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File: 45 KB, 848x477, Cash-Only-shutterstock_694568296-848x477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15860173 No.15860173 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15860184

I favor stores like this. Cards are whittling away the substance of society in so many subtle ways, it's amazing so few people are against their ubiquity.

>> No.15860206


what the FUCK do you do with the pocket change though? If it was all bills it would be one thing but I always feel awkward having to put some dirty ass pennies in my pocket and then putting away the bills. Sometimes I get nervous and shove the change in my wallet with the bills which is madness.

>> No.15860215

Good place to rob if you are a robber :)

>> No.15860222

Ok I'll just turn around and go somewhere else. Places that do this are shit anyways. What kind of retard even carries cash in 2021?
One time I went to a restaurant and their card reader broke just as I stepped up to pay. Probably because they were too cheap to actually invest in a decent system (restaurant owners are worse than landlords). Guess who got a free lunch, me.

>> No.15860224

throw it in a bag for later

>> No.15860243

That's why it's always good to have a hundred or two in cash on hand just in case of unexpected things. It could even be something like a snow storm.

>> No.15860261

I keep some with the bills and the rest loose in my pocket, and am careful to take every opportunity to make up the fractions of dollars with coins to ensure the change comes back as bills and high value coins. Doing this not only minimizes your coin collection, but it keeps your numeracy exercised and maintains an active psychological consciousness of expenditure's relationship with money.

>> No.15860272

>snow knocks out the power in town
>heh, good thing I'm a faggy luddite who carries cash, I can still go to [store/establishment]
>go there
>we are closed because the power is out
There is literally no real life scenario where cash is needed. Anyone who says otherwise probably lives in a shack in a town with under 1k population and can only get internet via satellite.

>> No.15860288

Sorry. I only use card since 'rona

>> No.15860293

A solar storm can fuck with satellite communication and that can block cc/debit card transfers hence the need for some cash. Some restaurants are still cash only but that's because the owners are cheap cunts.

>> No.15860309

They just take the cash and write out the receipt, it's not complicated. I've had to that a few times when working for a ski store in NYC.

>> No.15860325

Even if you have a cable connection shit can still happen, hardware can fail, then this that and the other thing. Hence having a reserve of cash.

>> No.15860333

I unironically throw it at the floor near teenagers at the grocery store from a distance.

>> No.15860347

>They just take the cash and write out the receipt
No they don't. 99% of places in 1st world countries won't even open if the power is out.

>> No.15860361

heat up the coins in a skillet and give them to kids at halloween

>> No.15860371

What is it with eurotrash and reddit zoomers brigading every fucking thread today?

>> No.15860375

That's electrical power, not an internet or sattelite connection which is most companies use for financial transactions.

>> No.15860389

I only belittle children 13 and above.

>> No.15860390

Nothing wrong with this. In fact, I will point-blank refuse to enter a store that does not allow cash. Brain-dead stupid to solely rely on card when numerous reasons can knock them out. Happens a couple of times a year to shops in my city, though it might only be for a few hours, you are still fucked unless you have cash.

This, it happened to me a few times, even in big chain stores, whenever the cards go down for whatever reason, they are expected to continue with cash.

>> No.15860498

reminds me of two weeks ago
>B.C Canada
>go to donair affair in coquitlam near dartmoor, ran by dumb browns
>order the lamb regular
>finally get to paying
>try to tap on machine
>"no tap here"
>sorry i only have tap
1. get with the times
2. stop dodging fees to save like 10 cents
fucking east indians man

>> No.15860511

in the last few years there have been 3 separate weather events that have knocked out power for more than 24 hours. all 3 times stores were open but would only take cash. never happens huh?

id guess you're a faggot in NY or CA who doesn't know anything about the real world, but since they have planned rolling blackouts because of their shit infrastructure where stores would only take cash that doesn't seem likely either.

t.7th grader confirmed.

>> No.15860516

Oh no, poor huang couldn't buy his mystery meat with AliPay. Tragic, maybe you need to go back home?

>> No.15860517

I'm surprised people still speak English in Canada and not some brownie hindi or paki gutter language.

