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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15839178 No.15839178 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese food is delicious.

>> No.15839180


>> No.15839184 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15839186

it really isn't, fucking libcuck tranny race traitor commie

Eat biscuits and gravy instead of bending over for literal communism

>> No.15839192
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>> No.15839198
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>> No.15839205
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>> No.15839255

no.... No!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! You cant just say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We HATE Japanese food okay???!?!?! We HATE Japanese food okay!??!?!?!?!? /ck/ is based as fuck like me and we HATE Japan and we HATE Japanese food okay?!?!?!?!?!?!?? Fuck weebs, fuck Japanese food, and fuck you okay!?!??!?!?!?!?! You don't belong on /ck/, get the FUCK out!!!!!!!!!!
BASED BASED BASED!!!!!!!! What an EPIC wojack you showed that weeeb!!!!!

>> No.15839299

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.15839322

Possibly but their peoples are horrible.

>> No.15839328

imagine typing this

>> No.15839342 [DELETED] 

Didn't think the 50 cent army would be posting here.

>> No.15839400

Oh, this dish, I know.
It's like meat paste inside "partial-cut" lotus root sandwich.
In China they steam it, but these one look like they were steamed then pan-fried and finally finished with a teriyaki-like sauce
Hm, I think it would have been better with a thicker sauce, or brush-grill like unagi

>> No.15839409

btw what are those golden brown flakes on the salad? meat or tenkasu/agedama?

>> No.15839434
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Ironic thing is there are a lot of people actually doing just that in Japan

Teaching English as a living and enjoy their food and crimeless society

>> No.15839678

If you disagree, you don't belong as /ck/. FUCK WEEBS.
BASED! What a verified /ck/ classic post right here!

>> No.15839694

shittier pho
Other asian cuisines always have better versions of japanese dishes

>> No.15839700

>National dish is just a twist on a French dish

>> No.15839816

Ramen has a way better flavor than pho

>> No.15839994

they're VERY different
not better or worse

>> No.15840015

>main staple dish

>> No.15840057

Lurk moar, newfag.

>> No.15840949
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>Japanese food is delicious

>> No.15841284
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>+5 to your social credit score.

>> No.15841363

>as a living
I wouldn't go that far. Unqualified monkeys dancing for bored kids for minimum wage, is not much of a career.

>> No.15841475

>crimeless society
Confirmed for never going there.

>> No.15841531

Maybe he's comparing it to London or Detroit?

>> No.15842099
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>> No.15842135

Outside of sushi it’s mostly just okay, honestly.

>> No.15842413

Absolute Chad.

>> No.15842479

gochan puru stir fry
definitely an acquired taste, even for the SEA folks or chinese
assuming you're a nip friend, do you try to re-create the dishes you eat?
I still don't know what those golden brown flakes on the salad are.
What is that translucent sauce on the salad? Sesame soy sauce thickened with starch?

>> No.15842520

Someone post the Tiannamen copypasta.

>> No.15842594
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Japanese food is delicious.

>> No.15842609

I want those balls in my mouth

>> No.15842646
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>> No.15842728

>egg both burnt and uncooked
>boiled sausages
nip perfection

>> No.15842817

why is this guy always drinking shitty happoshu?

>> No.15842925
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I love the Japanese people and their culture to such an extent that I wish to respect its integrity and homogeny by only interacting with it as an outsider looking in and accepting the fact that I will never be welcome in their culture.

>> No.15843004

>fatty, salty broth

>> No.15843020

it’s definitely less flavorful than any other asian cuisine. people only like it because the autistic presentations. it’s really gay

>> No.15843152
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>> No.15843354
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He’s a professional cultural appropriater

I like shrimp tempura roll

>> No.15843375

>crimeless society
guess you never heard of the yakuza huh.

>> No.15843382
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Yakuza is like antifa. It's a myth.

>> No.15843388


Oh so you're retarded I see

>> No.15843409

After seeing some of the sloppa people post from their homes I thought everyone was welcome on here.

