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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15888089 No.15888089 [Reply] [Original]

British Kitchen Nightmares:

>A talented French chef needs to overcome his insistence on having far too complex dishes, and desperately tries to prove his worth by winning his first Michelin star on his own
>Two best friends open a restaurant, but when the front of house owner starts to lose his way, he tries to save his restaurant by becoming a live band venue, thereby ruining his business and his friendship
>a rich couple buy a successful Hotel right on the English channel, but instead of keeping the business profitable, terrible business decisions like forcing the chef to make sushi and having the staff subsidize costs by allowing them to drink in the bar during their off time is killing the business, all while the chef tries to hang on to his AA Rosette for dear life and train his young squad of cooks at the same time

American Kitchen Nightmares:

>Jewish couple buy a successful restaurant after it's owner tragically died in Hurricane Katrina; they cut costs everywhere, pay the staff dog shit, and are total jews in food costs, then expects Gordon to wave a magic wand to fix all their problems
>complete psychopath owner thinks his menu of 25 "flavor combinations" of pizzas, all of which are made with frozen ingredients and dough, will somehow be a franchisable business, and blames Gordon when his terrible management and disgusting food fail to impress the locals
>Fat Mexican man uses his step-daughter's line of credit to finance himself another restaurant when his first one failed, brings the exact same cooks, ingredients, menus, and even silverware from the first failed restaurant, and continues to have his son-in-law float his dying business, then gets angry at him when he calls him out on his bullshit, including a roach infested kitchen

Is there even any comparison? I still love the American version because it's closer to a reality TV show, but the British version is definitely far superior.

>> No.15888101

>but the British version is definitely far superior.
The British version of EVERYTHING America does is superior, apart from morbid obesity.

>> No.15888122

American Top Gear > British Top Gear > Australian Top Gear

>> No.15888124

especially politicians with bad hair

>> No.15888128

Finally, a fellow American top gears fan. It was pretty comfy; three friends who talked a bunch of shit to each other travel across America. I really liked it; who cares if it's not the original

>> No.15888137
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You forgot Canadian Top Gear
Literally all we could afford was a bicycle with a lawnmower engine attached, though

>> No.15888147

I didn't know Canadians were hillbillies, I might actually like them.

>> No.15888206 [DELETED] 
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Fuck off back to /pol/ faggot.

>> No.15888215

Ok chud

>> No.15888242

Help us, yuropoors. We're being forced to watch trashy TV, we have no other choices. They're doing this to us on purpose.

>> No.15888258

We made the office funny

>> No.15888361

Outside of the city? Quite so, yes. One of my managers is this cool old lady who grows her own weed
Muskoka is pretty touristy in the summer but living here is really fun

>> No.15888363
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Favorite episodes? For me, it's Black Pearl


>tfw the instant dislike and terrible first impression Gordon gets from David, one of the owners
>tfw Gordon drops the entire structure of his show during the last 5 minutes and spends it completely admonishing one of the owners who's acted like a total dick the entire time

>> No.15888408

lmao steven's a cute

>> No.15888422

When do the tourist start to thin out in Muskoka, around October?

>> No.15888424
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>The Office
Enough said no matter how popular it is and I know how frowned upon that is here.

>> No.15888435

Do you think he pounds a lot of female vagina?

>> No.15888449

I once worked with a guy I thought was a total flamer. Classic high pitched voice, spoke with his hands, all that kind of stuff.
Later found out he pulled cooch left and right thanks to his very accessible, flamboyant personality that a lot of gay men have. I could believe that if steven doesn't bat for the other team he gets it on the reg

>> No.15888490

wait hold on though
is david right? what is the difference between a maine and canadian lobster? I understand the "false advertising" angle, but realistically do they taste different?

>> No.15888504

price. the dude was ripping off customers.

>> No.15888512

Generally end of October to beginning of May is pretty un-touristy

>> No.15888537

oh yeah good point, ramsay was talking about how he uses the canadian for filler or whatever in pasta.
but is there a difference in the quality of the meat, something in how they're processed? david is right that they're the same species in the same waters or is it purely marketing that "maine lobster" is better than "canadian"?

