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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15854499 No.15854499 [Reply] [Original]

Stop eating fish.

>> No.15854510

I don't like fish anyway.

>> No.15854519

whats it this time
is bill gates putting microchips on fish
dont care, i live in scandi and fish is an integral part of diet

>> No.15854522

don't care, fish is tasty

>> No.15854529

Fish farming is actually 100 times worse than beef or chicken farming. I wish we could focus on this more.

>> No.15854547

In other words, the fishing industry is good for the planet and fish consumption is good for the individual.

>> No.15854554

I hunt for my own fish.

.t great laker.

>> No.15854571

stop shilling netflix, and I'll consider it

>> No.15854579

...in lakes and rivers which have to be artificially repopulated

>> No.15854581

Fuck you, fagboi.
I’m now gonna buy fish for dinner, simply because of your being a whiny little bitch.

>> No.15854585

A movie made by a vegan fanatic (Kip Andersen). I'll pass.

>> No.15854602

>sjws telling other cultures to stop eating their culture's food
yeah fuck off bitch

>> No.15854611

damn you know fuck all about ontario michigan and all the surrounding areas
shut up and die retard

>> No.15854681
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I dont. I just like to put them in prison cells in my home. Maybe make an example put of one of them

>> No.15854692

Anybody that donates to charities and other 'world changing' organizations is a HUGE MINDLESS IDIOT. Pictures and videos can be fabricated and if these charities were legit then our problems would already have been fixed, many charities have received billions but are only loop holes for tax evasion and a vacuum for the fool's money.

>How have I not heard this before
Because if people knew the truth then those in power would "suffer". Because the truth isn't spouted by organizations in the foreground, often truth is in the background.

I was inclined to say "take your meds" as a joke to get you to sympathize with those who find hidden true information.

This entire shitshow could be fixed if [redacted] adjusted the monetary system, (that's the root of the problem).

>> No.15854693

how does fried goldfish taste

>> No.15854707

Good thing there's no shortage of fish, otherwise corporations that regularly pollute fresh waters might someday get the guillotine.

>> No.15854709

Like I said, I wouldn't eat them. I feed them their own fallen brethren though. Those dead eyes attest to what it taste like

>> No.15854728

I’m going to eat more fish and club a baby seal once every day.

>> No.15854822

never ate it in the first place, dont understand how theese tards can eat something that is riddled with parasites and smells awful, if you eat fish you might aswell eat bugs

>> No.15854854

>in lakes and rivers which have to be artificially repopulated

Is this some sort of conspiracy theory?

>> No.15854859

its just a theory, a game theory

>> No.15854876

what's wrong with eating fish now? is it the shit about dolphins getting caught in nets again? just buy farm bred if you care so much

>> No.15854924

>not ConspiraSea

they had one fucking job

>> No.15854926

seafood is delicious though

>> No.15854941

Saw that comment on Reddit too bud

>> No.15854957

you are both faggots for going on reddit than

>> No.15854999

The whole lot of you bundle together to form a mighty faggot whose unbreakable strength is directed at ruining this shitty thread with off topic shit.

>> No.15855016


>> No.15855035


>> No.15855102


>> No.15855105
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I will eat the deenz

>> No.15855289

Ignore all Baizou threads

>> No.15855291

Yeah that pun would have been so hard to make otherwise.

>> No.15855370

Fuck off. I love fishing and eating my catch.

>> No.15855393

But seriously who eats this quantity of fish? In europe I've yet to see many people eat this shit more than twice a week.

>> No.15855398

>damn, I'm hungry. I'll eat this cow
>okay I'll eat this chicken
>Okay I'll eat this fish
Fuck off. Kill yourself.

>> No.15855399

When is netflix gonna make a documentary on billionaires and how unethical and unsustainable they are?

No matter how much land a single cow needs they will never have the land required to raise one single bill gates (250,000 acres of farmland)

>> No.15855410


>> No.15855414

Isn't overfishing because of chinese industrial fishing along side overregulation which wastes a ton of fish?

Also aren't a lot of fish dying because of crop agriculture?

>> No.15855426

Whatever the jews say, do the opposite

>> No.15855432

saw this gay movie

was like an Iranian soyman telling me not to eat fish

nah man

>> No.15855504

Just wait for a power outage in the wrong place at the wrong time and you'll be stuck with a billion carp just like the rest of the south eastern US.

>> No.15855516


Supply and demand from Fatmerisharts

>> No.15855524

Go die in a LiveLeak video, chang.

>> No.15855543

I eat fish almost every day.

>> No.15855550

everybody hates you soulless insectoids not just mutts
does your party supervisor know youre posting on a capitalist freedomforum

>> No.15855568

Americans tend to eat more beef and chicken. Ive heard horror stories of "auinties" visiting america from china and draining sealife wherever they can though. They have a fucked up culture of getting what you can when you can because they are recent survivors of the great leap backwards. They have cultural ptsd

>> No.15855582
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Stop eating

>> No.15856028

Yeah but have you considered that you have a good day I don't think it would have been in freezer bags have given her husband good morning?

>> No.15856036

Thanks for reminding me to buy more ammo, psycho.

>> No.15856045

are you a cute blonde boy with a big dick

>> No.15856380

Found out the other day that monkfish is super endangered. And now because of OP's faggoty shilling and hand wringing I'm going to buy a dozen filets, eat half of them and let the other half become inedible from freezer burn.

>> No.15856394

I don't like seafood.

>> No.15856398

I wish I was as badass as you. Doing exactly the opposite what would help solve the problem. Make the problem even worse! So HC and contrarian! Just like a edgy teen.

