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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 47 KB, 385x371, 15CA9F8F-6CBA-4179-91C6-AF0B5A8BCE18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15894744 No.15894744[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>whatchu want
>speak louder, i can’t hear you
>you said the what? we don’t got that
“yes we do” someone says from the background

>> No.15894838

>rap music plays and drugs

>> No.15894860


You have to get on the Chik-Fil-A pill.

>> No.15894890

Oh shit, I thought this was Culver's. I'll be on my way then.

>> No.15895003

ice masheen broke

>> No.15895185

Iss gon be 20 minnuts on that chicken sammich coz Daiquiris turned da fryer off. You wanna wait or get sumthin else?

>> No.15895235

>"second window honey"
shit's comfy idgaf

>> No.15895816

Checker's/Rally's in a nutshell

>> No.15895887

I've lost count of the number of black employees I've got fired. Ring the company and day they shouted antisemetic things at me because of my yalmuka. Threatened to call the SPLC and ADL.

They know the power of the Jewish lobby. Flip their shit and fire them. I'll lie like this for even the slightest rudeness. Try it. Works like a charm.

>> No.15895900
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>i'll give you extra ketchup, motherfucker

>> No.15895918



>> No.15895923

he was homeless so he deserved it

>> No.15895930

>implying there are white people on /pol/

>> No.15895933

George Floyd pointed a gun at a pregnant woman. Toxicology report.

Sorry CNN lied to you. Get a university education.

>> No.15895942

Kill yourself

>> No.15895944

why the fuck do we allow everyone to have children when they might not be ready to have a kid??? why the fuck is our society like "lol lets just let them have a kid and hope it works out lmao"
fuck normies

>> No.15895949

This is the dumbest fucking reply in this thread congrats you are a fucking faggot failtroll

>> No.15895956

he's right though
shouldn't you niggerlovers be on /gif/ or something?

>> No.15895960

Stfu nigger

>> No.15895965

>can I get 2 double cheeseburgers and a small drink
>ok you wan 2 dubbacheebuggas an 2 drank
>no I want 2 double cheese burgers and one drink
>oh ok so you wan 2 cheebuggas and a drank
>no, two DOUBLE cheeseburgers, one small drink
>*shakes head* lemme get a manaja
>manager comes over
>they have a side bar whispering to each other
>manager looks up for a second
>goes back to talking
>manger speaks with a confused look on his face
>you wan TWO drank???

my next order was about to be five four piece nuggets but I decided to cut my losses and not even try

>> No.15895967

College. Now. STEM not your bullshit leftist gender studies either. Be someone worthwhile.

>> No.15895968

Nice try goy

>> No.15895971

make me you shackle-dragging yard ape

>> No.15895992

Do this

>> No.15895995


How story really happened
>hi may I take your order?
>yes can I get two cheeseburgers and a small drink?
>two cheeseburgers and a small drink, got it. Anything else?
> "You" give off neckbeard cuck noises due to the fact that you can't interact in public cause you are an autistic faggot.
> "You" uhh that's it.
>..ok please pull up to the second window

You should off yourself next time. Helps the gene pool.

>> No.15895998


Cope trannies

>> No.15896007

>doesn't know how to greentext
pls go and stay go

>> No.15896015


>stay go?
>is this enough greentext for you you fucking kike?
>lrn 2 write next time you illiterate fuckface

>> No.15896028

right because pigs never lie. we all saw what happened, it was murder. I can't wait for the next round of rioting.

>> No.15896036

can I get aaaaauuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.15896041

Don't believe that stupid fucking faggot. A toxicology report won't tell you whether or not a gun was pointed at someone.

He just wants to be an edgy fucking teen on the internet.

>> No.15896045
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Same. Watching black people riot and burn down black businesses while refusing to change their own behavior or improve their own community is hilarious.

