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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 155 KB, 1300x1389, vanilla ice cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15877294 No.15877294 [Reply] [Original]

Which ice cream brand does Vanilla the best?

>> No.15877312

what price point?
cheap - blue bell or tilamook
less cheap - haagen dazs or graeters probably

>> No.15877332

Breyers. Cleanest label and available everywhere. I’d eat better ice cream if those sold better ice cream.

>> No.15877335
File: 21 KB, 500x591, ice cream maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get pic related, and:
>vanilla extract

>> No.15877339

but french vanilla is superior

>> No.15877408

Didn't Haagen change their vanilla recipe recently and it tastes like shit now?

>> No.15877413

> Haagen
It’s a shit ice cream with a name chosen solely to make dumb Americans think it was some fancy foreign ice cream

>> No.15877441


>> No.15877487

haven't had it in a long time so who knows
breyers only sells frozen dairy deserts now.

>> No.15877514

>only sells frozen dairy deserts now
Goddamnit. I seriously spend a few minutes every couple months in the ice cream section trying to find a basic ass vanilla ice cream that isn’t filled with carrageenan. Vanilla ice cream should have like 4 ingredients tops. Breyers was basically the only one close to that and I would buy it begrudgingly because it’s still not what I would call “high quality “
But if they really got their classification changed then I don’t think there are any good options left

>> No.15877525

H•E•B Creamy Creations

>> No.15877537
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>fructose and dextrose in ingredient line
Damn, if only nature created something that combined the two...

>> No.15877550


>> No.15877551

They look like two really fat businessmen shaking hands about a deal they made.

>> No.15877578

go to a Cold Stones, when you get to the door just keep walking by because you're a grown ass man and its to humiliating to walk in there

>> No.15877590

grown men can enjoy ice cream

>> No.15877619

Brigham's or Edy's

>> No.15877694

Strong men also cry . . .

>> No.15877756

>humiliating to walk in there
Do they still sing and dance when people walk in? I know firehouse sub's does a whole staff greeting but its fine.

>> No.15877762

Your local brand

>> No.15877765


Had this guy in high-school that kept trying to start a pop punk band cuz he was convinced his job at cold stone taught him how to be a good singer. Dude would bust out his nasally pop punk voice out when you walked in to see him

>> No.15877804
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yea they still sing and dance when you walk in the why yes it's humiliating to walk in there as a grown man to buy ice cream in front of teens and kids.
I guess i could just find a child to walk with me but that's risky just for some ice cream

>> No.15877855

Turkey Hill

>> No.15877861

>blue bell
i would rather die of old age than salmonella

>> No.15877863
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>> No.15877875

Häagen-Dazs or >>15877335
Anything with guar gum in it is shit.

>> No.15877899

good thing it was listeria

>> No.15877901


>> No.15877924


>> No.15877931

a lot of ice """""""""creams"""""""" are basically just frozen milk

>> No.15878318

Overrated. Try eating real ice cream for once.

>> No.15878377

When you split the sucrose into glucose + fructose, it increases the freezing point depression factor of the sugar by 1.9x. It makes the consistency softer without making it too sweet.

>> No.15878380

Ah, thanks

>> No.15878475

Never tasted bad or sub par ice cream, I mean it's fuckin ice cream

>> No.15878670

>Blue Bell
>no safety seal
why would you ever buy this

>> No.15878878

Hogging dogs

>> No.15878893
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I think it's a canuck brand only but I really really like president's choice black label
>Cream, milk, frozen egg yolk (contains sugar), sugar, vanilla extract.

Literally nothing besides what you wou would put in it at home. Very rich, very clean tasting, and no grody residue left in your mouth afterwards. I love it. Pretty expensive at 4.50 CAD for the little container, but I find it so rich that my portions are very small compared to cheap ice cream, which I can really pig out on without feeling sated.

>> No.15879313


>> No.15879730

Double Rainbow French Vanilla, the best running for the past 20 years.

>> No.15879742


Because I’m not a faggot and I don’t give a fuck

>> No.15879952

>he can't make ice creams
just die, loser

>> No.15881037
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Not bad, but the superior Michigan ice cream is Guernsey's.

>> No.15881239

i grow bourbon vanilla and it has a distinctly different flavor then typical vanilla most people ae used to

>> No.15881249
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>> No.15881265
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Just try it if you've never had it. You'll agree it's the goat.

>> No.15881286

According to Google they’re the same plant just grown in different countries (Madagascar vs Mexico). Do you live in Madagascar?

