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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 119 KB, 749x499, What-is-the-future-of-vegan-food-Culinary-comfort-and-honesty-on-health_wrbm_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15857839 No.15857839 [Reply] [Original]

Vegan "food" isn't even food at all. It's dogshit.

Vegans are mentally ill, notice how they try to make fake sausages, fake burgers and other shit. They really miss the real ones, but torture themselves with plant-based monstrosity. They should be put into mental institutions.

>> No.15857848

the stuff my food eats is vegan lmao

>> No.15857855


>> No.15857871

Lol how triggered this fag gets over plants, haha. Might have to go vegan to trigger him even more. Wouldn't that be hilarious?

I won't ever do your ketolard diet OP, stop trying so hard.

>> No.15857878

Nothing wrong with fruits and veggies. But as a fucking addition to meat.

>> No.15857884

Why do u assume everyone who won't eat bill gates meat is on keto?

>> No.15857906

Just ordered a nice big juicy impossible burger for delivery. I buy them over regular burgers because they're made from plants and everyone who isn't a retard knows plants are healthier for you. That's why impossible burgers are continuing to sell more and more every day. :^)

>> No.15857907

your body is made up of muscle and fat, not plants, you dumb prick

>> No.15857911

>knows plants are healthier for you.
They really aren't.

>> No.15857925

You need help if you think vegetables aren't food. You can't even eat vegetables can you you manchild? Get off this board. Go away.
It's not "torture" to eat good food. It tastes GOOD. Just be less of an infant.

>> No.15857926
File: 96 KB, 1200x800, 5a20b14aaff29.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, it tastes so good! Who knew science could make plants taste exactly like meat! Health gains 2021! #triggertheincels

>> No.15857930
File: 9 KB, 194x259, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ordered for delivery
>can't buy an impossible cow share because it doesn't exist
Wow you are really saving this planet. Enjoy your cat food

>> No.15857931

Yeah, they are. Fucking moron. Did you not graduate middle school. Oh you think all those people were lying to you don't you? Lol. You totally know better than all nutritionists.
I've never seen a dumber post on this board.

>> No.15857934

>the body doesn't have ways to convert nutrients into muscle, fat, blood, etc
Now we know this thread was made by a 11 year old with no working knowledge of biology. The biggest land mammals on earth only eat plants!

>> No.15857936

>I've never seen a dumber post on this board.
and yet you cannot refute it. what does that say about you, tough guy?

>> No.15857937

Stop posting this picture, it doesn't make you cool. It makes you a pathetic hick.

>> No.15857956

you need your Vitamin B12 and Protein, taking supplements does not have the same effect as absorbing it into your body through meat and eggs.

>> No.15857963
File: 374 KB, 1200x1600, quarter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope, pod person.

>> No.15857965

>The biggest land mammals on earth only eat plants!
What does this have to do with humans

>> No.15857969

>You totally know better than all nutritionists.
Yes, because they are paid good money to tell cultists like you total fucking nonsense.

>> No.15857973

> The biggest land mammals on earth only eat plants!
They also eat a lot of vomit/shit.

Our ancestors.

>> No.15857988

>Health gains
Hahaha, fucking deluded moron

>> No.15857989

The Impossible Burger has a day's worth of B12 in the highest bioavailability, which makes it not only healthier than meat, but better.
Impossible Burger: meat 2.0. Better

>> No.15857993

Yes, I can refute it, but I'm not going to bother because these are the kinds of idiotic nonsequitor counter"arguments" that my refutation will elicit:

You actually think you're smarter and more knowledgeable than people who spend their lives studying certain topics, and it's ALL BECAUSE you don't like what they tell you! Oh my god, how do you get this fucking stupid? You think there's a huge conspiracy and cult against you? What evidence do you have to support this truly ridiculous belief?

>> No.15858001
File: 216 KB, 1920x1280, impossible-burger-2-0-impressions-6653-1920x1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be angry because you don't enjoy your food. Here's what I'll do for you anon, I'll buy you an impossible burger. It will parch your hangriness and nourish your body. You will feel 100 times better!

>> No.15858005

You do know that doctors and scientists, vegan doctors included, debate over whether artificial, supplemental B12 is not only effective, but safe, right? A few vegan doctors (including Dr. Klaper) don't even take artificial B12 anymore because they consider it dangerous.

>> No.15858029

How is my response idiotic? Our closest herbivorous ancestors were hindgut fermenters. They HAVE to eat their shit in order to break down the fiber in the food they eat in order for the bacteria in their cecum to derive nutrients from it. Our cecum is really tiny and most of it consists of the appendix (a vestigial organ)

It's okay to be an omnivore. Most animals are.

