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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 74 KB, 750x496, eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15891101 No.15891101 [Reply] [Original]

So uh
Are they good or bad for you

>> No.15891106

just exercise you fat fuck

>> No.15891112


There's your problem

>> No.15891141
File: 2.05 MB, 500x391, 1617105182132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've been eating them since the dawn of time... I think they might be safe

>> No.15891193

Less-than-solid logic there

>> No.15891194
File: 221 KB, 1200x900, Drowned Eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studies show
Whatever they're paid to.
This. We evolved as omnivores. And eggs are highly nutritious and come from many different sources.

>> No.15891207

Eggs are literally a superfood

>> No.15891209

Eggs are eggs tons of refined sugar and grains give you diabetes

>> No.15891254

Whoa calm down there friend! That's dangerous thinking, using logic and all.

>> No.15891262

eggs are the "healthiest" food for an average person to eat. like literally fucking #1 so of course retards have been swindled into thinking it's unhealthy

>> No.15891276

Don't believe anything the Daily Mail says.

>> No.15891280

Don't care. They taste good.

>> No.15891287

Don't believe any studies that rely on associations. What you want is causal relations. Also don't read the daily mail

>> No.15891289

Yea and people used to die of old age at 40.

>> No.15891300
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>Whoa calm down there friend! That's dangerous thinking, using logic and all.

>> No.15891316

All you people eating the menstrual cycle of chickens... You should try human periods next! Maybe "scientists" will start advocating the health benefits of that too!

>> No.15891329

Eggs destroy human health, your cholesterol goes through the roof. the best thing is , to lay off them.

>> No.15891337
File: 56 KB, 576x459, eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already eat those, yes I have red wings

>> No.15891339

ive eaten 4 eggs for breakfast since I was a kid and im healthy

>> No.15891343

>leaving the house increases the risk of dying that day 1000x!
almost all life expectancy is wiping out infant/young child mortality and sanitation. it was basically a 50/50 prop that you lived to see your 5th birthday back then, now it's less than 1%

>> No.15891351

Even accepting this argument why does everyone assume one risk factor going up as equaling its bad generally? It has far more benefits more than negating it. What constitutes health doesn't revolve 100% around what your cholesterol levels

it's like saying getting in a car drastically increases your risk of death during that time vs not driving so it's lunacy to drive

>> No.15891354

They lived long enough lives to eventually give birth to you, unfortunately.

>> No.15891355

Dietary cholesterol affects blood cholesterol? I must have missed that study, hidden in the hundreds of studies showing no correlation...

>> No.15891392

100% of people who have eaten eggs have or will die

>> No.15891416

>First says it is controversial, i.e. against most studies conclusions and argues that some fatty acids would lower your risk which exist in eggs
>Other study is about following those who eat eggs
You tell me, anon.

>> No.15891502

so why would eggs, which are devoid of carbohydrates, increase your risk of diabetes

>> No.15891513

Read the studies, not the Daily Mail you idiot troll. More well done and large studies=factual. Daily Mail=shit tabloid.

>> No.15891518

That's correlation.
Yeah, you have missed all the studies. Not just one but all the tens of studies about the topic.

>> No.15891593
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This is why our society deserves damnation. Even the wording should have clued you in.

>> No.15891618

do not eat.

>> No.15891623

>so why would eggs, which are devoid of carbohydrates, increase your risk of diabetes
fats cause metabolic disorders, not carbs.

>> No.15891624

Read the study or even just the article you morons. Study on the right followed some fat chinks that also happened to eat eggs frequently. Eggs are good for you.

>> No.15891626

Don't get health advice from a tabloid, dummy.

>> No.15891628

this is probably bait but you're stupid if you think this

>> No.15891637

not bait. you're uninformed. obesity + high fat diet screws up metabolism which leads to diabetes.

>> No.15891650
File: 297 KB, 1260x1320, All The Eggs Kamala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high fat diet

>> No.15891668

>measuring things in studies is not factual

>> No.15891697

>give thousands of people a questionnaire about their diet e.g. how much they eat of whatever each month
>people can't remember what they ate last week much less what they ate for a whole month
>treat the results as proof anyway
stupid questions, stupid answers

>> No.15891752
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, BA3B00F5-614E-4D56-9F8D-171B7317A359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth is nutritionists are just as much doctors as chiropractors. Thirty years ago eggs were bad for you, now theyre good for you, in ten more years theyll say theyre the new miracle food and so on and so forth.

