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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15882376 No.15882376 [Reply] [Original]

Oven rack pizza is actually genius

>> No.15882461


>> No.15882474

What? Adam doesn't mention soy anywhere in the video.

>> No.15883296


>> No.15883912

Why did it turn into a lasagna noodle..?

>> No.15884060


>> No.15884125
File: 319 KB, 1083x784, 1609172981757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you and your spam faggot go drink bull semen

>> No.15885123

Why are you so triggered

>> No.15885150

Because the constant Ragusea spam is tiresome as hell.

>> No.15885155
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>> No.15885157
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looks delish

>> No.15885160

this is adam's board

>> No.15885162

Oh you want some too?

>> No.15885167

You'd think an academic would know to do his research more thoroughly.

>> No.15885176

No pizza, stone needed

>> No.15886017 [DELETED] 

instantly thought of this

>> No.15886091
File: 124 KB, 600x446, 1356889247679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15886103

He's been convicted of possession of child abuse material on two occasions.

>> No.15886107

Fuck off Adam

>> No.15886244


>> No.15886251


>> No.15886260

I've cooked frozen pizzas on the rack but this never happened.

>> No.15886277

Geez, what a massive fag

>> No.15886435

I think he cooks the dough alone for a while if I remember correctly, ingredients are added after that step.

>> No.15886445

Why the fuck do I love this guy so much? I understand he's a spy pussy, but the sheer audacity and stupidity of messing around with 4chan in this way is just so pleasing.

>> No.15886459

imagine French Alex except extremely dumb and also proud of his nonexistent cooking abilities

>> No.15887350

It seems like it would be pretty good, but I wouldn't trust myself to not make a huge mess in the oven.

>> No.15887678

or you could just not do it the retarded way?

>> No.15887689

Can't cook pizza in a standard home oven otherwise.

>> No.15887826

what? i make pizza in my oven all the time. just dont use grates

>> No.15887867

Some of his videos are good. I don't like the ones where he yells "Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooo!" because the shtick gets old quickly. He has an ok approach to home cooking.

>> No.15887885


>> No.15887893

You make shit-tier pseudo-pizza.

>> No.15887895
File: 3.45 MB, 3024x4032, 996BF8EF-E9C5-4C66-A442-F88CE68E37B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

550° for an hour will cook a pizza in 9-10 minutes.

>> No.15887902

That looks like absolute shit compared to Adam's pizza.

>> No.15887909

I’m confused why you’re so angry?

>> No.15887938
File: 50 KB, 640x360, alex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you want some too, no?

>> No.15887959

Pizza stone? Just put it on a baking sheet. You dumb niggers will buy anything just to waste money and stay poor.

>> No.15887970

That's because they're frozen.

>> No.15888037

Go away Adam.

>> No.15888052

because he hung raw dough on the rack in the oven

>> No.15888063

That's a fucking abomination.

>> No.15888066

you've never even seen my pizza you mongoloid

>> No.15888190

Says the teenager who eats red barron.

>> No.15888204

Not that guy but I'd rather eat red baron than that watery pile of trash you posted earlier

>> No.15888213

The Red Barron died almost a 100 years ago you fucking faggot!

>> No.15888223
File: 2.60 MB, 4032x3024, C2A0AC5A-801B-494C-98CA-61D4CADBBBC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s garlic sauce you filthy casual.
My pizza is better than anything that has ever come out of your microwave love affair of a kitchen. Judge the food as a whole, not the choice of toppings.

>> No.15888325

You couldn't pay me to eat that oily mess.

>> No.15888337

I know a DiGiorno when I see it.

>> No.15888342

How do you cook a pizza for an hour in 9-10 minutes?

>> No.15888343

Very pretentious. I have lost my appetite.

>> No.15888369


>> No.15888675
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This. I bought one of pic related. Works great. Or I make pizza in my 12" Lodge.

>> No.15888691
File: 141 KB, 799x1200, weissman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You insult one of us, you insult all of us. You're going to have go through me before making fun of my youtube friends.

>> No.15888698

A baking steel works best.

>> No.15888709


>> No.15888726

look at those womanly hips

>> No.15888853

Or just use your oven rack and get a superior pizza?

>> No.15888888

What I don't understand is how some people claim big thermal mass items like steels and stones make better pizza, some people claim a low thermal mass item like an aluminum tray with holes works best, and yet others say it's best directly on the rack. Aren't these all diametrically opposed techniques? Surely you want either the most thermal mass under your pizza or the least, how can they all be contenders?

>> No.15888895

Ok chud

>> No.15888901


>> No.15888909

Best pizza I ever had was a take and bake, on one of those disposable trays.

Anything oven related is complete bullshit when it comes to good pizza.

>> No.15888950

Ok but preheating one is a pain.

>> No.15888957
File: 2.15 MB, 3151x2783, IMG_20210404_172949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno man seems like too much work for pizzerino, I just throw mine in the oven for a couple of minutes and that's it Pic related my sloppa

>> No.15888958

Terrible get

>> No.15888959

because each way of cooking it tastes different generally so a lot of it is preference

>> No.15888980

I think it looks tasty

>> No.15889007

It's probably just an issue of personal taste. I use one of the aluminum trays and my pizza bottom is crispy and golden browned. Some people prefer pizza bottoms that are on the verge of burned.

Getting memes on by tv/youtube chef's to spend hundreds of dollars on devices to replicate "authentic" Italian/New York/faggot pizza doesn't help either because they need to rationalize their purchases.

>> No.15889018

is that doctored or are his shoulders exactly as wide as his hips?

>> No.15889041

he's transitioning you bigot

>> No.15889076


>> No.15889533

Take your medication, Ethan.

>> No.15890023


>> No.15890456

i haven't made pizza in a while but i'd just go to pizzamaking forum. you can find what you're looking for and compare in seconds instead of watching long ass videos.