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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15871031 No.15871031[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you eat there? Dishes include:

>top ramen pizza

>Oreo cake

>other prison cafeteria favorites


>> No.15871038

What about the "I can't brie" cheese platter?

>> No.15871054

The Fentanyl Fondue sounds pretty good

>> No.15871058

Counterfeit oxycodone pills laced with fentanyl

>> No.15871061


>> No.15871065


On Your Knees BLT

>> No.15871066

Kek. Alright boys, what else was he planning to serve. I need the full menu. Any insiders?

>> No.15871086

Dindu muffins

>> No.15871087

Lol, can you imagine someone with a food allergy had a reaction and their throat started closing up?


>> No.15871096

I hope they serve oxygen

>> No.15871099

Racist chud incel alert

>> No.15871104
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Get back in your bunker

>> No.15871106

Lamb neck fillet with kneecoise salad.

>> No.15871118

I'm not racist though

>> No.15871124
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>> No.15871130

bananas that have been waved around in the air by a covid positive man on meth

>> No.15871135

>Would you eat there?
A bullet, I would imagine.

>> No.15871146

How rude. Gentle George died as a victim of prolonged mental illness and as yet another tragic martyr in the modern opiod crisis.

>> No.15871203
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I'll stop if someone's already doing one

>> No.15871217

>he forgot "I CAN'T BRIE!"

>> No.15871222

no I just added it

>> No.15871229

Double 'Necker Cheese Burger

>> No.15871248

Did anyone try the Dindu Nuffin Muffins?

>> No.15871254
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Golden thread

>> No.15871255

Stolen banana cream pie

>> No.15871265

Counterfeit Calamari
Resistant Rose

>> No.15871278

Chauvinon Blanc for wine

>> No.15871280
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>> No.15871281

The 'Chauvin Clubhouse' Sandwich
Bussin Double Cupped Lean

>> No.15871282

Drink name: Third Degree Murder
A wicked concoction of all of the various narcotics Floyd had in his body during his murder

>Pale Haze THC-Infused Beer
>menthol smoke for aroma
>meth and fentanyl to taste

>> No.15871294

Copernet Sauvingon
Black of Lamb

>> No.15871302

"all of our food is prepared with the upmost professionalismness"

>> No.15871309

Everything should cost 1 counterfeit 20$ bill

>> No.15871310
File: 1.25 MB, 1860x1204, Recipe-George-Floyd-Meal-Muskegon-1860x0-c-default.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's already an official George Floyd prison recipe


>> No.15871336

Yeah, and I'm planning to win the lottery.
That junkie monkie wasn't going to open a fucking business.

The hash browns might have been good, I suppose. Put a fried egg on top.

>> No.15871343
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some more. I didn't want to add too many variations on the same name but will add them if there's space

>> No.15871349

very nice anon, good work.

>> No.15871355

For Third Degree Murder, you gotta say "opioid garnish". I'd also add MD20/20 Watermelon flavor.

>> No.15871356

You need to make something 20$

>> No.15871357

Living in America must suck

>> No.15871358


Another drink
>We Was Kangs Cola

>> No.15871359

Change lamb to $20

>> No.15871363

'No' Papa Johns Pizza

>> No.15871365

Nothing to do with food and cooking.

>> No.15871370

misogynist detected
just say you think it's okay to hold a pregnant woman's belly at gunpoint and go

>> No.15871371

We're discussing food.

>> No.15871373

a plain banana which the staff will bring to you singing and dancing like it's your birthday

>> No.15871375

Shitty journalism. Restaurant ideas are like band name ideas and novel concepts. Everybody has them, very few people really intend to enact them.

>> No.15871408

Rural America is based and redpilled. People are nice and funny. Also no blacks.

t. black guy living in rural America

>> No.15871415

No they aren't. Their sense of humor is boring and predictable as hell.

>> No.15871422
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One of the drinks should be a speedball and I don't know, a banana shake/dance

>> No.15871426

It's pretty obvious that this is an attempt by Floyd's "girlfriend" to soften his image from a violent savage that would hold a pregnant woman at gunpoint into a human being. But smart people know that BOH aren't humans either.

>> No.15871428
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>They're humour isn't hidden under 7 levels of ironic cynicism
>They don't even quip like my Marvel movie!

>> No.15871433

you, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

>> No.15871436

It really doesn't matter what his history is. Kneeling on a subdued person's neck for nine minutes is not acceptable policing.

>> No.15871439
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get the fuck back

>> No.15871442

Regardless of Chauvin's intentions I'm satisfied with the result.

