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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15882740 No.15882740[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

She's right, watch the replies to this thread for proof

>> No.15882753
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>> No.15882755
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>> No.15882759
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>> No.15882766

I'm sure they couldn't tell the difference until she told them

>> No.15882776

I make vegan and vegetarian food for my vegan and vegetarian guests. I mostly cringe at processed cooperate food. I don't care if there's animal products in it or not.

If they want chicken wings out of cauliflower I'd make it for them.

>> No.15882792

I don't care. I'm doing keto and I've got vegan friends I hang out with and we'll make some jokes around it but that's about it.

>> No.15882803

>I'm doing keto
cool thanks for letting me know that everything you wrote beyong this is not worth reading

>> No.15882818
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>Not eating naturally grown swamp corndogs

>> No.15882819

You can't make chicken wings out of cauliflower. Vegans are dumb.

>> No.15882820

She didn’t make chicken wings, she made cauliflower lies

>> No.15882823

Buffalo cauliflower is delicious, but it isn't chicken.

>> No.15882849
File: 31 KB, 917x1027, polcel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replace "meat eater" with "/pol/ children who found /ck/" and she's absolutely correct.

>> No.15882855

>he is literally upset because somebody made food

>> No.15882858

first one
trying to be suave and hide it, but definitely seething internally

>> No.15882860

I'm offended because that is offensive

>> No.15882864

this same dude keeps posting in like every thread about /pol/

imagine how hard this faggot got trolled to become this butthurt and how much of a pussy for shitposting on /ck/ instead of /pol/

>> No.15882871

Making fun of you doesn't meat we are offended.

>> No.15882887

The difference between vegans and omnivores/carnivores is that one party doesn’t care if you slow to yourself about how good imitation food tastes as long as you don’t push it on them to conform to a mental disability, the other party will go to the ends of the earth to not only broadcast their perceived world-saving life choices but will actively try to recruit or shame the other party.

If you want to shovel shit into your mouth be my guest, just leave me the fuck out of it.

>> No.15882898

>seething intensifies

>> No.15882910
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I made vegan avocado toast.

>> No.15882922
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>> No.15882930
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>> No.15882937

I think anyone would be upset over false advertising. Just look at the horse meat scandal in europe several years ago.

>> No.15882963

b-but that's....that's what you're doing

>> No.15882980
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>seething intensifies

>> No.15882982

I ain't mad, but their not chicken or wings. But if you want to make and eat them be my guest. I'll try one.

>> No.15882986
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>he is literally getting trolled and calling others butthurt

>> No.15883023

Not the anon you replied to but its the usage of chicken in the name that bothers me personally, just say bbq cauliflower or something instead.

Thats like saying i made strawberry rhubarbpie and there is only strawberry in it. It sets expectations the dish can not fullfill even though it might be a perfectly fine dish with managed expectations

>> No.15883026
File: 12 KB, 231x219, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is veganism based? cringe? is shitting on vegans based or cringe? i dont know what to think. who's getting btfo'd? what's happening? somebody tell me what to think please

>> No.15883029

I always read these posts as "teething intensifies" at first glance

>> No.15883030

This desu
I personally like horsemeat but them hiding it is fucking sketch

>> No.15883033

Veganisim and shitting on veganism are both cringe. This whole thread is cringe. Both of our posts are cringe.

Have a based day

>> No.15883042

teething babies are seething pretty hard so it works

>> No.15883146
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I'm vegetarian and I'm offended you cooked your cauliflower wings in the same oil you used to cook the chicken wings. If it is drenched in chicken fat, it is not vegetarian
I'm not really offended, but I am going to be sick

>> No.15883157

What if you feed the chicken cauliflower?

>> No.15883158

Is your boner as hard as mine is right now

>> No.15883161

Google the kalergi plan and the Frankfurt school. Jews control the media Hollywood and the banks and they hate you and your white family.

>> No.15883179


>> No.15883207

No, flaccid. Too busy being nauseated from the chicken grease. Need to puke and rally

>> No.15883225

>No, flaccid.
As always.

>> No.15883239

>chicken wings
>no chicken
u right

>> No.15883249

these give me cotton mouth

>> No.15883300

Just ignore it, like how he should Ignore pol immigrants

>> No.15883307

You are obsessed.

Take your meds.

>> No.15883312
File: 42 KB, 600x547, bbbbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/dditors think that by pretending to not be upset about posts it means that they didn't get trolled

>> No.15883332


>> No.15883345
File: 153 KB, 1890x1630, 1513938751260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you know, but you don't realize you're saying that because I upset you.

>> No.15883400

Undoubtedly cringe, it's baby social justice

>> No.15883462
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>> No.15883575

>pretending to not be upset
you really don't understand how this website works

>> No.15883606

>literally can't make one post without whining about /pol/
>projecting butthurt
Welcome to 4chan(nel), this is an anonymous imageboard. You don't have to try saving face, you can just leave and hide the thread.

>> No.15883621
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What does /pol/ have to do with anything bro? We're having a discussion about meat vs. vege