>> No.15891764

Could be worse he could read the guardian.

>> No.15891771

scientific studies are bunk
you can massage your results to come to any preconceived notion you want

>> No.15891786

that's a myth. there's barely a decade's difference in life expectancy between now and the middle ages if you exclude child mortality.

>> No.15891798

Eggs have all that's needed to start a new life, so they are fine.

>> No.15891807


every 6 months the media changes their mind whether these are bad or good for you

>> No.15891811

your blood cholestrol is 85% produced by your body, guess what happens when you add more dietary cholestrol? your body simply slows down its own production
theres been numerous studies of people eating anywhere from 5 to 30 eggs a day while having normal cholestrol, most famously in the 70s severe burn victims were encouraged to eat up to 40 eggs a day for healing benefits (dunno if this actually worked) but the thing to take away was after 3 months their cholestrol stayed the same. because your body slows down its own production

>> No.15891815

How so? Chocolate is objectively bad since most variants have boatloads of sugar added to them. Alcohol is objectively bad, the only time it's called healthy is when people talk about drinking a glass of wine, and even then it's about other substances in the wine, not the alcohol. It's exclusively eggs that people just can't decide on.

>> No.15891827

This is incorrect and you are kind of retarded for believing it.

>> No.15891834

Not giving a fuck and enjoying yourself is good for you. Worrying about absolutely inane shit like whether eggs are good for you or not is bad for you.

>> No.15891839

All the "studies" that claim eggs are bad for you are from people who drink loads of alcohol and have a carb-fat heavy diet. Its actually fucking insane how retarded they are. Sometimes it helps to read past the headline, find the source and read about its methology.

>> No.15891847

eggs spike cholesterol
they are as bad as smoking.

>> No.15891852

This better be bait.

>> No.15891866

you are so brainwashed, my dude.
cholesterol is a nasty fat, eggs have a lot of it, and when you eat an egg, it spikes your cholesterol for a couple hours while the egg is being digested.
Most egg cholesterol studies test for serum cholesterol, which is a blood test after a long fast. This is a deception. eating eggs does temporarily raise cholesterol and this does do damage to the blood vessels, and the more eggs you eat, the worse the damage will be.

>> No.15891869

Obviously eggs are bad for you. Chicks are all born with diabetes after all.

>> No.15891872

This board along with /fit/ should actually be removed for actively killing people.
Or maybe that's a good thing.

>> No.15891890

You're the literal definition of the "studies show"-NPC, someone who doesnt bother reading past the headline and into the methology.

>> No.15891895

Cholesterol is a hormone regulator you can't live without it

>> No.15891898

Eggs are refined sugar??

>> No.15891914

eggs are basically mini multivitamins with a good amount of protein. actual "superfood"

>> No.15891963
File: 76 KB, 640x483, 1614355511674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather live one day as a lion than a lifetime as a sheep.

>> No.15891987

But you're a chantard

>> No.15891988

did you know that cholesterol is a crystalline solid lipid?
Cholesterol is ultra bad for you. it's literally a crystalized fat in your body that can destroy blood vessels.

>> No.15891992

This, if the study can't prove causation, then it is essentially worthless to you as someone who doesn't understand the science behind it. And since the vast majority of studies in these areas can't prove causation, they are worthless to you. We just don't have the means yet to what kind of long-term consequences food intake has. Believe it or not, even for well-researched stuff like alcohol, we're still dealing with a blurry picture. This is why you find so many conflicting reports about food A both causing and preventing cancer.

>> No.15892019
File: 46 KB, 619x825, 1466575878030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop eating animal products like your ancestors drink scientifically formulated goitrogen juice and cut off your dick if you want to stay healthy

>> No.15892021

Nutrition isn't a monolith you fucking retard

>> No.15892023

Good. Inb4 provide heckin peer reviewed sourcerino.

