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15877712 No.15877712 [Reply] [Original]

i just cut the shit out of my finger with a dirty
knife not quite to the bone but close i think i can see the tendon, but it looks intact, the first dose pf alcohol didnt hurt but the second one hurt like shit i can still flex the finger fine.

stitches or not?

no pic of the wound because i have really old phone. it is uneven as fuck but completely dry of blood or puss

>> No.15877721

That's a fucking big computer

>> No.15877725

Go to an emergency room and get a tetanus vaccine.

>> No.15877727

I can't afford it. I don't have insurance.

>> No.15877738

you need stitches your finger will never heal because you scratch your ass with it all day

>> No.15877744

WTF dude. You need emergency help if this is not a larp.

>> No.15877746

im tetnus immune, and have been since i was a child. i actually got paid extra for it when i was a plasma donor when i was in college. i am not worried about tetanus at all. i am only worried about infection on such a deep cut, but like i said i have treated it with full alcohol washes when it happened, an hour after or so, and im about to do it again. it seems like i can use the finger fine, i am using it to type this now.

my question is probably 1 inch deep cut, dirty ish knife, 70% isoproply as your only disenfectant, is that enough?

>> No.15877750

Just use super glue. Not even memeing.

>> No.15877763

Yes. The stitches and dressing just stop it from opening again and getting dirty. You can also sterilize a sewing needle with fire and thread the surface yourself, but it will likely lead to a worse scar.

>> No.15877775

If you see little bubbles of adipose tissue. Go get stitches.

>> No.15877785

I sliced the tip of my finger just about off, my brother is a plastic surgeon and I sent him a pic about whether I need stitches or not. He said that if you can control/stop the bleeding then you should be good.

>> No.15877788

Tetanus shot is like $15
Get stitches even if you're not bleeding or in pain just because it won't close well or heal properly if you don't have them holding the cut closed.

>> No.15877792

i thought i had a bottle of ammonium hydroxide or whatver that bubbles when you have infectious tissue, but i can't find it. just isoproply. so i keep putting that on every hour. and i just did it the third time and that shit hurts more each time. not like deathly worst pain in my life, but like i really don't want to do it next hour.

>> No.15877794

americans everyone

>> No.15877798

Are you retarded? Is this a joke? Alcohol sterilizes things in a moment, you don't use it again and again or it'll get much worse.

>> No.15877806
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>> No.15877813

Adipose tissue looks like little opaque bubbles in the meat of your flesh you illiterate retard. If you've cut yourself that bad that the skin is "pulling away" from the wound and you've cut very deep into the hypodermis you need stitches.

>> No.15877819

should i really stop putting alcohol on it? it seemed to me like it would stop an infection, which is the thing i feared the worst due to the large wound size and the relative uncleanliness of the kitchen knife.

>> No.15877849
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>so i keep putting that on every hour. and i just did it the third time and that shit hurts more each time. not like deathly worst pain in my life, but like i really don't want to do it next hour.
Oh my fucking God, I hope this is real

>> No.15877892

I cut my finger to the bone multiple times. If you can find a cheap clinic that'll do it or have good insurance I say go for it, but if you tell them you hit tendon/bone/whatever they're probably going so send you to the ER and have it Xray'd and shit. If that sounds stupid/expensive to you, clean it, dress it, and super glue it closed when you've stopped the flow of blood. After a day start letting it air out if you can, and don't get it dirty til it scabs over.

t. $2000 hospital visit, just to have the doctor fuck the wound back open accidentally (he actually said "whoops" out loud) and stitch it up in the in a hallway, my ASS

>> No.15877903

Go to Walmart and get hibisclens and sodium peroxide. Also get gauze and medical tape. Soak your wound in hibiclens and sodium peroxide. Then wrap it up and head to your nearest urgent care. They might be closed now but they’ll stitch you up for $175. I had the same thing. They even gave me antibiotics. It’s worth it man. But you might have to wait if they’re closed. If you go to the ER you’ll be given a $3000 bill for the same triage.

>> No.15877908

When I say soak, I mean pour some on the wound

>> No.15877930

well of course if i am going to go to anyone it would be emergency care. i was poor as fuck growing up i know about emergency care. but i am too lazy to even go get hydrogen peroxide even though i know i need it, also i am not exactly sober. i have medical gauze it has been wrapped in sterile qauze for about 3 hours now. and has had regular treatments of isoporpyl.

i am really that cheap i don't want to spend the money on the antibiotics. which you pretend are free but in reality a good dose of antiobiotics without insurance is 100 dollars.

>> No.15877958

>i don't want to spend the money on the antibiotics
Just let your finger get dirty and build a immunity to the infection that is natures antibiotic

>> No.15877984

well yes it sort of is, but my whole point was to get feedback from other chefs who got this same type of injury. of course i have gotten many cuts over the years that have healed, but not many this deep and none this deep that were full of chicken and vegetable crap on a kitchen knife.

the finger around it looks semi swollen, but not very bad for a fairly deep cut. there is zero bleeding or seeping. the finger works fine.

i suppose i really am worrying too much about this. what is the worst thing that can happen? i lose my left hand and end up having to learn how to jerk off with my right hand again?