>> No.15888548

Thanks for the heads up, I'll have to check it out one winter.

>> No.15888577

not sure, I'm pretty far from the ocean and don't know much about seafood. want to know about how crawfish is better from the creeks where I am from, in comparison to the shit they eat Louisiana, I can fill you in?

>> No.15888588

hell yeah dude, spill it

>> No.15888593

very interesting because based on your description i think i'd much rather watch the american version, which is accurate.

>> No.15888599

They get plenty of spunk and meth

>> No.15888629

the creeks here are clear running water with rock bottoms, and in LA they raise them in big muddy, presumable man made ponds where they swim in their shit all day. factory farming is necessary to keep all of these pieces of shit humans alive, but it's god awful tasting food. one of the big foods that people complain about not liking, but never had one killed in the wild, that taste fucking phenomenal, is turkey. I would highly recommend you killing you're own bird this turkey day if you've never had one. if that's not really an option, I think some people sell them.

>> No.15888635

Turkey hunter here, and while I love most game I kill, wild turkey isn’t as good as mass factory farmed

>> No.15888649
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In case anyone cares and wants to know what specific episodes are in the OP:

British Kitchen Nightmares:
La Riviera

The Runaway Girl

Sandgate Hotel

American Kitchen Nightmares:



Fiesta Sunrise

>> No.15888653

Looks like somebody is a contract farmer for Butterball.

>> No.15888690
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this is bait or you're a retard

>> No.15888790

interesting, I guess that makes sense. I'm in the midwest with a decent creek system and I know a lot of folks love the crawdads they get vs what's around elsewhere

>> No.15888798

blimey mate, you gotta be right buggered to think that

>> No.15888809

>british version
>zero qt waitresses

>> No.15888839

american office is infinitely better solely because it's not directed by the hack known as Ricky Gervais.

>> No.15888845

US Office (Seasons 1-4) are great
Everything after that is hot garbage

>> No.15888867

gb2 le reddit cunt
no one likes kikes except retarded shabbos goyim like you

>> No.15888876

Ok chud

>> No.15888882

agreed, of course retarded cunts will lash out at anything remotely non-contrarian.

>> No.15888903
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I am English and I will admit the American version is better, no one watches Gordon for anything else but angry scottish noises
When was the last time you heard someone bring up the F-Word? Exactly

>> No.15888923

Mainer here, there's absolutely no difference in quality, only branding. It's cheaper for me to get it locally, but most of the time you're paying for the name Maine lobster. Also, climate change is pushing the range of habitable waters for lobster further north. Maine lobster could become a thing of the past. A lot of companies are looking at introducing abalone as a replacement.

>> No.15888953

The USA version has these annoying sound cues and music that plays constantly throughout the episode. I'm convinced the sound designers are laughing at us because I can't imagine anyone appreciating this obnoxious shit.
As an American I like the UK episodes better solely for that reason.


>> No.15888993

I've watched the UK version just as much as the US, they both have shitty music that plays the entire time.

>> No.15889036

Is it your goal to go into every single thread on this board and say this randomly to people that mostly don't even act like /pol/tards?
Here have a (You) seems like most don't even respond to you anymore.

>> No.15889045

There's shitty stock music but it's much less prevalent. In the US version of the show every time theres an argument happening or anything confrontational the show plays the same tense music track it plays in every episode and drops the violin screech every 20 seconds.

>> No.15889056

same frequency, I don't think you've actually watched the show, you're just repeating what you've read in the youtube comments and are trying to sound cool

>> No.15889066

This, I like the US version because, let's be honest, the people going apeshit is entertaining but Jesus, after a few episodes it just starts to melt my brain with the fast cuts and dramatic music, while the UK version is a perfect background noise documentary I can leave on for hours.

>> No.15889081

Ok chud

>> No.15889082

Shit bait or you are to retarded to recognize some of your states and thought that's the UK.