>> No.15892026

He just explained the methodology but you're too fucking stupid to know what it means

>> No.15892031

>inb4 heckin someone challenges my incel hugbox

>> No.15892032

>Researchers with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine examined all research studies published from 1950 to March of 2019 that evaluated the effect of eggs on blood cholesterol levels. The researchers examined funding sources and whether those sources influenced study findings.
>The results show that prior to 1970, industry played no role in cholesterol research. The percentage of industry-funded studies increased over time, from 0 percent in the 1950s to 60 percent in 2010-2019.
>Overall, more than 85 percent of the studies—whether funded by industry or not—showed that eggs have unfavorable effects on blood cholesterol. Industry-funded studies, however, were more likely to downplay these findings. That is, although the study data showed cholesterol increases, study conclusions often reported that eggs had no effect at all. Approximately half (49 percent) of industry-funded intervention studies reported conclusions that were discordant with actual study results, compared with 13 percent of non-industry-funded trials.

>> No.15892053

>eat 3 or more eggs a day for decades
>get blood test
>everything is fine despite them lowering the acceptable level of cholesterol whenever they feel like it
Why do people worship big pharma and their pill selling schemes so much?

>> No.15892066

It's just people with genetic health disorders trying desperately to blame their inferiority on certain foods

>> No.15892077

It's strange that the same people tend to intake hydrogenated oils like there's no tomorrow too

>> No.15892079

Are you talking about fatasses scared of carbohydrates?

>> No.15892103

They didn't.they just used to die more in childbirth.

>> No.15892113
File: 10 KB, 251x201, pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot take:
food is "healthy" or "unhealthy" depending on your genetics, body chemistry, and activity level

i can't eat eggs or fish without getting severely ill but i'm not about to write these things off as universally bad
because i'm not retarded

>> No.15892123

Even accounting for child mortality, life expectancy was significantly lower than it is today.

>> No.15892129


>> No.15892134 [DELETED] 

Lying or just uneducated?

>> No.15892153

I've been around for 54 years now, If the news/government says something is good/bad for you I ignore it. They change their story every couple of years.

>> No.15892155

not even remotely the same thing.
Vegan detected. fuck off.

>> No.15892157

Nobody ever says a candy bar is healthy you fucking retard jesus christ

>> No.15892159

>he doesn't know

>> No.15892161

My mother-in-law drank water and died an hour later...

From a collapsed lung but still...

>> No.15892166

incorrect, I eat a high fat diet and am not diabetic.

my wife eats a low fat but high carb diet and is diabetic.

>> No.15892184

Eggs are essential for men to be healthy. Cholesterol from eggs is needed to produce Testosterone, by taking meat, eggs and dairy from modern man's diet, you're basically castrating men.

>inb4 low T vegan "males" with their emotional estrogen dominant outbursts

>> No.15892194

A study based on what you remember eating from the previous YEAR is essentially useless.

>> No.15892196

Are you a Hell's Angel?

>> No.15892242

Vegans have higher test level than meat eaters, fattie.

>> No.15892247

They don't. It's the fat from meat and dairy that makes the man, not some leafs.

>> No.15892346

good. especially raw.

>> No.15892349

then link them, you fucking retard, and get some facts to back up your dumbass claims

>> No.15892358

One egg brings your risk of diabetes 60% closer to 0.33 from either side.

>> No.15892365

>closer to 0.33 from either side.

>> No.15892368
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>> No.15892371

If your risk is on the left of 0.33, eating an egg brings it round to the right.
Elsewise if you're right already, an egg might nudge you back left.
It won't overshoot though so you'll typically end up around 0.33 either way.

>> No.15892376

Got lots of leftover sauce after making a large pot for easter... I should make some shoushaka.

>> No.15892378

hey, I just wanted to join the crowd in calling you a dumb piece of shit, you dumb piece of shit.

>> No.15892400

vegans still seething about eggs

>> No.15892401

>The results show that prior to 1970
Prior to 1970 the theory of cholesterol and heart disease all hinged on Ancel Keys conviction that it was true. A man who although lived a long life, so he must've gotten something right, criticized sugar being bad for you because it didn't align with his research.

>> No.15892402

A crowd of retards isn't any less retarded for being a crowd.

>> No.15892420

a good goy who served his kike masters to make people eat (((carbs))))

>> No.15892429

No it didn't. Like think this for even a slight second, just on pure probability do you think through the thousands of years of human history that just one person thought of what is essentially "you are what you eat"?

