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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15896967 No.15896967 [Reply] [Original]

My sense of taste and smell hasn't completely comeback because I got COVID-19.

>> No.15896969

False narrative
You lost your sense of smell because you are a KEK, no other reason

>> No.15896973

The power of suggestion. You had a cold.

>> No.15896977

These. This virus doesn't exist. You are imagining this. They're spreading narrative to ensure us 4channers never have sex

>> No.15897002

those bastards...

>> No.15897007

you should have gotten the vaccine dude, sorry about that

>> No.15897015

lol you sound like a cuck. I've never been cucked in my life. Never gave anyone the chance to cuck me.

>> No.15897024

>Never gave anyone the chance to cuck me
is this the newest incel cope?

>> No.15897037
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Mine is also fucked up. Cant eat onions anymore because they taste like shit and sweat

>> No.15897073

I had it in July and my taste came back around Christmas.

>> No.15897106

is there any real data on covid's effects on taste?
I feel like it's an extremely rare symptom, but is used to fear-monger people into getting vaccinated.

>> No.15897111

hard to test for

>> No.15897172

pretty sure it's quite common - out of four of my friends who got covid, only one of them didn't have a temporary loss of taste. all of them recovered though AFAIK

>> No.15897176

Why do you hate the unloved?

>> No.15897196

cause they spam the entire site with their current buzzwords of choice instead of staying in their containment boards

>> No.15897217 [DELETED] 

>staying in containment
Ban this nigger. YOU belong in containment not us senpai.

>> No.15897284

It's your own fault no one loves you. Ugly people find love. Disabled people find love. Stupid people find love. YOU don't find love because you don't try, you have a rancid personality, or you act like a sperg, or all three. You can fix all of those things if you made even the tiniest effort but you'd rather whine on 4chan.

>> No.15897350

Try scent training. It’s a long, slow tedious process but at least everything won’t taste bland

>> No.15897360


>> No.15897367

RIP mushroom man

>> No.15897491

I wasn't talking about myself.
Do you hate the unloved?

>> No.15897500

>If you take a shower you can magically change your genetic coding to become a chad
Nice try coping normalfaggot, I'm not even an incel but even this copemax advice is terrible. People like you are the reason they exist. Just be honest with them. Nature is brutal and they need to accept that being an ugly cunt guarantees they're at the bottom of the pecking order.

>> No.15897518

A cold shower might, i reckon it adds a tiny obstacles to your day that builds you up over time. Good for blood circulation too

>> No.15897555

This sounds a lot like something someone who actually IS an incel would say...... it's a bit sus, not gonna lie about that.

>> No.15897581

lol gay. who cares.

>> No.15897600

Losing your sense of taste is tight. You literally have no excuse to not eat right and become gorgeous.

>> No.15897613

lol, sup fattie. normal people can be thin and healthy while eating things that they enjoy

>> No.15897640

Sure thing fatso

>> No.15897664

Cope hamplanet

>> No.15897942

This is the hard truth incels need to hear.

>> No.15898881

because they're unloveable.

>> No.15898975

The real truth is that love isn't real. Enjoy your delusion. Also, go back.

>> No.15898996

This is true. I'm a fat, bald 41 year old with a big bushy beard. Finding someone to fuck is incredibly easy. Finding a relationship is a bit more difficult but still in no way difficult. Just stop being the king of sperglords or date the fat legbeard that is your mental match. At the end of the day you can make up for anything physical

>> No.15899073

>lost my sense of taste
>still a texturelet
life is fuced

>> No.15899083

"comeback" is a noun; you mean "come back".

>> No.15899104

A semicolon makes no sense there. Plus sentences are supposed to start with a capital letter, reddit incel bitch.

>> No.15899133

>A semicolon makes no sense there

>> No.15899202

a comma would vhave been fine, the sentences are related enough

>> No.15899846

exactly what a semi colon is for

>> No.15899877

no, the semi-colon is for two SEMI related sentences. also it's not a real, natural form of punctuation and was invented by the printing press companies quite recently actually. it didn't exist back when you had to write stuff by hand.

>> No.15899895

Literally every person I've talked to who got it lost their sense of SMELL, not taste. But seeing as there are only 5 tastes, when you "taste" an orange you're really only tasting sweet and sour from the sugar and citric acid, respectively. The "orange taste" is from a few dozen aromatics you're actually smelling.

But yeah some people lost their smell for 5 days, and some people I know lost it for over a month. It's arguably one of the most common and telltale symptoms. What's rare is it lasting more than a few weeks.

>> No.15899900

This poster is retarded; a real nincompoop.

>> No.15899904

>there are only 5 tastes
that's not true. the regions of taste bullshit you learned in school has been scientifically disproven. and I'm not talking about some dumb modern "science" either. it's actually just not true.

>> No.15899905

look you used it correctly this time

>> No.15900099

I lost my TASTE, but never my smell.

also it only goes away for a few minutes. Dunno what these wigger wiggers are talking about, they must be genetically deficient.

>> No.15901034

my recovery is gradual...

>> No.15901068

the regions thing is untrue - the various types of tastebuds are distributed basically randomly on the tongue. but there are only five types

>> No.15901082
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>> No.15901087 [DELETED] 

that's not true dude

>> No.15901122

that's not true dude
there are 25 bitter receptors, 2 sweet, 1 cold/mint, and 1 hot/spicy. the different combinations of these types makes all the flavors.

>> No.15902085
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