>> No.15871451
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>> No.15871452

It depends, is the woman white?

>> No.15871459 [DELETED] 
File: 2.83 MB, 2480x3508, 3529958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, all for now

if someone wants to add more, the font is montserrat bold and regular

>> No.15871463
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Nice work buddy

>> No.15871470

very nice

>> No.15871472


>> No.15871474

best thing ive seen on /ck/ in a while

>> No.15871481

How is Biden's dog doing?

>> No.15871490

they dont allow you to have brie in here

>> No.15871518
File: 1.05 MB, 1240x1754, 3529958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


one more thing...

if someone wants to add more, the font is montserrat bold and regular

>> No.15871525

lmao perfect

>> No.15871548

>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Based Adobe Illustrator chad

>> No.15871555

"I can't work", "I can't breathe", " I can't go back to prison", it's good to hear this guy was being positive for once even if it was a pipe dream.

>> No.15871556

Sounds more like George Floyd's girlfriend wants to open a restaurant and get a bleeding hear white person to pay for it.

>> No.15871570

>No chicken
>No watermelon
>Menu price exceed 3.50

Wouldn't eat

>> No.15871606

ur the chud, chud

>> No.15871625

Jannies on the loose, or just anon deleting his inferior works?

>> No.15871638

>planned to open restarurant
yeah, and a skater girl from my class planned to be a psychologist, but became a druggie and died instead. Fucking special snowflakes.

>> No.15871661


>> No.15871796
File: 52 KB, 824x707, 7D007F00-4F7C-4333-B0FD-B7148298899C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to include a single banana

>> No.15872340

I'm Not That Kind of Gruyere Mac N Cheese

>> No.15872358

Purple-faced drank

>> No.15872377

Your messiah was a multipe felon who died of a drug overdose and we knew this a week after his death. You have overstepped your mark too fucking far this time.

>> No.15872386

That cop would deserve prison even if it had been John Wayne Gacy under his knee. We do not live in a police state.

>> No.15872393

Reddit faggot alert

>> No.15872396

Grat job anon.

>> No.15872404

>and staff it with ex-prison inmates — to give formerly incarcerated people such as himself a second chance, his girlfriend said Friday.
He truly had the heart of a saint.
I can’t believe the girlfriend forgot to mention the bit where he was going to give free meals to orphans, and establish sustainable organic community gardens in reclaimed urban spaces to offset his restaurant’s carbon footprint.
It’s like she left out the best parts.

>> No.15872412

It was literally the training of the MPD, it's also used in multiple other police departments across the US, it's common in Europe, it's an internationally recognised standard restraint that is safe for the person who is undergoing it. The autopsy shows absolutely no signs Floyd was killed via asphyxiation or trauma, he was cogniscent during the entire restraint and died two hours later in police custody which is not something that happens if you're suffocated or your throat is crushed. He was on a mix of drugs including but not limited to multiple types of opoids and meth, both of which can lead the taker to feeling as if their breathing is constrained. George Floyd literally had to be driven to hospital for an overdose not a month before his death, he was arrested under suspicion of a crime with a toxicology report showing that at the time of death, he was a walking drug den of illegal substances. He died from a drug overdose, likely caused by swallowing or pushing his drugs up his ass because he was caught trying to use counterfeit money and you have not just got the entire US fucked over it, you have caused riots and corporate prostration across the world. Practically every British sportsman is forced to kneel for George Floyd at every match, ongoing, even to this day and all because a man with a history of violence, theft, drug abuse and more's body picked that time to finally throw in the towel during an American election year.

>> No.15872459

Someone should add “Purple Drank” to the drink selections, maybe with a blurb about ‘GF’s Signature Recipe with Top-Shelf Cough Syrup’.

There’s no way Big George would open such a fine establishment without offering this timeless classic of a cocktail.

>> No.15872473

Isn't the protocol to release the knee when the subject is cuffed tho

>> No.15872514

Chud sounds like a term of endearment.

>> No.15872535

George Floyd was a career criminal piece of violent shit. No loss. The lying Marxist Jewish media tried to use him to divide and conquer a white country. They hate us. They would have you and every single member of your family in chains.

Billions of dollars to Israel while middle class American families can't afford basic healthcare. You are fucking slaves.

>> No.15872858


>> No.15872872


>> No.15872886

Great work but you should change the prices from $'s to stamps, ramen packs or blowjobs you knoe for realismness

>> No.15872889

The way he was acting, he could've been on PCP!