>> No.15856417

this is an angry thread

>> No.15856430

Maybe if you weren't so soi then you could be as badass as me.
For example, I have zero fucking interest in solving your made up problems.
And now because your beta bitch ass sassed me, I'm going to make it 2 dozen filets.

>> No.15856472

you will never be a woman, just accept it

>> No.15856586

Stop eating soy then

>> No.15856622

Dont eat fish eat beef!!!
wonder who funds these documentarys?

>> No.15856623

And you will never save the world. You will forever be this ineffectual gnat hovering a pile of shit of your own imagining.
What does it feel like to invent problems in your own head and then be such a worthless cunt that you can't even manage to solve those?
3 dozen.

>> No.15856637

tranny rage

>> No.15856664

chinoys are actually making the most advances on high quality sustainable fish farming

>> No.15856688

Don't care, not my problem, ur gay

>> No.15856703

> Netflix
> The new leftie authority on how the world should think.
> go and suck off Al Gore, faggot.

>> No.15856711

I wish you could focus on how much of a faggot you come across as.

>> No.15856736

Found the vegan.....

>> No.15856742

> than
What a fucking spell-let
It's THEN.

>> No.15856745

You will eat the bugs.

>> No.15856751

Ohh, it's another picky eater here.
Bet you like tendies and ranch though.

>> No.15856756

*opens a can of sardines*
not my problem

>> No.15856768

There's plenty fish

>> No.15857445

Have fun with your monkefish then faggot

>> No.15857493

I guess this is the whole point of the title. To make people promote it by going "omg why didn't they name it "conspirasea"!!?"

>> No.15857563


>> No.15857672

Shouldn't the title be in mandarin chinese or maybe japanese so the actual target audience would view it?

>> No.15857772

I hope every fish is killed. they used to call me fishface in school

>> No.15857781

Is this another bullshit "documentary" à la the MJ one and Supersize Me?

>> No.15857822

i only eat cunny

>> No.15857852
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>> No.15857856

For me, its wild happy mackerel and herring

Sorry for sharts who gag from anything else but salmon

>> No.15857864


>> No.15857913

Are they? Or does the ccp just claim that?

>> No.15857915


>> No.15857918

I never do.

>> No.15857996

thousand upon thousands acres are rain forests are destroyed and dozens of tribes are slaughtered by death squads so you can get your coffee and tropical fruits like bananas, "progressive".

>> No.15858011

"Worse" meaning what? Like it's mean to fish? I don't care.

>> No.15858018

Seafood>red meat/poultry
The only meat I eat is seafood.

>> No.15858021

Who are you quoting?

>> No.15858030

based seabro

>> No.15858039

do you live in an island country or close to the ocean?

>> No.15858059

This. Based Netflix telling the West to stop eating fish so that China can have sole access instead.

>> No.15858067

yep I live on the west coast of Canada. I'm lucky to have access to some of the best fresh seafood in the world. Atlantic Canada has some of the best seafood in the world too. My plan is to eventually retire in Newfoundland or Prince Edward Island and eat like a king until my death haha.
based seabro what's your favourite fish?

>> No.15858197

I would avoid any film made by someone named "Kip" anyway.

>> No.15858274

i love how they went after all the animal rights groups and showed their just shell corporations hustling for big food companies

>> No.15858287


>> No.15858292

What country was it that started shooting chink fishing boats in their waters?

>> No.15858306

Argentina shot at and sank a Chinese boat after detaining the crew a couple years ago for illegally fishing.

>> No.15858313

wtf I love Argentina now.

>> No.15858321

Huh. Just the one boat? I thought it was worse from the whining about it I saw from a few of them.

>> No.15858346


>> No.15858350

The problem with all vegan documentaries is they assume that I, a non-vegan, assign any moral value to animals. I don't care about how shitty factory farms are, I don't care about overfishing. If I get a nice meal at the end of the day they could vivisect every animal on earth for all I care

>> No.15858352

Go shitpost your shitty netflix "documentaries" elsewhere.

>> No.15858446

China gets caught illegally fishing everywhere, but I think the Argentinians are the only ones who shot at boats as far as I can tell.

>> No.15858559

Depends what you're feeding it.
If it's insect protein farmed on waste, and you dispose of the fish waste properly, then it can hypothetically be completely fine environmentally.

If you're feeding them with fish slurry from trawler fishing, then yeah, you're fucking the planet.

>> No.15858588

It finally happened.

I wanted to be such a gud boy but finally pushed to levels of 'go fuck yourself'. There are plenty of ways sustainable fishing can be done. Woke scolding entire CULTURES that depend on fish? I can hear Scandinavia and Japan laughing from here.

>> No.15858618
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from my cold dead hands

>> No.15858723

I don't care if it causes sea levels to rise high enough to wipe out every city within 100 miles of the coast, I will never give up salmon

>> No.15858776
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>> No.15858804

>artificially repopulated
Sort of? They're stocked so that people don't negatively impact the wild population with game fishing.

>> No.15858831

>muh fishies are goin extinct because we over farming them!!!
>stop eat cute fishies!! :((

>> No.15858987


>> No.15859015

Marine biologist here
It is physically impossible to "overfish." Humans can't take fish out of the sea faster than the sea can replace them.
The only problem is when pollution lowers the replacement rate, but that's not the fisherman's fault.

>> No.15859069

>Marine biologist here
Doubt. What about whales we drove extinct before industrialization? They're fish

>> No.15859071

noice b8

>> No.15859076


>> No.15859082

>not conspirasea
man with the fuck

>> No.15859083

I don't like you, cunt.