>> No.15877991

Yes, absolutely. Not more than the initial clean. Bandage it and use disinfectant paste. Neosporin, or whatever you have locally. You really need stitches.

>> No.15878003

you can use super glue to close the wound actually. i've seen it somewhere

>> No.15878009

Am doctor. Post and I’ll tell you

>> No.15878014

i really am not that worried about sealing the wound. it feels fairly sealed right now. i am using the finger to type on a keyboard right now. i pressed the shit out of it back together when it happened.

the only thing i am worried about is infection.

>> No.15878025

how dirty was the knife? what kind of dirt was on it? i've cut myself with dirty knives before and never went to the ER for any sort of cuts and never got infections from cuts. but of course it could go either way

>> No.15878029

Don't bring ID with you, give a fake name, leave without telling them after you've been treated. People do this all the time.

>> No.15878030

>cant afford emergency room
They bill you
>I cant pay
Let them know, they have repayment programs and even can forgive it outright if you truly are indigent.

>> No.15878034

i refuse to post any pictures from my phone. it is right under the second knuckle down on MY left index finger. i think i saw the tendon on the inside, next to middle finger, but that just might have been my being crazy. just for you to evaluate what i saw. the cut is not lateral, but at a 45 degre angle, which makes it much deeper. the cut itself is pretty uneven..everything around the cut is read as fuck, but of course it just happened and i have been pouring alcohol on it. it doesn't really hurt.

my course of action is to wait until it actually swells the fuck up then go to the doctor, seeing as it probably will be fine.

>> No.15878040

i had cut raw celery, cauliflower, and chicken with it. but then i also cut cooked chicken with it which essentially coated it with 300 degree oil.

>> No.15878041

saddest american thread today. why doesnt the u.s care about their citizens bros?

>> No.15878051

i legitimately doubt you'll get an infection. i've cut myself with knives used to cut raw pork, also pretty deep, and it never even turned red or anything. but yeah your mileage may vary

>> No.15878064

Get stitches

>> No.15878067

you need to get a new tetanus shot every 5-10 years lmao retard

>> No.15878076

If you're too lazy to "even go get hydrogen peroxide" then why the fuck are you asking for advice.
Youre going to stay poor your entire life, and it's not your family's fault.

>> No.15878081



>> No.15878088

no i am literally tetanus imune. i was in a thing when i was a kid and i was born with tetanus immunity. like 5% of people have it. i am also technically immune to a bunch of other shit but that is because of army shots. which i have more of a fear of than ever being exposed to tetanus. the dumb shit me and my grandpa did when i was a kid should have killed me from tetanus 30 years ago.

>> No.15878098

because hydrogen peroxide literally only shows you where the bad tissue is, it doesn't fix anything. it is just a day's warning before you have to go to the hospital.

>> No.15878124

why would you lie on the internet when anyone can just google your claims and find out that you're spewing complete bollocks?

>> No.15878135

Is giving a fake name and leaving your ID at home a viable strategy for the ER?

>> No.15878144

Fingers have shitty blood supply and high infection rates, so yes, go get your stiches and more importantly, the needed strong and nice antibiotic.

>> No.15878146

it is the same as the other strategy of not paying. for some reason the leftists in this country have decided that ER bills are ruining peoples lives. when there are bills on the lawbook from the 1980s saying that no one can ever be found bankrupt or evicted due to hospital bills.

>> No.15878151

>I can't afford it. I don't have insurance.
urgent care walk-ins are $125 flat fee, sure you could get a script there and refuse stiches. they will just put on some butterflies when you tell them no.

>> No.15878163

looks like a normal sized PC. I don't think that is a PC, though.

>> No.15878167

he is fairly obviously not me if you read the fucking thread. and i have also acknowledged the fact that i could probably go get this taken care of at the emergency clinic for under 200 dollars. i just really think i will simply heal it naturally.

>> No.15878173

brokefag, you need to know that the top free antibiotics list from walmart. google it.
then hit up a walk-in urgent care and get your care. worst case scenario is under $500.
you can easily lose digits from infection and hands are impossible to keep clean. you right now need sterile gauze covering your wound.

>> No.15878183

>i am too lazy to even go get hydrogen peroxide
that is indeed lazy, esp since it could be delivered to you house, or picked up from the CVS drive thru, just tell them the items in the window

>> No.15878187

the only thing i do have is alcohol, sterilie gauze, and tape. so i have that covered.

>> No.15878192

>what is the worst thing that can happen?
infection to your heart, myocarditis permanent heart damage, sepsis of the blood, kidney death, need for transplant

>> No.15878200

Op if you're broke what does it matter it will be months maybe even a year before collections come after you. Suffer debt or lose a finger maybe even the hand. You dumb fuck.