>> No.15843431

Can someone explain to me why asians use such annoying utensils but cook food that isn't conducive to eating with them? Like why make chopsticks and then put massive meat medallions in your soup bowls that you eat with awkward porcelain long-bowl spoons?

>> No.15843440

>low dexterity spotted

>> No.15843445

you use chopsticks and a spoon, you mong

>> No.15843453

what do you think the chopsticks are for

>> No.15843459

where the fuck have you been for the last few years

>> No.15843487

ken-sama is pinku bento

>> No.15843522

How am I supposed to eat that big slab of pork with that stupid spoon?

>> No.15843537


You got the wrong gooks, my man

>> No.15843570

Yea that's like asking if I want to have shits for day ir cancer. I'd like the shits please.

>> No.15843576

Nothing good will ever come from radioactive insects.

>> No.15843582

I know so many of these faggots

If only they had any of the discipline or beauty of the japanese maybe they would like their own people that much

>> No.15843585

Or Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Miami, New York City, Washington DC, New Orleans, Las Vegas, Austin, etc.

>> No.15843586

muahahahhahaaha! What are you kidding yourself?

>> No.15843591

There are no japs in NYC except maybe Jewess American Princesses.

>> No.15843605
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>> No.15843612

Get the fuck outta Dodge, nobody gives two fucks about that chink shit.

>> No.15843623

>the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi
you ignorance is showing

>> No.15843632

plenty of crime though

>> No.15843633 [DELETED] 

Yeah good and you're a fucking jap bitch that needed to be nuked not just once but twice. Sneak attack cunt!

>> No.15843635

Fuck you. Stop Asian hate.

>> No.15843640

Look up jap unit 731. They made the nazis look pleasureble.

>> No.15843642

It's not hate, it's what they are and not forgetting it.

>> No.15843647

absolutely true

>> No.15843652

Why do all asians look like insects?

>> No.15843666

also based and potentially even redpilled

>> No.15843817

look up ms13 they are real and your neighbor

>> No.15844724
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>> No.15844791

Inari-zushi is so damned good.

>> No.15844835

fuck brainless /pol/ users

>> No.15844858

I'm weeb as fuck but there's only a handful of things I like in Japanese food and they all have the word "yaki" in the name.

>> No.15844863

I miss the コンビに meals/snacks. They were all so good.

>> No.15844874
File: 165 KB, 300x270, 4656E39C-0C43-4CE7-B7C3-8667C34D96F4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professional military unit
>drugged up, racist gangland hitmen
Same threat level, imho. Still don’t give a shit.

>> No.15844893

It's コンビニ

>> No.15844892


>> No.15844898

I can't help but notice you've used the katakana "ka" in the natively Japanese word and I'd like for you to tell me what you meant by that.

>> No.15844911

Fucking コンビ = combination polluting up the space transformations.

>> No.15844928

Man, I like this country and the people living in it. But I hate the cuisine. It's the Britain of Asia.

>> No.15844929

>It's the Britain of Asia.
Yeah, that about sums it up.

>> No.15844931

now this is the unbridled autism that keeps me coming back to 4chon everyday of my life for the past 13 years

>> No.15844963

lmao, it's way more common to see words like baka and aho spelled with katakana. nice flex attempt tho, n5-kun.

>> No.15845043
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>> No.15845055

>reply to pasta
Lurk more, newfag.

>> No.15845394

except it's not pasta

>> No.15846224

yeah, british food SUCKS amirite?
shoulder bacon? fried chicken? milk tea? milk chocolate? gravy? clotted cream? shortbread?

absolutely awful amirite?

>> No.15846233

Are you okay? This is a welfare check

>> No.15846239

>You have earned one credit towards becoming an honorary Japanese. Only 5,394,589 more to go you worthless gaijin.

>> No.15846258


>> No.15847681

Yes, it does, Nigel.

>> No.15847695

>Spring and Summer Japanese food: ___
>Autumn and Winter Japanese food: the same + broth

>> No.15847732

is there a reason youre saying its acquired?

is it not just bitter melon with eggs and meat?