>> No.15858035

Shut up, stop spreading your "biology" lies you fucking scum. They're just a made up cult.
^ That's how your side sounds.

>> No.15858040

Unfathomably based.

>> No.15858041
File: 219 KB, 1280x720, p-1-the-impossible-burger-boasts-a-new-achievement-kosher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lying and saying anything to ensure animal agriculture does not die by 2030 is hilarious! I totally understand why you would do that. If you have ties to the industry just say so, it's okay to be a farmer. You should forget all that nonsense and go have yourself a delicious Impossible Burger anon, you'll feel so much better!

>> No.15858043

Uhhh. Our biology doesn't lie though? I'm literally saying the complete opposite.

>> No.15858049
File: 3.49 MB, 334x251, 54r75ue5x.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nom nom crunch

>> No.15858052

Not talking about you, I agree with you (my point would be that having a vegetable-based meal on occasion is not unhealthy, and that most Americans eat far too much meat and far too little vegetables, NOT that anyone needs to completely cut out meat).
I'm talking about the people you've decided to side with, who think all science is a lie because they don't like what it tells them.

>> No.15858055

Ok, sv3rige. Don't you have a rotting carcass to eat?

t. based omnivore

>> No.15858061
File: 129 KB, 1080x542, impossible-burger-ingredients-1556551687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's based? Eating a burger made out of whole plant foods! Protein from soy and potatoes, Flavor from heme (the molecule that makes meat taste, well, meaty), Fat from coconut and sunflower oils make it sizzle on the griddle, and Binders, methylcellulose and food starch, hold it together so you can make anything you want -- meatballs, kebabs, patties, and more!

Now that's one healthy burger, I'm going to go get one right now!

>> No.15858063

By that logic, cows should eat meat right? Jesus, what a dumb motherfucker.

>> No.15858068

>cows are people
the absolute STATE of v*gans

>> No.15858071

die corporate shill

>> No.15858074

Imagine larping as a lion

>> No.15858076



>> No.15858079

Imagine larping as a cow

>> No.15858080
File: 122 KB, 870x565, iStock-458463905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I say all science is a lie?

Though I have to disagree, based on all the pantries and diets I have studied of what the Average American eats. If we eat too much of anything it's refined grains, sugars, and seed oils.

An obese, diabetic American is almost guaranteed to have something from pic related in their pantry/fridge. And we can all universally agree we do not need this shit to be healthy

>> No.15858082
File: 149 KB, 960x960, impossible-burger-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, I would work for Impossible Foods™ in a heart beat! They are changing the world with their delicious Impossible Burger. It truly is a masterpiece to behold! You won't taste the difference!

>> No.15858085

Who are you quoting? I never said cows were people, nor did I say I was a vegan, schizo. You said that "you're made out of muscle and fat", therefore we should eat muscle and fat. Well, a cow is made of muscle and fat; does that mean they should eat meat, dumbass?

>> No.15858095

>Imagine larping as a cow
Who said I was? I'm an omnivore, like any other non edgy person.

>> No.15858097

Sounds fun

>> No.15858098

you know they're still serving meat by the ton right

>> No.15858112
File: 281 KB, 1200x1053, FD65BF4CZG2WAF6FNG5FBKAJ6I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I larp as a lion when I am a human?

>> No.15858114

>I'm an omnivore
And you're defending these vegan faggots?

>> No.15858115

Remember, you have to swallow your eat whole, you can't cook it, and you have to eat all the organ meats.

>> No.15858120

Don't ever tell me how to live my life

>> No.15858121


>> No.15858124
File: 50 KB, 457x461, e92ec1eb0a93129ee04f67a2451b6715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeah if you're a primitive hobo lion, go shit in a box poorfag

>> No.15858125

Disagreeing with carnitards is not "defending" vegans, you damn schizo. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.
I can't do anything to you, so get your panties out of your ass.

>> No.15858129

Yes, we do also eat too many refined grains, sugars, and seed oils. We can both be right about this.

>> No.15858131
File: 207 KB, 1500x843, impossible-foods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impossible Foods sells meat by the ton too, as every day they billions of pounds of delicious, healthy, and environmentally friendly burgers. They recently tripled their production line in a few months and are making a huge dent in the food industry! Meat made out plants! Who would have thought something so tasty could be so awesome?!

>> No.15858132

>posting irrelevant link
Don't care. Cows have the biology of an herbivore. I've seen big cats eating watermelon; what's your fucking point?

