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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 162 KB, 1200x675, onion and garlic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15888000 No.15888000 [Reply] [Original]

keep one
the other disappears forever

>> No.15888007

impossible choice
i choose to take the bullet

>> No.15888013

garlic, fuck onion.

>> No.15888015

keep onion

>> No.15888021

Keep em

>> No.15888023
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Fugggg can I just lose a testicle? I’ll donate it to Ragusea

>> No.15888025

Just sub red onion for the yellow.

>> No.15888030

keep onion. it's more versatile

>> No.15888036

Onions are in so much.
Garlic just improves and already decent flavour.I
Garlic goes.

>> No.15888038

I choose the aliums /devilish

>> No.15888049
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that's not what he said tho

>> No.15888050


>> No.15888087
File: 174 KB, 600x600, had enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onions and Garlic… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one
and another… I’d rather not choose at all.

>> No.15888240

Can’t do that. These 2 perfect dishes. Just shoot me

>> No.15888273

Keep onion

>> No.15888285

Keep garlic, plenty of other oniony options out there

>> No.15888311
File: 297 KB, 402x536, 60d9c6b945acd47d6de09a8c2a8a1de0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep the wooden serving board so I can beat you with it, OP.

>> No.15888349

Nice thread, anyone choosing garlic over onion is confirmed cooklet and should leave this board.
If I had to choose the single most essential ingredient it would probably be the onion. Many European cuisines just cannot exist without onion.

>> No.15888385

keep the alium
get rid of the cutting board

>> No.15888399

just use a fucking shallot you morons

>> No.15888405

6d chess.

>> No.15888538
File: 23 KB, 375x330, this vexes me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't have replied if it weren't for those digits.
tough choice.
i use onion more often in foods, but i use garlic in tea on a daily basis.

>> No.15888974

Even though I hate eating onion, the flavor it imparts on food is really important for a lot of dishes, so I'll get rid of garlic.

>> No.15888988

you do WHAT

>> No.15889071

I use cutting boards frequently, and wouldn't miss hemp sacks.

>> No.15889080
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>> No.15889084

consider this, no onion rings or garlic bread

>> No.15889099

Fpbp. The person testing you acknowledges your basedness and allows you to keep both.

>> No.15889116

I can always sub with leek or green onion.

>> No.15889181

Keep onion
I never ever use garlic my autism prevents me from enjoying it,i can't stand the smelle

>> No.15889195

Garlic can go.

>> No.15889197
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>> No.15889206

Garlic tea is a good remedy against the cold and it helps your immune system, or so my grandmother used to say. I drank loads of garlic tea when I became severely ill with the flu one time, and I'm still alive........

>> No.15889216
File: 137 KB, 626x406, D37F2CC1-2EF5-4705-BEB5-167E426626FA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15889224

I choose death

>> No.15889411

Who cares? Shallots are the best allium anyways.

>> No.15889416

keep onion. I will miss u garlic

>> No.15889428

i basically dont even use yellow onion so very easy choice, red is better

>> No.15889803

as much as I love garlic, I would have to go with the onion. I can't really think of one dish in which I don't use onions.

>> No.15889814

I keep garlic and I'll replace onions with shallots.

>> No.15889854

Keep onion garlic makes me breath smell

>> No.15889970

This is the only answer.

>> No.15890139

Garlic > Onion. It's not even a question since onion is fucking shit when it's not raw or turned into a liquid or powder. Meanwhile garlic is best eaten raw but can be used for literally anything and incorporated into any dish and cooking.

>> No.15890193

Definitely go to war

>> No.15890214

Why is Garlic so overrated by this board? If you want a garlic taste in something you can easily finely dice an onion for a similar effect, and it's actually a substantial vegetable that can lay the base for a meal instead of just a simple flavouring agent

>> No.15890247
File: 8 KB, 284x177, garlicvsonion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to chose. A fight to the death it is.

>> No.15890306

Garlic goes
Stinky bullshit, who needs it

>> No.15890518

Keep garlic because onions are shit.

>> No.15890525

t. vampire

>> No.15891202

Keep onion because garlic is almost only ever used as a flavor addition, whereas onion is often a vital component of a dish

>> No.15891208

keep garlic because
green onions
pearl onions

>> No.15891214

You can't make me chose, you bastard.

>> No.15891248

keep onion cos i can use garlic powder

>> No.15892020

I'll keep that chopping board alright.

>> No.15893805

Fuck onion, garlic all the way

>> No.15893817

one is nothing without the other one is nothing without the other one is nothing without the other one is nothing without the other one is nothing without the other one is nothing without the other one is nothing without the other one is nothing without the other one is nothing without the other one is nothing without the other

>> No.15893851

>spottemonion and pooh garlic linked up
>need 1 or keep 1?

>> No.15893940


>> No.15894213


>> No.15894215

yellow onion, not even a difficult question
red onion is far superior

>> No.15894319

Garlic, I just use leek instead

>> No.15895724

Bye bye onion

>> No.15897036
File: 10 KB, 250x187, egg_onion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15897044

Am I retarded or what I got anxious thinking I'll really have to go through with my life without one of those.
Onion goes in everything but I love garlic with all my heart. I think I'd have to let garlic go. I like it better than onion but don't use it as often.
But I don't have to. Anon, you don't have to choose either. It's a stupid internet game. Onion and garlic are safe. Don't fret, anon

>> No.15897075

>One chance at life
>FODMAP intolerance
>Onion and garlic makes me ill
>Still eat them just about every day anyway

Fucking kill me

>> No.15897154

I know that feel

>> No.15897175

i choose the wooden spatula haha!

>> No.15897239

The superior onion
Better when raw, practically identical when cooked

>> No.15897342

I pick the onions. Cutting Boards can disappear for all I care, especially since it kills Fagusea.

>> No.15897474

The only people with a brain

>> No.15897495

Keep garlic - not even close

>> No.15897564
File: 24 KB, 518x592, images (57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lose the onion. Replace with shallots. Shallots and garlic. Welcome to FlavorTown.

>> No.15897591

Garlic stays, no contest

>> No.15897621

I'll keep garlic, I can always use shallots instead of onyon.

>> No.15897660

Nah that's an easy one. Eggs all the way. You have to eat ALL the eggs.

>> No.15897675
File: 108 KB, 1500x887, 81fIY9ySBpL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shallots to the rescue! Onion and garlic in one!

>> No.15897800

Came here to post this. There's no life on this planet worth living without one or the other.

>> No.15897807

Get rid of yellow onions, we still have white and red onions

>> No.15899607

>tfw love garlic but hate onion

It's the texture more than anything. I guess that's why I like garlic because you're never eating whole chunks of it, you just get the pure flavour. Looking down to my meal and seeing a slice of slimy onion that will crunch when you bite into it instantly makes me lose my appetite.

>> No.15899613

Correct. I will gladly die for garlic and onions

>> No.15899621

That sprouting garlic makes me cringe.

>> No.15900164

keep garlic
toss the yellow onion

there are literally 230498234 types of onions, I'll just eat reds or sweets or springs instead. dumbass white cuck

>> No.15900390

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.15900421

There are tons of types of garlic too anon

>> No.15900435
File: 4 KB, 244x207, gigachad465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you take eggs there would be no chickens, but if you take the chickens would there be eggs?

>> No.15901430


>> No.15901917
File: 553 KB, 486x263, 1616095841825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nailed it

>> No.15901927
File: 323 KB, 1920x1080, 1614902527704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15901952

Convince me that either of these ingredients actually do anything. They are the bay leaves of vegetables. Reject the traditions of the ignorant and accept progress

>> No.15901964

what about garlic salt, onion powder, etc.?