>> No.15889088

>action packed trip to detroit
well, they're not lying

>> No.15889096

We're starting to get bots on this board for some reason. For the past week now I've seen bots spamming the same exact posts in every thread

>> No.15889100


>angry Scottish noises

Are you sure you're English? He was born up there but he clearly doesn't have a Scottish accent in any way

>> No.15889102

>same frequency
now post any scene where someone is yelling in US nightmares and theres no music playing.

>> No.15889114

No, you made it be about tawdry workplace hookups.

>> No.15889129

This guy gets all of his thoughts provided to him by the Youtube comment section.

>> No.15889135

Whatever you say pal.

>> No.15889136

>Transexual pedophiles rule the world

>> No.15889144


>> No.15889169
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You're not far off

>> No.15889190

That last episode is so fucking cringe

>> No.15889209

Lmao I just looked it up and that fat Mexican couldn’t keep it open long enough for the episode to air and a stabbing ha[penes there

>> No.15889276
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>> No.15889287

Yup, I can binge the UK version for a few hours but I can't watch more than one US episode at a time

>> No.15889295

When did AVGN meet Bill Clinton?

>> No.15889312

There have been discussions on it before and they're the same except for name.

>> No.15889353

>orders thai dish
>calls it too hot

>> No.15889490

You're retarded.

>> No.15889597

I'm beginning to think this fucker and his cat's tounge is literally at fault for the white people can't handle spice meme.

>> No.15890279

The British version of Masterchef is boring. I dislike how They like to be overly emotional on American tv, of course. Everyone does.

>> No.15890596
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My favorite episode is the one that got pulled because the owners got so pissed about how bad they looked, they sued Gordon and Fox, so now you can't find it on youtube/fox's website anymore


>owners are two fat Arabic guys who run a seafood restaurant in New Orleans
>both of them are constantly exploding in anger and lashing out at their staff; people are constantly getting fired only to magically get rehired days later
>Chef is a fat slovenly mess, can't cook or clean to save his life, and when he gets nervous/anxious he starts twitching and stuttering

This one has it all


>> No.15890743


He's gay.

>> No.15890760

If americans didn't appreciate obnoxious shit it wouldn't have been a ratings hit.

>> No.15890765

those numbers are false, most of them are from bots

>> No.15890804

Look at the people running that restaurant there's no way they have a dish "too spicy"

>> No.15891068
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You will never be a woman, r*dditor.

>> No.15891457

american one is funnier and i say that as a bong

>> No.15891485

same species but canadian lobsters have harder shell.

>> No.15891487

Maine lobster is slightly sweeter but most people cant tell the difference.

>> No.15891563

American one is kitchen nightmares, the other one is just kitchen

>> No.15891599

Cope harder, mutt

>> No.15891615

Him refusing to call Gordon English because he wasn't born there is about as English as it gets.

>> No.15891646

water is wet

you could tell that guys farts smelled like semen the moment he started talking

>> No.15892029

It's really not. The waters off of Prince Edward Island or Nova Scotia are basically identical to those off of Maine, and in a lot of areas are less polluted. Same species of lobster, growing in the same conditions. The only difference is the imaginary line of the international border. What if a lobster just off the coast of Eastport moves a couple miles north and is then caught? Is it suddenly less sweet because it's no longer a "Maine" lobster?

>> No.15892139


The British show was an interesting concept, produced nicely and well considered approach.

The American version is rancid offal, just like all the other diarrhoea reality show bullshit that they produce. This shit is completely unwatchable, nonsense at best, and at worst, exploitative.

>> No.15892142


This is different though. It's a reflection of a much deeper, more concrete rule: If you remove Ricky Gervais from something, it will improve that thing.

>> No.15892154

who under 30 watches tv anymore?

>> No.15892169

LOL I'm posting this to Facebook!

>> No.15892172


>> No.15892180

Not a Gervais fan at all but The Office is legendary and Extras is decent.

>> No.15892197

>kittens and puppies it's all their fault

>> No.15892210

there was a good american one with an old couple who were well meaning but incompetent, with their run down college town hotel. they couldn't afford a chef so they had the mail order bride doing sushi that took 2 hours to serve. the husband got rekt in a car accident so he couldn't do shit, and they were living in one of the hotel rooms.