>> No.15847998

not many people like bitterness
much like some don't like beer until some point at their life.
That said, I like bitter gourd omelette. even better when dipped in sweet spicy soy sauce.

>> No.15848006


>> No.15848102
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I don't generally like seafood. Ramen and pho are good, but there's so many types of ramen, so it's a dumb comparison. The mild renditions of Chinese dishes are good. It seems like a lot of Chinese food is made by old people with a dulled sense of taste. Too spicy, to salty, etc.

>> No.15848330
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Its good sure, but it's basically junk food.

Something about Japanese pork is fucking delicious, way better than the American style

>> No.15848676
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>> No.15848863


oh fuck i got a boner now brb

>> No.15849154

you can use my mouth if you want

>> No.15849186

me hungry

>> No.15849618

no mine :3

>> No.15850172

i remember absolutely hating it as a kid - obviously.

but that maybe primed my palate or some shit and i almost cant get enough of it now. i can see why its a tough thing to get past.

>> No.15850229

Japanese people are lucky. Jews can change their surnames but they'll never look Japanese. Immunized to their repulsive subversion.

>> No.15851071
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>> No.15851136
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Japanese food culture is better than Japanese food in my opinion. You can get a very decent sandwich that hits all the right notes at 3:30 in the morning there. God I miss Japan. I wish I was born Japanese.

>> No.15851207
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One of my favourite places was a hole in the wall udon/Soba place that was open till like 3 in the morning in front of my station, I could basically get a huge bowl of delicious beef udon for like 500 yen whenever I wanted. Over here you pay that much in delivery fees for some shitty fast food place because everything else is closed or too far away.

>> No.15851246

I didn't even mention the fact that car culture hasn't completely subverted japan, good catch

>> No.15851487
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>> No.15851502

fucking where

>> No.15852114

>cooklet and foodlet has never been enlightened by crispy and brown egg white combined with runny yolk
fuck, this is why we can't have nice discussion on this board

>> No.15852124 [DELETED] 

>fags like this really exist
wtf dude

>> No.15852226

go back

>> No.15852296


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle
大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights
民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國
Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize
劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽
魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害
侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.15852333

I guess you lift it, take a bite, let it plop back into the bowl, and repeat

>> No.15852475

>being this unhealthy
do nips really?

>> No.15852500

Listen faggot, I love Japanese culture too and even plan on living there and finding a good wife there, but weebs are genuinely fucking cancer that deserve scorn and humiliation. The thread is fine, but that anon is entirely justified in his mockery and you’re a total faggot for getting so upset about it.

Fuck off.

>> No.15852504

they don't eat katsudon every meal

>> No.15852520

You aren't very smart, are you?

>> No.15852631
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Once a day
One week

>> No.15852773

pls man
I haven't had pork for like months
the most recent protein was 3 (three) tiger prawns I ate on last Saturaday

>> No.15852776

Boiled unseasoned pork. A true delicacy.

>> No.15852783
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>Japanese food is delicious.

I unironically know very little about Japanese food outside of sushi (which I enjoy). What is picrel?

>> No.15852803

I don’t even know what this is supposed to be. Are those pickled eggs or bull testicles? Why is everything beige?

>> No.15852810 [DELETED] 

This is the same slop that is in 10,000 other dishes, but it's assembled in a different order, so it's a completely different dish with a different name and history because Japan is peak autism.

>> No.15852811
File: 19 KB, 600x800, 46414975-0310-4ACC-B454-B290CA958D08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s fucking soup

>> No.15852841
File: 30 KB, 653x564, CE1287E9-395E-4A82-8E9D-36D6011F3445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have problems with fitting a round peg in a square hole as children

>> No.15852851

Rice is slop. A peasant food. They love it

>> No.15852863

>This is the same slop that is in 10,000 other dishes, but it's assembled in a different order, so it's a completely different dish with a different name and history because Japan is peak autism.

How that is quite an ability you have there! You typed so many words yet failed to answer my question, even to the slightest degree. Your local congressman must be so proud.

>> No.15852873 [DELETED] 

It doesn't matter what you call it, because depending on which jap, or designated fat weeaboo, you ask, you're going to get called stupid for not knowing, or calling it the wrong thing.