>> No.15896047
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>> No.15896049

you either are black or live in a place without blacks

>> No.15896050



>> No.15896053

Your whore mom should have pissed you out in the toilet nigger

>> No.15896055

>few days ago
>go to taco bell
>kinda busy in the drive thru
>"Taco Bell"
>hi how are you
>can i please get 3 loaded nacho tacos please?
>thank you!
honestly one of the stranger interactions i've had with fast food employees

>> No.15896056
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>> No.15896057

The Black bourgeoisie seem to be acting in the role of the house Negro. They are pro-administration. They would like a few concessions made, but as far as the overall setup, they have a little more material goods, a little more advantage, a few more privileges than the black have-nots; the lower class. And so they identify with the power structure and they see their interests as the power structure’s interest

>> No.15896060

Kill yourself

>> No.15896076

oh ok, you're black
got it

>> No.15896077
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last time I got mcdonalds the black woman didn't know what a combo was so i had to say meal. she was nice at least

>> No.15896084

Nice try nig nog

>> No.15896093

you will never be white, or have a gf, or have a penis bigger than 5 inches

>> No.15896097

You must be talking about yourself cuckfaggot

>> No.15896100

*clicks tongue*

>> No.15896106

> can I get a ummmm a uhhhhh..... Cone

>> No.15896109
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>only white people and latinas working at my wagie job
Feels very good

>> No.15896115

Later today I'm going to do that trick of mine to get a black woman fired. Because of the whining leftists here. I'll try and do it to someone who has kids. The tension will rise in their single mother family, hopefully she'll take it out on her little kids with violence because of their poor impulse control.

Round of applause for the crying leftists ITT. They caused black kids a lot of pain! Let's celebrate. I'm going to fry up a nice rib-eye.

>> No.15896130

You will do nothing but be a fucking faggot on the internet

Just commit suicide instead you fucking simpleton

>> No.15896134

Put a bullet in your head INSTEAD

>> No.15896140
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>> No.15896149

Die nigger

>> No.15896153

whats the tric?

>> No.15896160

Oh, no, I'm a white. Very thankful for that too. Would hate to have to smell myself if I were a black

>> No.15896168

I could. Heaps of semi automatic weapons. Lots of ammo too. Not handing them in either. Steaks almost done. Awesome being wealthy and white.

>> No.15896175

You still are a baloney water smelling little dick having nigger

>> No.15896179

You know it's funny. So many places now are trying to copy their food when they should be copying their service model.

>> No.15896181

Great now off yourself you illiterate cunt

You aren't wealthy and dont own guns, but you probably cook meth in your shitty trailer you poor fag

>> No.15896189

I smell more like steak tartar. I actually have money.

>> No.15896201

You smell like cat piss, wet dog and failure

>> No.15896235

This thread is harbor trash

>> No.15896274

I race baited this entire thread to complete shit and honestly it's given me an erection.

>> No.15896287

I liked it, thanks for the laugh

>> No.15896320

This might be true for black guys in fast food but black girls are literally always nice as fuck to me. There's a girl at my local Taco Bell named Quisha that calls me "white boy" and compliments my car and gives me free chalupas and drinks and shit when my GF isn't in the car.

>> No.15896323

But their food isn't great. Even KFC makes a better chicken sandwich than them now.

>> No.15896326

It's great, they're like the amish. You can treat them like shit and they'll just smile and eat it up.

>> No.15896360
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It feels nice being served by them. Unless they're uppity.
I get an erection thinking about how less than 300 years ago, they were all going bananas on their giant island, and realizing how my people have evolved them in such a short time span.

>> No.15896369

I'd say some of the worst service I've had is from Chick-fil-a. Sure they're nice, but they consistently screw up all my orders and all I get is a sandwich, fries and a drink.

>> No.15896374

Also their waffle fries are bland and often dry.

>> No.15896397

sorry the ice cream machine is broken

>> No.15896401

not who you were responding to but i agree chick fila fries kinda suck but they've never screwed up my order before. i usually just get the spicy chicken sandwich with some chickfila sauce and either a lemonade or a dr pepper

>> No.15896411

Niggers reliably lie, steal, and riot, and police officers are not "pigs", they are honorable men and women for the most part who have my respect and admiration.

>> No.15896413

Socialism is, after all, a philosophy for thieves, and niggers love to steal.

>> No.15896417

Why do conservahicks pretend to represent the working class, but shit on minimum wage workers?

>> No.15896418

Latinas are the easiest wettest pussy on the planet

>> No.15896453

This is my favorite meme belief of the anti-BLM crowd. Bro, even cops know that all cops are faggots. Literally everyone hates cops. Who the fuck grows up and decides they want to be a fucking loser narc for the rest of their lives?

>> No.15896464
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>we all saw what happened
yeah, you saw shit