>> No.15892211
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>> No.15892251

What's your favourite episode /ck/?
I personally think the British version is superior.

>> No.15892295

I only watched the American version desu, didnt really care much for the restaurant/cooking advice in the British version especially since its mostly Gordon jacking himself off to his passion, where is your passion? We need to get that passion back into you.

Flemings for the bio hazard duck and the foil swan.
Moe and Rami because those guys were fucking clowns and I refuse to believe they werent putting up a show for TV.
The one with the fat spic owner where her ex boyfriend is the head chef and cooks a chicken he dropped in front of Gordon.
The Pajeets in episode one for how disgusting it was.
The Burger joint run by the son of an Australian mafia boss.
Amys Israeli money laundering company.

I like all of them desu, Ramsay is hilarious when he is funny and the show just hit the mark between freak owners, a wacky production and Ramsay getting angry.

>> No.15892316

>where is your passion
Right! The main reason why your restaurant is failing, is because you're not thinking about cooking 16 hours a day. STFU Gordon!

>> No.15892325

>The Burger joint run by the son of an Australian mafia boss
>not appreciating waygoo beef

The wife seemed like a grade A cunt as well. The son prob offed himself while his gf made loads off her onlyfans

>> No.15892350

>"free" healthcare
>still the most fucked up teeth imaginable
>entire inbred island looks like theyre one missing chromosome away from being potatoes
You britcucks are funny. Do you have your internet loicense paid up m8? Wouldnt want to get picked up by the bobbies for browsing an anti-muzzie website now would ya

>> No.15892354

Which one was the jewy episode?

>> No.15892357

They both have their appeals, thing is you just have to approach them with that mindset. The brit version is all about building up an actual character arc of people in trouble looking to genuinely get help and change. The american version is for watching complete losers get their assholes reamed for being shit.
though I will say the music cues on the american version are annoying as fuck.

>> No.15892366

The American version is about;
>watching freaks try to run a restaurant
>Gordon Ramsay eating shitty food that makes him sick
>the most disgusting fridges in America

>> No.15892829
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He's not english because he's not fucking english, it wouldn't matter if he was born here or not

>> No.15892896

I remember that French chef. I looked him up and he's a chef in Alsace. Looks like he's doing well.

>> No.15892897


>> No.15893779

>are total jews in food costs
My jewish ancestors were genocided in WWII so you could have a plethora of holocaust museums, you fiend

>> No.15894020

this. british kitchen nightmares is comfy, american kitchen nightmares is fake bullshit for retard american audiences

>> No.15894124

Rent free mutt. You will never be white

>> No.15894162

Amy's based as fuck.

>> No.15894170

It's still pretty fun during the summer, c'mon up anon

>> No.15894171

parry sound is still cottage country you doofus

>> No.15894190

they were apparently also one of the first businesses to sue over coronavirus restrictions last year

>> No.15894573

Not one rebuttal Nigel

>> No.15894580

Thanks for the recommendation frend.

>> No.15894910

you're right

>> No.15895438

For me, it’s Algoma.

>> No.15895531

It's the same species in the same waters but with different diets because it might be the same ocean but the waters are colder so they have different environments to find food from. The diet is what dictates the flavor of the meat and the cost difference. Ramsay is right, the other guy is being a pedantic know it all, without knowing what he is talking about

>> No.15895569
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>*assumes the General Manager position in your path*

>> No.15895616

Is that "Natalie Mars"?

>> No.15895922

Perfect example:

>> No.15895938

I watched the American one to learn more about sociopathy desu

>> No.15896005

need canadian gf

>> No.15896983
File: 456 KB, 1280x1235, 1575610053827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've got plenty of good single women, come visit or chat one up online
We Canucks have a bad tendency of marrying foreigners, my sister's husband is Dutch while mine is American, just in my family alone

>> No.15896988


>> No.15897619

Bloody hell haha

>> No.15897634
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>what the fuck is this shit? it's fucking burnt on the edges and ice cold in the middle
>are you really going to serve that to a customer? come on, get your head out of your arse you fuckwit!