>> No.15892438

My people have ate bread and other starches since we could harvest. I will not let some globohomo Nazi impose his inceldelity upon my culture

>> No.15892443

And yet here you are living you sheep

>> No.15892455

I'll give you a hint. The study that says they're good for you was funded by a lobbyist group for the egg industry

>> No.15892456

Why is citing sources now considered a soyjak meme?
I have not alot idea what you mean but I think I get the jist, I'll need to do research to reply properly

>> No.15892473
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Because you can usually find a study supporting whatever political point you're trying to force, they're pointless and unreliable given how political minded and money focused scientific institutions are. The same way that I'm going tell you to fuck off for appealing to authority when you say doctors recommend going vegan. Because I can find you doctors that recommend going carnivore.

>> No.15892474

Science worship is fake and gay

>> No.15892475

If you're that worried if eggs are healthy or not maybe you shouldn't be eating fast food, chips, and soda.

>> No.15892479

>100% of people who have eaten eggs have die

>> No.15892483

>Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Isn't that a shill vegan group that will claim it has 100000000000000000000 physicians but you can literally sign up as a physician with just an e-mail and nothing else?

>> No.15892493

I've eaten five eggs a day almost every day for six years

I didn't have anything come up on the physical I had in 2019 that I took for a job I applied for, and am otherwise healthy apart from crippling loneliness. I don't think you can blame the eggs for that though.

>> No.15892501

Same with people who don't eat eggs. Wat do 4 immortal time?

>> No.15892512

They don't check your lipids in a physical

>> No.15892539

They're not worthless if you simply see how the study was funded and the methodology used. Don't call them all pointless because you can't read past a headline. Quit trying to stall human progress

>> No.15892545

please stop eating eggs. you are killing yourself. eat oatmeal.

>> No.15892550

It's not progress to make everyone eat peasant sludge and degenerate it's planned obsolescence

>> No.15892553
File: 23 KB, 494x482, CExxn9rUMAAARnF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the claim that egg yolks are the problem and you should only eat the whites?

>> No.15892561
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Eggs are the foundation of life. There is no negative to eating them and they are one of the most bio available proteins on earth, Your brain is made of cholesterol, cholesterol is not bad for you. The consumption of eggs does not activate your pancreas and they have no impact on diabetes.

Everything I said is a fact.

>> No.15892566

Oh okay, I guess that makes sense. I know more things become reddit but it's hard to keep up with memes, it makes womens fashion trends look like they're moving at snail speed

>> No.15892584

What absolutely political nonsense. That's why people need to read the studies, so you don't make up absolutely horrendous bullshit like you.

>> No.15892597

Yes science has become political nonsense which is why they're more concerned with the color and gender of those in the labs being the correct ratio than what is actually being studied.

>> No.15892600

Don't care, still eating eggs.

>> No.15892628

>muh protein
You don't lift, fatty. Even if you did you're still a moonfaced virgin

>> No.15892629

i would literally suck hard boiled eggs out of giada's asshole if given the opportunity

>> No.15892647

Nitrated can cause and prevent cancer. Life is a bitch

>> No.15892664

god shoushaka is so fucking yummy
i thought it would be so fucking nasty but its a legit 10/10 for such a simple dish

>> No.15892679

The methodology in a lot of those studies that concluded eggs=bad are questionnaires. Specifically the food frequency questionnaires

Imagine someone sits you down in a room and you gotta write down how many of each specific food you eat in a year. How many eggs did you eat last year? How many berries? Nuts?
Who the fuck knows.

Also the people who had high mortality in the egg groups in ALL of these studies also ate more calories overall, didn't exercise, drank, and smoked the most.

Did YOU actually read these anti egg studies?

>> No.15892688

>stop eating literal superfood and eat pure carbs instead
this is schizophrenia

>> No.15892690

why? looks like they report on 2 different studies with different results instead of cherrypicking the ones they like and pretending that science is a homogeneous consensus. seems like a rarely seen and actually honest approach to reporting.

>> No.15892691

Well they're not. And you're still a dumb piece of shit.

>> No.15892697
File: 103 KB, 600x667, IMG_0703.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>study: egg consumption in study performed on two dozen individuals linked to 2% increase in factors which may potentially increase diabetes risk by 60%
>daily rag:

>> No.15892701

>newspaper headline "study claims egg increase diabetes"

>> No.15892710

its things like "eggs may increase chances of diabetes" that you know these """ studies""" are fucking garbage useless questioneers, youd have to be a literal retard to not think about how something that contains zero carbs can contribute to insulin resistance

>> No.15892713

omg titty pls fall out pls pls pls plsplspls

>> No.15892714

they are eggselent for you

>> No.15892728

OP, just know that ...
All food and nutritonal "causal" studies are utterly not actual quality scientific studies.

