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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 978 KB, 704x738, cowe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15870002 No.15870002 [Reply] [Original]

Please don't eat me Anon :(

>> No.15870004
File: 63 KB, 720x960, smoke-knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15870010

It's okay, you're going to a better place (my belly)

>> No.15870019

Shut up veal

>> No.15870020

If they didn't want to get eaten, they shouldn't have decided to taste so good.

>> No.15870022

What a cute small cow :)

>> No.15870023

Of course not. I'll wait til you're more grown up and uglier

>> No.15870029

ok, so ill shoot you now then?

>> No.15870030

Haha mmmm tastey

>> No.15870042

Ok I'll eat the mean chicken instead

>> No.15870048

whatever...i sure do love poutine, kraft dinner, and maple syrup though

>> No.15870178

Animals only think that if they are wild animals or you are eating them alive.

Domesticated cattle are pretty chill. They got it pretty good when raised properly. Good food, fresh air, sunshine, and a quick death.

Highland is more of a specialty meat, they tend to be a bit more aggro than other beef cows. Raising them in confinement would be kind of retarded.

>> No.15870486

>Good food, fresh air, sunshine, and a quick death.
99% of cows do not see a single ray of sunlight

>> No.15870506

>buying food from factory farms

>> No.15870507
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>> No.15870511

Im pretty sure you have never seen a single cow farm in your life.

>> No.15870535

If I didn't eat you, you wouldn't be alive to ask me not to eat you.

>> No.15870551

the fuck, are you some kind of an anime protagonist?

>> No.15870555

Ok I won't!


>> No.15870559

I've eaten whale and I'd do it again. Get in the Staub.

>> No.15870568
File: 17 KB, 872x480, u73wnpbtutt11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to reality Jeremy

>> No.15870575

>over 99% of animal products come from factory farms
Welcome to the real world Jeremy

>> No.15870577

you either live in a coastal metropolian city (if america), your nations capitol (if europe) or are a chinkshit
shut the fuck up

>> No.15870604

Dumb cityslicker

>> No.15870615

I know what a cafo is. Note that even on the wikipedia page, the feedlot dairy cattle are outside. Even though dairy cattle are generally kept more intensively than beef cattle due to their high milk production keeping their coat shorter. Both types of cattle (ESPECIALLY beef) will be out on pasture when the weather is good.

Beef cows are usually raised outdoors. I literally live next door to a beef farm.

Also, I'd rather be Jez than Mark. Mark is such a fucking loser.

>> No.15870617
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>some faggot Australian on a heavily edited Netflix documentary told me so

>> No.15870620

this guy would make a great švejk, shame he's not czech.

>> No.15870630

this is to date one of the most bizarre questions i have ever seen, im way younger than this guy (presumably, not gonna look him up) and even i know and ive lived in cities all my life

>> No.15870651

The only thing I hate more than vegans are meat eather hypocrites. Muh humane slaughter. Fuck off retard. I'll kill the fucker anyway I want.

>> No.15870658

Right? There's no difference between boiling and skinning an animal alive and shooting it in the head so it dies quickly. It's all the same.

>> No.15870688

Awwwwww....hes so cute and adorable, and I just wanna cuddle and brush hims. Feed him all sorts of tasty food till hes big and strong and tasty himself

>> No.15870704

if i dont eat him now he will eat me

>> No.15870717


>> No.15870719

That pig is a nazi. I will eat him to gain his powers

>> No.15870722

If you're still going to kill the fucker, which is the ultimate violation. Why does it fucking matter? "You see I killed him for the pleasure of my taste buds but torturing him for my pleasure? That's too far man." Try not to overdose on copium m8.

>> No.15870727

either vegan or sociopath (same thing really)

>> No.15870739

I agree. This is why I skin all my animals alive and then just eat them while they are screaming. It's no different than just shooting them in the head. This is what I keep telling people!

>> No.15870748

Human supremacy is the best framework to work from.
Vegans like to appeal to sentience which we have no idea how it works, so it could equally apply to insects, or even plants.
Not a sociopath either, just not a hypocrite.

>> No.15870756

How are you not a hypocrite?

>> No.15870757

This but unironically.
It's pretty much indistinguishable morally.

>> No.15870771


>> No.15870776

there is a fine but clear line between sentience and self-awareness even if they are conflated sometimes
sentience doesnt mean anything as you said, anyone with a moral objection to killing and eating sentient beings would starve
i have a moral opposition to killing orangutans but cows get in my oven

>> No.15870777
File: 1.12 MB, 4096x3072, 8l7ondm4ldo61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldn't eat me right anon? :3

>> No.15870779

Because Animals either carry moral consideration or they do not.
I go all the way, animals are no different morally from inanimate objects, do whatever you want with it.

>> No.15870784

I mean, yeah? Morality is pretty subjective for the most part.

>> No.15870789

:3 too late based trips. Rabbit stew is pretty tasty

>> No.15870791

i don't eat veal, but I want to to piss this one guy that i know that always gets mad at people for talking about veal.

>> No.15870799

Read the Normative Web by Cuneo.
Moral realism follows from epistemic realism. Not saying that which I believe is necessarily correct just that you can't dismiss moral statements by saying "it's subjective".

>> No.15870967

Im not gonna go read a book to debate you. Eat my ass.

>> No.15870982

What do I do if op turned me on?

>> No.15870997

but you're so tender and delicious

>> No.15871072

I dont think I've ever seen a more pseudointellectual line of argumentation ever

>> No.15871084

rabbit is literally the most tasteless meat