>> No.15878214

Ok chud

>> No.15878921

Medfag here, hydrogen peroxide is useless for cleaning wounds. The point of using liquid in a wound is not to kill the bacteria, but wash it away. Wash the wound gently with water, dry, and cover it. Go to an urgent care and get stitches. If you cannot, use butterfly stitches or tape, or superglue if you have it. You won't need antibiotics for most cuts, unless it gets infected. Keep the wound covered at all times, do not let it "air out." Change the covering once or twice a day.

>> No.15878931

This right here. I do it all the time for nicks on my fingers I get at work

>> No.15878938

It’s audio equipment or a ham radio or some shit. It’s an old ass photo but damn that thickness is timeless

>> No.15880217
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How's the nerve? Can you still feel things on both sides of the tip of the injured finger?

When I slashed my finger, I cut the nerve on one side. Had to get surgery that was supposed to reconnect it. It didn't work. It took over 20 years before I regained some sense of touch on that side of that finger, and it still is relatively insensitive.

>> No.15880220

Those milky thighs right there and that's what you take note of?

>> No.15880229

I like computers

>> No.15880230
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It's a reel-to-reel player (tall one) and a receiver (wide one).

>> No.15880232
File: 68 KB, 1002x507, cowshit_hottub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ammonium hydroxide
Retard you are supposed to douse it in chlorine bleach and ammonia.

>i keep putting that on every hour
Just drink it, then you don't have to redose.

Note: if you do either of these things you will actually die. If you're this stupid, you should go in to an urgent care or an ER. Also, isopropyl isn't going to help much if the knife was dirty since you need to flush out any crap that was trapped in the wound, not just kill bugs on the surfaces. Also, if you keep doucheing with isopropyl like that, you're going to kill all the tissue and then end up with gangrene, you idiot.

You should just do what the Indians do. Cowshit hot tub cures all diseases.

Yes, well, someone has to pay for YOUR healthcare. Oh, I guess it's US. The reason you Yuropoors and Snow Mexicans can buy cheap drugs is because Amerifats are price-gouged to pay all the research costs.

>> No.15880248

Hibiclens is the shit, but it's not for treatment of an open wound. It's for sterilizing the skin PRIOR to surgery. Most of it gets rinsed off before they start slicing into you.

Works fantastically on foot fungus too. DO NOT USE AS A DOUCHE it can cause severe anaphylaxis if used internally.

>> No.15880264

Gross. Only dark skin is worth kissing and licking and nibbling and nuzzling.

>> No.15880418

update from op here. woke up and the wound itself looks like shit it is definitely going to leave a scar. but it is only moderately red and isn't swollen pretty much at all. looks like i dodged infection and a medical bill.

>> No.15880449

>research costs
This is bullshit. Pharma spends a tiny fraction on research (often publicy funded anyway) compared to ENORMOUS sums on advertisements and political bribes. Meanwhile ERs, hospitals, and a good many formerly independent clinics and practices have been bought up by private equity firms. Have you been living under a rock?

>> No.15880451
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>> No.15880531

>it's not obviously infected 9 hours later so it won't ever get infected
anon this is really bad logic that can result in you losing your finger.

>> No.15880553

technically it is still an open wound since i didn't have the balls to superglue it like other anons said. but at this point, if it hasn't gotten infected from the knife that cut it, then i highly doubt it is going to get infected. come on. all medicine is a probablitiy game and i was always gambling on making it to the emergency room if it gets super swollen. at this point im fine.

>> No.15880554
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>i refuse to post any pictures from my phone.

This is bullshit.

>> No.15880557

>don't be like op, when you cut yourself down to the bone go to the hospital

>> No.15880572

i have my reasons for not using my phone camera. i think i described the wound fairly well.

>> No.15880578

Just download an app to crop out the edges and save it as a new image with nothing in the exif.

>> No.15880594

American healthcare system at work, people

>> No.15880597

at this point it just looks like a wierd pasta shape cut with a bit of redness around it, but probably half of that is just blood i was too pussy to scrub off when i was washing it out, which did sort of hurt. the only cool shot to have seen of the whole thing was the initial thing i saw, when i think i saw the tendon. but i pushed the meat back over that almost instantaneously.

i could go online and figure out how to hack my new 5g 50 megapixel phone just to post a screenshot of a really lame cut, although it is almost the diameter of a dime. like that shit went pretty deep it was sick. but nah it isn't worth it.

>> No.15880605

>i am too lazy to even go get hydrogen peroxide even though i know i need it, also i am not exactly sober.

The cut will get infected and you'll have to have your entire hand amputated.

>> No.15880647

You really believe idiots like this should have their bills footed by taxpayers? Fuck that.

>> No.15880656

You're right. Their access to healthcare is much less important than their right to obtain deadly weaponry.

>> No.15880686

Better that than Bidens corporate friends.

>> No.15880728

My computer is WAY bigger.

>> No.15880754

Either you become a wheelchair tube drinker or you go to the hospital.