebob

>> No.15899740

The other tablet too or just the one in front?

>> No.15900152
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nice try but no.
70% of Finnish paternal DNA comes straight from East Asia.

>> No.15900253
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>> No.15900276

thanks for agreeing with my point, dumbass

>> No.15900427

watch and learn, noobie
4 burgers , a pack of fries, 10 nuggers later
*heart attack kicks in*
"uggh see you in hell future graves inhabitants"
*shits and farts then dies*

>> No.15900564

Back when I was over 300 lbs I could probably eat that inside of 45 minutes.

>> No.15900874

probably not.
That's a shit load of food.
Like, I can't even manage that much food on Thanksgiving.

>> No.15900962

Imagine what a Chad jaw he would have if he wasn't so fat

>> No.15901349

no, not even with a laxative

>> No.15902008

Both trays? I could get probably get through one.

>> No.15902175

no, that's too much food, pure junk at that

>> No.15902184

Even high as fuck and assuming I stay that way throughout the entire session and the food stays "fresh" temp, probably not even if to save my life.

>> No.15902188

probably, I would feel like death though. those burgers at the back would be the problem.

>> No.15902202

No, it would probably take me more than a week to eat all that.

>> No.15902502

probably, minus the pickles

>> No.15902569

not anymore. Lost weight and my monstrous appetite with it. I'm getting older and don't want it coming back

>> No.15904076

yeah easily, but I couldn't afford it

>> No.15904099

I'm currently on daily naltrexone treatment, so it would literally take me about close to a week if not an entire week to finish all that desu lol

>> No.15904104

pfft, that's easy. No I couldn't possible do that.
Did I win something?

>> No.15904304

Yes. Would need a few glasses of water for that sodium bomb though.

>> No.15904395

Fuck off bob

>> No.15904617

>Upping the difficulty
>no soda
literally 5x easier

>> No.15905528

nope, only one burger and few nuggets

>> No.15905533

yeah duh jesus. actually sounds pretty nice.

>> No.15905557
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Sure, eat one tray, rally vomit, slam the other one and go for the second rally. Easy

>> No.15905623

No, it's like 12 large double cheeseburgers with fries and that's like 6 days for me.

Then it looks 2 large chicken something with fries and that's one more day.

So 7 days at least.

In 4 hours i could maybe 2 large double cheeseburgers and one fires but i guess my stomach would feel swollen and bloated.

>> No.15906320

Amerifats probably could lol.

>> No.15906418

>but i guess my stomach would feel swollen and bloated.
I fucking love chubby tranny's. Please post tits, cock and tummy. I need to cum.

>> No.15906426
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No. Why would I want to?
>hurrhurr gluttony so cool and fun