>> No.15860542

nah most of the older browns barely speak english. younger ones have more brain cells. every white person myself included speaks english. thank god french is dying off in the west here

>> No.15860546

Used to barkeep and we lost power a couple of times due to the rain and wind people just pay their tab with cash and we input it into the system the next day.

>> No.15860547

ive been to places that are legit the opposite.

You can't fucking win.

>> No.15860563

I carry cash so I can stiff waiters when I get bad service. Nothing more satisfying than paying $8.99 for lunch, paying with a $10, and telling them to bring change

>> No.15860699


>> No.15860707

are you retards serious
>cash only
>pay cash, receive change if applicable
>don't leave tip
>they underreport sales anyways
>win win

>> No.15860811

You dont do this either.

>> No.15860833

meaning? this is every single food truck I go to and they're happy to see me, unlike any sit down you'd be dense enough to repeatedly visit and tip nothing and expect actual service

>> No.15860843

>Place order
>Oh I only have a card, I'll just quickly get some cash
>dont go back

>> No.15861021

I spend it. If I have too much, I spend a lot of it at once in a manual checkout machine
You should have figured out how to handle money by the time you were no longer a teenager

>> No.15861039

based, card users are faggots

>> No.15861052

>what the FUCK do you do with the pocket change though?
I keep them in the ashtray in my car. Sometimes I'll use it to pay for parking, but other times homeless people will smash my window to steal it. Which is great for me, because I'm friends with a certified mechanic who knows how to overcharge the local insurance company and we both pocket the "change" from that.

>> No.15861092

i always mention ill be paying cash upfront to non-corporate buisnesses and can usually get a cash discount. maybe not restaurants but other buisnesses, ya

>> No.15861730

>fast food place makes me sign the receipt before I can take my food
>hands me shitty covid pen

yeah, no thanks

>> No.15861771

Cash only businesses are based. Card only businesses can get fucked. I hope they get robbed, and the robber gets mad that there's no cash and just starts shooting the place up instead

>> No.15862119
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1614570919923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food truck
No one mentioned food trucks. Thats like trying to sound like a hardass for using money at a vending machine. A lot of food trucks dont even accept cards out of expediency. Are you a literal retarded person?

>> No.15862150

Give an example of where this happens on a regular basis that isnt a liqour store or a farmers market. I bet you got your current job with a firm handshake and a determined look in your eye, huh?

>> No.15862254

I don't carry cash because then I can tell homeless beggers WITHOUT hesitation or remorse that no I can't "spare a dollar"

>> No.15862326
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>> No.15862360

oh get your hand off it

>> No.15862472

I report any restaurant that's cash only to the irs for tax evasion and to the fbi for money laundering. 99% of the time they get shut down within a few months to make way for a restaurant that isn't stuck in the 1950s

>> No.15862484

how do you report a restaurant to the irs?

>> No.15862489

form 3949-A

>> No.15862590

Put coins in charge, exchange at CoinStar for one of the gift cards that doesn't take a percentage out. The end.

>> No.15862613

Think more and stop gravitating towards convenience without hesitation. I know you won't listen. Most people are too stupid to become real entities.

>> No.15862705

I always pay cash. Most places around here give you a 20% discount for paying that way. You just have to ask.

>> No.15864077

>things that never happened

>> No.15864140

You just called yourself a 7th grader dum dum

>flyover brain

>> No.15864148

Have you ever noticed the only types still using cash are poor people, blacks, and drug dealers? I think it must be a cultural thing. They NEED to physically touch the money or it just doesn't exist to them. The concept of a bank or electronic deposits just isn't something they can wrap their brains around.

>> No.15864227

i mean i definitely use my card but i also carry some cash. i don't see why i wouldn't.

>> No.15864485

I've noticed that people who don't ever use cash are clear NPC types. Just cattle for the rich.

>> No.15864665

nope. cash is for class and plastic is for trash
>go to dinner with friends
>10 people at table
>get one bill
>everybody has cash and contributes
splitting the check is for assholes
>go to bar
>5 tech soyboys drinking 1 beer each
>they cash out
>5 separate checks
>all use plastic
I openly mocked them, and got a free shot from the bartender when they left

>> No.15864709

>I've noticed that people who don't ever use cash are clear NPC types. Just cattle for the rich.