Makes me wonder if the differences in Mexican/Tahitian/bourbon are based on terroir or preparation method

>> No.15881287

Ben & Jerry's has top-tier vanilla in addition to their other flavors

>> No.15881288
File: 1.02 MB, 2400x2400, bjboigeeobz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haagen Dazs is probably the best mass market ice cream.

Check the ingredients and nutrition facts for proof. Five simple ingredients, massive fat /volume ratio indicating low runoff and high butterfat content.

>> No.15881291

Walmart makes surprisingly decent ice cream. I made some homemade ice cream yesterday. It was icy as it could be. I read up on why that could be and found you need the mix and bucket to be as cold as possible. The flavor was fine but wasn't the best. I messed up the first try when making the mix, too, but was able to salvage it into so really good pudding.

>> No.15881298

This, plebs will never know

>> No.15881307

the bourbon vanilla has almost a cherry smell to it, climate can really affect flavors. My mother is almost 25'ft and 2/3"in thick which is decent for a home grower. Also have some leafless endangered ones you need permits to grow but they're not for eating

>> No.15881315

Except they put guar gum in it.

>> No.15881324


>> No.15881326

the red paper carton french vanilla was bad

>> No.15881328

no egg?

>> No.15882076

Why are so-called ice cream enthusiasts afraid of stabilizers? Unless you like icy texture, ice cream has to be stabilized with something. Ice cream that isn't stabilized with gums is generally going to be stabilized with egg yolks. It gives a cleaner label, but makes an inferior product because egg yolks mute flavors. Stabilizing with guar gum or locust bean gum on the other hand doesn't affect the flavor at all and gives great flavor release.

People who judge ice cream by the ingredient list almost never know what the fuck they're talking about. It's literal food babe levels of retardation where people assume that difficult to pronounce ingredient = low quality.

>> No.15882083
File: 113 KB, 909x1024, 1593150878919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the anon who posted the ice cream maker. I don't use ">muh stabilizers" and there's no icy texture to it.

>> No.15882088

this queer is so damn deluded I bet his favorite brand of ice cream is some whipped up gum-filled "frozen dessert" nonsense lol

>> No.15882213

Shut up fag

>> No.15882224

Thought this was Nikocado for a second

>> No.15882301
File: 53 KB, 258x235, 1473346941438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're using either shit-tons of sugar or shit-tons of fat. Probably both. Enjoy your candy. I'll be over here enjoying my homemade low-sugar, low-fat ice cream with 38% solids content stabilized with guar gum, locust bean gum and carrageenan, which allows me to actually taste the milk flavor.

>> No.15882310

congrats you win the "dumbest post of the day" award

>> No.15882313

I accept your concession of defeat.

>> No.15882338

>breyers only sells frozen dairy deserts now.
I bought some Breyer's vanilla ice cream on wednesday though

>> No.15882344

lol this delusional idiot thinks I'm the same dude he was arguing with earlier

at any rate you lost quite a ways back when you started defending additives and claiming that shit-tier frozen dessert is superior to actual ice cream or frozen custard

this other dude and I are just making fun of you at this point

>> No.15882407

>j-just making fun
Feel free to leave your seethepost by the door.

>> No.15882416

your pathetic cognitive dissonance is like ambrosia to me

>> No.15882419

Enjoy your lab food. I'll enjoy my ice cream.

>> No.15883661

Schwan's is the best

>> No.15883757
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>> No.15883812
File: 65 KB, 600x583, vanilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best every flavour in fact

>> No.15883821


>> No.15883845

those are all natural products with like one step of processing from the original plant

>> No.15883927
File: 180 KB, 636x603, 1616869766714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cyanide is natural you jabroni, why don't you do us all a favor and mix that into your ice cream too?

>you WILL eat the seaweed ice cream

>> No.15884099
File: 138 KB, 1200x1200, icecream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dabs on all other ice creams

>> No.15885536

i can smell this photo

>> No.15885579

Masculinity so fragile you can't enjoy a good ice cream.

>> No.15885583

Turkey Hill Original Vanilla is top tier.

>> No.15885594

>tfw molecules hold hands more than you do

>> No.15885771
File: 249 KB, 1920x1920, cremola-vanilie-2-e1545124211514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy pic related from my commieblock country since it's cheaper than Haagen. Is the ingredient list /ck/ approved?
>fresh whole milk, brown sugar, cream, extra grade whole milk powder, egg yolk, natural vanilla flavor

I have no idea if "fresh" and "extra grade" actually mean anything or they're just marketing terms.

