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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15862175 No.15862175[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever been ejected from a restaurant?

>> No.15862182

No, I'm not a manchild who can't control his feelings.

>> No.15862188

What do you do if they spit in your food? Meekly eat it and then pay for it + tip?

>> No.15862219

Just once, some shitty italian joint because they didn't inform people that they needed to wear masks. I told them to fuck off and never looked back Plus the guy there was trying to hit on some blonde chick, I waas like piss off you fucking cunts. I'm supposed to wait outside of the fucking place when he takes my CC? That's a load of shit, one is never supposed to let that out of your sight.

>> No.15862259

based redneck boomer

>> No.15862273

I'm not a redneck I'm from NYC, there's nothing wrong with not trusting italians with my credit card when the cunt is hitting on some girl. What are you some stupid sucker?

>> No.15862285

Business first, then pleasure.

>> No.15862363

>Have you ever been ejected from a restaurant?
Once. It was a bar in New Orleans (fuck that disgusting city, I was sent there on a short-term work assignment).
I don’t actually remember the scenario, but the guy from our local NO office who was there with me said after the bartender cut me off, I went to a corner of the bar and pissed on the wall.
In my defense, the entire city smells like piss so it’s not as if I caused actual damage.

>> No.15862384

Yes. One time I went with a couple friends to a local hipster-y place for drinks and a little food. It was late in the evening and we had already been drinking. I ended up getting kind of drunk and slapping a waitress’s ass. I was halfway joking but the waitress made a big deal out of it. She went and got the manager who was some dyke and the manager made me leave. That was like two years ago and I’ve never been back there.

>> No.15862403

I have never gotten arrested for eating a succulent Chinese meal.

>> No.15862408

The charges, officer?

>> No.15862416

I was kicked out a New England seafood place because I found a grey beard hair in my lobster roll and threatened to physically assault the man who made it as a result, (I remember screaming relatively detailed descriptions of what I would do to him given the chance and which members of his family I’d make watch). Additionally I’ve been kicked from a Pizza Hut for my usage of racial slurs.

>> No.15862477

Good times, hopefully she had a nice tight ass and you didn't smacked.

>> No.15862486

Nobody spits in food you weird manchild.

>> No.15862502

ok ill bite... havent told anyone this story before but here i go
>go to local italian place
>waitress comes to serve me, give her my order
>tells me she likes my shirt
>make a pathetic autistic attempt to return the compliment
>tell her that her hair reminds me of a cute lolikon i saw once
>she asks what a lolikon is
>i giggle a bit, nervous to answer, tell her what that is and that it is completely legal, etc etc
>after that she looks at me like shes seen a ghost
>grabs her manager, they ask me to leave the restaurant
>walk out in shame and sweating after the first verbal transaction i have had with a real girl since grade school
why am i like this bros?

>> No.15862519

It's probably some one-off thing, nobody's perfect 100% of the time.

>> No.15862521

Hahaha the amount of butt hurt far right white people in this thread is hilariously funny.

Awww did Biden win fair and square against your Russian Putin loving racist orange Cheeto? Cry more. We're going to take your guns away soon. Real soon. Awesome huh?

>> No.15862541

That means so much coming from a biden bitch boi.

>> No.15862575

you're such a drunk autist that you literally got cut off in a city with extremely loose drinking and drug laws? You're a degenerate and probably need to stay away from cities and get your shit together.

>> No.15862607

No, but I have been treated by the owner of the store

>> No.15862614

If a meal is truly superb, I will often request to speak to the chef. Usually, it's no problem and they are appreciative that their craft and labour has been enjoyed.

However, there was one experience that left me rather shaken and made me consider if I should ever do it again. I travel most days of the week for work. We set up alot of IT stuff for hospitals. One day I was travelling to somewhere in Kentucky. I was excited to go because 1.) I had never been and 2.) I was excited to try the local fare and learn more about what people ate there. We got in late and really didn't have time to eat anywhere particularly locale the first night, but after arriving to work the next day we were recommended to eat at a place called "Randy's Kountry Kitchen". I was a little hesitant because the name sounded foreboding, but I trusted our advice and we headed out for lunch.