>> No.15852893

It’s all gokkun

>> No.15852896

It is one of hundreds types of ramen
The soup looks clear, only with a layer of fat on top so I can say that it's soy sauce - based broth ramen. Its toppings can be seen: chopped spring onion (or leek - negi), pork belly, rolled up and tied, fried to render out some fat and braised in sweet soy sauce broth, the dark sheets you see in the back are dried seasoned seaweed.
The only thing I can't guess is the white, translucent pieces between the leek and seaweed.

>> No.15852903

They are noodles anon, do you call your spaghetti noodles too?

>> No.15852920

Do you call chicken noodle soup “spaghetti”?

>> No.15852927
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>one of hundred types of ramen
>has a different name

>> No.15852986

why do you like posting pictures of yourself onto the internet so much?
you're supposed to keep your id hidden here, anon
btw, yeah, my word usage was incorrect. It should have been "variations". For we only have around, 10 (?) types of broth. Let's see, how many types I can actually make
For each protein, you can essentially make clear soup, dark clear soup from browning and paitan
Chicken, beef, veal, pork, fish, prawns - 18 total
Then come the vegetable stock from combining delicious greens for a light taste
Dried scallops
Dried mushroom
So that's around 21 total. Of course you can combine these to create new sensations. There's also white, yellow red miso as base for broth.
There's actually another type of broth that I want to keep as a secret for myself, but it involves lots of reduction.

>> No.15852997

I am a huge fucking loser, but this is the only thing I have going for me in the future. Seems like the best way to spend the rest of your young adulthood.

>> No.15853001

Genuine question, newfag: what makes you call people shitting on brainless /pol/shit autistic, but not the actual brainless /pol/shit itself? Could it be that you're lying through your fucking teeth, and assume that the shit your fellow underages spam is how 4chan's always been?

>> No.15853002
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>> No.15853011

report, hide, and ignore the underage trolls

>> No.15853017

it's ok if you don't know how to cook, anon. By "we" I mean, people that at least do some basic cooking, or at least interested in making food, or in a broader sense, cuisines from around the world united as a whole. Please refrain from posting pictures of yourself on the internet again.

>> No.15853022 [DELETED] 


>> No.15853036

The Japanese think natto is food, their opinions on cooking mean nothing, and as always, weebs are delusional and have garbage taste in everything.

>> No.15853083

Only country to have people die of cjd work on your food standards

>> No.15853105

>literally fast food in Japan
>exists for worked-to-death people to hop in and eat a bowl in literally 3 minutes on their way home for 4 hours before going back to work
>just a combo of stuff to provide nutrition for someone who has no time to cook for themselves
>muttsharts see this and worship it as some kind of luxury high cuisine
>write blogs about it
>obsess over it
>open up trendy ramen shops and charge $25 per bowl when it's supposed to be dirt cheap food for the everyman
just lol

>> No.15853115

>muttsharts unironically spend time studying the "hundreds of types of ramen"
>equivalent to a japanese person "studying" the nuance of McDonald's cheeseburgers
>yfw they unironically do this and obsess with McDonald's (shit fast food in America) to the same degree as mutts obsess with Ramen (shit fast food in Japan)

>> No.15853320

You dont?

>> No.15853382

It's highly over rated.

>> No.15853401

even in japan the average fast ramen place charges 8-10 bucks per bowl, and it can take 10 minutes to make. It is not fast food

>> No.15853455

If you explain to someone who has never been to Japan, they will not understand what you are saying.

>> No.15853462 [DELETED] 

>even in japan the average fast ramen place charges 8-10 bucks per bowl, and it can take 10 minutes to make. It is not fast food
how? they already have the broth boiling and ready. they toss the noodles in and it takes 2 minutes to soften. put on all the toppings (30 seconds). done

>> No.15853470

>even in japan the average fast ramen place charges 8-10 bucks per bowl, and it can take 10 minutes to make. It is not fast food
how? they already have the broth boiling and ready. they toss the noodles in and it takes 2 minutes to soften. put on all the toppings (30 seconds). done
besides, McD's can take 10 minutes too, so the 10 minute time that doesn't preclude it from not being fast food.