>> No.15858136

ok faggot

>> No.15858142

As if that's a bad thing lol

>> No.15858144

what, so you think plants dont feel pain because you can't hear them you fucking scum? i hope you get nightmares everytime you sleep you dirty chlorokiller.

>> No.15858157

>As if that's a bad thing lol
Oh, I see. The mentally ill defending the mentally ill. Got it.

>> No.15858182
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault(6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If plants feel pain then the Impossible Burger kills far less! Plants lack nerves, let alone a central nervous system, and cannot feel pain or respond to circumstances in any deliberate way (not to be confused with the non-conscious reactions they do have). Regardless, each pound of animal flesh requires between four and thirteen pounds of plant matter to produce, depending upon species and conditions. Given that amount of plant death, a belief in the sentience of plants makes this an argument for buying a delicious, healthy, ethically superior Impossible Burger!

>> No.15858183

So do I eat raw meat or just sear it so it's at least hot, eating it totally raw seems kinda nasty to me.

>> No.15858189

>you're defending vegans
>even though I drink milk, eat eggs, bacon, chicken, sausage, etc
>calls me mentally ill
Time to take your medication.

>> No.15858194

So don't you think instead of demonizing meat we should prioritize demonizing heavily subsidized junk food?

Also stop calling me someone who shills carnivore. I'm an omnivore and I think beyond and impossible is shit because its literally just more processed food when people already eat too much processed food.

I agree people should be eating tons of whole foods, but that includes meat, eggs, and dairy (if they can digest it), all from good sources. Local, grass finished, pasture raised, preferably home slaughtered or at least processed at a small processing facility (the USDA ones are super fucked up and there aren't nearly enough in the country, meaning animals transported to them undergo far more stress). Plants, fungi, and bacteria should also be eaten, but also in minimally to non refined foods. Grains should be eaten in moderation, and people should prioritize healthier grains that are available locally. REAL wild rice (not the crunchy shit hybrid that isn't actually wild you get in the supermarket) heirloom wheats and oats and barley are fine. Even corn (maize) is fine if its organic and heirloom.

stop responding to the bait, tard.

>> No.15858217
File: 89 KB, 679x427, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well how about you take your central nervous system shove em up your nerve endings fleshfag

>> No.15858226
File: 126 KB, 220x277, L.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol im not dumb m8 im just trying to see how dedicated he is to this

>> No.15858229

kek i actually laughed

>> No.15858230

ok faggot

>> No.15858252

>You actually think you're smarter and more knowledgeable than people who spend their lives studying certain topics, and it's ALL BECAUSE you don't like what they tell you! Oh my god, how do you get this fucking stupid? You think there's a huge conspiracy and cult against you? What evidence do you have to support this truly ridiculous belief?
Yes, because I know studies are politically/ideology motivated, you fucking deluded cunt.

>> No.15858264

you can make all kinds of amazing and delicious vegetarian dishes, i dont understand why anybody would go vegan. its the autism of restrictive diets

>> No.15858489

What essential nutrient is exclusive to meat and not in plants?

>> No.15858506
File: 74 KB, 1080x319, IMG_20210328_151213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15858558

it's not about the food or how good it is and never was and i figured this was painfully clear

>> No.15858567

yeah, it's about anthromorphizing your food to justify not eating meat

>> No.15858570
File: 183 KB, 717x279, f0035-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>killing things for fun
this entire thread is cringe. imagine being intelligent and then taking your lessons on morality from housecats/bugs, then appealing to nature wrapped in a blankie behind a computer screen
relax, no one is impressed

>> No.15858585

>sentient being with central nervous system, sensory organs, and a consciousness that reacts just like us to danger
>displays every emotion of the human spectrum, and is simply dumber
>have to justify anything
smokin rocks kid

>> No.15858594

because being kept in a cage for your discharge for the entirety of your life (to then be killed once the body breaks down) is worse than simply being killed right off the bat once big enough.
eggs and dairy are as bloody as meat, if not more. you kind of have to question your industry if it involves either baby macerators or baby gas chambers, don't you think?

>> No.15858603

Umm, humans are omnivores. What's this image trying to convey?

>> No.15858619
File: 974 KB, 1724x2299, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually post it when people are like "muh canines" or "muh lions", but I like to post this one afterwards.
Humans pick berries and eat nuts, man. The great apes don't even make it that far, they just eat leaves.