I normally eat alone as I tend to take my time, but this time I rode along with some new coworkers. We were seated in a what appeared to be a very rundown shack. There were flies everywhere and our checkered tablecloth was sticky. The waitress was very rude and just asked "What y'all want?" I didn't have time to peruse the menu, which just happened to be a piece of printer paper listing their items so I informed her I would need a few minutes. My coworkers immediately started drinking. They just got burgers. I thought that was foolish and opted to get their special: A chicken fried steak with pepper gravy. I was floored. It was fried just right and the gravy was smooth and creamy. My coworkers at this point were beginning to get more and more inebriated, even though it was a lunch break and I began to wonder how we were going to get back. As, I stated I usually take my time with my food. My coworkers began to tease and berate my eating habits. One said "I ate like a faggot" to which I found very insulting. I wanted to savor every bite and took my time. Anyways onto "my compliments

>> No.15862619

After 45 minutes I finished my meal and asked our crude waitress if I could speak to the chef. My coworkers groaned and one even dared to throw a fork at at me. I think that it someone really does something great they should know about it. Our waitress seemed confused, but went back to the kitchen anyways. While doing this, my coworkers left to use the bathroom. Several minutes later a morbidly obese man wearing a very dirty motorhead shirt lumbered over to my table and introduced himself as Randy. He asked me "what was wrong with my food". I informed him that I wished to tell him the opposite and that I found his meal to be delicious. The man seemed perplexed and just stared at me. I took of my cap, (I was wearing a baseball hat at the time) and tipped in his direction in a respectful manner as to say thank you. He immediately became furious. He asked if "I was coming on to him" and said that "He doesn't allow any fucking queers in his Kountry Kitchen". I didn't even get a chance to pay and was chased out of the restaurant rapidly.

To my shock my coworkers had not gone to the bathroom but had snuck out and left me at Randy's Kountry Kitchen and I had to walk 2 miles to the nearest gas station to call a cab back to work.

>> No.15862653

I'm white, so they treat me different

>> No.15862661

Why not just say "It's a type character from an anime "? Why'd you have to explain that people are attracted to them. If it makes you feel any better, I did similar things back in 8th grade. In 8th grade my idea of being funny was being an absolute edgelord, my idea of being edgy was joking about hentai and my favorite types of hentai, which were loli and beastiality. I'd then wonder why I was a social outcast.

>> No.15862664

id probably just get up and leave

>> No.15862668

You'd eject yourself from the restaurant?

>> No.15862694

i guess if u count that as eject, i eject myself pretty much every time i go out to eat

>> No.15862831

Eating a meal?! A succulent chinese meal?!

>> No.15862930
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>> No.15862937

Only nightclubs and a casino

>> No.15862975

Can I get a TL;dr?

>> No.15862981
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Fucking newfags. Isn't March break over?

>> No.15862986

I got banned from Starbucks for insisting baristas call out my name, “TRUMP2016” when my order was ready. They would just call out what the drink was and not what I told them to. I got around it by ordering online but they just plain don’t call those out.

>> No.15862990
File: 15 KB, 552x539, images (47).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck? It's a wall of text nigga. The fuck is March break? Is that when the military takes a break from running a train on your ass? Faggit.

>> No.15863030
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>wall of text
It literally takes ten seconds or less to read. Not my fault you're a slow retard whose mother drank while she was pregnant.

>> No.15863066

Interesting story, anon. Reminds me a lot of the time I got a flat tire and ended up having to wait in this little bar in Mississippi. Long story short I ended up kicking some redneck guy and I barely got out of there without getting my ass kicked. I’ll greentext if anyone is interested

>> No.15863129

5 paragraphs over 2 posts nigga. Stay mad bitch.

>> No.15863150

Assuming this is a true story, you're autistic as fuck. Just tell the waitress if you really liked your food and leave it at that. Leave the chefs alone, you're not some famous restaurant critic or anything.

>> No.15863153


>> No.15863158

>pretty much every time
what was the exception???