>> No.15885840


>> No.15886389

kirkland. seriously, try it.

>> No.15886396

>the ingredient list /ck/ approved?
Fuck off, Reddit.

>> No.15886476

In my experience Haagen has been the best supermarket ice cream if you're not making it at home.

Ben and Jerry's is a meme

>> No.15886717

Overall there's not anything there that doesn't belong.

>fresh whole milk
Fresh means that it was made with real milk as opposed to just combining water, skim milk powder and butterfat. Usually this means better flavor.

>extra grade whole milk powder
This adds milk protein which makes the ice cream retain more air, giving better texture. It also drives up the total solids which makes it less icy. It also adds lactose which depresses the freezing point like the sugar, making the ice cream softer, but without adding much sweetness. I don't know what extra grade means.

There are high quality milk powders which taste just like milk and low quality ones which have a kind of cheesy, cooked milk flavor, similar to whey protein powder. Just about all good ice creams have added milk powder on top of the actual milk, and the ones that don't (Häagen-Dazs) kind of cheat the label by evaporating some water out of the milk, which is basically the same thing as just adding the powder, i.e. you're just concentrating the milk solids.

>egg yolk
Adds emulsifier (lecithin), increasing air retention and improving texture. At higher doses it also acts as stabilizer, i.e. it thickens the ice cream base, resulting in smaller ice crystals during churning. The thickening also makes the frozen ice cream less melty. There's no other stabilizer listed, which makes me assume that this ice cream has a decent amount of egg yolk.

>natural vanilla flavor
This could really be anything. The fact that they're not making a point of calling it real Bourbon vanilla or some such marketing term makes me assume it's just cheap synthetic vanillin.

>> No.15887068

Maggie Beer.

>> No.15887359

I've bought a bunch of shit from Schwan's over the years but most of it is either slightly better than Walmart garbage or just as bad. Their ice cream is probably one of their lowest quality offerings, on par with the cheaper shit you would buy at Walmart.

>> No.15888603

one time when i was a kid and i was staying with my grandparents it was time for dessert. my grandpa was having pina colada ice cream. it was the same color as vanilla so i had some.
boy was i in for a nasty surprise.

>> No.15888714

I've noticed that wording before but I'm not a big ice cream guy. What exactly is the difference? Something to do with actually using cream to make it?

>> No.15888727

Total horseshit.

>> No.15888774

for ice cream to be called ice cream it needs to have a certain amount of milk protein and fat in it.

>> No.15888789

Ok chud

>> No.15888858

Diplom Royal from Norway, it's made with actual vanilla

>> No.15888928

None of you have probably tasted it, but it's high quality stuff. The cream is from Norwegian farms (made from free-grazing animals that aren't fed growth hormones and eats a natural diet). The consistency is great when frozen. The color is also wonderful, just how it should be, it looks real.

>> No.15888981

>Didn't Haagen change their vanilla recipe recently and it tastes like shit now?
Yes, starting last year they changed the formulas for their ice cream for their 60th birthday event. It's a subtle change, but the texture is ruined and it's now on par with every other cheap ice cream brand out there.

>> No.15889004

>Double Rainbow French Vanilla
THIS. Best ice cream ever. Unfortunately they only have it on the West coast.

>> No.15889049

Tilamook. Only good thing to come out of Cali.

>> No.15889059

i saw that episode of seinfeld too!

>> No.15890181

There are two species, V. Planifolia, which is the most common kind, grown in madagascar, mexico etc; and V. Tahitensis, grown in places like Tahiti and New Guinea. Typically Tahitensis is more floral/fruity while planifolia (aka bourbon vanilla) is more woody/raisiny/confected. The growing conditions have a big effect on flavor, as well. I'm a huge fan of bourbon vanilla from Tonga, and Tahitensis from Papua New Guinea, which have almost an anise type note to them.

>> No.15890210

It's a baby photo of him

>> No.15890983

Thanks anon that was informative. I always wondered why they add milk powder in addition to milk.

>> No.15892394

Kuwait Danish Dairy

and ben and jerry

>> No.15892534

google search for bait

>> No.15892738
File: 284 KB, 1024x768, guar beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument. You know what stabilizer does? It thickens the ice cream base. Just like starch in a sauce or egg yolk in a custard. Except gums thicken more effectively, so you only need 0.2% whereas with starch you need around 2% and with egg >4%. This means they don't affect flavor.