The supposed "facts" in newspapers are almost always sourced to some Journal that is a)not peer-reviewed, and b) not actual findings but rather some kind of preliminary data in a pilot or small sample Study, the kind of results of which are to show some kind of promise in studying some topic further, enough of a result to say to monied foundations and governments that you deserve to be funded to find out more. Give me money, in other words.
There are a few long term lifetime nutritional epidemiology speficially about diet studies as pertaining to health in humans that are of any value whatsoever in determining trends. One long followed group of individuals is called the Nurse's Health Study is the ONLY group of long studied individals that record their diets, habits, medications, with enough personal brains to do it right.

Eggs are healthy, but in people with high cholesterol even when their diet is low in cholesterol, there are some restrictions on consuming the yolks in the same ration as the whites.

>> No.15892730

because the studies aren't real and it's usually with a tiny sample size, low p value, and rushed conclusions

sorry you're too stupid to understand how scientific research publishing works

>> No.15892733

If this study said that even people on statins should avoid eggs, I'd take notice, otherwise, nah

>> No.15892734


>> No.15892740

it is published.
>The study, published in the British Journal of Nutrition
you are too retarded to live.
>noooooo they should only report the studies that I like!!! I hecking like science but not the ones that I disagree with!!!!

>> No.15892741

if it tastes good, it's good for you
eggs taste good, therefore they're good for you

>> No.15892753

They're good I don't give a fuck what they are for me.

>> No.15892755
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>because it is published, it is real, you can never question it, and any other study which contradicts it is wrong because humans know everything about everything
bet you would be first in line for a lobotomy back in the day, which was top of the line science backed by your holy publications too

>> No.15892763
File: 335 KB, 1000x896, tumblr_nv22uvHlpC1qi5uq0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile pop blatantly causes diabetes and people still drink it. The house is on fire and newspapers are fretting over the color of the drapes. I swear it's to distract and confuse the masses while making a buck. Information overload. Don't look at the big picture, focus on these little details. Worry about eggs, not the unregulated billion dollar soft drink industry advertising and selling sugary poison to our children. It's the eggs, goyim, not kosher.

>> No.15892766

>reporting obvious contradiction is honesty

>> No.15892780

Nobody says soda is healthy you retard.

>> No.15892788

Eggs have carbs and if they didn't it wouldn't matter because insulin resistance isn't as simple as net carb intake, dumbass

>> No.15892790

That wasn't my point, moron.

>> No.15892800

you are an actual retard, no wonder you have no friends

>> No.15892808

>noooo we can't believe anything because I don't like one of the egg studies they reported on!
ok they reported on soda causing diabetes too though. so not sure what your point is.
yes.... scientific studies often contradict each other. do you want them to only report on the ones they personally agree with like CNN?

>> No.15892826

>>noooo we can't believe anything because I don't like one of the egg studies they reported on!
you're so fucking dumb it's actually funny. I don't disagree with the egg study. I don't know enough to have an opinion about how eggs affect our health. But your obvious slavish refusal to question anything because The SCIENCE said so is pretty pathetic. I'm a geologist, you don't blindly believe something because someone else said it was true, you examine the evidence, use other sources, and draw your own conclusions if you are educated enough to do so. You've got a soyboy popsci conception of what science is and it shows

>> No.15892827

Your entire premise is that people are being distracted from how unhealthy soda is, something no one is unaware of, moron.

>> No.15892834

You will never be a woman. Stop acting like one.

>> No.15892844

Wrong again, point was the media distracting us from taking action on it.

>> No.15892852

>your obvious slavish refusal to question anything
are you retarded? don't answer, I already know you are.
>I'm a geologist
so you don't know shit about eggs. I'm a hydrology PhD if you want to wave credentials around.
>you examine the evidence, use other sources, and draw your own conclusions
yes, which is what the daily mail helps you do by reporting 2 studies with conflicting opinions, which was my original point. did you just pay to get your bachelor's degree? hard to imagine you actually earned it with your poor reading comprehension.
>You've got a soyboy popsci conception of what science is
that's literally you though. eat less soylent cum and read more material.