>> No.15853563
File: 132 KB, 1048x1048, D9DB6303-B005-4F2B-921C-7966EB97AB88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh you’ve never been to Japan? You clearly have no ideas about the concept I am conveying to you.

>> No.15853653

>unit 731
responsible for horrific warcrimes over 70 years ago - outside Japan - done on non-Japanese people, what relevance does that have to the crime rate in Japan?

>> No.15853808

it's not very quality either.
t. tried multiple places across the country

>> No.15853846

You have never been to Japan.

>> No.15853854

For example, what kind of ramen restaurant?
There's even a ramen restaurant in Okinawa now.
>tried multiple places
That's at least 47 restaurants.

>> No.15853870

Even if he really was there.
If he really did go there, it would be to a ramen restaurant in the airport lol

>> No.15853960
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>i have a secret recipe i am keeping for myself
>ancient japenese secrete

>> No.15854104

>oh you don't likeu McDonaldsu? You have never been to America baka
this is what you sound like right now

>> No.15854134

You forgot
>done by Japanese people

>> No.15854284

keep posting these images, they are entertaining, to say the least, lol
I'm neither murrica nor nip, if you're wondering, My post never once mentioned "Japanese", by the way. You might need to practise your reading comprehension.

>> No.15854489
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>> No.15854492

There are over 30,000 ramen restaurants in the U.S., just like in Japan, right?
If you include non-ramen specialty stores, there are 200,000, right?
Haha, the popularity of ramen is amazing!

ahoyana koitsu

>> No.15854515
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>tfw lived in Japan for a few years
>miss the food every day
Their dishes are simple but the ingredients are good quality pretty much all the time. I miss the prepackaged food at 7/11, it was cheap and better than the take out I get here in the US.

The only exception is their versions of western food. Japanese pizza is fucking disgusting.

>> No.15854540

That anon doesn't know what he's talking about. Ramen generally costs $6-$9 and it comes out in about 5 minutes

>> No.15854558

Why didn't you go to a place that won a prize in an Italian pizza contest?

>> No.15854570

damm bro took 4 words to get you goin

>> No.15854597


>> No.15854605

Do japanese pussy taste different than yuropoor or burger pussy?

>> No.15854623

>simp for gook hooker

>> No.15854768

quaill eggs

>> No.15854984

go back

>> No.15855058

Yakuza keeps the streets clean off of niggers, so they're the necessary evil.

>> No.15856371

new york has enough japanese in it that there are multiple japanese groceries in manhattan alone

>> No.15857208
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>> No.15857253


>> No.15857260
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>t. Geese Howard

>> No.15857266

most frustrating boss fight of any fighting game

>> No.15857294

eated wege version of tonkotsu ramen like almost year ago and still remeber that flavour
it was like eating a mythological ambrosia

>> No.15857380
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Foreigners are not very interested in traditional Japanese food other than sushi.

>> No.15857389

>skins an octopus but keeps it alive
>slice off a few tentacles
>rub soy and wasabi on the exposed flesh
>eat tentacles while the beast watches you
Someone tell me why we should "appreciate" this culture?

>> No.15857404

Culture of some parts of the Orient.
Those who are interested are evaluated. Ignore those who are not interested.
That's it.

>> No.15857441

>Eat biscuits and gravy
No thanks, I'm not a traitor nor do I support other traitors.

>> No.15857453
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>and finding a good wife there

>> No.15857486
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>> No.15857494
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The taste of spring in Japan.
Bamboo shoot rice. Takenoko Gohan.

>> No.15857538

>this is considered gourmet food in Japan
HAHAHAHA LOLOLOLOL what da fuck is this shit rice with roots in itt?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!?!

>> No.15857543
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>> No.15857552

treat animals like you want to be treated. kill them before eating, anything else is barbaric.

>> No.15857559

You are a typical Westerner.
So the typical Westerner doesn't understand Japanese food.