They do not make ice cream gummy, unless you add way too much. They do not make ice cream that's excessively airy (overrun is controlled mainly by churning speed and duration). They are not unhealthy. They make the ice cream base thicker. That's all they fucking do. A thick base resists fast melting, causes smaller ice crystals during churning and reduces the rate of crystallization in the freezer so you get smoother ice cream.

Underbelly, an ice cream autist with a power level greater than my own explains stabilizers better than I could:
(see Stabilizers and Emulsifiers section)

>> No.15894087

This took me so long to figure out

>> No.15894095


>> No.15894210
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>> No.15894742

It's highly debatable that egg yolks make for inferior ice cream. Aside from acting as a stablizer, egg yolks are also an emulsifier, which most gums/starches/fibers aren't. Egg yolks also significantly reduce the wheying off you'd get with something like a xanthan gum. Plus a lot of people actually prefer the custardy flavour of egg yolks in ice cream.

If you prefer not to use egg yolks then good for you. They're really expensive, and I can understand why you might not want add any eggy flavour. But there's a reason why so many premium ice creams have egg yolks in them.

Personally, I've gotten the best results using a mix of 6% egg yolks and 3% inulin by weight.

>> No.15895244

I think it's perfectly fine to use egg yolks as a source of emulsifier, I just think that they're often not an ideal stabilizer. For emulsification you only need 1-2%, whereas for stabilizing more is required, typically at least 4%.

I recently did a side by side taste test with vanilla ice creams that I made that had 2%, 4% and 8% yolk. Other ingredients were slightly adjusted to make the fat and solids content identical. The 2% and 4% had great flavor and were basically identical, but the 8% batch had significantly muted flavors. By contrast the milk and vanilla flavors in the low-egg batches were much brighter and more complex. It was like a difference between cheap and expensive vanilla. After this I decided to stick to 2-4% yolk as a general rule.

I do agree that there's definitely a place for frozen custard and other high-egg formulations if that's the flavor you're going for. But if I'm making let's say a coffee ice cream, I really just want to taste the coffee. So my "template" recipe has 2% yolk by default for emulsification. For stabilization I instead rely on guar gum and locust bean gum.

>> No.15895897
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stone ridge creamery
shit is fucking amazing

>> No.15895941

Seconding this, that shit is the best you can have from the freezer aisle.

>> No.15896792

Blue bell

>> No.15897183
File: 196 KB, 1000x1000, lodziarnie-firmowe-grycan_lody-waniliowe_500ml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's Grycan - the best Polish ice cream brand

>> No.15898766
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>> No.15900417
File: 109 KB, 640x480, organicmead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you live in Ontario I recommend trying this one, good ingredients and excellent texture and taste

>> No.15900816

Costco's Kirkland signature vanilla ice cream is unbelievably good. They didn't make any for quite a while because the price of vanilla beans went too high. It's back last time I looked. Only drawback is you gotta buy two cartons. Not a great idea for someone that lives alone.

>> No.15900970
File: 1.78 MB, 2909x1962, E4D746B3-CEC9-4371-9B7B-0A0DE0CE128B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ice cream master race checking in

>> No.15900979


e coli race more like

>> No.15900995

Imagine being this much of a drooling moron.

>> No.15901016

Only vulgarian tastelets use stabilizers.

>> No.15901064
File: 951 KB, 1080x964, Screenshot_20210406-185305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self check
this stuff is so good
it must suck so much to not be white

>> No.15901089

Guar-gummed trash.

>> No.15901269


>> No.15901316

Hey bud I spend a lot of money at Costco and I'm not gonna let you trash talk its products

>> No.15901866

Thriftys hands down. Taste homemade

>> No.15901913

Costco is good in general, but they should have launched an ultra-premium ice cream to compete with Häagen-Dazs. Right now the latter has a monopoly on the high-end in America.

>> No.15902013

I have been enjoying these little cuck cups from Blue Bell. Publix sells them.

>> No.15902090

Are you a food scientist? Are normal people expected to know this stuff? Am I an NPC?

>> No.15902103

Based costco defender

>> No.15902163

Worlds worst optical illusion.

>> No.15902955

Costco's house ice cream is $1.50/pint. The price/quality ratio is unmatched

>> No.15903129

well anon you don't have to imagine

>> No.15903165
File: 95 KB, 800x800, costco ice cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just adding another vote for costco's being god-tier.

IT goes by another name. When Costco stopped carrying it, another brand that was identical in taste and texture, probably the company who makes it for Costco, took its place.