>> No.15892862

>ok they reported on soda causing diabetes too though. so not sure what your point is.
Clearly stated it was a matter of information overlaod. Everyone knows pop causes diabetes.

>> No.15892867

What action? Is someone forcing you to drink coke, faggot?

>> No.15892870

I see more shit about soda being crack than anything about eggs. You're a fucking loser.

>> No.15892879
File: 597 KB, 960x1200, 0easvqjrmqa51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gimme a break. Daily Mail says even eggs cause diabetes, why should I care about soda?

>> No.15892880

>n...no you
kek that's about the rebuttal I expected

>> No.15892884


>> No.15892894

Yes, newspapers are engaged in a giant conspiracy to confuse and deceive the masses. It totally isn’t just that if they reported on the same shit over and over again because that’s what you personally consider important, nobody would keep reading them

>> No.15892895


>> No.15892898

Jewish propaganda

>> No.15892904

It's partialy because people keep citing studies that are either:
Never replicated
Or just based on bad methodology

>> No.15892915

im suspecting you don't actually know what you're talking about

>> No.15892918
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>> No.15892970

Facts and statistics are manipulated all the time in shitty publications and especially Daily Mail

>> No.15892976

It's just my guess at why sojack/study connection.
But there has been a common issue of people spreading bad studies, like the study that started the NPC meme.

>> No.15892978
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>> No.15892991

You see the eggs retain all the charlestons and when you chew them bam, diabetes. High charlstones. Have to eat Cheerios to get rid of it.

>> No.15893000

Eat less food goddammit. Me too.

>> No.15893010

That makes sense, I can see why it becomes like that then
>like the study that started the NPC meme
Do you have the source for that at all? Isn't the NPC meme just another word for sheeple?

>> No.15893011

>eating just one egg a day increases your risk of diabetes
solution: eat two

>> No.15893044

If you eat too much of anything it destroys your health

>> No.15893060

We literally have this thread around the clock.
So please try my eggs, ya'know below my cock.

>> No.15893126

science doesnt deal in facts, science deals in rejecting falsities

>> No.15893148

Always eat two eggs. One to give you diabetes and the other to take it away.

>> No.15893155

And don't forget which one is which.

>> No.15893160

I love the programming of making the anti-diabeetus egg look delicious and the diabeetus egg gross

>> No.15893164

>radiation is bad for your health

>well so is shoving broken glass up your ass

>> No.15893186

>stupid Americans, nitrates (may) cause cancer!
>well so does being out in the sun

>> No.15893195

As with everything involving science, the biggest factor in a study is who paid for it

>> No.15893232

Underrated post

>> No.15893260

Just post it on reddit already, dickhole

>> No.15893302

Humans haven't known about cholesterol for thousands of years. I don't get your point, unless you want to double down on "you are what you eat" and claim eggs are intuitively fatty or something.

>> No.15893318
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>Why is citing sources now considered a soyjak meme?
Because the people who ask "sauce?" and "proof?" all the time don't actually care about the proof. They just want to be annoying little retards who derail threads.

>> No.15893448

>data from the last 300 years from a small insignificant island known best for its extreme pollution for most of that time, as well as extreme class inequity
hm seems like you proved us all wrong once again, anon

>> No.15893471

why don't the jews want us eating animal products lads?

>> No.15893480

Globohomo just wants to destroy small farms. They're more than content to clone meat or feed you factory leather

>> No.15893503

Can't you see they're trying to fortify your intestinal transit by controlling the information on food?

>> No.15893522

Historical life expectancy numbers are skewed by high infant mortality. If you lived past 5 you were probably going to be fine even in 1000BC. If you didn't die in battle you'd probably live to like 70. Just like today.

>> No.15893602


Diabetes is your body failing to process glucose.

All carbs have glucose in them and it spikes your insulin much more than fat does.

Fat does not have glucose in it and does not spike your insulin nearly as much as carbs do.

>> No.15893638

Nope, even adjusting for child mortality, lfie expectancy was still significantly higher.

>> No.15893643


>> No.15893650

Eat half an egg each day, so you come out at zero

>> No.15893655

No need to prove you wrong because you're yet to prove your facebook-popsci-tier claim that life expectancy was pretty much the same after accounting for child mortality. What's asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

>> No.15893840

lmao bullshit.

>> No.15893858

That's not real logic, though. You could use the same "logic" to say that smoking is safe, since people have done it for thousands of years.