Pretty much this. Imagine big gov (and anybody who cared to pay for the data) knowing every single purchase you have made: time, date, amount... even how long it took you to pay it back.

Not a good look there broski.

>> No.15864715



>> No.15865372


just get an amex black, fucking pleb

>> No.15865431

>The Centurion card has become a status symbol in the music industry, especially in hip-hop culture.[13] In 2002, Bloomberg News reported that rapper Sean "P. Diddy" Combs used the card to buy 400 cocktails at a bar in Los Angeles.[14] In the song "Doing It Way Big" (2003), Lil' Kim sings: I smack niggas 'cross the face with a Centurion card / Who don't believe I'm (doing it way big). Lil' Kim later posed with a Centurion card attached to a diamond-studded necklace for a Nylon magazine photoshoot.[15] In the song "Last Call" (2004), Kanye West refers to the card with the lyrics: I went to the malls and I balled too hard / "Oh my god, is that a black card?" / I turned around and replied, "Why yes / But I prefer the term African American Express". In "Welcome Back" (2004), Mase sings: Amex black card / Shopper of the year. In "Get It Poppin'" (2005), Fat Joe sings: I got that black no limit American Express card. In Einmal um die Welt (2012), German rapper Cro says his girlfriend can buy what she wants because he has "an American Express, and of course the black one." Other singers including Ariana Grande, Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Lady Gaga, Bow Wow, Nelly Furtado, Lil Wayne, Capital Bra also mention black cards in their song lyrics but not a specific American Express product.
uh, no thanks

>> No.15865462

>That's electrical power, not an internet or sattelite connection
are you powering your pc with magic?

>> No.15865475

Ever since the pandemic started I always pay cash in exact change

>> No.15865507

>he doesn't earn rewards

>> No.15865509

Cash was already dirty enough before the pandemic

>> No.15865538

didnt hear your mom complaining as I was tucking dollar bills in her g-string

>> No.15865650

>1% back
they are selling your data for more money than they give back to you
also, do you go over every credit card bill to look for fraudulent charges? most people don't, and many big companies systematically cheat all their customers, knowing that most people wont catch it

>> No.15865673
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>> No.15865696


>> No.15865709

Cash isn't dirty. Germ theory is a hoax.

>> No.15865715

>they are selling your data
oh no oh god oh fuck the goberment knows i drank a baja blast and ate a crunchwrap i am ruined

>> No.15865791

sounds like a lot of cope from a boot licker
"rewards" programs are merely some pennies back to the customer for the dollars they get for selling the data
and not checking your bill is asking to get ripped off. fortunately, credit card toting hipsters are already used to bending over and taking it in the ass

>> No.15865834

unironically why the fuck should i care if big daddy government wants to know if i am eating two burritos at 3 AM

>> No.15865838

wit wiz

>> No.15865875

>muh government
maybe they sell it to governments too, but most of it is probably sold to other corporations
the aggregate of all of this collected data was used to help shape and build the awesome and beautiful world we live in right now
what a great time to be alive. thanks for helping

>> No.15866301

I don't shop places that are cash only. Years ago, like 2005 there were still a lot of places that didn't take credit cards or charged a fee. It was annoying to go to the atm then go to where you are going. Never again

>> No.15866324

Not only that, but card payments make it harder to visualize just how much you're spending, meaning you'll likely spend more.

>> No.15866360

>"Cash Only" place
>Meal was under 15 dollars
>Only have a benny
>Cashier looks at me and says they don't accept that much
>leave and go to the place next door

"Cash Only" places are a meme. Most of the ones I have seen do it because Juan will work for 3 dollars a hour and they can just pay him in cash.

>> No.15866382

This is 2021 not even my fucking drug dealer is cash only

>> No.15866432

Strip clubs and/or drug deals.

>> No.15867313

Calm yourself, ameripoor

>> No.15867753

Did you know black people breathe air? You should stop breathing too

>> No.15868944

CC companies make all their money off merchant fees, taking 4-5% per transaction, any card that gives you 2-4% is just giving you a cut.
It's why they don't care if you never carry a balance, CC predatory compounded interest is small potatos.