>> No.15857574

To you, all but you are barbarians.

>> No.15857587

I am sure there are many Japanese that are against such eating traditions

>> No.15857601

Vegan is an idea.
It is one of the various ideas in the world. No more, no less.
The same is true in Japan.

>> No.15857623

Ahh. Didn't I understand what you said?
Various cruel dishes in the world. It is also in Japan.
Of course, some Japanese people like it and others deny it.
That's just normal.

>> No.15857630

>Of course, some Japanese people like it and others deny it.
This is what I mean, yes. No problem with eating animals but eating them alive is a bit cruel.

>> No.15857643

kill yourself

>> No.15857677

I personally hate "Odorigui", which is eaten alive.
But that's my personal idea.
For food, whenever it is killed, it is death.
The difference before and after that is the mood of the eating side.

>> No.15857692

Ikizukuri is what I am mostly referring to. I find it disgusting and I do not mean the taste (because I like sashimi). It is pointless suffering of a living thing.

>> No.15857702

>But that's my personal idea.
What did you think you were discussing anon
I suspect you may have misunderstood something

>> No.15857704

It's fine, I am expecting google translate conversations to go like this.

>> No.15857726

That's an excuse for the killer. It kills the food in the middle of its life.
We eat other life and connect our life.
So we must be grateful for the life we eat.

>> No.15857730

I didn't wanna shit on you for being ESL because you're trying but yeah it's holding you back

>> No.15857746


>> No.15857830

Based pasta

>> No.15858047

I don't understand half of those words and I refuse to look up the definitions. Do you speak English?

>> No.15858051


>> No.15858078

That’s because nobody knows what that dish is, or what it’s supposed to be. Is that an olive in a bed of white rice? Why? Is that fried food on the right? Is this supposed to be eaten warm or cold? Why is there a gangly looking string bean on top? Garnish? What is the thing with holes in it? Is this a hearty flavourful dish, or is this an art project? What’s with the fake, plastic grass? What is it?

>> No.15858091
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It's good but overrated, sue me.
You on the other hand are a complete faggot biscuits and gravy should not even be considered food. You need to go back.

>> No.15858102

and you got this idea based on?
please do not over-generalize.

>> No.15858103
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>> No.15858116

>pointless suffering of a living thing.
non westerners will never understand this concept.

>> No.15858168
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>> No.15858232

libtards also bend over for orc dick

>> No.15858241

they are called ant-fag-a

>> No.15858248

Traditional Japanese food is unknown to Westerners.
You admit it.

>> No.15858251

when I was in japan I mostly ate at mcdonalds.
their food is shit. everything tastes like fish and soy

>> No.15858256

I eat plastic grass with every meal

>> No.15858258

Some limited people may know it.
In general, traditional Japanese food is unknown to Westerners.

>> No.15858282
File: 20 KB, 357x360, A48C2BA5-0FD4-4F4B-A0ED-088ED00A6184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this ancient Japanese seceret recipe is unknown to you
>looks like garbage
>tastes like garbage

>> No.15858495

I'm Mexican and this image has always been unsettling, those sausages are revolting, what is that man cooking? why is she drinking tecate light?

>> No.15858549

You think that doesn't happen anywhere in the West? lmao

>> No.15858574

Autistic incel lel

>> No.15858808

u stupid

>> No.15858870
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>reply to pasta
>Lurk more, newfag.

>> No.15859035

when i travelled to tokyo the first meal i ate made me cry tears of joy

>> No.15859121
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>> No.15859142

second picture, jesus christ

>> No.15859148

you've never been to Japan, so you will never know, anon.
Youre thoughts are invalid. Whatever she's cooking has a unique Japanese name, like gokkun or bukakke. Each dish has a unique, interesting flavor (seaweed) and you will never experience them, because you, as a stupid rube westerner, are not Japanese. You will never experience such joys of fermented soy and various forms of fish. Only Japanese(tm) people or weaboos will ever know the true flavor. It is an amazing, unique culinary experience, and I feel sorry for you for not understanding.

>> No.15859168

you sound like a lot of fun at parties