>> No.15898194

Where do I chat up Canadians online? :3

>> No.15898691

It's all I've ever had... cause I'm Canadian.

>> No.15898805
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>It's an "owner's children are way smarter, harder workers than their useless parents who bought the fucking business in the first place"

Yeah no shit your restaurant is failing bro; your kids are running it while you're taking your meals in your fucking SUV out back lmao

>> No.15899158

>I didn't know Canadians were hillbillies

>> No.15899301

I like the British version because there isn't a cymbal crash and/or jump cut every second and a half with over-dramatic music.

>> No.15899440
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>apart from morbid obesity.
We're catching up on that. America can't compete with the muchy box.

>> No.15899468

are they allowed to sell the labiaplasty leftovers?

>> No.15899524

What's your favorite episode of British nightmares lads?

For me Its gotta be Piccolo Teatro or the Fish and Anchor. Piccolo Teatro is fun because of the fun seeing the irritating owner and the interesting twist on vegetarian food. Fish and Anchor is fun of course because its the closest the British version gets to the American version with an actual emphasis on the husband and wife relationship.

Links for both below:

>> No.15899536

Send em my way, I live in the european Canada. Its better since its further away from the US. Its also slightly worse since its closer to Russia.

>> No.15899549

>Jewish couple buy a successful restaurant after it's owner tragically died in Hurricane Katrina; they cut costs everywhere, pay the staff dog shit, and are total jews in food costs, then expects Gordon to wave a magic wand to fix all their problems
>complete psychopath owner thinks his menu of 25 "flavor combinations" of pizzas, all of which are made with frozen ingredients and dough, will somehow be a franchisable business, and blames Gordon when his terrible management and disgusting food fail to impress the locals
>Fat Mexican man uses his step-daughter's line of credit to finance himself another restaurant when his first one failed, brings the exact same cooks, ingredients, menus, and even silverware from the first failed restaurant, and continues to have his son-in-law float his dying business, then gets angry at him when he calls him out on his bullshit, including a roach infested kitchen
which episodes are these
i want to watch

>> No.15899559

nevermind this anon answered >>15888649

>> No.15899589

Hell Yeah! That's my kinda people!

>> No.15899640


This is peak canada

>> No.15899660

Honestly think the best comparison for UK vs US is Momma Cherri's vs ABC Baking
>Stellar older woman cook just hasn't done enough marketing and needs to slightly update for the modern times
>Likely mob bosses uses restaurant to fulfill his trophy wife's wish of being a restaurant owner and likely uses it for money laundering. Their attitude and greed keeps pushing people back.

>> No.15899661

>>a rich couple buy a successful Hotel right on the English channel,

Sandgate is the best episode of UK Kitchen Nightmares.

>> No.15899671


And this is the best (2-part) episode of the US version.
Its like watching a fucking Sitcom it really is surreal.

>> No.15899720
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Where did you get your hat?

>> No.15899734

>Jewish couple buy a successful restaurant after it's owner tragically died in Hurricane Katrina; they cut costs everywhere, pay the staff dog shit, and are total jews in food costs, then expects Gordon to wave a magic wand to fix all their problems

>> No.15899760


>> No.15899805

see >>15888649
i think they're italians

>> No.15899852

what episode?

>> No.15899882

La Galeria

>> No.15899936

>eh bud
>friggin right
>going for a rip
yeah this is about as Canadian as it gets

>> No.15900101

We could glass you if we wanted to. Know your place, britshit. We beat the fuck out of you once and we'll do it again.

>> No.15900505

>*serves you an elk quesadilla*

>> No.15900888

He makes English noises though retard, he can't even fake a Scottish accent when he tries to put one on

>> No.15901040
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>> No.15902480

you have to go in person to find them

>> No.15902524
File: 49 KB, 441x531, shoeonhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some asshole human stuck it on my head

>> No.15902848

>British kitchen nightmares
>The owner forces a terrible menu and charges too much

>American kitchen nightmares
>Microwave goes bing