>> No.15893908

They are good for you, they contain an incredible amount of micronutrients. A true superfood

>> No.15894023

After checking I was wrong about being the start of its usage but it was at least something that popularized it.
Heavey, C. L., & Hurlburt, R. T. (2008). The phenomena of inner experience. Consciousness and Cognition, 17(3), 798-810.

The study made headlines of it saying that 1/5 people had no internal monologue.

The main issue with the study was the way they tested for it was the people would just have a alarm on them that would randomly go off and they'd have to write down their thoughts at the current moment.

If your willing to deal with 2018 memes heres brake down I found of it in a bit more detail: https://youtu.be/_Lki2FlXX64

>> No.15894035

Fat is bad for you, carbs are bad for you, you can't eat too much protein and everything gives you cancer

>> No.15894039
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>> No.15894044

>Fat is bad for you

>> No.15895042

>The main issue with the study was the way they tested for it was the people would just have a alarm on them that would randomly go off and they'd have to write down their thoughts at the current moment.
That doesn't sound right, but whats internal monologue got to do with it? Can you be mentally quiet like a monk or is that something different? And I'm not watching that video, sorry it's like 20 minutes long and I don't like the look of it

>> No.15895058 [DELETED] 


>> No.15895299
File: 477 KB, 3240x2160, Snapchat-561018183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its so fucking good bros...

>> No.15895390

Who cares? Stop over eating and work out a bit from time to time.

>> No.15895760

Problem with Science is that it does not provide simple answers to simple questions. Seems it's only for a percentage of people that dietary cholesterol can be a problem, for others it can be an amazing source of nutrients they might not even afford or bother to get. The question is Insipidly articulated; "Is it good for you?" or "Is it good?" but "You" here is talking about billions of people and people are not something that is easy to predict.

>> No.15895987


>> No.15895993

I eat one egg a day, how fucked am I?

>> No.15896336

>this one case i can not back up proves it

>> No.15896807


>> No.15896812


>> No.15896815



>> No.15896832

it was such a good joke, yet nobody picked up on it

>> No.15896840

Eggs are for poor people

>> No.15896871

>the first is a "controversial" study
>the other "warns"
obviously they're implying the second is more true

>> No.15896898
File: 25 KB, 500x375, monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has it ever occurred to you that we use oxygen but its toxic to us and kills us slowly? We literally need the shit that makes everything burn. Aliens be like "Oh shit they breath that stuff?! stay away from em!"

>> No.15896917
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i got my red wings behind a dumpster at john muir inpatient mental ward in walnut creek 1998, also you have a hackor post number

>> No.15898608

that's not logic at all lmao

>> No.15898644

Japan is hailed as the healthiest nation and eats the most eggs next to china. They're fine.

>> No.15898687

>muh progress

>> No.15898743

well it probabably wasn't actually that good then

>> No.15898818

Post those studies then.

>> No.15899152


>> No.15899677

not as bad as this


>> No.15899696

I think people who are concerned about being skinny should eat them, it's a pretty low calorie way to get lots of good quality protein. Afaik heart disease is typically a significant concern for fat people, and at the very very worst we are dealing with a small percentage risk increase here.

>> No.15899827

Past 65 was ancient. Today most people die at 80ish. 70 is a young death. 65 year old people to day are on average are as healthy as 50 year old people in 1930. People in their 20s today can expect to reach 90, maybe even 100, and you should plan your finances to account for this extended period.

>> No.15899979

Only ~25% of Americans are in the heathy weight range and there’s not telling how many of those are actually healthy or will not become fat. The rest of the world is catching up to our fatness. Most Americans should aim for 75 tops given the state of our health. Countries that aren’t so fat can plan for a longer life.

>> No.15900015
File: 286 KB, 640x474, 63XGHMwM7n6HaovMzAY6PgiHhQ45cAc38XwkibR40HY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15900037

Eggcelent haha
>Only ~25% of Americans are in the heathy weight range
that's eggceptionally untrue
Don't be such a feggot

>> No.15900043

ive probably eaten one egg a day for the last 4 years and im thin as fuck

>> No.15900335

It's like dicks OP, moderation.

>> No.15900370

In 2018 the numbers were around 73% overweight and by now it’s undoubtedly much higher. 25% is generous.

>> No.15901148

A faggot can never have too many dicks if he is a true faggot