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File: 53 KB, 548x600, wildwood_highProteinTofu_DSC_0033_600pxtall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15854563 No.15854563 [Reply] [Original]

>$1.00/lb at TJs
>already pressed
>better macros than meat
This is why the (((animal agriculture))) industry wants you to keep eating meat

>> No.15854572

it lacks the micros and that sodium is gonna be a yikes from me fäm

>> No.15854574
File: 700 KB, 1863x1686, mapo tofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can enjoy both. Why limit yourself?

Pic related. I made this today.

>> No.15854607

Vegan processed chemical nastiness.

>> No.15855069

>1% sodium
>too lazy to add iodized salt

>> No.15855075

>clinging a bean together with heat and removing the water is considered highly processed
Fat people always have a low IQ and your post is proof

>> No.15855125

if you wanna compare vegans to carnivores one group is way more overweight and its not the carnivores

>> No.15855156

burden of proof is on you

>> No.15855189

find me a fat carnivore
i can find you plenty of fat vegans

>> No.15855217


I got the meat I ate today for free. What now trader joes? How was the line out the store today?

>> No.15855228

I love meat so much o dont even care how gay that sounds. I dont care if in year 2500 it would make me a luddite. I LOVE MEAT. Sausage, cured meat, steaks, beef patty, meat in chili, in taco, on pizza. Smoked meat, brined meat, FUCK I LOVE MEAT

>> No.15855231

>ww-waaa wwaaa!!! muh 30 second line!!!! waaaa!!! people want to buy product!!!! wawwawaaaaaaaa

>> No.15855272

I know it's shitposting but
>30 second line
No, it's 20 minutes plus at every TJ near me because of how much they simp for the "social distancing"

>> No.15855280

face it. No one actually likes tofu on it's own the way someone likes a nice juicy slab of meat on it's own.

>> No.15855286

It causes cancer

>> No.15855433

You made the claim. Are you going to continue the low IQ argument of "dude do my research for me plZ!1"?

Here I'll join you. Anyone who eats tofu will live forever. Prove me wrong. If you can't you are wrong.

>> No.15855456

If that were true then why do so many people die in china?

>> No.15855478

>literally triggered
let me guess, you spent the last half of hour going through various social media sites and search results trying to find a fat carnivore but couldnt?
delicious vegan fatso tears lmao

>> No.15855489

Impossible. A buck a pound? Must've been on clearance or going bad. Also, pics or it didn't happen.

t. Love vegetables and don't mind plant-based protein vs meat. I'd've cleared the whole section out if it was actually a good protein source