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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 144 KB, 1280x720, cakey fudgy brownies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15895388 No.15895388 [Reply] [Original]

Are you fudgy master-race? Or a stupid piece of shit who should die?

>> No.15895393


>> No.15895406

Fudgey brownies are for ass eating faggots. It looks, feels, and tastes like shit, literally fecal matter shit. No coincidence gays are called fudge packers. Cakey is the preference of straight heterosexual alphas

>> No.15895417

Ah yes, cakey, something that crumbles all around you just like your marriage

>> No.15895419

never touched, let alone ate shit before but I can wholeheartedly say fudgy brownies are the goat

>> No.15895422

Only if you don't know how to eat with a plate like a feral nog. Cakey is the obvious choice of the civilized

>> No.15895425

How do you know what shit feels and tastes like?

>> No.15895426

>never touched shit
Do you not wipe your ass after you poop? No wonder you like fudgey brownies

>> No.15895436

You're supposed to wipe your ass with toilet paper, not your fingees

>> No.15895446

>he wipes himself
filthy w*sterner, use a bidet.

>> No.15895460


I like it mostly cakey but with a fudgy interior

>> No.15895467

The best brownies are a little bit of both in different parts, as well as a crunchy exterior.

>> No.15895489

Cakey is for literal retards like you.

>> No.15895514

Fudgy all the way. Otherwise just eat a chocolate cake.

>> No.15895517

Fucking French.

>> No.15895578

Don't care as long as you are using butter instead of oil.

>> No.15895582

cakey mmmmmmm

>> No.15895675

It should be as chewy as fucking taffy

>> No.15896026

a proper brownie has a chew, beans dont go in chili, its a chicken burger not a chicken sandwich, salt goes in the pasta water, beer tastes good

>> No.15896030

Anyone who likes cakey should be shot in the fucking head without hesitation

>> No.15896038

How can a single poster be this based

>> No.15896250

tea or coffee?

>> No.15896265
File: 60 KB, 656x824, 1-a-The-Best-Blonde-Brownies-Recipe-via-Dreaming-in-DIY-656x824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigma male choice

>> No.15896275

fudgy is too indulgent

>> No.15896290

Both are good but cakey brownies are more chocolate cake than brownie, the perfect brownie is like this

>> No.15896298
File: 245 KB, 1296x730, maryberry-h_2016-compressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have both cakey and fudgy brownies
>they both taste stodgy
Do americans really?

>> No.15896311

It's not a chicken burger unless thr chicken is ground up anon and the only people that make shittier chili than Texans are from Ohio

>> No.15896314

Brownies are just failed cakes

>> No.15896315

I'm fine with whatever, so long as it has lots of that good skin on top. That's the best part, after all.

>> No.15896319

This is just a failed vanilla pound cake

>> No.15896321

>It's not a chicken burger unless thr chicken is ground up

>> No.15896424

both but always coffee in the morning

>> No.15896429
File: 1.20 MB, 3629x2041, 20210311_175410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15896469


>> No.15896515

not an argument

>> No.15896587

Do you wipe your ass with your hand? What are you, a muslim?

>> No.15896660
File: 56 KB, 512x341, ishygddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>veggie burger

>> No.15896669

If it's not a middling chewy you should be fed to wolves you degenerate subhuman.

>> No.15896673

Correct, beans do go in chili you braindead queer lone star faggot, it's a chicken sandwich because a burger is a ground red meat subset of sandwich, correct, and beer tastes truly awful, especially what passes for "beer" in the ass rape prison state.

>> No.15896695

why is the top slice of bread upside down?

>> No.15896698

Cake is what you buy for any celebration. Fudge is never bought for any reason. This logically proves cakey is a more desirable texture than fudgy.

>> No.15896702
File: 46 KB, 512x341, here you go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15896726

Someone feels defensive about their dough failing to rise.

>> No.15896749
File: 30 KB, 1000x802, 1609933505484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15896759

Shut the fuck up

>> No.15896867
File: 113 KB, 654x642, 1609719784974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't get Christmas fudge or free fudge on National Fudge Day.

How stupid are you?

>> No.15896882
File: 89 KB, 600x900, Quick-Easy-Chocolate-Fudge4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fudgie is best by far. Also, fudge

>> No.15897027

French bidets are horrible. You need to splash the water in your crack with your hand. Japanese bidets are superior.

Leave it to the French to make cleaning your ass with water disgusting.

>> No.15897221


>> No.15897230

>Guys! I'm a sigma!
- People - Are - Not - Pack - Animals -

>> No.15897601

why the fuck would you want a cakey brownie? that's what cake is for. just eat cake instead if you want something cakey you faggot. brownies should be dense and fudgy, that's what brownies are fucking for.

>> No.15897778

Awwwww the wittle flyover is mad :,(

>> No.15897808

I actually prefer somewhere in between the two.

>> No.15897838

i accept your concession of defeat

>> No.15897845


>> No.15897853
File: 96 KB, 600x832, skub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either can turn out decent if you add a bit of skub to the batter.

>> No.15897856

anyone who prefers cakey isnt fucking human

>> No.15897876

Anyone who actually gives a shit is retarded.

>> No.15897907
File: 32 KB, 661x667, 1604190425667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a fad that will likely never go away just change to something else example ( hey guys I'm a (astrology sign here) ain't I so cool) remember more than 80% of the population are retarded.

>> No.15898305

i dont get the appeal of fudge that is just double chocolate cake with a new name

>> No.15898439

Why not just make a damn cake instead of brownies? Brownies are meant to be fudgy. Don't like it? Make some cupcakes.

>> No.15898456

i recently discovered that most brownie recipes you'll find on the internet are like half eggs by weight. you'll commonly see as much as two or even three eggs per stick of butter or per half cup of oil. that's fucking stupid. I'm pretty sure substitute a 1/4 cup of milk or water per egg and achieve similar results without making your brownie too cakey. and less eggs means a better tasting and smelling brownie. unless if you like eating half eggs in every bite, and smelling farty sulfur (egg whites contain most of the sulfuric substances responsible for the signature eggy aroma) instead of smelling rich chocolate.

>> No.15898459

Fudgy or fuck off

>> No.15898462

Why not make some damn fudge instead of brownies? Brownies are meant to be Cakey. Don’t like it, make some damn fudge squares.

>> No.15898480

Ew, I can feel them sticking to my teethe and see you stooges smacking your jaws like children right now. Are fudgy brownies truly the filter between brainlets and everyone else?

>> No.15898532

some would say the eggs are important to achieve the right brownie texture.

not true.

egg whites are 90% water and 10% protein. and the only thing the protein would achieve is binding, but for that we have the flour.

egg yolks are mostly water too and they contain protein as well, but they also contain fat and an emulsifier called lecithin. but if you are using a recipe that calls for melted chocolate, that chocolate may already have lecithin in it, in the form of soy lecithin which is commonly used for chocolates in the US. egg yolks are also delicious and deliver a richness to the baked goods.

but it's really unnecessary for brownies to be half made of eggs.

>> No.15898742

>fried halibut