>> No.15872892
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golden thread

>> No.15872899
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Maybe he shouldn’t have been a convict, then. Chauvin will walk.

>> No.15872902


>> No.15872904

How does someone achieve this mode?

>> No.15872909


>> No.15872912

Thank the Lord that piece of subhuman shit is burning in Hell for all eternity now.

>> No.15872916
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Thank you, anon.

>> No.15872920

im not even white, which means i cant be racist you bigot piece of shit trump voter

>> No.15872958

Pregnant women get a salted

peanut mix pack for free

>> No.15872983

I hate cops, but that officer should get a medal.

>> No.15872989
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>> No.15872997

Floyd should have been hanged after he held a pregnant (black) woman at gunpoint so he could buy drugs

>> No.15873019






>> No.15873026

Not a chance

>> No.15873032

Ding Ding Ding gonna gofundme a shitton of money, pocket 90% of it, open a restuarant doomed to fail and cry racism when it goes under

>> No.15873050

Not if JWG later was proven to die of an overdose dipshit

>> No.15873051

Floyd was a degenerate but Chaffy was retarded for not getting up after he stopped wriggling

>> No.15873059

that nigger high

>> No.15873062

Fentanyl Floyd's: "Food so good it'll take your breath away!"

>> No.15873076
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>crushed tomato

>> No.15873081

all 4channing aside, this restaurant would have been awful. the shit you make in a prison spread is improvising with what you got. Making a prison burrito out of Cheetos, ramen noodles, fake cheese and pickled jalapeño is just fine in there. When you get out you try it once more, have your friends try it...and then never again. That's all you'd get is homesick cons and insufferable 20 somethings needing instagram content

>> No.15873158
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Which one is you?

>> No.15873194

why are they all so fucking ugly?

>> No.15873206

they look like computer generated faces that got rejected for being glitched

>> No.15873220

Ugly soul, ugly shell.

>> No.15873244

Me on the left.

>> No.15873285

literally all of them look like they had birth defects. can't be a coincidence

>> No.15873333

Like lord of the rings. Corrupted souls. Twisted by dark forces

>> No.15873346

Daily reminder that this is a white nationalist board.

Pledge allegiance to Hitler or I'll have you banned. Permanently.

>> No.15873348

Because pretty people don't need a political spectrum to define them(yes, this inculdes the alt-right fags, too)

>> No.15873401

where is this from?

If they are all from the same town, that is something in the drinking water.

>> No.15873404

Nah they are pretty hilarious

t. Chicagoan

>> No.15873415

>one time he talked aboot opening a restaurant, but never actually made any plans or effort to doing it
um, k. who cares?

>> No.15873492
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You're actually onto something, I've always assumed it was the uglies/fatties compensating. It's either the lack of personality or being grotesque.

>> No.15873494

blessed thread

>> No.15873587

soy, running and overeating
soy=gynecoid body
run=stick limbs
overeating=pregnant abdomen

>> No.15873601

Is this Dick Tracy's rogues gallery?

>> No.15873690
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says the incel

>> No.15873697
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back to pol incel

>> No.15873707
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>> No.15873752


>> No.15873793
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>> No.15873806

/lgbt/ detected

>> No.15873867
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>> No.15873873

So what you want racist chud? He's still saving America. I don't even care, it's not like she got hurt.

>> No.15873936

>dat engrish

>> No.15873952
File: 193 KB, 729x820, polcel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a real man
you will never be loved by a woman
you will never feel the warmth of a woman
your family line dies with you
Your seed will just go into the trash, and you will never have a family of your own

How does it feel to know this?

>> No.15873963

I don't visit black establishments

>> No.15873969
File: 48 KB, 680x482, 435434525235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well when you are an unemployed incel neet you don't have money to go to any establishment

>> No.15873970
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Cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.15873981
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this is why no one will ever love you

>> No.15873991

surely the black lives platter set meal should be included.

>> No.15874016
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Keep bumping the thread reddit hosers

>> No.15874042

Theres a guy in the middle who looks like he was almost a siamese twin

>> No.15874047


I hate it here

>> No.15874055

I'm a lefty but these strawman arguments are making our side look like idiots, friend.

>> No.15874065

Fuck off fun police.

>> No.15874066
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>I'm a lefty
sure you are

>> No.15874130

Which one is he talking to?

>> No.15874153
File: 178 KB, 795x625, dylan-roof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

given how desperate white incels tend to be probably both

>> No.15874174

I call compelte and utter bullshit on that statement.

>> No.15874220



>> No.15874234

FASCIST far right dog.

>> No.15874293

Please tell me its staged.