>> No.15858629


>> No.15858631

and here i was thinking people did it for health benefits lmao
ok soiman

>> No.15858646

what health benefits? this shit sucks, it can be good, but it's not fun or anything.
most bugmen who fit the stereotype live by the mantra of bacon and medium rare steak

>> No.15858659

>The great apes don't even make it that far, they just eat leaves.
Wut? I take it you've never been scarred for life as a kid by that video of a group of chimpanzees tearing apart a monkey and eating him alive?

>> No.15858677

That's obviously not the norm, no one is ignorant to the fucked up shit any and all monkeys do.

>> No.15858688

Most vegans stop eating meat because of ethical reasons, not because they hate animals products. If you grew up eating sausages or hamburgers or whatever, a vegan version will be popular. Since you get something you like without an animal having to suffer and die for it.

>> No.15858707
File: 44 KB, 478x478, product-458-main-main-big-1454454708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your carnivore skull.

JK it's a fruit bat. Judging what an animal eats by its teeth is pretty retarded.

P.S You can eat lion if you really want to. If it's anything like mountain lion it's similar to lean pork

>> No.15858711

Chimps will also use tools to hunt for bushbabies and shit. It's not fucked up, it's for food. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's bad.

>> No.15858739

Chimps are not sapient (to the meaningful degree humans are) and do not have any conception of morality or ethics. We can't really appeal to nature either way for or against veganism, nothing we do is natural.
Causing suffering when one doesn't need to because it tastes good is bad.

>> No.15858755

>mental gymnastics
holy shit

>> No.15858768
File: 153 KB, 690x388, aga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry buddy, hate to break it to you, but humans ARE a part of nature, we have a role to play. We can either destroy everything trying to fight nature or we can work with the laws of nature to heal what we have done fighting nature.

Morality is subjective, even just a few decades ago homosexuality was considered immoral, so what makes you think you are correct in assuming killing an animal for food is inherently immoral?

Also killing an animal isn't causing suffering. And if it is, then wouldn't eating industrially grown crops be even less moral, since even MORE animals die for them?

>> No.15858774

I think it's a sound argument.
Causing suffering is bad.

>> No.15858780
File: 380 KB, 572x322, perfect harvest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this causing suffering if the animal doesn't feel it?

>> No.15858781

If killing something that doesn't want to die can be construed in any way as moral then murder is dandy.

>> No.15858802

It's incredibly healthy diet compared to you carnie pigs, actually. enjoy your obesity, diabetes, heart disease faggot.

>> No.15858805


>> No.15858821

It doesn't count if you trick an animal to kill it.

>> No.15858922
File: 35 KB, 480x360, artificial fertilizer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like the 50 billion bees that die for almond production every year? Or what about the trillions of other animals that die for crop protection? What about the animals that die from habitat loss or from tainted water from artificial fertilizer production? Do they want to die? Does it not count because you're eating plants even if exponentially more animals die from industrial crop production (ESPECIALLY human grade crops like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, etc)

Wouldn't it cause the least amount of death to eat one cow every 1-4 years that lived on pasture its whole life?

>> No.15858970

of course not, considering like 80% of plant agriculture goes towards animal feed
the amazon burned for burgers, not lattes

>> No.15858978

Considering that even grain fed meat in the United states is fed and finished with local grain, you are a fucking retard. Not to mention most of the grain is grown for shit like ethanol and vegetable oil, which produces 80% byproduct inedible to humans.

Also who the fuck is feeding livestock almonds?

>> No.15858983

Go eat some grass, you schizocunt

>> No.15859032

Who the fuck eats almonds? I'm vegan and I don't fucking eat almonds and quinoa. These 2 plants invariably come up all the fucking time and they're irrelevant because this shit gets eaten by omnis more than vegans anyway.

>> No.15859045
File: 321 KB, 2131x1423, soyjak loves science 82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who knew science could make plants taste exactly like meat!
Dude I fucking love Science!

But really, no it doesn't.

>> No.15859050

Grassfed beef would only be able to feed 10% of the current population if it were all you ate as the land usage is massive.
You could also grow your own veggies which would use less land.
You're just thinking about yourself though, right? Because you're a selfish and intellectually bankrupt faggot and you're wrong every time you open your mouth

>> No.15859053

>eating an entirely carb-based diet
>telling others to enjoy the beetus and heart disease
i dont know if this is epic troll or vegan indoctrination

>> No.15859088

>Vitamin A
Carrots, among others

potatoes, chickpeas, spinach, etc.


Mushrooms or literally just go outside.



>amino acids
None of those AA are essential.

Come on dude I'm not even vegan or vegetarian, but your image sucks.

>> No.15859114

>taking the bait

>> No.15859155

>taking the baited bait

>> No.15859160

>Baiting the guy that is already baited by baited bate bate baited